A Walk in the Park Newsletter - May 2021

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Ready for a Lakeside Getaway? ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights

~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e : 5

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Ready for a Lakeside Getaway? Come out and enjoy the hospitality, scenery and free music as Winged Deer Park’s Lakeside Concert Series kicks off its 14th season. The series offers everything from Carolina beach music to Southern rock, country, R&B, blues, old-time rock and roll and a treat for those with a taste for the symphonic. “The lake is up and so is the music,” said Mary Ann Kinch, Parks and Recreation marketing and events coordinator. “The view, the serenity of the place – the combination of the two makes for a very calming experience.” Concertgoers can relax on the grassy hillsides, or move to the grooves whenever the mood strikes. The location provides easy access, free parking, concessions, a playground and plenty of room to social distance. The series offers nine free concerts on Thursdays beginning June 3 with Wyldheart, which will bring a high-energy, entertaining show that includes rock, pop, ‘80s and ‘90s, funk, country and rap. There are two exceptions this year to the traditional Thursday date and time: The Johnson City Symphony Orchestra will perform at 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 27, and there will be no concert on Thursday, July 1. So bring your blanket or a folding chair and settle in for a great lakeside getaway.

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