Spokane Coeur d'Alene Living magazine October 2017 #143

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OCTOBER 2017 / issue 143 / spokanecda.com

Doug Clark’s

GOES GLOSSY OCTOBER 2017 #143 / $3.95 (Display Until NOV 10, 2017)





10/17 FEATURES O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7 | V2 1 : I SSUE 1 0 (1 4 3 )

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PRIME PAGES We celebrate those who are living the prime of their lives and not letting anything get in their way as they leave a positive impact on the community.

CLARKSVILLE Former Spokanes-Review humor columnist, Doug Clark, switches to the glossy side of life as he joins Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine. Here he explores the Worst of the Worst of our city.

BEST OF THE CITY There is no denying that our region shines like a diamond in many sectors, and we are proud to share our Reader’s Pics in the Best of the City feature covering 125 categories of the people, places and things we all appreciate most.

ON THE COVER Photographer: Crystal Madsen Model: Doug Clark Location: The Scoop Best of the City Props From: Sweet Frostings, The Scoop, Area 51 Taphouse, Indaba Coffee


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Closet Storage Systems

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Editor’s Letter

Best of the City

Stephanie’s Thoughts

Your Favorites



First Look and Buzz

The Nest

TEDxSpokane Lilacs & Lemons 5 Ways to Get Spooky Road Trip: Leavenworth Spokane Rising Lead Spokane Bite2Go Program

Vintage Autumn Modern Farmhouse Mid-century Modern Decor



Real Estate House Hunting & Your Credit


The Scene

Prime Pages

Gothic Nights-Best of Party Lilac Lit: Pie & Whiskey Music: Summer in Siberia Mixed Media

3 Over 50 Believing in Spokane Grandparents Raising Grandbabies





The Best Options for Where to Go and What To Do

Stem Cells Keeping Kids Active


Local Cuisine

People & Events

Feasting At Home Fish & Chips Roulette Local Brewery Lineup Food Chain: Fake Food DINING GUIDE


Pet Love Winter Pet Prep


Hot Topic Mental Illness



People Pages

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017


Clarksville: The Worst

Best Traditional Furniture

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


CONTACT US Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine is

published twelve times a year. If you have any questions or comments regarding the magazine, please call us at (509) 533-5350; we want to hear from you. Visit our Web site for an expanded listing of services: bozzimedia.com.

Letters to the Editor: We are always looking for comments about our recent articles. Your opinions and ideas are important to us; however, we reserve the right to edit your comments for style and grammar. Please send your letters to the editor to the address at the bottom of the page or to Stephanie@ spokanecda.com.

Copy Editor Dennis Held Datebook Editor Ann Foreyt ann@spokanecda.com


Creative Director/Lead Graphics

new stories. If you have an idea for one, please let us know by submitting your idea to the editor: Stephanie@spokanecda.com.

and casual restaurants for residents and visitors to the region. For more information about the Dining Guide, email Stephanie@spokanecda. com.

BUZZ: If you have tips on what’s abuzz in

the region, contact the editor at Stephanie@ spokanecda.com.

Advertising: Reach out to the consumer in the

Inland Northwest and get the word out about your business or products. Take advantage of our vast readership of educated, upper income homeowners and advertise with Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine. For more information, call the sales manager at (509) 533-5350.

Fundraisers: Your group can receive $8

for each $20 subscription sold. Contact the circulation director at (509) 533-5350.

Custom Reprints: We can adapt your article or ads and print them separately, without other advertising, and add new information. With our logo on your piece, your professionallydesigned handout on heavy gloss paper will be a handsome edition to your sales literature. Contact us at (509) 533-5350. Custom Publishing: Create a magazine

tailored to fit the needs and character of your business or organization. Ideal for promotions, special events, introduction of new services and/or locations, etc. Our editorial staff and designers will work closely with you to produce a quality publication.

Copy, purchasing and distribution: To

purchase back issues, reprints or to inquire about distribution areas, please contact the magazine at: Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living, James S. Black Building, 107 S. Howard, Suite #205, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 533-5350.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Kristi Soto


Story submissions: We’re always looking for

Dining Guide: This guide is an overview of fine

Stephanie Regalado


Why-We-Live-Here photos: On the last page of each issue, we publish a photo that depicts the Inland Northwest and why we live here. We invite photographers to submit a favorite to Kristi@spokanecda.com.

Datebook: Please submit information to Ann@ spokanecda.com at least three months prior to the event. Fundraisers, gallery shows, plays, concerts, where to go and what to do and see are welcome.


Editor in Chief

PHOTOGRAPHERS James & Kathy Mangis

Crystal Madsen Photography


Steve Boharski

Sylvia Dunn Joni Elizabeth Matt Griffith

Dennis Held

Erika Prins Simonds

Darin Burt

Sylvia Fountaine

Kris Kilduff

Doug Clark Anthony Gill

Matt Loi

Sharma Shields

Diane Corppetts Kimberly Gunning

Brian Newberry

Judith Spitzer

Chris Patterson

Tamara Williamns


Emily Guevarra Bozzi


Senior Account Managers Jeff Richardson jrichardson@bozzimedia.com Erin Meenach


Account Manager Tamara Williams


Tammy McCray


EVENTS Release Parties and Networking Events

Erin Meenach



Accounts Receivable & Distribution vince@bozzimedia.com

Publisher & CEO

Vincent Bozzi



Emily Guevarra Bozzi


Find us on



Spokane magazine is published twelve times per year by Northwest Best Direct, Inc., dba Bozzi Media, James S. Black Building, 107 S. Howard, Suite #205, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 533-5350, fax (509) 535-3542. Contents Copyrighted© 2017 Northwest Best Direct, Inc., all rights reserved. Subscription $20 for one year. For article reprints of 50 or more, call ahead to order. See our “Contact Us” information for more details.

PUBLISHER LETTER/a note from Vince

Why Doug Clark


ou should get someone like Doug Clark to write a humor column in your magazine.” “You should write a humor column like Doug Clark

sometime.” “You need someone with some personality to write for you, someone like a more hoity-toity version of Doug Clark.” I kept hearing we needed to incorporate humor into the magazine, but it needed to be local humor, and although people have submitted sample columns over the years, nothing stood out. Nothing was really funny. Or if it was funny, it wasn’t local. Or if it was completely local, it wasn’t funny. Then the phone call from a friend: “You won’t believe this, but the front page of the paper this morning has Doug Clark leaving the Spokesman-Review.” I couldn’t believe it. The one day my morning paper didn’t arrive on time. So I rushed out to buy a copy and I started thinking that, okay, I should take a one in a million chance and see if he still might enjoy writing his column, but maybe just once a month instead of three a week. He could keep his hand in the game without all the pressure. I reached out and basically got a “See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya” answer from the great one. But I persevered and since I wasn’t the best negotiator or debater in the world, I used the only weapon in my arsenal, humor. It worked because his second response was “This might actually not be a bad idea.” After his last column appeared, the Spokesman was deluged with letters and emails. More than when any other writer has left. Doug shared a few of them with me: “This is a sad day in the newspaper biz, Doug. I have enjoyed reading your passionfilled column for many years. You truly have a unique writing style and I can only hope you

find another venue, even if it’s only once or twice a month. A talent like yours deserves to continue to thrive and I hope it does.” “Doug, you are one of the reasons I subscribe online to the Spokesman, finding your column by accident most times and always glad I did! Some of the things you have written about have just cried out for someone like you to be the sarcastic-but-truthful voice of reason with lots of wit and a bit of acid reflux … you’ve been a light in the wake of darkness!” “So many good times, Nazis, Larry Craig, thieving politicians!” “You could have knocked me over with the proverbial feather. Right now, I can’t think for the earsplitting cheering of sundry politicians, officeholders, and general doofuses. Thanks for fighting to get justice for Otto Zehm.” And on and on. And on. And on. After 34 years, it seems Mr. Clark has picked up an extremely loyal cadre of readers who can’t fully wake up without getting their morning dose of Doug. Only days after I happily told everyone within earshot that Doug Clark was going to write his monthly humor column for us, and even call it “Clarksville,” agreeing to appear on our front cover, my friend Tom Simpson wrote an article saying the BEST thing that could have happened to Spokane was Doug Clark’s contract being bought out by the Spokesman-Review. His contention is that Doug only writes about what’s wrong with Spokane. Doug Clark does shine a lot on a lot of issues that need attention, but he does it with a heart full of love for Spokane. And considering how many people can quote lines from his column verbatim, humor is still an effective means for enacting social change. Clark is like Spokane’s conscience, telling us what we want to hear, and usually nailing the truth. And unlike most cities’ consciences, ours at least has a sense of humor. So it’s time to lighten up, Tom. Clark should be commended for his community minded activities like Street Music Week, which has raised more than $175,000 for 2nd Harvest Food Bank, and it’s just getting started. In other business: we’ve played with our magazine’s name a little this summer. We originally thought we’d drop the Coeur

d’Alene Living part of the name to give us a cleaner cover, and then we started thinking that Seattle doesn’t call their magazine Seattle/Tacoma/Everett/Redmond/Bellevue; they just call it Seattle Magazine. We never did change the official name on the inside, but enough people noticed and commented and brought to our attention that Spokane and Coeur d’Alene is a true metro unit, and heck, we are the magazine that in the year 2000 took the plunge and started the alliance in print between the two cities. We’ve decided we better end the confusion and restore the city across the border that often raises OUR city up. Co-publisher Emily Bozzi, Director of Business Development, made the final call when she heard about the libraries having fits because it throws their entire periodical system off, and she pointed out that there is another magazine called Coeur d’Alene Living, which we do not publish. So after wringing our hands for a minute we both decided we were here first and if anyone is going to change, let it be them. So we present Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living, yesterday, today and tomorrow. We are happy in this issue to present the best of both Spokane and Coeur d’Alene in our 14th annual Reader’s Survey, with some interesting and surprising upsets and some winners who’ve won a full decade in a row. For those who follow us, we really are more than a magazine. We are active in the community and put on some great awards ceremonies and parties, including 20 Under 40, Power 50, the Spirit Awards, Women of Achievement, Best Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Realtors and more. Thank you for reading and getting involved in our events. To keep apprised of all we do, be sure to send me your email so we can add you to our email newsletter list. And even though Doug Clark has already won multiple journalism awards for both serious and humor writing, I don’t think he’d mind me forwarding a few more emails from our readers this time, congratulating him on his move. Best,

Vincent Bozzi, Publisher OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


EDITOR LETTER/a note from Stephanie

An Expression of Equality “Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.” —Pema Chodron


erhaps it’s a widening lens where I see more because I care more, but it feels as though humanity is sliding sideways more than ever before. As I grapple with how to navigate the people and the expressions I witness in my community, on the TV, on social media platforms, in news stories and blog posts—while keeping peace in my heart—it feels as though we have two options: join the opinion slinging, slaying vitriol or lean into compassion. Toward everyone.

A Backyard Pocket in Time The music swirled through the cool night air in the evening of one of the most perfect weather days in Spokane. Attendees and their joy danced to the rhythm of the backyard music festival tunes as beer and wine swirled to the rims of happily held glasses. It was the kind of night that makes you smile at everyone you see and everything you hear. The kind of night that makes you breathe in a little deeper, slow down and hold on to the sweetness, stretching out time just a little longer. A man who had been proudly sharing his carved wooden art creations settled in next to me. As we chatted, he explained he had been homeless for many years, but had recently found a job and an apartment with a shop, which allowed him to begin creating—and selling—his art again. It felt good, he said, to rebuild his life after many troubled years with the law, primarily drug-related offenses. But there was a bigger offense, he confessed. One that haunted him, although he had paid his dues, and had “done the time.” The guilt of the crime emotionally layered between the judgment of the world kept him feeling subpar and worthy of the mistreatment he often received from others. He entertained my curiosities and eventually shared the story, which was unpleasant to hear. I witnessed his pain and how he allowed it to define much of who he was. The spark that had been present in his eyes as he shared his artwork was no longer visible through the tears that welled in its place. It was difficult to hear an offense so dark from the perpetrator’s perspective, and be witness—from a place of compassion—to the turmoil and resulting oppression that resided within him.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Even the shortest blips in time become part of our story, the light and the dark aspects are pieces that collectively, not individually, define who we are. We are complex and diverse, and as we travel through life and dance along the human spectrum of possibility, we become a multitude of little and big, light and dark blips of time. Society’s “lock them up and throw away the key” methodologies (whether someone breaks the law, or believes in something we don’t believe in, or acts in ways we don’t favor, or expresses pain and oppression we couldn’t possibly comprehend, or doesn’t match the aesthetic reflection in our mirror) don’t honor the complexities of humans, and the value of a life—nor all future lives who will be touched by others and by ourselves. The inclination to case aside the lives of those we don’t understand or who don’t align with our value systems encourages those on the receiving end to cast themselves aside. And that detachment from humanity doesn’t bode well for anyone. I ask us this: is the way we are relating to and treating one other improving and enhancing our community—the world? The man and I parted, but he returned a short time later with a different set of tears in his eyes. “No one has ever been so kind to me,” he said. “I am a good man, but that’s hard for people to see after they know my past.” I placed my hand on his shoulder, smiled, and said I believed he was a good man. “You have a lot of life left to live and you are worthy of leading a good one,” I said. “As soon as you begin to believe it, you’ll have it.” We are Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine, and we are Spokane+Coeur d’Alene. Please find me on Facebook or Twitter—and hop over to “like” the Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine page—to stay connected between press dates, and to share your thoughts, stories, and life in real time. From the heart,

Stephanie stephanie@spokanecda.com

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

TEDx Comes to Spokane Predictors and Prognosticators


he roster of speakers at 2017’s TEDxSpokane conference has been announced, and full bios and presentation topics are listed on the event’s website. Each 18 minute talk will cover a variety of topics impacting the community, all touching on the theme of this year’s conference: “Predictors and Prognosticators: What is the Future of the Future.” Also, for the first time, TEDxSpokane will be hosted at Spokane’s historic Bing Crosby Theater, which provides the perfect juxtaposition alongside the theme.

“I’m overwhelmed by the wonderful ideas and insight being brought to the stage by members of our community. The future will be full of challenges, and we’re ready to lead the charge,” says Mike Poutiatine, curator for TEDxSpokane’s presenters. The speakers line-up includes Francis Adewale, Judy Cornish, Tucker Frye, Aaron Hesse, Kristin Kinde, Monty Lomazzi, Ammi Midstokke, Natasha Miserendino, Matthew Mitchell, Dave Paunesku, Erika Prins Simonds, Nick Smoot, John Tomkowiak, Tabitha Wolf, Chris Wood, and Rhonda Young. TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Starting as a four-day conference in California 26 years ago, TED has grown to support those world-changing ideas with multiple initiatives. In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. Tickets can be procured via tedxspokane.com.




What is the Future of the Future? OCT 21 | The Bing 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.









FIRST LOOK/lilacs & lemons {bad}


{good out of bad}

lilacslemons by Vincent Bozzi

one of their own and injuring three others. For many businesses, a day lost can ruin an entire month’s profit margin. We are proud of our entire community for coming together in love.

LEMONS to people who take all the

LILACS to Spokane for installing orange parking meters downtown in random spots where passersby can put in a few coins to help homeless people rather than giving to panhandlers. Those who believe that if you feed the birds, you’ll attract a flock, can now donate directly to homeless shelters. Not sure how much they’ll generate, but we applaud all efforts to address the problem. LEMONS to the city of Spokane for spending $150,000 to dump rocks under I-90 so people won’t gather there. We understand the legitimate concerns of neighboring schools and businesses, but spending that kind of money, which could have done something to HELP, is just horrible P.R. and felt heartless. LEMONADE to Riverfront Park officials

who are dropping plans to build an expensive climbing gym in the vacant parking lot near Anthony’s. With competing climbing gyms in town completely left out of the discussion, it hardly seemed fair, as they’ve faithfully been paying their share of taxes to the city; the city shouldn’t be competing directly with its constituent businesses. There are plenty of other options for that lot, for NEW ideas. Glad they reconsidered on this.

