A Walk in the Park Newsletter - May 2021

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Ready for a Lakeside Getaway? ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights

~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Golf Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Division

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e : 5

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Ready for a Lakeside Getaway? Come out and enjoy the hospitality, scenery and free music as Winged Deer Park’s Lakeside Concert Series kicks off its 14th season. The series offers everything from Carolina beach music to Southern rock, country, R&B, blues, old-time rock and roll and a treat for those with a taste for the symphonic. “The lake is up and so is the music,” said Mary Ann Kinch, Parks and Recreation marketing and events coordinator. “The view, the serenity of the place – the combination of the two makes for a very calming experience.” Concertgoers can relax on the grassy hillsides, or move to the grooves whenever the mood strikes. The location provides easy access, free parking, concessions, a playground and plenty of room to social distance. The series offers nine free concerts on Thursdays beginning June 3 with Wyldheart, which will bring a high-energy, entertaining show that includes rock, pop, ‘80s and ‘90s, funk, country and rap. There are two exceptions this year to the traditional Thursday date and time: The Johnson City Symphony Orchestra will perform at 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 27, and there will be no concert on Thursday, July 1. So bring your blanket or a folding chair and settle in for a great lakeside getaway.

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Administration Highlights ~  

Carver - The splash pad dedication was held on May 27. Park Advisory Board - Facility tour took place on May 27. The board visited Langston, Park Services building, Willow Springs Dog Park and concluded with the splash pad dedication at Carver Recreation Center. Personnel - Interview to fill full-time, part-time and temporary positions within the department. Upcoming projects - Powell Square roof, Carver restroom, Kiwanis Park restroom. Legion Street Pool - Landscaping along Legion St., adding rock to parking lot and striping.

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Athletic Highlights ~ 

Youth soccer - Will conclude the first week of June. There are 1,000 participants in the program.

Adult softball - Will continue through the middle of June with 43 teams participating.

Youth softball - Continues through early June with six teams.

High school and adult fastpitch - Signups are underway.

Registration is still open for the summer youth tennis and pickleball camps.

Park Services Highlights ~  

Woodland Elementary School - Sod will be installed as soon as school is out. Material purchasing is underway prior to purchasing cut-off deadline.

Senior Services Highlights ~ 

Johnson City Senior Center Foundation Eighty nine golfers braved the rain at the Swing Into Action Golf Tournament for a successful tournament on May 10.

The center completed their NISC/NCOA reaccreditation through Zoom the week of May 17.

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection


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Recreation Services Highlights ~ 

Memorial Park Community Center - Homeschool PE concluded the week of May 17. Staff will be concentrating on summer camps for the duration of the summer. A veterans program will be held at the Doughboy on Memorial Day.

Langston Centre - LEAD meeting scheduled for June 8 at 5:30 p.m. Recording studio needs a sound blanket. The Michael Young Scholarship has reached $70,000 ($50,000 endowment and $20,000 in operating) this year’s recipient will be someone from the community. Transportation has been established with Transit for drop-off service.

Carver Recreation Center - The Annual Awards Banquet was held on May 18. A Health and Caregivers Program was held on May 20. The Annual Veterans Program will take place after the splash pad dedication on May 27. The raised-bed garden project is underway. Privacy screen will be added to fencing along splash pad area.

Summer Camp - Registration and staff recruitment is underway. Half-day sports camps will be moved to the grounds at Freedom Hall Civic Center. CPR/AED staff training took place on May 23 and staff orientation took place on May 25. Jump Start JC camp slots have been reduced to 51.

Aquatics - Legion Pool pump is operational, the pool has been filled and chemical delivery is scheduled for May 19.

Nature - The 10-county Northeast Tennessee group in this year’s City Nature Challenge was tops among four state regions with almost 3,500 observations during the fourday challenge!

Golf Highlights ~ 

Fundraising events - Tri-Cities Otters, Johnson City Senior Center Foundation and David Crockett.

First Tee - Summer league kicks off June 1. The fall league will begin mid-August.

PGA Jr. League began week of May 22.

Travelling Senior League for women begins in June followed by the men in September.

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Administration Office ~ 4137 Bristol Hwy. ~ Johnson City, TN 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829 Email: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org Like us on Facebook @jcparkstn Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn Congratulations to Connie Deegan, program coordinator/nature, who was named Tennessee Wildlife Federation “Conservation Educator of the Year” at the organization’s 56th Annual Conservation Achievement Awards on 4137 May 19.Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Connie turned her passion into a career by sharing her knowledge and Phone:has 423-283-5815 inspiring people of all ages in Northeast Tennessee to embrace wildlife and Fax: 423-283-5829 support natural habitats. Her camps and programs continue to grow in popularity, and she continuously facilitates partnerships with other organizations to protect, maintain and expand vegetation within city parks. Thanks for your tireless enthusiasm and professionalism, Connie!

Upcoming Events May 26 - Carver Block Party - Freedom Hall Civic Center

June 18-20 - Milligan Summer Showcase - Winged Deer Park

May 27 - Park Advisory Board Park Tour

June 23 - Hump Day Up Beat Live - Senior Services

May 27 - Splash Pad Dedication - Carver Recreation Center

June 26-27 - USA Firecracker Classic - Winged Deer Park

May 29-30 - USA Memorial Day Classic - Winged Deer Park

July 8 - Lakeside Concert - CrossRoad Band - Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

May 31 - Memorial Day - Closed

July 10-11 - USA Mid-Summer Classic - Winged Deer Park

June 3 - Lakeside Concert Series - Wyldeheart - Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

July 15 - Lakeside Concert - Beach Nite Band - Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

June 4-6 - USA Softball 8U Southeastern Championship Winged Deer Park

July 15-18 - Future Stars Sports Fast Pitch World Series Winged Deer Park

June 7 - Eat Smart Move More - Senior Services begins

July 20 –25 - USA Softball Girl’s Fast Pitch Nationals Winged Deer Park

June 9 - Hump Day Up Beat Live - Senior Services

July 22 - Lakeside Concert - Southern Rebellion Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

June 10 - Lakeside Concert Series - Holy Ann & Dirt Road Rising - Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

July 29 - Lakeside Concert - Good Rockin’ Tonight Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

June 12-13 - Tri Cities Slugfest - Winged Deer Park

July 31 - Back to School Bash - Winged Deer Park

June 17 - Lakeside Concert Series - Kids Our Age Goulding Amphitheater - Winged Deer Park

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