Johnson City Parks and Recreation
A Walk in the Park
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First Day Hike chilly, educational For the fifth consecutive year, Johnson City Parks and Recreation’s innovate Nature Program Coordinator Connie Deegan and staff member Arrow Dawson led seven brave souls up Buffalo Mountain on a traditional New Year’s Day hike. The temperature during this year’s “First Day Hike” was an attention-getting 19 degrees. Participants stopped along the way to gain insight into Buffalo Mountain’s winter adaptations, including an explanation from Deegan about how streamdwelling salamanders slow their metabolism to help conserve energy and ensure survival, a lesson about what birds eat when the insects and worms are unavailable in the winter and the fact that rhododendrons’ leaves droop in cold weather to prevent freezing. Participants also stopped at Huckleberry Knob on the mountain’s west side to take in a view of Johnson City. The annual offering encourages people to start the new year by getting off their seats and enjoying the outdoors, says Deegan.