LILACS to Chaps Restaurant for closing the store and opening it ONLY to parents and students at Freeman School, who endured the unthinkable tragedy of a gunman killing


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

books at those cute Little Free Libraries. I don’t think anyone minds if you take one or two, but the idea is you’re supposed to try to replace it with a book of your own, either now or next time. It’s called paying it forward, not collecting them all and breaking the chain.

LILACS to the board of directors at Spo-

kane Public Schools for adding former Fairchild AFB commander Brian Newberry to their board. He’s now executive director of Leadership Spokane and will add a wonderful dimension of leadership to the board. We have known Mr. Newberry for some time now and he’s always the epitome of class, wisdom and fairness.

LEMONS to the careless campers or smokers who started the great majority of the forest fires (yes, most of the fires were man-made) that made our air foul and smoky for weeks on end. For some it’s an inconvenience, for others it’s a matter of life and death.

LILACS to the Inland Northwest Associ-

ated General Contractors for starting a program that gets former prisoners into construction work so they can learn trades and become productive members of society. Head Start to the Construction Trades helps those who need a hand up get legitimate jobs instead of forcing them to take under-the-table jobs or resort to crime to make a living. The program is working magnificently and should help reduce property crime in the area.

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Grown-Up Ways to Get Spooky for Halloween

by Erika Prins Simonds


dress-up isn’t just for kids. This Halloween, treat yourself to a scary costume and some ghoulish fun on the town. Most events happen the weekend before the main event, so you can get your fill of grown-up fun without missing out on trick-or-treating with the kids.

Spokane ZombieCon & Zombie Crawl It’s completely natural and not at all frightening that, starting this year, Spokane hosts an annual Zombie convention. The first Spokane ZombieCon begins with an all-ages event at the Bing Crosby Theater and ends with a zombie crawl for the drinking-age undead. You wouldn’t want to be the only living human among the horde— that would be so awkward, plus you’d be eaten in no time—so we recommend planning an outfit and makeup in advance. spokanezombiecrawl.com

Ghost Tours Morbid curiosity isn’t anything to be ashamed about. Conveniently, Spokane has been home to some very curious and atrocious happenings. “Explore the haunted and historically dark truth about downtown Spokane, including diabolically cruel founders, serial killers and even cannibals,” reads the teaser for the Haunted Spokane Downtown tour, one of several unsettling October outings offered by Inland Empire Tours. Other tours include “Ghosts and Murderers of the South Hill” and “Haunted East Side and Serial Killers.” ietours.net


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Halloween Bash with Sir Mix-a-Lot Is it “Sir Mix” or “Mr. A-lot?” Either way, the Seattle-based rapper best known for his hit “Baby Got Back” will headline Halloween festivities at the Hive in Sandpoint. Contests for the funniest, scariest and best couples’ costumes will round out the night—so pack some glue-on vampire teeth in your overnight bag and plan a mini vacation for the holiday weekend. livefromthehive.com

Ghost Ball Just because you’ve transformed into a sexy werewolf for the night, doesn’t mean you’ve forsaken your softer side. Do some good while you’re out howling at the moon by making your way to the Ghost Ball. The costume party promises music and dancing, plus a live and silent auction to benefit Elevations, a children’s therapy resource foundation. ghostball.org.

Browne’s Addition Second Annual SpookWalk West of Downtown, the Browne’s Addition neighborhood is home to hauntingly beautiful historic mansions—but that couldn’t mean they’re actually haunted, right? There’s only one way to find out: As a fundraiser for Coeur d’Alene Park in the center of the community, you can join a walking tour on Halloween weekend to discover Browne’s Addition’s otherworldly secrets. Meet in the “Secret Garden” behind E.J. Roberts’ Mansion and sip cider while hearing spooky stories—then head out on a walk through the cemetery and darkened streets. friendsofcdapark.org.

Empathy Drive Intelligence Follow-Up


Dave Black

CCIM, SIOR, President

Jeff Johnson

Gloria Ries CPA, CFO

Chris Bell

James Black

Kaitlin Caudle

Bill Graves

Don Jamieson

Jon Jeffreys

Jim Koon

Travis Leavitt

Dallas Lightner

Scott Martin

Terry McAleer

Jeff McGougan





Mark McLees

Jim Orcutt

Grant Person

Mark Pinch

Stephen Pohl

John Powers

Steve Ridenour

Darren Slackman

Mitch Swenson

Ryan Towner

Drew Ulrick

Bryan Walker

Shannon Tenney

Cheri Williams




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FIRST LOOK/road trip

n e m m o k l l i W enworth v a e L to

by Judith Spitzer

A road trip

with my 40-ish daughter in mid-September, during the workweek no less, sounded like the perfect end-of-the summer getaway. So on a warm Wednesday morning last month, we packed our overnight bags for the three-hour drive to Leavenworth, Washington State’s answer to celebrating all things Bavarian. Leavenworth, well known for romantic winter getaways, was where my son asked his wife to marry him in the midst of winter; the setting is said to be magical. Magical settings are one of my favorite things … but surprisingly I’d never visited. The little town nestled in the Cascade Mountains near Wenatchee, Leavenworth also is a gateway to nearby ski areas, world-class wine, food, beer—even a reindeer farm and a nutcracker museum—many of which were on our A-list. Once a vibrant logging town, Leavenworth teetered on the edge of extinction for 30 years after the Great Northern rerouted the railway—adversely affecting the once-healthy logging industry. In the early 1960s, in a last-ditch effort to rescue the once bustling, thriving hub of commerce, city leaders set out to change the little town’s appearance, and the community rallied to create the illusion of Bavaria in central Washington. The community created a series of year-round festivals including the Autumn Leaf Festival in the fall, the Christmas Lighting Ceremony, as well as Maifest in May and Kinderfest in July and of course, Oktoberfest. The plan to bring tourism to Leavenworth worked. Today, more than two million visitors come in droves to see a little slice of Germany, Tudor revival architecture (old and new buildings both are required by city ordinances to meet appearance codes to match the Bavarian theme), and hike, bike and ski in the nearby Alpine Lakes Wilderness area. Since we rolled into town about dinner time, we checked into the Icicle Village Resort, solely based on its name and cleanliness ratings by my OCD-inclined firstborn child, and planned an impromptu search for sublime food in quaint downtown Leavenworth.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Where to Stay There is lodging for every taste like the (popular with families) Enzian Inn which has an indoor pool; Autumn Pond Bed & Breakfast, famed for its fresh, gourmet food; and Mountain Springs Lodge where you can take advantage of packages featuring an exhilarating nine-line zipline adventure, or a horseback ride getaway that includes a four-mile horseback ride for two, and a gourmet picnic lunch.

What to Eat We joined a cadre of other tourists the first evening walking along Front Street, lined with restaurants and stores with Bavarian-sounding names like Munchen Haus, Rudloof’s Pizza and Brats, and Gustav’s. I love me a good bratwurst with German potato salad, but I was in the mood for mind-numbing Italian comfort food when I spotted Visconti’s Ristorante Italiano on our walking tour of downtown. Luckily it was my turn to choose the restaurant. My Caesar salad was delicious with just the right amount of shredded Parmesan, and one of the best Caesar dressings I’ve ever tasted. The Linguine alle Vongole, clams with garlic, herbs, EVO and white wine was exactly what I was craving. My daughter raved over the Chicken Fettucini with mushrooms.

Shopping Sufficiently sated, we resisted what looked to be a great dessert menu, and chose to do some retail therapy in the shops, many of which, surprisingly stayed open until at least 8 p.m. Leavenworth gift shops and galleries maintain their own individual business hours, which can vary depending on the time of year. A good hike is great, but after dinner I support the shopping kind of hiking. From basements to four-story buildings, downtown Leavenworth is packed to the gills with fun establishments. The Oil and Vinegar Cellar has a tasting room to engage your savory taste buds with more than 25 infused olive oils and aged balsamic vinegars. The Metal Waterfall Gallery features copper and brass sculptures handcrafted in Leavenworth, and across the street, the Black Swan carries off the wall t-shirts and trendy gifts. We explored the Australian Store where I found a can of Vegemite (don’t judge me, it has B vitamins for vitality), sheepskin slippers and outback hats.

There are toys needed by children everywhere at Wurligigz, Red Baron Gift Haus, and Alpine Haus Gifts, where you can get a German cuckoo clock, German steins, souvenirs and games. If you’re a collector of nutcrackers or music boxes, you’ll want to visit the Nutcracker Museum, a unique collection of more than 6,000 nutcrackers from Roman times to modern day, and the Die Musik Box which offers “everything” music box from magic-motion clocks to pirouetting ballerinas. About 9 p.m. we headed back to rest our weary feet and soak in the resort’s revitalizing hot tub and pool, which made for a lovely, relaxed night’s sleep. Since we’re late sleepers, we didn’t make it downstairs to the full, hot breakfast buffet until after 9 a.m. The breakfast buffet is served daily—free—with many options, at the resort’s JJ Hills Fresh Grill.

Adventure I was itching to hike so we headed out of town on Highway 2 to check out the trailhead for the Icicle Gorge Trail, a welltravelled, popular trail in the OkanoganWenatchee National Forest, about 16 miles from downtown Leavenworth. Our hike, although short, was spectacular with the landscape just starting to show fall colors beside the turbulent and freezing Icicle Creek with its birds and wildlife. We arrived home with some gorgeous photos. Late afternoon was upon us after more shopping and a stop at the Gingerbread Factory for grandkid cookies, but we couldn’t leave without stopping at Prey’s Fruit Barn and Orchards on the outskirts of town. We left there with perfect white peaches, golden nectarines and salted caramel iced coffees to fuel the drive home.


One of Leavenworth’s bestkept secrets is the Waterfront Park Trail, including Enchantment Park, both along the edges of the Wenatchee River and accessible from downtown Leavenworth.

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inventionsrising FIRST LOOK/spokane

Spokane was Once a Major Rail Hub: Let’s Reclaim that Legacy by Anthony Gill

It’s sometimes

easy to forget that Spokane lies at a major rail crossroads. At one point, the region had one of the highest concentrations of railroad track west of the Mississippi. Of course, the signs and symbols are all around us, hiding in plain sight. Pre-Expo ’74, Riverfront Park was the site of a major rail depot. The Spokane River was almost completely obscured by tracks. Further east, where WSU Spokane now sits, a major crossing of the river led to a Spokane Inland Empire Railroad facility. Today, that building houses high-tech offices and McKinstry, but back then, it was a major base for passenger rail services across the Spokane region, out to Coeur d’Alene and the Palouse. If you enjoy running or biking, you may have used the Fish Lake Trail, a former Union Pacific right-of-way leading into the Latah Valley. And you can still find the remnants of Spokane’s venerable streetcar system, an expansive network of corridors radiating out from downtown to places like North Monroe, Northwest Boulevard, Garland, East Sprague, and Hillyard. Even where you can’t still see the tracks, if you enjoy these walkable urban districts, you’re enjoying part of our city made possible by the streetcars. And the system’s owner? Washington Water Power, the precursor to today’s Avista. Indeed, it’s almost impossible to overstate how much rail has meant to the development of our region. And these examples barely begin to scratch the surface. So why don’t we talk about this history more? Why don’t we own it, promote it, and expand on it? Why don’t we boldly capture this legacy and transform it into something new, something unseen? We don’t have to rebuild our streetcar system or string light rail to Coeur d’Alene to be more connected to our railroad past. Even small steps can make a big difference.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Let’s try repainting the railroad bridge at Division and Sprague, the center of our street grid and often one of visitors’ first impressions of Spokane, to create a more vibrant entry. Green paint looks better than rusted black, or we can tell a better story with a mural. Are there opportunities to partner with BNSF to create a better sense of entry? Let’s explore new ways to liberate rail from the museum and allow people to experience it. Could we run a trolleybus along former streetcar routes, perhaps as a oneoff event? And let’s better tell the story of our urban districts, former suburbs which came about because they were strung together by excellent transit. As Spokane Transit embarks on a new expansion, and as the city looks to concentrate more growth in these areas, let’s look for new ways to showcase the districts’ history and heritage as friendly, vibrant neighborhoods. Our railroad history should be a point of pride, and it’s visible all around us. Let’s reclaim it, transform it, and expand it as we look toward the future of our city and our region. Anthony Gill is an economic development professional and the founder of Spokane Rising, an urbanist blog focused on ways to make our city a better place to live.

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/lead spokane

October’s Renaissance Moment

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by Brian Newberry

This month

we celebrate Best of the City, a most welcome celebration of all who give their best for our wonderful community. Writing for more than a year now on our remarkable local Renaissance, the underlying theme of every one of my articles is local citizens extending a hand to improve the human condition. Not surprisingly, it was the same hundreds of years ago with the original Renaissance artisans, scientists and entrepreneurs lifting society by their bold genius. My wife and I are hosting an incoming WSU medical school student in an effort to provide him a home away from home. It is an easy duty with our town filled with welcoming Best of the City businesses on seemingly every corner. This first-year cohort of 60 students, all connected to Washington in some manner, is exciting for the exponential impact health care providers always have on our future well-being. All who collaborated on this new school did so in the hope of helping others. My optimism for our future is buoyed daily by so many good news stories. The good hearted nonprofit, Embrace Washington, is growing by incredible acts of kindness to help foster children. Two years ago, 15 spirited Leadership Spokane adult leaders procured dozens of cheerful, hand-painted duffle bags to give to children who are removed from homes by Child Protective Services. Today, more than 1,000 bags of hope have been donated by so many who want to offer a hand. I am still moved by meeting Gayle in the past year, recently retired from Hospice of Spokane, who gave her heart to salute veterans facing their final days, delivering special American flag stars to thank them for their service. Clearly, we as a community are “Best of the City” because of the special citizens locally who take Mother Teresa’s advice to “Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” Our Renaissance continues because of such acts.

“Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.”

Col. Brian Newberry, USAF ret. is the executive director of Leadership Spokane and former Commander, 92 ARW, Fairchild AFB.

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Every Friday, roughly 3,100 kids

in Spokane County find a bag of food tucked into their backpack to help sustain them over the weekend. And there are still many hungry kids in Spokane County who desperately need to know they will have food to eat on weekends when they are not in school. More than 20 schools, representing 2,500 children in our community, are still hopeful for this kind of food support. Second Harvest partners with schools and community partners for Bite2Go to get weekend food supplies to children in need during the school year. The Bite2Go kits include a good mix of healthy, kid-friendly, easy-to-open, single-serving, nonperishable food items to cover four meals and three snacks over the weekend. The shelf-stable milk, juice, cereal, entrees and snacks are safe for children to handle on their own because they don’t require any cooking or other preparation. Every Friday, staff members at participating schools put the packages of food discreetly in the backpacks of students in need. If you or your organization would like to contribute, this seemingly daunting task of feeding hungry kids can be accomplished by your support of $12 a month per child. It’s a small task with big rewards: ensuring all kids enjoy their weekends and begin their Monday like the rest of their peers, with the most basic of necessities: a content tummy, and a fed mind and brain.

For more information contact Chris Sloan at (509) 252-6283 or chris. sloan@2-harvest.org.

the law office of

Jacqueline Porter Family Law Criminal Defense (509) 747-1817 | jporterlaw . net 421 W. Riverside Ave, Suite 707 OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



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Gothic Nights—Best of the City: Saturday, October 28


on your dark and mysterious finery to attend Gothic Nights—Best of the City 2017, hosted by Bozzi Media and Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine. The Montvale Event Center is where we set our stage… You will enjoy two floors of Gothic awesomeness, featuring two live bands—Atari Ferrari and Villa Blues n’ Jazz—a DJ dance party, two full-service cash bars, food and beverage samples galore from the area’s finest restaurants, “Hit the Deck” Tarot readings, face and caricature artistry, photo booth, blood red carpet paparazzi and many more eerie and wonderful surprises.

Voo Doo VIP tickets include early event entry at 6 p.m., a Champagne toast, a free beverage, entrance to the awards ceremony, and a swag bag stuffed to the gills (to the first 100 attendees). Overnight packages are available at Hotel Ruby, Ruby 2 and the Montvale Hotel. Book online by entering MEC into the promo code section or call the hotel directly and reference the keyword MEC. In the immortal words of Morticia, “Black is such a happy color.” This will be a night to remember. Tickets are available via Eventbrite—$50 VIP, $25 General Admission.














by Sharma Shields

Butter and Booze for Bibliophiles


n October 24, Seattle publisher Sasquatch Books releases Pie & Whiskey: Writers Under the Influence of Butter & Booze, a literary anthology edited by Spokane’s own Kate Lebo and Samuel Ligon. They’ll hold a book release party at Terrain this year that will include pies baked by Kate and whiskey from Dry Fly Distilling ($5/drink). All drink proceeds will benefit Spokane Arts. I reached out to Lebo and Ligon, who live together on the South Hill, with some questions about both the Pie & Whiskey book and the ever popular event.

How did the idea of Pie and Whiskey evolve? It started informally at the Port Townsend Writer’s Conference, just an event for writers to get together, bake, and have fun. It became more formal each year as a social event, but it really became what it is today in Spokane when it became a reading at the annual Get Lit! Festival, featuring pie, whiskey, and great writers. It continued to grow in Missoula with the Montana Book Festival. This is a community event and would not be possible without the writers, Dry Fly, Lost Horse, the Woman’s Club, Batch Bakeshop, Terrain, Gray Dog Press, and the audience.

Describe the event for someone who has never witnessed it. It’s the tent revival of literary events. It’s a reading series that feels more like a party. The audience and writers, everyone’s excited and buzzed, drinking pie, eating whiskey, and hearing great, funny, heartbreaking writing about everything Pie and Whiskey brings to mind. From the front of the room it sometimes feels like the room is about to explode, and we’re always surprised we’re able to maintain the audience’s attention for a reading during a party. Which is testimony to how great the writing is, and how well the writers read, and to the audience’s investment.

You are both successful, acclaimed writers, as well as event organizers. How does collaboration and event creation affect your individual work, if at all? We now have more essays and stories about Pie and Whiskey than we’d ever thought we’d write. Ligon got a book of weird illustrated short-shorts out of Pie and Whiskey—Wonderland (Lost Horse Press) —because the event taught him how to write short and weird. Lebo hadn’t written much prose before, and Pie and Whiskey was her first time reading prose to an audience. Sam brought more play to his work as a result of it, and Kate got to see an obsession all the way through from poetry to recipe writing to prose. Look at all the ways pie (and


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

whiskey) can be used to get into surprising, funny, true work that owes a lot to Americana but isn’t constrained by it.

How did the book deal come about with Sasquatch Books? Kate’s cookbook Pie School came out with Sasquatch in 2014, so we loved them already. They know how to make great books and get them out into the world. We asked Gary Luke, Sasquatch’s publisher and Kate’s editor for Pie School, to come see Pie and Whiskey, to see what he thought about us maybe collecting some of the incredible writing that was happening. He loved it, and the rest is history.

What are some of your favorite pieces in the anthology, and why? We love every piece in the book of course. But some standouts for us include Steve Almond’s story; it's so funny and filthy and true and sweet. We love Judy Blunt’s story about how to bring the kids home. And Paisley Rekdal’s captures the broken Sunday morning nightmare that whiskey can bring, with no apologies. We love Alexandra Teague’s gorgeous and complex county fair poem. And Jess Walter’s sweet, sad, hilarious

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Thanksgiving celebration. Gary Copeland Lilley’s poem is beautiful and haunting. Anthony Doerr’s piece perfectly captures the spirit of Pie & Whiskey. Robert Wrigley’s invocation feels like a Pie & Whiskey prayer. We love Thom Caraway’s whiskey-benumbed lost poets poem and the sweetness and struggle in Nina Mukerjee Furstenau’s look at growing up Indian in the Midwest. And Shawn Vestal’s Frito Pie, because of this line: “What did I just say about pizza and sandwich??” which we now say frequently around the house.

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Any other collaborations coming down the pipeline in Spokane or elsewhere? After we release the book at Terrain in Spokane on October 26, we’ll bring Pie & Whiskey west for the first time, to Portland on October 12 as part of Wordstock, and to Seattle on November 15. We might start a doughnut business next year. We will spell doughnut “doughnut.” That’s about all we know so far.

What other anthologies or NW titles would you recommend to our readers?

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The Lilac City Fairy Tale series. And Railtown Almanac. And Spokane Shorties. Northwest Passages, edited by Bruce Barcott. There are so many good books by Spokane writers right now, you can pick any one of them and be deeply satisfied.

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MELISSA RACKHAM | PHOTOGRAPHER Melissa Rackham loves storytelling, creating physical artifacts and working through questions creatively. “Being a visual artist allows me to be a part of a larger discussion about experience, perspective and the creative process,” she says. She is a photographer, working mostly with historic and experimental processes. “I’ve been working with cyanotype consistently for many years,” Rackham says. She has painted photo emulsions onto unexpected objects like wood, canvas and even duck eggs and has recently begun layering encaustic wax over photographs mounted to board.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

“I try to bring a sense of curiosity into my work, as I’m interested in exploring and experimenting, mixing old and new technologies and making connections between modern themes and historical references,” she says. “In an ongoing project, Hope is the Thing with Feathers, I work with a blue photographic process from 1842, the cyanotype, exploring themes of motherhood, loss and birth. Currently, that is my most vivid perspective.” It’s probably not surprising, then, that her biggest motivations are “my husband and my children. They are my muses,” she says. “My students keep me motivated to model what a busy, working artist looks like.” Rackham’s next move is a step toward the entrepreneurial. She’s at work creating a set of tutorials on those alternative photographic processes she’s gotten so adept at. Alongside those, she’ll be selling chemistry kits, containing everything necessary to create photographs with those processes. “My goal is to make them fun, less overwhelming and accessible to anyone with an interest in experimenting with photography and alchemy,” she says. “My long-term goal is to build a space to house workshops here in Spokane, as I travel for workshops around the country.” She’s actively searching for the right property and hopes to open soon. Rackham moved to Spokane almost 10 years ago from Memphis. She says the move was initially strategic—to be closer to family—“but we’ve fallen in love with Spokane and found a sense of community here. I feel inspired and am surrounded by supportive, creative people so it’s a perfect fit.” You can find Melissa’s work at Melissarackham.com.

right now has the potential to blossom into something amazing.” For his own blossoming, Fife plans to continue evolving his craft to the point the craftsmanship can transcend generations. “I would like to see the children of my current supporters carrying the items I’ve made for their mother or father,” he says. “It would be nice to leave something behind that tells a story, and the story will be theirs, and mine. Ours.” Find Fife’s work at westwardleather.com and on Instagram @westwardleather. Locally, you can find select items at Kingsley & Scout, 2810 N. Monroe.

BENJAMIN FIFE | WESTWARD LEATHER Ben Fife has been at this his whole life. “Since I was a child, I’ve always used my hands to build, make, shape,” he says. It’s a drive that seems to come from within, “a call to create.” He works with metal and wood, but it’s his leatherwork under the Westward Leather brand that has caught the attention of fashionable locals and tastemaking shops around the country. He sees this work as part of the larger movement back toward handmade goods, but not because they represent a current trend, or as symbols of status. “My hope,” Fife says, “is that we as a culture feel inspired to slow down, take inventory of our life and times as a people, and shift our perspective to investing not just in quality goods of course, but in quality of life, and in each other.” It’s a mantra he does his best to live. “The perspective behind Westward, is that we should take time to resurrect or restore certain perspectives and practices that promote a life of purpose, and work in harmony with the world around us,” Fife says. “I still need a lot of practice myself, so we each start with ourselves I guess.” That humbleness finds its way into his work. Westward features classic, simple designs and bulletproof construction. They hew closely to the utilitarian beauty of the historical photos and vintage goods he posts in parallel on Westward’s Instagram account. The region itself is another inspiration. “I grew up here, left and traveled, and have always been called back,” he says. “The wild spirit that is the history of the Pacific Northwest really resonates with me.” He’s excited about this particular moment in our history. “I specifically think that our area

Terrain is a nonprofit dedicated to building community and creating economic opportunities for artists and culture creators and increasing everyone’s access to and participation in the arts. They are changing our region one artist at a time. Visit terrainspokane.com to learn more about their programs, including Terrain 10, their 10th anniversary celebration of young and emerging artists October 5 and 6. Follow them on Facebook at facebook.com/terrainspokane, on Instagram and Twitter @terrainspokane.

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Summer in Siberia photo by Jesse Hynes

by Matt Loi


ago, Justin Hynes started Summer in Siberia as a side project to his band Flee the Century. When the latter parted ways, it was time for the former to shine. This solo project evolved into another full band. Five years after their first full-length release, the group’s latest lineup has a series of EPs on the horizon. Singer, rhythm keyboardist, and primary songwriter Justin Hynes combines 1980s New Wave sounds and 8-bit Nintendo lyrical themes into the ultimate tribute to the decade. However, he still manages to work in modern influences, such as LCD Soundsystem and Muse. His wife Jessie contributes visually, having designed the band’s maximally-‘80s EP cover art. Alex Brandt dishes out tasty lead lines on both keyboards and guitar, and writes a few songs. Eric Shears, formerly of The Longnecks, is the center of the storm on the bass, which he plays through a variety of effects pedals. Travis Hurley, also of The Longnecks as well as La Cha Cha and Half Zodiac, brings a powerful and commanding drum style to the band, supplemented with occasional electronic drum samples. Summer in Siberia’s new EP is called ymyh. This tongue-twister of a title has a story. Hynes is intrigued with the Tunguska Event: a mysterious, massive explosion 109 years ago during one fateful summer in Siberia. Some indigenous people, the Shanyagir tribe, witnessed the fireball. In their littleknown language, ymyh means one, and it is pronounced something like “OOH-moon.” However, thanks to orthography, “YIM-yeh” stands a better chance of becoming the anglicized version. In a few months,


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

they will release another EP titled after the next number in the Shanyagir tongue. After three or four EPs with four or five songs each, they will finally release a full-length album with all the prior EP tracks plus some additional cuts. Ymyh is filled with glassy synth sounds and danceable beats. The opening and closing tracks allude to Simon Belmont, the vampire-slayer from Nintendo’s Castlevania series. Bobby Z’dar and Lazer Victims use B-movie references to paint pictures of broken dreams and not getting credit for one’s achievements, respectively. Every Single Island, in a single line, hints at Nintendo’s StarTropics and Tetris. In short, Summer in Siberia’s ymyh is Spokane’s geek pride release of the year. The band insists the EP was recorded, mixed, and mastered locally by Suspicious Fisherman, a.k.a. not Justin Hynes. So far, the group has played the Great PNW Rainer show at the Terrain Building, as well as Volume and Tinnabulation Fest. They had a well-paired show with Lavoy at The Bartlett. You can see Summer of Siberia play with Dead See Squirrels and North By North on Saturday, October 28 at The Observatory in downtown Spokane. Find them on Facebook and Bandcamp, where you can purchase ymyh.



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THE SCENE/october datebook



ART October 6, November 3: First Friday

Enjoy visual arts, musical presentations, sample local foods, get acquainted with local performing artists and more at this monthly event sponsored by the Downtown Spokane Partnership. On the first Friday of each month, participating galleries, museums, boutiques and more host a city-wide open house with refreshments and entertainment. First Friday is free and open to the public. Downtown Spokane. downtownspokane.org.

October 16, November 5, November 20: Spokane Poetry Slam and BootSlam

Spokane Poetry Slam is competitive performance poetry at its Northwest finest. Every first and third week of the month spoken word warriors battle for Inland Empire supremacy, and a $50 Grand Prize. Each poem is judged by five members of the audience and, after two rounds of poetry, whichever poet has the highest cumulative score is declared the winner. Bootslam, at Boots Bakery, is held on the first Sunday of each month, while Spokane Poetry Slam, held at the Bartlett, is held on the third Monday of each month. Boots Bakery and Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. spokanepoetryslam.org.

Open: Art Romances and Molecular Dances: A Study in the Integration of Art and Science

Students at The Community School in Spokane were asked to create original works of poetry and art and, through these works, communicate concepts of chemistry. Pieces depict a wide range of concepts—from patterns of valence electrons to trends in the periodic table to characteristics of chemical reactions. Museum of Arts and Culture. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931, northwestmuseum.org.

Opening October 21: Titanic: the Artifact Exhibition

Educational, emotional and appropriate for all ages, Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition takes visitors on a journey through the life of Titanic. Along the way visitors will learn countless stories of heroism and humanity that pay honor to the indomitable force of the human spirit in the face of tragedy. The Exhibition has been designed with a focus on the legendary RMS


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Titanic’s compelling human stories as best told through authentic artifacts recovered from the wreck site of Titanic and extensive room re-creations. Museum of Arts and Culture. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931, northwestmuseum. org.

MUSIC October 5: SPR Presents Beausoleil avec Michael Doucet

For 40 years, master fiddler Michael Doucet and his rich Cajun band have captivated listeners around the world. BeauSoleil’s many accolades include 12 Grammy nominations. Garrison Keillor featured the band regularly on a Prairie Home Companion, and when Bob Dylan heard them in New Orleans he said, “That’s my kind of music.” BeauSoleil’s distinctive sound derives from the distilled spirits of New Orleans jazz, blues rock, folk, swamp pop, Zydeco, county and bluegrass. This captivating music brings audiences are the world to their feet. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 7: The Piano Guys: Live in Concert

The Piano Guys show will no doubt feature the same dazzling visual feast as their YouTube videos, for which they became famous. The Piano Guys have also had great success on the charts with each of their five albums—The Piano Guys, The Piano Guys 2, A Family Christmas, Wonders and Uncharted—reaching number one on the Billboard Classical chart. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 7-8: Spokane Symphony Classics: Beethoven and Dvorak

Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto ignores convention, opening with lone piano and building up to a heroic struggle between soloist and orchestra. In the end, the orchestra succumbs to the piano’s charms. The work demands astounding technique and imagination from pianist Ran Dank. Dvořák sealed his international career with his Sixth Symphony. Joyful and pastoral, it pays homage to Brahms while painting an idealized portrait of Czech country life. The program begins with Fujikura’s Banitza

Groove. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 10: Joe Bonamassa

Hailed worldwide as one of the greatest guitar players of his generation, Joe Bonamassa has almost single-handedly redefined the blues-rock genre and brought it into the mainstream. Backed by a stellar band of legendary musicians and amazing backup vocalists, they bring a whole new life to the show which will feature new songs alongside career-spanning favorites. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 14: Spokane Symphony Pops: Super Diamond

Super Diamond, fronted by Randy “Surreal Neil” Cordero, will infuse Diamond’s music and style for a rockin’ feel-good experience your whole family will love. A lush sound backed by the Spokane Symphony. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest. com. Tickets may also be purchased with personalized service at the Box Office of Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox or by calling (509) 624-1200.

October 21-22: Spokane Symphony Classics: Tales of Tragedy

Conrad Tao returns with Saint-Saëns’ exquisite Piano Concerto No. 2, one of the most challenging of the piano repertoire. The concerto is book-ended by three stirring tales. Franck’s The Accursed Huntsman brilliantly evokes a dark, infernal chase. Strauss captures the somber mood of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and gives a charming account of the misadventures of a peasant rogue in Till Eulenspiegel. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 28: Spokane Symphony: Halloween at Hogwarts

The Hogwarts School is coming to Spokane for Halloween. Stroll through lessons on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions. Trick or Treat while you meet the ghosts, Dementors, Fantastic Beasts and more. Visit the Leaky Cauldron Pub for cool sips … then enter “Hedwig Theater” where Professor Nakahara

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/october datebook

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

will lead a musical ode to Harry Potter along with assorted, scary classics. An unforgettable Halloween experience, brought to life by the Spokane Symphony. Choose your house: Will it be Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin? Then order your robe/tie and LED wand for the concert experience, ah, then you’re set for Halloween. Brush up on your Harry Potter trivia for more prize giveaways during the show. Pre-concert activities begin 90 minutes before the performance times (2 and 8 p.m.). Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

audiences from the mop-tops’ humble beginnings in Liverpool’s Cavern Club and their career-defining performance on The Ed Sullivan Show to their famed final live performance on the rooftop of the Apple Records building. Renowned Beatles tribute band Abbey Road stars as John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, providing spoton renditions of 33 of the legendary group’s classic songs. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 29: Spokane String Quartet: Chopin and Zarebski

November 11: Spokane Symphony Pops: Mambo Kings

The Spokane String Quartet welcomes guest pianist Martin Labazevitch for an afternoon of Polish music. Labazevitch has appeared on numerous concert stages and festivals in Europe, Israel, Japan, South Korea and the United States. He was born in Poland and studied in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, where he graduated with highest honors from the Manhattan School of Music. The concert includes two piano works from the 19th century and a 20th century string quartet. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest. com.

November 4-5: Spokane Symphony Classics: Overtures and Arias with Thomas Hampson

The Grammy Award-winning, internationally renowned Thomas Hampson returns to his hometown for the celebration of the Tenth anniversary of the reopening of Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox. He will lend his velvety baritone to a program of arias from popular operas and a selection of classics from the American Songbook. Hampson gave the final performance at the theater before it went dark and returned in 2009 for the symphony’s world premiere of Michael Daugherty’s “Letters From Lincoln.” Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 10: “In My Life”: A Musical Theatre Tribute to the Beatles

Take a magical musical tour through The Beatles’ most iconic performances in this rock ‘n’ roll stage biography narrated from the unique point-of-view of longtime Beatles manager Brian Epstein. “In My Life” takes

Formed in 1995, this top-notch Latin jazz ensemble is nationally recognized for their explosive blend of Afro Cuban rhythms and jazz improvisation. The Mambo Kings take you on an electrifying Latin jazz tour of the Americas with Brubeck’s “Blue Mambo a la Turk” and the burning Tito Puente’s “Tres Lindas Cubanas.” Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

EVENTS Through October: Apple Festival on Green Bluff

The popular Apple Festival is held over several weekends offering a large variety of the best cooking apples, plus fresh pressed cider and other produce. There’s live music, craft booths, corn and straw mazes, and great food for the whole family to enjoy. Green Bluff. greenbluffgrowers.com.

October 7: Into Africa Auction

Partnering for Progress will celebrate a decade of work in Kenya at the Annual Into Africa Auction. African dishes will be served, along with western staples, and the evening’s masters of ceremonies will be Kalae Chock and Sean Owsley, anchors of KHQ’s weekday Wakeup Show. Jeff Owens will serve as auctioneer. Partnering for Progress’ has focused on health care, sanitation, education and economic development in rural Kenya for the past decade. Proceeds from the auction go to support P4P’s continuing programs. Mirabeau Park Hotel. 1100 N. Sullivan Rd. partneringforprogress.org.

October 13: Fox Presents: B—Underwater Bubble Show

When Mr. B is transported to the colorful, happy place of Bubblelandia, he finds himself surrounded by seahorses, dragon fish, starfish, mermaids, clown fish and BUBBLES. Join his imaginary journey in this beautiful “underwater world” where fantasy becomes reality and you are invited to follow him. With dance, puppetry, juggling, contortionism, sand art, and a little bit of magic, this new show from Latvia is a modern fairy tale for young and old alike. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 17: Theresa Caputo Live

Theresa Caputo, psychic medium and star of the hit TLC show, Long Island Medium, will be appearing live where she will share her incredible ability to communicate with the dead. Witness Theresa’s amazing gifts first-hand as she gives live readings to audience members throughout the show. In addition, Theresa will share personal stories about her unique and fascinating life balancing the unpredictability of her psychic gifts while maintaining her role as a typical Long Island wife and mom. For Theresa, this is not just her job … this is her life. See Theresa Caputo live for an unforgettable and potentially life-changing evening. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

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October 17: Inland Northwest Sports Hall of Fame Induction and Awards Ceremony Join them for a special presentation as they look back at the career of eight special inductees. Public is welcome to attend. 2017 Sports Hall of Fame and Scroll of Honor Inductees: Steve Gleason, Rueben Mayes, Alli Nieman, Pamela Parks, Dennis Patchin, Denny Spurlock, Sister Madonna Buder, Jay Rydell. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 27-29: Disney On Ice: Follow Your Heart

Follow your heart straight to adventure at Disney On Ice. Just keep swimming with Dory and new pal Hank from Disney Pixar’s Finding Dory as they set out to find her

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parents and discover the devotion of family. Cheer with Joy, Sadness, and the rest of the Emotions from Disney Pixar’s Inside Out as they work together to boost Riley’s spirit and win the big hockey game. Venture to wintery Arendelle where Olaf and Kristoff help reunite royal sisters Anna and Elsa from Disney’s Frozen and learn love is the most powerful magic of all. See Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel and the Disney Princesses make their dreams possible through virtues of bravery, kindness and perseverance. And celebrate true friendship with Buzz Lightyear, Woody and the Toy Story gang. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

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November 16: Survive the Wild with Hazel Auden

A unique opportunity to hear personal recollections of Hazen’s globetrotting travels while living with the most exotic communities alongside the wildest animals in the world. Hazen will share his many struggles, both getting to these places and coming out alive—but always feeling inspired for the next adventure. This is a show for any adventure, wildlife and indigenous culture enthusiast who wants to enjoy the spell-binding stories of the natural world, from a man who has experienced life with the most remote and fascinating cultures across the natural planet—all illustrated with his own film footage and photography. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest. com.

THEATRE Through October 15: West Side Story

From the first notes to the final breath, this Broadway masterpiece boasts a score by Bernstein and Sondheim that is widely considered to be the best ever created. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is transported to New York City in the turbulent ‘60s as two young, idealistic lovers find themselves caught between warring street gangs, the “American” Jets and the Puerto Rican Sharks. Their struggle to survive in a world of hate, violence and prejudice unravels in one of the most innovative, heart-wrenching and relevant musical dramas of our time. This moving tale remains as powerful, poignant,

and timely as ever. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 3-7: Something Rotten

Welcome to the ‘90s — the 1590s — long before the dawn of premium tickets, star casting and reminders to turn off your cell phones. Brothers Nick and Nigel Bottom are desperate to write a hit play but are stuck in the shadow of that Renaissance rock star known as “The Bard.” When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first musical. But amidst the scandalous excitement of Opening Night, the Bottom Brothers realize that reaching the top means being true to thine own self … and all that jazz. With its heart on its ruffled sleeve and sequins in its soul, Something Rotten is an uproarious dose of pure Broadway fun and an irresistible ode to musicals — those dazzling creations that entertain us, inspire us, and remind us that everything’s better with an exclamation point. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 13-November 5: Psycho Beach Party

An insanely fun romp on Malibu Beach in 1962—it’s what happens when Gidget, Frankie and Annette, and Alfred Hitchcock are given a shotgun marriage. Teenage tomboy Chicklet Forrest desperately wants to be part of the surf crowd. The one thing getting in her way, however, is her unfortunate tendency towards multiple personalities ... and her most dangerous alter ego—voracious vixen Ann Bowman—has nothing less than world domination on her mind. Add men in drag, a B-movie star, and the mother to top all other crazy mothers, this zany comedy is fiendishly funny. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 15: A Night with Janis Joplin

Like a comet that burns far too brightly to last, Janis Joplin exploded onto the music scene in 1967 and, almost overnight, became the queen of rock and roll. The unmistakable voice, filled with raw emotion and tinged with Southern Comfort, made

Best Local Charity

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/october datebook

her a must-see headliner from Monterey to Woodstock. Fueled by such unforgettable songs as “Me and Bobby McGee,” “Piece of My Heart,” “Mercedes Benz,” “Baby” and “Summertime,” this sensational show is a musical journey celebrating Joplin and her biggest musical influences—icons like Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Odetta, Nina Simone and Bessie Smith, who inspired one of rock and roll’s greatest legends. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 27: I Never Saw Another Butterfly: Reader’s Theatre

A one-act play based on the poetry created in a concentration camp by the Jewish children of Prague. This play and the book it is based on highlight the healing power of the arts in times of suffering. Raja discovers this for herself throughout the play, and uses the healing power of creativity to help her struggle through the loss of her many friends and loved ones. Irena teaches the children to use art as a tool for remembrance and healing. Hope is also an important theme, as hope is the only means for survival of the Holocaust. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 3-4: Romeo & Juliet: A Concert Reading

In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, a long feud between the Montague and Capulet families disrupts the city of Verona and causes tragic results for Romeo and Juliet. Revenge, love, and a secret marriage force the young star-crossed lovers to grow up quickly—and fate causes them to commit suicide in despair. Contrast and conflict are running themes throughout Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet—one of the Bard’s most popular romantic tragedies. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 3252507. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 8: Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker

Marking the 25th Anniversary Tour, Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker features over-the-top production and world class Russian artists. Larger-than-life puppets, nesting dolls and gloriously hand-crafted costumes bring the Christmas spirit to life. Gather the family and see why the press is raving. Get the best seats today and memories for a lifetime at Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker. INB Performing Arts Center. 334


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W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 14: Tuesdays With Morrie

The autobiographical story of Mitch Albom, an accomplished journalist driven solely by his career, and Morrie Schwartz, his former college professor. Sixteen years after graduation, Mitch happens to catch Morrie’s appearance on a television news program and learns that his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Mitch is reunited with Morrie, and what starts as a simple visit turns into a weekly pilgrimage and a last class in the meaning of life. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

HEALTH Through October 23: Kids Grief Support Group

Mondays at 4 p.m. This group is designed for kids ages 6-12. Hospice of North Idaho. 9493 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID.

November 2: Caring Conversations About Tough Choices

Join Hospice of North Idaho at the Senior Meal Site to discuss end-of-life topics and empowering your choice for quality of life. Is it time to have the conversation about your final wishes? Hospice of North Idaho encourages our community to Live Fully. Living Fully is about making well-informed choices, letting your choices be heard, and having an advocate at your side. Do you know how you want to experience your final chapter? Explore considerations outside of finances, inheritance, or life-saving measures. Senior Meal Site. 711 Jefferson St, St. Maries, ID. hospiceofnorthidaho.org.

November 8: Being Mortal Screening and Discussion

Hospice of North Idaho introduces criticallyacclaimed FRONTLINE documentary “Being Mortal” in a free community screening in which award-winning author Atul Gawande shows us how to have the hard conversations as life draws to a close. Gawande highlights a few people and professionals who reveal how we can ensure that we never sacrifice what people really care about during their final days. A panel of experts from Hospice of North Idaho will facilitate a discussion and take questions after viewing the documentary. Coeur d’Alene Public Library. 702 E. Front Ave. Coeur d’Alene, ID. hospiceofnorthidaho. org.

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photography by James & Kathy Mangis OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Winter Pet Prep by Dr. Steve Boharski


s summer has faded and winter is rapidly approaching, it’s time to ensure our pets are ready for the colder temps. Outside pets have obvious needs to combat the cold and wet weather, but our inside pets also have changing needs. Make sure your outside pets have a clean, warm dry place to be out of the elements. Dog houses with warm bedding and heaters (safe heaters) are a great choice; protected kennels and access to the garage or other protected area is sufficient except for the coldest of days. On the chilliest of days (or windchill below 0 F), pets should be brought inside. Confining to garage or laundry rooms on those days will prevent frostbite and hypothermia. Make sure cats and dogs have access to fresh water at all times. You can keep water from freezing with heat tape or heated bowls.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Vaccinations are another important aspect of preventative health care. We see viral diseases year round. Even on the coldest, snowiest winter days we have parvovirus-infected dogs come to our clinics. Viruses don’t take a winter break. Up-to-date vaccinations help keep your pets healthy and happy. We must remember parvovirus, leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, leptospirosis,

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kennel cough, distemper and maybe most importantly, rabies, are prevalent in the Inland Northwest. There have been several cases of rabies reported by local county health departments in the last few years. Diligent vaccination of our pets help keep this fatal disease in check. Rabies is truly a world wide health issue. The Washington State University Paul Allen School for Global Animal Health has

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embarked on a program to eliminate rabies infections in people. Many of our local clinics are participating in the program with support from rabies vaccinations in our pets. This is a remarkable effort to eliminate human rabies-caused deaths around the world. Additional information can be obtained by accessing their website or links from veterinary clinic websites. Keeping our pets safe and up-to-date on vaccines helps keep rabies in check. Common sources of rabies in the Inland Northwest are bats, skunks and raccoons. Diet is an important part of keeping pets healthy in winter, as well. Outdoor pets with lots of activity need more calories in the winter months. Good quality pet foods in appropriate amounts are essential to maintain a healthy weight. Regulating temperature uses up a lot of calories. On the flip side, the more common problem for indoor canines in winter is weight gain. Like the rest of us, cloudy, cold dark winter days are a great reason to participate in the most common winter sport: inactivity. When it is dark and icy, we don’t get out and about as much. Fewer walks and trips to the park means less need for calories. Many of our patients gain what we affectionately call “winter weight.” Obesity has become one of the most common health issues in our furry friends. Orthopedic problems, diabetes, and heart disease are all consequences of obesity. Remember, keep your pets warm, safe, vaccinated and an appropriate weight to help ensure a long healthy life and fewer visits to the vet—although we always welcome seeing you! Dr. Steve Boharski co-owns the Garland Animal Clinic with his wife, Dr. April Weber-Boharski.


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HOT TOPIC/mental illness

Find Hope, Help with

by Judith Spitzer


y the time Patricia Simms’s youngest son Mathew was in the fifth grade, there were signs that signaled something was wrong—odd and destructive behaviors, frenzied rages, and even physical attacks on family members. Between 14 and 15, Mathew was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and anorexia, and spent almost a year in a wilderness program and residential treatment center in Salt Lake City. At 18, Mathew ran away from home and wound up homeless. Simms, not her real name, says after dealing with Mathew’s mental disorders for a decade, she and her husband were exhausted, stressed out, and worried constantly about what would happen to Mathew and the rest of the family long-term. With two other grown children starting college around that same time, she says they were at their wit’s end. Around the same time, Patricia discovered NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) and a program called Family-to-Family, a class for families, partners and friends of individuals with mental illness. She says the classes were a godsend. “We had lots of friends who were sympathetic; they loved us, and our children, but they didn’t get it,” Simms says. “We have to talk about mental illness more, and we have to get rid of the stigma around it.” Simms says their son also agreed to attend NAMI’s 10-week session class called Peer-to-Peer, designed to help adults living with mental health challenges achieve and maintain wellness.


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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


HOT TOPIC/mental illness

The Numbers Mental health care experts say one in five adults—43 million Americans— suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder. Although most of these conditions are not disabling, nearly 10 million American adults have serious functional impairment due to a mental illness such as a psychotic or serious mood or anxiety disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Further, fully 20 percent (1 in 5) of children ages 13 to 18 currently have and/or previously had a seriously debilitating mental disorder. Experts say most people seem to shy away from or avoid someone experiencing a mental health emergency, and are afraid to intervene or get too close. So, they don’t. Yet it’s hard to imagine this kind of reaction with other health care issues, Simms says. “You wouldn’t say someone with a heart attack is a cardio, or someone with diabetes is their disease. Yet, we see this all the time in people with mental disorders. People say they are depressed or psychotic. We are not our disease. We suffer from a disease,” she says. Many times fear, or the idea that a mental health disorder is a “family matter,” prevents many whose lives have been impacted by it from talking about it, as if it were shameful and not genetically unavoidable, she says. When Mathew wanted to move back home at 19, the Simmses agreed, after setting ground rules for their son including a commitment that he stay on his medications, and get a job. Today, he attends NAMI support groups, is employed and is attending a community college.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Family-to-Family Kenda Hergert, one of about 25 people currently attending NAMI’s Family-to-Family classes every Saturday at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, is hoping to gain some clarity about her 40-year-old son who had a manic episode at her sister’s home in California last year. “My sister called me and said there was something wrong with him, and I drove down there,” Hergert says. “Apparently he had thrown his phone in the ocean because it was evil, and he gave away his laptop to someone on the side of the road who he said needed it.” There were other symptoms, she says, including reckless spending sprees, changes in sleeping habits, and thoughts about religious healing when he had never previously been religious. “We took him to an emergency room and they said it wasn’t drug or alcohol related. They told us he needed to get on some medication because they thought he was suffering from bipolar disorder,” she says. After keeping him overnight, the doctors said they weren’t sure what was wrong with him, and recommended that he be seen by a mental health provider. “My son has traveled overseas working with humanitarian groups and going into countries with extreme poverty, and he’s seen some pretty tough things,” she says. “So I thought maybe it was PTSD.” Hergert convinced her son to return to Spokane where he saw the family doctor. She says it’s been frustrating to find a mental health care provider in Spokane who is taking new patients. Because her son doesn’t qualify for unemployment because of working overseas, and has no health insurance,

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HOT TOPIC/mental illness

have also helped by steering her to other he opted to go on the Washington Health resources in the Spokane Community, Benefit Exchange, and the family is still Hergert says. looking for a mental health provider. Her son is currently attending NAMI support groups and seeing a therapist. Volunteer Mentors Hergert says attending While dealing with the classes has helped several mental health I felt grandiose like I could just by virtue of having disorders including do anything. There was a others to talk to who depression, PTSD, point where I was laughing and bi-polar disorder also have family members suffering from over the last 25 years, for 12 hours straight. I mental disorders. Shamra Andrews moved lived with my sister at the “It’s been very around the country with time and it really scared confusing to me, not different jobs and as knowing the diagnosis, she did her anxiety and her. I would come down and the prognosis. I other symptoms grew from the mania and there don’t know what my worse. would be consistent role is exactly. How “I’ve been on a much do you push as a mood stabilizer and thoughts of death and parent because he is an antidepressant since dying and feeling suicidal. adult, and he wants his 2007 but when I wasn’t own life, and will this go on the right meds I away?” she wonders. was having highs and lows, mania and Hergert says she’s grateful to hear what sometimes psychotic symptoms,” Andrews others have to say, and learn how others says. have dealt with similar issues. The classes “When I had mania I kept hearing voices,


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

was feeling very elated, I was hyper and wasn’t sleeping, constantly adding activity into my life,” Andrews says. “I felt grandiose like I could do anything. There was a point where I was laughing for 12 hours straight. I lived with my sister at the time and it really scared her. I would come down from the mania and there would be consistent thoughts of death and dying and feeling suicidal.” When she moved to the Spokane area, she took NAMI’s Peer-to-Peer classes, and signed up for its support groups. Eventually she took NAMI’s training to become a facilitator and mentor for the organization’s programs. “I’m in the class as advocate, and I tell people, you can do this. Stick it out for the 10 weeks, you’ll learn a lot,” she says. “There is brain storming, and discussions, and we can talk about symptoms and not feel judged. It’s insightful to hear other people’s stories and just realize that you’re not alone. We’re all trying to fight the stigma that’s out there.” Andrews says NAMI gives a voice to people dealing with mental illness, as well as family members who are also dealing with the disorders. “We’re educating people on the seriousness of this issue and helping them to see that people need support, and not ridicule. Let’s have some compassion and sympathy for those people who are suffering,” she adds.

NAMI NAMI is a nationwide, grassroots, nonprofit, all-volunteer organization that advocates for those who live with mental illnesses and their families. NAMI Spokane holds classes several times a year, and runs two ongoing support groups for those with mental health issues. All NAMI classes are free of charge. Membership and donations are accepted. namispokane.org Judith Spitzer is an independent journalist and photographer.



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by Kimberly Gunning & Stephanie Regalado


o matter where you land on the enthusiasm spectrum for the love of our region, there is no denying our community shines bright in many sectors. In the Best of the City Awards, our readers—you—cast your votes for the people and the places you appreciate most. We love to share our pride for Spokane and Coeur d’Alene on the pages of Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine and nothing crescendos quite like this issue: the best of the best in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene splashed across the following pages, and then solidified on Saturday, October 28 with a Gothic Nights themed party at the Montevale Event Center. Cheers to the following people, places and things!

Edibles Best Fine Dining: Wild Sage As unpretentious as a fine dining establishment can be, Wild Sage has been hosting intimate date nights and private parties inside its relaxing and refined bistro for more than a decade. Executive Chef Charlie Connor incorporates regionally sourced ingredients into creatively composed dishes, and the menu is a favorite among diners with dairy and gluten dietary restrictions. wildsagebistro.com Silver: Clinkerdagger Bronze: Churchill’s Steakhouse North Idaho: Beverly’s

Best Seafood: Anthony’s Anthony’s commitment to working with local farmers and fishermen extends from its Washington-sourced beef to its fresh caught selection of Northwest seafood, which serves as the determining factor for the day’s menu. There’s no need to travel to the coast for high-quality oysters, prawns, mussels and scallops. anthonys.com Silver: Millford’s Fish House Bronze: Bonefish Grill North Idaho: Cedar’s

Best Italian: Italia Trattoria Owner and chef Anna Vogel prepares handmade pastas and regional Italianinspired dishes, ranging charred octopus to squid ink fettuccine to wild boar. The quaint, café-style dining space opens up to a popular patio right in the heart of historic Browne’s Addition. italiatrattoriaspokane.com Silver: Italian Kitchen Bronze: Luigi’s North Idaho: Tony’s on the Lake


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Steak: Churchill’s Steakhouse Nowhere better to pair a thick-cut, dry-aged filet mignon with a fine red wine than inside the upscale dining room at Churchill’s. Slide into a traditionally upholstered, oversized booth or patterned chair and prepare the taste buds for an unmatched selection of mid-Western cuts with hearty embellishments. churchillssteakhouse. com Silver: Spencer’s Steakhouse Bronze: Masselow’s Steakhouse North Idaho: Wolf Lodge Steakhouse

Best New Restaurant: Remedy South Hill’s new, modern dining space is more than meets the eye. Kombucha on tap joins 24 craft beers, and a handful of delectable cocktails. Nibble on healthconscious salads and spaghetti squash, or dive into a crave-worthy burger. The rooftop patio offers an ideal summertime escape. remedycrc.com Silver: Inland Pacific Kitchen Bronze: Outlaw BBQ North Idaho: Cosmic Cowboy Grill

Best Outdoor Dining: Anthony’s A seat inside the dining room at Anthony’s would be the perfect perch to view the upper falls of the Spokane River if it weren’t for the spacious patio that gets you steps closer to the rushing river. Sunset is the most picturesque time to dine, especially during weekdays with the opportunity to choose from a special seafood menu. anthonys.com Silver: Clinkerdagger Bronze: Luna North Idaho: Bardenay

Best Sandwich: Domini Sandwiches This family-owned, Spokane-staple is well-loved for its hearty sandwiches piled high with deli-cut meats. No frills here; just traditional favorites by the

sandwich, basket or pound, garnished with horseradish, and sweet and hot mustards. The quick-service, diner-style sandwich shop keeps locals coming back for their Domini fix. dominispokane.com Silver: High Nooner Bronze: Caruso’s North Idaho: Big Bear Deli

Best Cupcakes: Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop This delightful bakeshop satisfies sugar cravings with its freshly baked cookies, macarons, cake pops, and pastries. Impress party guests with a delicately decorated custom cake or stop in on a whim and choose from the daily cupcake lineup. More than 50 signature cupcake flavors in total are dolloped with creamy frostings and topped with sweet trimmings. sweetfrostingsbakeshop.com Silver: Sweet Dreams Bronze: Celebrations

Best Pizza: The Flying Goat Ask staff at The Flying Goat about the char on your pizza crust and they will passionately tell you the importance of this element in the Neapolitan-style pie you’re about to devour. Baked inside a woodstone oven, the artisanal pizzas are creatively topped and best enjoyed aside a craft beer out on the patio of this popular Audubon Park hangout. theflyinggoat.com Silver: MOD Pizza Bronze: Blaze North Idaho: Fire Artisan Pizza

Best Burgers: Wisconsinburger Juicy, fresh and packed with flavor—the name Wisconsinburger itself is enough to make one’s mouth water. Regulars return for the innovative Grinds of the Week specials, but any fresh-ground burger from the menu is a solid choice. Side it with fried goodies and wash them down with a pick from the coolers stocked with more than 80 craft beers. wisconsinburger.com Silver: Five Guys Burger Bronze: Delish’s North Idaho: Hudson’s




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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Barbeque: Longhorn Barbecue The original brothers behind Longhorn Barbecue brought their Southern pitstyle barbecue-in’ from Texas to Spokane back in 1956. The best place in the city for baby back ribs, Longhorn Barbecue seasons, marinates and slow-smokes them until they’re fall-off-the-bone good. The wood-paneled walls and red-and-whitecheckered basket liners are reminiscent of family picnic memories. thelonghornbbq. com Silver: Dicky’s Barbecue Pit Bronze: Red Lion BBQ North Idaho: Drummin Up BBQ

Best Salad: Twigs Bistro Twigs is a go-to dining spot, appropriate for just about any occasion and craving. Plenty of gluten-free dishes and salads pepper the menu, particularly appealing to the health-conscious diners. Leafy greens are tossed with fresh ingredients and topped with salmon, chicken or prawns in flavorful choices like the Pear and Roasted Beat and Insalada Mista, among others. twigsbistro.com Silver: Golden Corral Buffet Bronze: Rocky Rococo North Idaho: Cedar’s

Best Locally Produced Food Victor’s Hummus

Best Traditional Furniture


Victor Azar began packaging his catering company’s popular hummus thanks to customer suggestions. The venture, Victor Foods, has since morphed into producing a successful line of six hummus varieties— basil, onion, jalapeño, lemon zest, garlic and sesame—with the claim to fame of having half the calories and one-third the fat of most national brands. victorfoods. com Silver: Henderson Dip Bronze: Puck Bars North Idaho: Tastes of Idaho

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Best Appetizers: Clinkerdagger Nestled in the Old Flower Mill building, the riverside views are fabulous and the dining digs are fit for a business meeting to nights on the town, and anything in between. Peruse the menu of meat- and seafood-forward entrées, but if you get stuck on the enticing variety of appetizers, you wouldn’t be the first. clinkerdagger.com Silver: Anthony’s Homeport Bronze: 1898 Public House North Idaho: Beverly’s

Best Thai: Thai Bamboo Each of the four locations has its own unique feel, but you’ll find the same high-quality, authentic Thai and Asian fare. Order your tried-and-true favorite or opt for something new from the extensive menu and switch up the spice level. Beyond the menu, Thai Bamboo is known for its top-notch customer service and imported Thai art and trinkets. thaibamboorestaurant. com Silver: Bangkok Thai Bronze: Phonthip Style Thai Restaurant North Idaho: Bonsai Bistro

Best Sushi: Sushi.com Fresh fillets are flown in daily to this authentic Japanese restaurant, where trained sushi chefs artfully craft popular specialty rolls, among simple sashimi bites and elaborate sushi boats. A wide variety of cooked and meaty rice and noodle dishes guarantee enough options for every diner to fill his belly. mainsushi.com Silver: QQ Sushi Bronze: Wasabi Bistro North Idaho: Syringa


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Chinese: China Dragon

Best Food Truck: 3 Ninjas

China Dragon’s extensive menu of traditional Chinese dishes and Americaninspired twists appeals to all tastes. The varieties of chow mein, chop suey and fried rice are seemingly endless, and the family dinner options combine multiple selections, so you’re sure to try something new. chinadragonspokane.com Silver: Red Dragon Bronze: Happiness Chinese North Idaho: Chinese Gardens

Any night you happen upon this 18-foot traveling kitchen, a full and happy tummy is not long to follow. Yes, 3 Ninjas likes to kick up the heat with its homemade habanero pepper jelly and buffalo sauce, but plenty of tamer wraps and bowls complete a menu of globally inspired culinary infusions. Silver: Couple of Chefs Bronze: Meltz North Idaho: Raw Dead Fish

Best Asian: Gordy’s Sichuan Café

The family business of Azar’s has been a Spokane staple establishment for Greek and Middle Eastern food since 1980. Take your taste buds on a visit through Greece with such freshly prepared items as the spanakopita, tahini- or tzatzikitopped gyros, and kebobs. Find sea salt on every table—no table salt here—and a long-lasting commitment to great food. azarsrestaurant.com Silver: The Kabob House Bronze: Two Columns North Idaho: The White House Grill

Gordy’s quaint café sets an inviting atmosphere in which to enjoy thoughtfully prepared, Asian-inspired dishes. The creatively concocted menu is categorized by “mild,” “medium” and “hot” to avoid shock to the taste buds. But no matter the spice level, dishes are each packed with flavor. gordysspokane.com Silver: Mustard Seed Bronze: Ding Howe North Idaho: Asia Twist

Best Pho: Vina Asian Restaurant Those who claim to know the best Asian food around favor Vina for its fresh dishes and made-from-scratch pho. Three varieties of hot pots are popular for sharing couples and families, and a full lineup of veggie, chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, squid and duck entrées offers something for everyone. Silver: Pho Van Bronze: Pho Saigon North Idaho: Pho Thanh & Café

Best Mexican: Azteca Rumor has it, it’s difficult to find authentic Mexican fare in Spokane, that is until one steps inside family-owned Azteca. Once a “mom and pop” establishment, this family restaurant and cantina has since expanded to 35 locations. Pair a margarita with Mexican ceviche, Enchiladas en Mole, or sizzling fajitas, among other favorites. aztecamex.com Silver: Rancho Chico Bronze: Fiesta Mexicana North Idaho: Toro Viejo

Best Greek: Azar’s

Best Indian: Taste of India Inside this unsuspecting hideaway along Division is some of the best authentic Indian fare fit for those immersed in the cuisine and others taking their first bites. Vegetarians have plenty of flavor-filled options, and Tandoori breads and lamb curries will leave you craving return visits time and time again. Silver: Top of India Bronze: The Great Taaj

Best Local Coffee Shop: Rocket Bakery Rocket Bakery’s inviting and cozy atmosphere makes it a go-to spot for a morning cup of Joe, business meeting, awayfrom-home office and social hangout. The bold espresso blends into divine lattes and mochas, and all drinks are appropriately paired with a pastry. rocketspokane.com Silver: Indaba Coffee Bronze: Dutch Bros. North Idaho: Jitterz

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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Breakfast: Frank’s Diner It’s not every day one gets the opportunity to eat breakfast inside an early 1900s railroad car. But it’s not just any breakfast either. Frank’s knows how to fry up the best hash browns and golden waffles just right so to prove any wait for a table well worth the while. franksdiners.com Silver: Chap’s Bronze: Cottage Café North Idaho: The Garnet Café

Best Automotive Repair

Best Neighborhood Restaurant NORTH: The Swinging Doors The Swinging Doors might equate to a neighborhood’s version of a living room, with its familyfriendly atmosphere, dozens of TVs to watch the home teams, free wifi, games and, oh yes, sports grill-style grub. The family-owned establishment has been at the heart of its neighborhood for more than 35 years. theswingingdoors.com Silver: Wall St. Diner Bronze: The Milk Bottle

Best Neighborhood Restaurant SOUTH: Manito Taphouse This gastropub is the perfect place to meet with friends and catch up over one of 50 craft beers on tap and a juicy burger, though the mac ’n’ cheese varieties are top contenders, too. The dining space is outfitted with reclaimed barn wood walls and opens up to a spacious outdoor patio—a must visit in the warmer months. manitotaphouse.com Silver: Luna Bronze: Picabu

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Best Neighborhood Restaurant VALLEY: Hay J’s Bistro

Best Dessert: Clinkerdagger (crème brulee)

Any questions that may linger about its unsuspecting location adjacent a Conoco are quickly left behind upon entering this quaint, modern bistro. The mother-andson venture is known for its genuinely kind service and its attention to detail in plating scrumptious New American fare. hayjsbistro.com Silver: Ambrosia Bistro & Wine Bar Bronze: Dave’s Bar & Grill

If you thought you could pass up dessert at this fine establishment, think again. Even with bellies full from mouthwatering courses, the last bites of a meal are meant to be savored, so relax with an after-dinner drink and share a decadent chocolate cake or bread pudding. clinkerdagger. com Silver: Churchill’s Steakhouse (Sack) Bronze: Wild Sage North Idaho: Dockside

Best Neighborhood Restaurant WEST: Downriver Grill

Best Night Club

Make it in for a happy hour, weekly visits, a date night or family celebration, and you’ll never be disappointed at this neighborhood destination near Audubon Park. Let the wine pour and order perfectly prepared seasonal dishes, finished with fresh herbs from the patio’s garden. downrivergrill.com Silver: Chaps Bronze: Flying Goat

Best Neighborhood Restaurant NORTH IDAHO: Fleur De Sel

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Bon appétit is never a question at Fleur De Sel. The approachable and often innovative French cuisine served inside this upscale café is prepared by Laurent Zirotti, a 2017 James Beard award semifinalist. Let your server guide your selections and return home feeling as though you spent a night in the City of Light. fleur-de-sel.weebly.com Silver: Whitehouse Bronze: Capone’s

Best Bakery: The Rocket Bakery Nothing goes together better than coffee and pastries. That’s why a coffee shop that bakes its own goodies—or in this case, a bakery that serves great coffee—is one step ahead of the game. Side your vanilla latte with a fresh-baked berry scone, Danish, bagel or cookie for a rocket-powered day ahead. rocketspokane.com Silver: Petit Chat Bronze: Boots Bakery North Idaho: Bakery by the Lake

Best Yogurt: Froyo Earth Kids and adults alike relish in the opportunity to create their own masterpiece of frozen yogurt dessert at this crowd favorite frozen yogurt shop. Mix and match probiotic-enriched yogurt flavors in a biodegradable bowl, and top it with a winning combination of fruits, nuts, candies, cookies and more. froyoearth.com Silver: Didier’s Yogurt and More Bronze: Blu Berry

Best Ice Cream: The Scoop A stop by The Scoop is a necessity for a perfect summer afternoon in the South Hill. This quaint, neighborhood ice cream shop scoops homemade flavors made with liquid nitrogen for an extra-creamy texture, and the options are purely divine—like the Caramel Coffee Toffee and Cinnachocashew. thescoopspokane.com Silver: Brain Freeze Bronze: Coldstone Creamery North Idaho: Rogers Ice Cream and Burgers

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Chocolate Shop: See’s Chocolates

Best Cocktails & Martinis: Twigs Bistro and Martini Bar

This national chocolatier’s brick-andmortar shop in Spokane is a go-to for allthings-chocolate. Sample something new while your chocolate expert boxes up a selection of preservative-free favorites for a loved one’s gift or your own secret stash. Seasonal specialties like Halloween orange-and-chocolate creams are always worth the wait. sees.com Silver: Chocolate Apothecary Bronze: Spokandy North Idaho: Faithful Chocolates

The bartenders at Twigs known how to shake a martini for a stellar start to a night out. Keep it simple with a classic or choose from an extensive list of fruit-forward and spicy specialties. Pinky up and down that hatch as you chat with best friends and nibble on appetizers. twigsbistro.com Silver: Bistango Bronze: Durkin’s Liquor Bar North Idaho: 315 Martinis and Tapas

Best Buffet: Golden Corral Buffet

Best Wine Bar: Left Bank Wine Bar

Pile your plate with endless options and return to do it again, one, two, three times, at this popular buffet restaurant. Golden Corral offers something every family member will like, so there’s no battle over competing cravings and you don’t even have to share. goldencorral. com Silver: Northern Quest’s River’s Edge Bronze: Canaan Buffet North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Casino Buffet

Sipables Best Coffee Roaster: Thomas Hammer That orange cup and white hammer logo has become a familiar sight to see, and onlookers knows it’s filled with a balanced roast of Thomas Hammer coffee. The local brand has made a name for itself, roasting, bagging and stocking plenty of smooth flavor profiles for whenever you need a refill. hammercoffee.com Silver: Roast House Coffee Bronze: Indaba Coffee

Try a tasting or commit to the glass or bottle of a myriad of wellchosen wines. The list spans local and global labels, and friendly bartenders are happy to share their recommendations. Plan a visit before dinner reservations or settle in for the evening and enjoy the live music. leftbankwinebar.com Silver: Nectar Catering & Events Bronze: Volstead Act North Idaho: Enoteca

Best Beer Bar: Area 51 Taphouse/ The Onion Taphouse & Grill Located inside both locations of The Onion, Area 51 Taphouse attracts beer lovers near and far to its extensive list of craft beers. Order by the 12-once “browser,” pint or pitcher, or choose four 4-ounce tasters. Accompany your choice with one of The Onion’s freshly prepared American dishes. theonion.biz Silver: Manito Taphouse Bronze: 24 Taps North Idaho: Crafted

Best Brewery: No-Li Brewhouse Come for the beer, stay for the beer— and the pub fare and entertainment, like Rhythm & Brews Wednesday. No-Li’s Born & Raised is commonly poured at locales around the state, but at their namesake tasting room you can try all their newest endeavors. nolibrewhouse.com Silver: Iron Goat Bronze: Badass Backyard Brewery North Idaho: Post Falls Brewery

Best Boutique

Best Happy Hour: Twigs Bistro and Martini Bar Pair a mojito with the Kalua Pork Tacos, or a glass or red with the Bruschetta Flatbread during Twigs’ happy hour. There are plenty of bites and specialty drinks to ensure a wallet-friendly good time, and the atmosphere is ideal for unwinding after a long day at the office. twigsbistro.com Silver: 24 Taps Bronze: Hop Jacks North Idaho: Oval Office

Best Winery: Arbor Crest Wine Cellars Perched atop a hill, overlooking Spokane Valley, Arbor Crest Wine Cellars has quite the vantage point at which to sip a full-bodied red or summertime white. Wander the Cliff House Estate grounds and take in the castle-like charm. There’s no question why this venue is in high demand come wedding season. arborcrest. com Silver: Barrister Winery Bronze: Latah Creek North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Cellars Winery 319 W 2nd Ave Spokane, WA 99204

509-747-2867 lolospokane.com

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Best Wine Tasting Room: Barrister Winery Personality and charm elude from this downtown Spokane tasting room, a popular venue for weddings and private events. Housed inside an old 1906 brick auto warehouse, the winery was founded by two attorneys, and the most popular pour, the aptly named Rough Justice red blend, is found at locales throughout the city. barristerwinery.com Silver: Arbor Crest Winery Bronze: Overbluff Cellars North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Cellars Winery

Best Cidery: One Tree Hard Cider/One Tree Cider House What began with a home cider kit and a love for state-grown apples morphed into a what is now One Tree Hard Cider and the newly opened Cider House. Making the most of Washington’s fruit yields, One Tree harmoniously infuses their ciders for a full lineup of flavors— raspberry, ginger apricot, huckleberry, lemon basil and even pumpkin. onetreehardcider.com Silver: Twilight Ciderworks Bronze: Liberty Ciderworks

Best Sports Bar: The Swinging Doors Sports fans loyally return to The Swinging Doors for big game days—and all those in between. With 60 televisions, you’re guaranteed to keep up with all the latest plays and scores. During halftime, take a turn at the pool table and feast upon a menu filled with all the sports grill favorites. theswingingdoors.com Silver: The Ref Bronze: Birdy’s Sports Bar North Idaho: Paddy’s Sports Bar & Grill


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Out & About Best Night Club: nYne Bar & Bistro Strap up those dancing shoes and get down with the DJ, showing off your best moves on the dance floor each weekend. Special occasion not required for lively parties to be found inside this downtown night club. It’s a crowd favorite locale for letting loose and singing some tunes during weeknight karaoke. nynebar.com Silver: Impulse Bronze: Lion’s Lair North Idaho: Iron Horse

Best Ski Resort: Schweitzer The Inland Northwest boasts so many mountains to carve, but Schweitzer is a return favorite for pro-level to first-timer ski and snowboarders. With so many ways to play in the snow—snow biking, snowshoeing and tubing, too—there’s something every family member will love, and resort accommodations are ideal for extended adventures. schweitzer.com Silver: Mt. Spokane Bronze: 49 Degrees North

Best Casino: Northern Quest Casino Northern quest is the ultimate Vegas-like experience without the air fare. Play a hand of poker, try your luck at the slots and partake in off-track betting inside the Turf Club Lounge. Complete your visit by spending a day at La Rive Spa, attending a live show, and cozying up in the modern resort rooms. northernquest. com Silver: Coeur d’Alene Casino Bronze: Black Pearl

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Best Brewery

Best Lake Resort: The Coeur d’Alene Resort Hotel Whether you’re looking for a little rest and relaxation or you’re ready for an action-packed watersport vacation, this lakeside resort has it all. Start the morning playing 18 holes, meander the waters in a speed boat or pontoon, allow a massage to loosen your muscles, and wine and dine at one of the on-site restaurants. cdaresort.com Silver: Hill’s Resort Bronze: Elkin’s

Best Club/Gym: MUV Fitness Kickstart your workout routine by joining a 60- or 90-day challenge, hook your heartrate device up to the facility’s MYZONE tracker for live updates throughout your training session, and mix up your routine by joining a myriad of group fitness classes. MUV Fitness has everything you’re looking for in a gym, along with friendly and encouraging staff. muvfitnessclubs.com Silver: Crossfit Rewired Bronze: Planet Fitness

Best Boutique Fitness Club/Gym: Giorgio’s Fitness


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Giorgio’s personal training is sure to take your fitness to the next level. This boutique gym offers everything you need for muscle-building and endurance training, from its free-weights and crosstraining sections to the wide variety of cardio equipment. Plus, keep that summer glow with the on-site tanning bed. giorgiosfitness.com Silver: Total Fit Bronze: Anytime Fitness

Best Hotel: The Davenport Hotel A weekend spent at The Davenport Hotel is the perfect getaway without straying far from home. This collection of upscale accommodations spans historic to modern, and access to the best downtown has to offer is right outside the front doors. Though, with the on-site

spa, lavish dining rooms, swanky lounges and posh rooms, there’s really no reason to leave. davenporthotelcollection.com Silver: Northern Quest Resort Bronze: Davenport Grand Hotel North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Resort

Best Golf Course: Downriver Golf Course Adjacent the south end of Riverside State Park, the atmosphere feels far removed from the city along the 18-holes of tree-lined exclusivity. Built in 1916, this course has been a favorite among locals for more than a century, and is regularly played by all skill levels. spokanegolf.com Silver: Wandermere Bronze: Indian Canyon North Idaho: Circling Raven

Best Bike Shop: Wheel Sport Avid cyclists are quickly acquainted with Wheel Sport’s friendly and knowledgeable staff for all of their gear and repair needs. And newcomers to the sport are equipped with the proper setup and Body Geometry F.I.T. services for the ultimate cycling experience. This family-owned-and-operated business has helped create a happy and healthy cycling community. wheelsportspokane.com Silver: The Bike Hub Bronze: North Division Bike Shop North Idaho: Vertical Earth

Best in Events & Weddings Best Wedding Facility: The Glover Mansion This elegantly restored 1888 Victorian mansion, tucked into South Hill, is a picturesque place for intimate private events and weddings. The exquisite garden and charming mansion provide a variety of ceremony and reception options, perfect for every couple. And the inclusive package with customized


OASIS HAIR details keep the stress out of planning your big day. golvermansion.com Silver: Chateau Rive at the Flour Mill Bronze: Beacon Hill North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Resort

Best Meeting/Events Facility: Beacon Hill Events With views overlooking the city, the clubhouse and lush gardens of Beacon Hill are perfect grounds for any private party. The venue hosts retreats, seminars and celebrations, comfortably accommodating large guest lists with its in-house eventplanning team and catering service. beaconhillevents.com Silver: Northern Quest Resort & Casino Bronze: Spokane Convention Center North Idaho: Hagadone Event Center

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Best Caterer: Fery’s Catering From small and intimate occasions to large and lavish celebrations, Fery Haghighi and her staff have your every catering need covered. Menu options include classic crowd pleasers, but many dishes stray away from the typical selections, and Fery’s Catering’s supreme service ensures every guest is pleasantly pleased. feryscatering.com Silver: Feast Bronze: Red Rock Catering North Idaho: Greenbriar

For the Love of Artistic Expression Best Local Artist: Ben Joyce Ben Joyce’s “Abstract Topophilia” was born from a desire to transcend a sense of place by creating the structure of landscape from a bird’s-

located upstairs at northtown mall art/jewelry/accessories/apparel/hats OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


eye vantage point. His works defy traditional boundaries and give visual depth a new meaning. Joyce travels to big-city shows nationwide, but his work is found locally, year-round at The Art Spirit Gallery of Fine Art. benjoyceart.com Silver: Melissa Cole Bronze: Daniel Lopez

Best Art Gallery: New Moon Art Gallery New Moon Art Gallery is a must visit for original fine art, handmade crafts, First Friday festivities, art classes and more. A new show is launched each month, featuring the works of local artists, and juried shows are regularly scheduled throughout the year to highlight accomplished names in the Inland Northwest. manicmoonandmore.com Silver: Saranac Art Projects Bronze: Bozzi Gallery North Idaho: Art Spirit Gallery

Best Photographer: Crystal Madsen

Thank you Spokane for voting us

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Crystal Madsen has a skilled eye for lighting, angles and natural poses, making every photo a work of art. Her photography has an elegant touch, capturing a couple’s pure love and a family’s fun-loving connection. And her boudoir shoots are thoughtfully posed with sexy mystique. crystalmadsen.com Silver: Jenice Baker Bronze: Diane Maehl North Idaho: Quicksilver

Thank you Spokane for voting us Best Buffet 6 years in a row!

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Best Dance Studio: Spokane Elite Dance Studio

Best Actor Working Primarily Locally: Molly Allen

Dancers of all ages pirouette across floors at Spokane Elite Dance Studio. The instructors coach a large community of dancers, from toddlers to adults, on technique, stage performance and so much more. And the premiere Spokane Elite All Stars team lives and breathes the movements of dance, performing magnificent routines. spokaneelitedance. com Silver: Inspirations Dance Studio Bronze: Artistry in Motion North Idaho: Ballet School of Coeur d’Alene

Co-host of this year’s favorite morning radio personality is also a successful local playwright. Recently named resident playwright of Stage Left Theater, this talented lady has written “On Shaky Ground” and “The Day Spring Wouldn’t Come Out,” in addition to employing her acting chops in such titles as the 2017 production, “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike.” Silver: Ellen Travolta Bronze: Troy Nickerson

Best Play Performed: “Phantom of the Opera” (Best of Broadway)



Among a spectacular 2017 lineup, the favored act is none other than Best of Broadway’s “Phantom of the Opera.” The redesigned musical offers something new, even for the most loyal of fans, featuring thrilling special effects and new choreography to help tell the dark tale of a disfigured musician and his obsession—a beautiful soprano. wcebroadway.com Silver: Kiss Me Kate—Civic Theatre Bronze: All is Calm—Modern Theatre

Best Actor Working Nationally: Julianne Hough

Outdoor Dining

Fine Dining


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

This woman does it all—dancing, singing and acting. She found her first acting role in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” and notable roles since have including the leads in the 2014 remake of “Footloose” and Fox’s live production of “Grease.” She and her brother Derek have been familiar faces on “Dancing with the Stars,” too. Silver: Craig T. Nelson Bronze: Cheyenne Jackson

Best Local Author: Jess Walter This local author has a No. 1 New York Times bestseller under his belt (“Beautiful Ruins”), among five other novels, a book of short stories and a nonfiction piece. His writing spans journalistic to brilliantly comical to emotionally impactful. Among national appearances at writer’s conferences and events, Jess always makes time for his hometown fans. jesswalter.com Silver: Andy Brown Bronze: Jocelyn Babcock

Best Local Band: Ryan Larsen Band This band has quite the following of country music-loving listeners. A regular feature at regional honky-tonk bars, Ryan and his band have played a number of larger gigs, including opening for Josh Gracin at the Knitting Factory. They know how to get the crowd swinging and enjoy giving back to the community through benefit performances in partnership with area nonprofits. ryanlarsenband.wixsite.com Silver: The Cronkites Bronze: Folkinception

Best Local Singer: Cami Bradley Music runs through this singersongwriter’s veins. Her voice gracefully traverses through uplifting melodies and hauntingly beautiful tunes. Cami wow’d the nation with her performance on

season eight of America’s Got Talent, which led to a new path duetting under the name The Sweeplings. camibradley. com Silver: Sammy Eubanks Bronze: Rusty Jackson


Pulling Heart Strings

Best Local Charity: Ronald McDonald House This charity has touched the hearts of many through its efforts in providing temporary accommodations close to hospitals with plenty of support for families navigating their most harrowing of challenges: a child’s illness. Annual events stimulate the unwavering community support of this grand mission. rmhcinlandnw.org Silver: United Gospel Mission Bronze: House of Charity


Best Charity Gala: Beyond Pink Beyond Pink pulls out all the stops during their annual charity gala, with plentiful wine and hors d’oeuvres, a copious silent auction, an extravagant designer bra fashion show and a lively after party. Proceeds assist in covering the cost of Thermography, a noninvasive breast cancer screening, for women who would otherwise be unable to afford it. beyondpink.net Silver: Pumpkin Ball Bronze: Epicurean Delight

Talking Heads Best Radio Station: FM: 92.9 ZZU This is your home station for the best modern hits to pump up the work day and wind down on the drive home. Dave, Ken & Molly, Dan Roberts and Ian Kelly keep you up-to-date on the latest while making sure your favorite music keeps on flowing through the airwaves. 929zzu.com Silver: 99.9 KXL—Coyote Country Bronze: 98.1—KISS OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


1017 W. 1st Ave Spokane, WA 99201 T / 509-624-3014

Best Radio Station – AM: 590 KQNT (iHeart)

Best Weather Person: Leslie Lowe (KHQ)

This is the go-to station for all things news, from local headlines to national breaking-news coverage and commentary. 590 KQNT airs a lineup of popular talk shows with national hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. 590kqnt.iheart.com Silver: 920 KXLY Bronze: 1510 KGA

Leslie Lowe sure brought in the weather as she began her first year with KHQ in 2008, during one of the city’s heaviest years of snowfall. Since then, there’s no one we would rather give our forecast. She’s quickly become a favorite face, even if it’s to delicately deliver the news of an untimely storm. khq.com Silver: Tom Sherry—KREM Bronze: Kris Krocker—KXLY

Best Radio Personality: Dave, Ken and Molly (KZZU)

Sam Adams has been covering sports in the Pacific Northwest his entire career. He quickly became a champion of local sports when he helped launch the region’s allsports and weather channel, SWX, which broadcasts local games. His commitment to local sports coverage has certainly made him a crowd favorite. khq.com Silver: Keith Osso—KXLY Bronze: Dennis Patchin—KXLY

Best News Anchor—Male: Dan Kleckner (KHQ)

Mayor of Spokane since 2012, David Condon is greatly admired by the community for his strong focus on public safety, economy growth, infrastructure, budgeting and an improved quality of life. He’s a family man, an Army veteran, former small business owner and a community-oriented leader. my.spokanecity.org Silver: Cathy McMorris-Rodgers Bronze: Ben Stuckart

This face of local news has been loyally watched by many since 1985. Dan has sat in a variety of seats throughout his 30+ year journey with KHQ, including sports director, morning news anchor and evening news anchor. His genuine reporting and community care never falters. khq.com Silver: Sean Owsely—KHQ Bronze: Derek Deis—KXLY

Best News Anchor—Female: Stephanie Vigil (KHQ) Orlison strives to provide a unique, accessible craft beer experience for the adventurer in all of us. orlisonbrewing.com 78

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Sportscaster: Sam Adams (KHQ)

Weekday mornings tend to start a little better when listening to Dave, Ken & Molly on 92.9 ZZU FM. Hear the latest reports from Hollywood, listen to what the Panel of Women have to say about a variety of real-life situations and, of course, everyone wants a chance to Win Dave’s Money. dkmshow.com Silver: Jay and Kevin Show— 99.9 Bronze: Sara Jean—96.1

Stephanie Vigil joined Dan Kleckner’s side as morning co-anchor in 1997 and has never looked back. Since becoming a face of Spokane’s local news, she has immersed herself in the community, helping to make a difference through local charities. She is an Emmy-award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow winner. Silver: Nadine Woodward—KXLY Bronze: Kalae Chock—KHQ

Best Elected Official: David Condon

For the Body Best Chiropractor: Michael Valente Walking into Valente Chiropractic & Massage, you know you’re in great hands. Michael’s life was positively impacted by a chiropractor during his days of playing professional football in Europe, and he has since committed himself to helping others recover from pain and injuries right at his own practice. spokanechiropractic.com Silver: University Chiropractic Bronze: Ray Sicilia North Idaho: Thrive Chiropractic

The Best in Pet Care: Garland Animal Clinic STEVE AND APRIL BOHARSKI, both veterinarians, had

always dreamed of owning and running their own clinic when the opportunity to buy Garland Animal Clinic, opened in 1966, arose in 1999. Many of their staff have remained since 1999 and they still have thousands of clients, some who have been going there for 50 years. “We value their loyalty and strive to provide excellent service and high-quality pet care,” says Steve. Their staff includes six doctors with more than 100 years of combined experience, certified technicians, receptionists and assistants. But their team extends beyond their walls to include consultations and referrals to specialists in a variety of disciplines with services including: preventative health care, medicine, surgery, dentistry, radiology, behavior, oncology, dermatology and pain management. They offer digital radiography, digital dental radiography, ultrasound, laser surgery and laser therapy, orthopedic and soft tissue surgery, and dentistry along with

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a wide variety of internal medicine and oncology care. In celebration of their 50th anniversary, they moved a few blocks down the street to their brand new state-of-the-art clinic. “As veterinary medicine changes and grows, we will continue to be a leader in the care of our furry friends,” says Steve. “With the proximity of a great referral and consultation network and the growth of telemedicine it is truly amazing the level of care we can provide.” In the event pets need care beyond the capabilities of their staff, Washington State University and their own Pet Emergency and Referral Center are staffed with board certified surgeons, internists, radiologists, dentists, dermatologists, and ophthalmologists. Garland Animal Clinic 1022 W. Garland garlandanimalclinic.com

VALLEY 606 N. Sullivan 509-921-7729

To show our appreciation and to support our local riders, we have made a donation to Evergreen East Mountain Bike Alliance. Happy trails!





@wheelsportbicycles OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



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Best Women’s Clothing Boutique: Lolo Boutique When you step into Lolo’s and begin browsing the unique, hand-selected variety of apparel, jewelry, accessories, and bath and body products, it’s evident the owner, Lainey LaRue, runs a special shop. Her collection spans affordable to high-end pieces, with many made in the USA, and it’s especially a favorite among those seeking exclusive finds. lolospokane. com Silver: Audrey’s Boutique Bronze: Swank North Idaho: Tiffany Blue

Best Men’s Formal Wear: Anderson & Emami The one-on-one attention and fine menswear fabrics and styles that fit to a T, has led to a loyal clientele throughout Anderson & Emami’s 30+ years in business. Full wardrobes are steadily acquired here—from suites to sportswear—by all your favorite brand names. andersonemami.com Silver: Men’s Warehouse Bronze: Mr. Tux

Best Jewelry Store: Jewelry Design Center

We recognize that all of our patients are unique and deserve to receive dental care that reflects their individual needs. Our experienced and talented dental team is committed to working with you and your family to create a comfortable, stressfree, and rewarding dental experience every time you visit!

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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Not only does Jewelry Design Center carry the industry’s top brands for shoppers who known just what they’re looking for, the full-service store has a line of pieces designed inhouse and offers custom orders. The friendly staff aims at pleasing everyone who walks in the door and has been a go-to in the industry since 1977. jewelrydesigncenter.com Silver: Tracy Jewelers Bronze: Pounder’s Jewelry North Idaho: Clark’s Diamond Jewelers

Best Vitamins/Supplements Store: Super Supplements Everything you’re looking for within the realms of vitamins and

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minerals, supplements and protein powders, and herbs and homeopathy can be found inside Super Supplements. This one-stop-shop’s friendly and knowledgeable staff and extensive, name-brand product selection ensure your health needs stay on track. vitaminshoppe.com Silver: GNC Bronze: Mother’s Cupboard North Idaho: Pilgrim’s Market

Best Optical Shop: Cozza Optical For more than 20 years, Cozza Optical has been providing unmatched services in eyewear. This optical shop carries the latest styles in more than two dozen brand names, with options sure to fit any facial shape and fashion preference. Cozza Optical is your leader in eyewear with in-house lens-grinding services. cozzaoptical.com Silver: LensCrafters Bronze: Stahl Optical North Idaho: Visionworks

Best Skin Care: Rejuvenate Rx Rejuvenate Rx is your prescription for beautiful skin … they help improve your health with physician directed skin care and convenient medical care. Acne? That’s easy. Wrinkles? Yes. Botox and Juvederm? Of course. “You feel sick?” Solutions. Through medical expertise, collaboration, and education, they provide a healthy, nurturing, inclusive environment. rejuvenate-rx.com Silver: Azure Aesthetics Bronze: Ritual Skin Care Idaho: Highland’s Dayspa

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Hair Salon: 14th and Grand Whether you wish to make a bold statement or a subtle change, the team at 14th and Grand will create what you are looking for. Since opening their doors in 1985, continuing education has been at the heart of the salon. Whether it’s an individual in-house class or a trip to New York for cutting-edge instruction, their entire staff is kept technically, artistically, and professionally fresh and focused. 14thandgrandsalon.com Silver: Oasis Hair Salon Bronze: House of POp Idaho: Fratelli Salon

Best Spa: Spa Paradiso Spa Paradiso offers therapeutic massage and body treatments, complete spa and clinical skin care, eyelash extensions, Botox, Dysport and fillers, hand and foot care, waxing, and full-service hair care in an oasis of relaxation that exceeds expectations, stimulates creativity, and provides unbelievable moments in time— offering a world of wellness and a cure for the ordinary life. spaparadiso.com Silver: La Rive at Northern Quest Bronze: Brickhouse Massage & Coffee Bar Idaho: Zi Spa

Best Manicure: DB Nails From their E. Montgomery Ave. location in Spokane Valley, DB Nails beautifies your nails, top to bottom, offering manicures and pedicures in a relaxing atmosphere. Silver: Foxy Nails Bronze: Vida Nails Idaho: Polished Nails & Skin & Body Spa

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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Best Women's Clothing Boutique

Thank You Spokane

Best Burgers

Best Massage: Valente Chiropractic & Massage Valente Chiropractic believes that pain isn’t something you should have to live with. A friendly and helpful staff will make sure you feel comfortable. If doctor Valente believes your condition needs further treatment he will point you in the right direction. Chiropractic that truly cares about the patient. spokanechiropractic.com Silver: Brickhouse Massage & Coffee Bar Bronze: La Rive at Northern Quest Idaho: The Highlands

Best Sun Tanning: Sunny Buns Second only to a tropical vacation, the Sunny Buns team is the place to go for that sun-kissed look and feel. While you are there, you can freshen up your hair, nails, lashes and eyebrows. To complete the “vacation,” they provide massage services, as well. And they are much more affordable than a Hawaiian vacay. sunnybuns.com Silver: Coconutz Tanning Bronze: Palm Beach Tan Idaho: Beyond Bronze

Best Dentist: Brooke Cloninger, DDS Brooke Cloninger is Spokane’s poster professional for outstanding dental health and care. Her team is committed to providing the highest quality dental care in an environment that is relaxing and friendly. They offer a full range of both restorative and preventative dental services with a gentle touch and caring attitude. Silver: Aspen Dental Bronze: Harken Dental Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Dental Center


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Cosmetic Dentistry: Evergreen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry The doctors and entire team at Evergreen Cosmetic and Family Dentistry believe in providing the best quality family dental care in a fun and friendly environment. Licensed hygienists provide the best quality care possible. Each team member stays current with educational classes and are fully trained in the latest technology such as restorative hygiene and their Cavitron Jet System, which ultrasonically removes bacteria, plaque, and large tartar with ease. evergreencosmeticdentistry.com Silver: Ellingsen Paxton Orthodontics Bronze: Damon Orthodontics Idaho: Riverstone Dental Care

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Best Children’s Dentistry: The Kidds Place Their friendly staff of professionals prides themselves on making young patients feel comfortable within the dental office setting. They strive to create an environment that encourages preventive care from infancy through adolescence, that is child friendly, facilitates communication with families, respects privacy, encourages affection and promotes health. Early regular visits will build a trust that will help young children prepare for a lifetime of good dental check-ups. thekiddsplace.com Silver: Children’s Dental Village Bronze: The Children’s Choice Idaho: Pediatric Dental Care of North Idaho

Thank you Spokane!

Voted Best Chiropractors in Spokane.

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siciliachiropractic.net 611 W Garland Spokane, WA 99205 | 509-489-2883 OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Best Barber: The Man Shop If there is a wait when you arrive you’ll have access to many free amenities, including a pool table, darts, putting green, arcade games, popcorn, and a great selection of magazines. You can relax and watch sports on the big screen television before being seated in an oversized barber chair and being handed a remote to your own personal TV. Whether it is a “zero fade” or a “Mohawk,” their stylists can handle the job. themanshops.com Silver: Weldon Barber Bronze: Oasis Hair Salon Idaho: Bulwark Barber

Best Tattoo Parlor: Mom’s Custom Tattoo & Body Piercing Mom’s is a tattoo studio specializing in personal, one-of-a-kind tattoos and home to some of the areas only members of the Association of Professional Piercers. They are dedicated to giving you the safest and most comfortable piercing experience possible as well as taking care of any piercing needs you may have from troubleshooting problems to changing jewelry for you. momstattoo.net Silver: On the Level Bronze: Anchored Art Idaho: Inkwood Tattoo

Best Plastic Surgery: Dr. Kai Morimoto

Furry Family Members

Kaiulani Morimoto, MD, FACS is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. She offers many services including body contouring, blepharoplasty/brow lift, tummy tucks, breast augmentation, lifts, and reductions, tattoo removal, testosterone pellets therapy, Botox injections, and fillers. Dr. Morimoto continues to stay in the forefront of plastic surgery by attending many local, state, and national meetings and has been named Top Doctor consistently since 2008. kmplasticsurgery.com Silver: Plastic Surgery Northwest Bronze: Advanced Dermatology Idaho: Owlsey Plastic Surgery

Best Veterinarian: Garland Animal Clinic Taking care of your furry family members is the calling of each veterinarian at Garland Animal Clinic. Their knowledgeable care comes with more than 75 years of combined experience, ensuring your animal is in good hands no matter how simple or extensive the visit. garlandanimalclinic.com Silver: Cat’s Meow Bronze: Hunter Veterinary Clinic North Idaho: Lake City Pet Hospital

Best Dry Cleaner: Next Day Dry Cleaning

Best Furniture—Traditional: Tin Roof

Nobody has time to be rushing about town trying to track down a place to clean your garb, and then remember to track it down again several days later. Next Day Dry Cleaning came up with the brilliant idea to go all 21st century and cater to the insanely busy professional with pick up and drop off of dry cleaning. They also provide alterations and can clean just about any kind of fabric. nextdaydc.com Silver: Clark’s Cleaners Bronze: Scollard’s Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaning

This family-owned operation has been a fixture in Spokane’s community since 1945 and has received its fair share of local and national recognitions for its business and expansive showroom. Customers love Tin Roof ’s talented designers who help them choose traditional sets and single pieces to stylishly furnish any room. tinrooffurniture. com Silver: La-Zy Boy Furniture Galleries Bronze: Complete Suite Furniture North Idaho: Runge Furniture


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Making a House a Home

Best Furniture—Modern: Dania If you’re edging towards a modern look for inside your home or office, Dania is the place to go. The pieces here are of quality craftsmanship and follow a Scandinavianminimalistic style for just the right touch of character and ultimate function. daniafurniture.com Silver: Tin Roof Bronze: MOR North Idaho: Koerner Furniture

Best Furniture—Patio: Jacobs Custom Living Extend your living space to the outdoors with furnishings designed to weather the elements. From dining and bistro sets to sofa loungers and fire tables, Jacobs Custom Living carries collections that enhance any patio or backyard space, plus the expert advice to pull it all together. jacobscustomliving.com Silver: Spokane Fireplace & Patio Bronze: Big Lots! North Idaho: Wild West Log Furniture

Best Bedroom Furniture: Walker’s Furniture & Mattress Walker’s is a Pacific Northwest go-to for full-line home furnishings, great discounts and friendly service. Find bedroom sets in a variety of woods and finishes, often with ample storage, in styles from traditional to modern. The showroom is the ideal place to browse for ideas and deals and seek advice from the expert staff. walkersfurniture.com Silver: Dania Bronze: Ashely North Idaho: Walker’s Furniture

Best Mattress Shop: Mattress Firm

You won’t find anywhere better for deep discounts on new mattresses and bedding than Mattress Firm. Define your needs by brand, type, price range or comfort level, and the experienced staff will guide you to your mattress matches. A visit to Mattress Firm leads customers to a good night’s sleep. mattressfirm.com Silver: Northwest Bedding Bronze: Denver Mattress North Idaho: National Mattress

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r e c og n i t i on s TOP ATTORNEYS


OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Best Vintage Goods: Two Women Vintage Goods

Best Heating & Air: R&R Heating and Air Conditioning

Vintage and antique shoppers can’t possibly visit Two Women Vintage Goods without finding a must-have, one-of-a-kind piece to incorporate into their home décor. Owners Dianna and Fielding sell their own works of art at the shop, making this a favorite stop along gift-shopping excursions. And holiday-inspired shows are the perfect way to spruce up any seasonal set. twowomenvintagegoods.com Silver: Boulevard Marketplace Bronze: Veda Luxe North Idaho: Wiggett’s Marketplace

The experienced HVAC technicians and energy efficient experts of R&R Heating and Air Conditioning provide exceptional, value-driven service on every job. Between the wide range of maintenance and repair options and 24-hour service, this company is a nobrainer for all of your heating and air conditioning needs. randrheating.com Silver: Hurliman Heating and Air Conditioning Bronze: Sturm Heating and Air Conditioning North Idaho: Storm Mechanical

Best Garden Shop: Liberty Park Florist The expansive greenhouses at Liberty Park Florist are a must-visit when planning your spring and summer gardens. Committed to only the freshest quality plants, everything is grown right on site, from perennials to foliage plants, vegetable plants and so much more. Liberty Park is the leading source for allthings-gardening. libertyparkflorist.com Silver: Ritter’s Nursery Bronze: Northwest Seed and Pet North Idaho: VonHoff’s Garden Center




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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Security Systems: ADT Security The leader in home and business security systems, ADT has your back when you need it most. Their caring customer support and installation reps put your safety first, providing trustworthy service. ADT’s reliable, state-of-the-art technology equips clients with all the latest apps and gadgets for convenient control, accessible from miles away. adt. com Silver: Allied Security Bronze: Certified Security

Best Windows: McVay Brothers Siding & Windows Family-owned since 1933, McVay Brothers Siding & Windows has been outfitting homes around Washington and North Idaho with top-quality, durable and energy efficient windows. The company’s unbreakable commitment to customer service and professional work is a testament to its lengthy success in the industry. mcvaybrothers.com Silver: VPI Home Solutions Bronze: Cascade Windows North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Windows

Best Siding & Roofing: McVay Brothers Siding & Windows The experienced and professional team at McVay Brothers Siding & Windows make roofing and siding repairs and installations a seamless experience from start to finish. The company is committed to utilizing long-lasting and energyefficient steel panels and siding, worthy of boosting any home’s curb appeal. mcvaybrothers.com Silver: Jimmy’s Roofing Bronze: Morris Clark Siding & Roofing North Idaho: Roofing Northwest Inc.

s p e c i a l i z i n g i n s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t Providing the Most Innovative and Up-to-Date Eye Procedures Best Kitchen Design: Berry Built & Design The charismatic and experienced team of professional designers and craftsmen of Berry Built & Design help clients bring their dream kitchens to life, built from the ground up. The retail showroom gives just a glimpse to the endless possibilities for your exclusively designed kitchen. berrybd. com Silver: Affordable Custom Cabinets Bronze: Gina’s Design Center

Best Granite: RW Gallion Workmanship pride is the backbone of this leading granite company. From sinks and fireplaces to counters and floors, the high-quality granite collection includes colors and styles for any taste. RW Gallion’s keen eyes for detail and design help clients outfit some of the area’s most striking home interiors. rwgallion.com Silver: Mario & Son Bronze: Washington Stone North Idaho: Gargoyle Granite & Marble

Best Cabinets: Affordable Custom Cabinets You won’t find stock orders here. Affordable Custom Cabinets designs, crafts and installs cabinetry for any room of the home. The team flawlessly brings clients’ visions to reality, crafting remarkable custom pieces from a myriad of woods. Their professionalism and expert installation services leave each client in admiration of their new furnishings. affordablecustomcabinets. com Silver: N-Hance Bronze: Spokane Custom Cabinets North Idaho: Tapley Cabinet Works


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Best Architectural Firm: Copeland Architecture


Thank You

Over the past 25 years in the Spokane & Coeur d’Alene area, Copeland Architecture & Construction has become an award-winning leader in the design-build residential market providing clients an enjoyable custom home experience in new and remodel construction. More recently, Copeland has gained a reputation for intuitive and responsive commercial design services in office, retail, tenant improvement and hospitality projects throughout the Northwest. copelandarchitects.com Silver: Sam Rodell Architects Bronze: HDG Idaho: Architects West

Best Landscaping Design: Land Expressions

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Comprised of a team of landscape architects, designers, artists, craftsmen and construction managers since 1987, Land Expressions has been envisioning and building exceptional outdoor living and entertainment spaces for discerning homeowners, commercial building owners, developers, and creators of public space throughout the western states. landexpressions.com Silver: Barbara Safranek Landscape Design Bronze: Clearwater Summit Group Idaho: CDF Landscape Professionals

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

When Kerry and Lyla Henderson started Pool World in 1976, they had one goal in mind: build a business based on customer satisfaction. Pool World has grown to become the largest pool and spa business in the Inland Northwest. Their son Mark—now helping to lead the company—says, “We sell more than pools and spas, we

are in the business of giving people fun and relaxation.” poolworld.biz Silver: Northwest Spa and Pool Bronze: Apollo Spas

Best Paint Store: Sherwin-Williams

Women’s Networking

Helping people and businesses add color to their homes and lives for more than 150 years, it’s no wonder they’ve won gold again. They stick to their paintbrushes when they say: “Make the most of your color with the very best paint.” sherwin-williams.com Silver: Rodda Paint Bronze: Wahl Paint Center

Best Flooring Store: Great Floors What began as a road show through Idaho and Montana in the early 1970s with a carpet peddler selling wares from the back of his car has grown to prominence as one of the nations top specialty floor covering selling, as the name promises, Great Floors though 16 retail and commercial showrooms positioned across the Pacific Northwest. greatfloors.com Silver: Carpet One Bronze: United Floor Covering North Idaho: Accent Floors

Best Plumbing: Gold Seal Plumbing Since the company was founded in 1967, quality plumbing in residential, multi-family, and light commercial have always been a priority, and they plumb more houses, apartments and light commercial buildings than any other firm (and they have cute kids, too). goldsealplumbing.com Silver: Bulldog Rooter Bronze: Mr. Rooter Idaho: Always Available & Affordable Plumbing

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Best Closet Storage Systems: California Closets For more than three decades California Closets has built a reputation as a leader in premium and luxury space-management, delivering custom products and unparalleled service. They help transform spaces and allow people to get more out of their homes—and do more in their everyday lives. californiaclosets.com Silver: Cabinet Systems Bronze: Closet Guys

Icing on the Cake of Life Best Florist: Liberty Park Florist & Greenhouse

Great City Center Location— walk to countless restaurants, the downtown shopping area and Riverfront Park Complimentary hot breakfast bar Indoor parking garage

Since 1928, Liberty Park Florist & Greenhouse has been a steadfast and wellloved local business, excelling in providing clients with a wide selection of beautiful floral arrangements for any occasion. The kind staff and expert floral designers make sure each arrangement is just as special as the last. libertyparkflorist.com Silver: Rose and Blossom Bronze: Appleway Florist North Idaho: Hansen’s Florist & Gifts

Best Gifts: Simply Northwest Stop by the shop, opt for a local delivery or ship worldwide—this is the queen bee of Northwest gift collections. Gift baskets are packed with all the essential treats, souvenirs range candies to coasters, and there’s plenty of local love spanning from handmade wooden sign décor to huckleberry-flavored everything. simplynorthwest.com Silver: Boo Radley Bronze: Atticus North Idaho: Mix It Up

Best Toy Shop: The White Elephant 33 W. Spokane Falls Blvd Spokane, WA 99201


bwcitycenter.com 92

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

This surplus store has been in the community since 1946, with its colorful exterior and wide-ranging selection of goods. Sure, you can find hunting, fishing, boating and camping gear here—toys for the adults—but kids are especially fond of

the extensive children’s toy selection. Find all the popular names, classic games and unique treasures. whiteelephantstores.com Silver: Whiz Kids Bronze: Boo Radley North Idaho: Figpickel’s Toy Emporium

Best Framing Shop: The Great Frame Up When it comes to framing your treasured artwork and photos, an artistic eye in design and precision is vital to ensure your piece is perfectly complemented. The professionals at The Great Frame Up do exactly that. With an endless assortment of colors, textures, widths and finishes, your custom framework is guaranteed to impress. spokane.thegreatframeup.com Silver: Spokane Gallery Custom Framing Bronze: William Grant Gallery & Framing

Getting Banked Best Credit Union: STCU STCU, established in 1934 by local teachers who operated inside of a Lewis and Clark High School classroom, has grown to 21 branch locations with 600 employees. The credit union helps members reach their business and personal goals through loans and is a prime example of a community partnership. stcu.org Silver: Numerica Credit Union Bronze: Spokane Federal Credit Union North Idaho: Icon Credit Union

Best Bank: Washington Trust Bank A favorite for personal and business banking, not to mention wealth management, Washington Trust Bank’s friendly staff has been making locals feel at home inside their branches since 1902. The financial institution’s community involvement shines through with its Watrustology campaign, lending helping hands around the city. watrust.com Silver: INB Bronze: Banner Bank North Idaho: Mountain West

Congratulations! Dr. Kai Morimoto was voted

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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

And Baked Best Cannibis Retailer: Cinder Cinder is the place to go for all of your recreational marijuana and accessory needs, with knowledgeable staff to help guide your selection. Its extensive lineup of strains and varieties adhere to high-quality standards and are sourced from only the best local growers. cindersmoke.com Silver: Satori Bronze: Green Star

Licensed to Drive Best New Car Dealership: Larry H. Miller Downtown Toyota With something for every taste and need, Larry H. Miller provides a full line of sales and services dedicated to their customers. From Toyota auto repairs performed by expert mechanics, to OEM Toyota auto parts, to car loans, Larry H. Miller Toyota Spokane is the smart choice for your automotive needs … and in a brandnew showroom and service center, too. larryhmillertoyotaspokane.com Silver: Wendle Motors Bronze: Dishman Dodge Idaho: Dave Smith Motors

Best Used Car Dealership: Wendle Motors A family owned and operated business since 1943, Wendle Motors is committed to serving the automotive needs of the Inland Northwest by creating an atmosphere of trust, respect, and ethical values for their employees, customers, and community. They strive to provide quality customer service every step of the way, from selling you a vehicle to maintaining it. It is their goal to exceed your buying expectations. wendle. com Silver: Larry H. Miller Toyota Downtown Spokane Bronze: Jennifer’s Idaho: Dave Smith Motors

Best Motorcycle Dealer: Lonewolf Harley Davidson Opened in May 2008, they have grown every year since. In 2010, they purchased a

neighboring Harley dealership. In 2011 they merged the two dealerships into the current location in Spokane Valley. Starting in 2015, they opened the Riding Academy. They are recognized as one of the largest Harley-Davidson dealerships in the country with the best selection of new and used Harley-Davidson motorcycles, general merchandise, riding gear, clothing, parts and accessories. lonewolfh-d.com Silver: Westside Motorsports Bronze: Empire Cycle North Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Powersports

Best Auto Repair: Mechanics Pride Tire & Automotive This full-service auto repair group specializes in all aspects of auto repair including: general maintenance, brakes, alignments, suspension work, engine and transmission overhauls, as well as a wide selection of wheels and tires. No one loves to spend time and money on auto repairs, so the team at Mechanics Pride makes it a priority to ensure you feel as comfortable and confident as possible. usmechanicspride.com Silver: European Autohaus Bronze: Hopkin’s Automotive Idaho: SilverLake Automotive

Best Auto Body Shop: DAA Northwest When you need collision repair or vehicle services, you want your car or truck back as soon as possible. And you need to trust that quality parts and products are being used to fix it right the first time. DAA invests in the latest technologies and uses the very best equipment and materials. Their people are highly trained and certified in their fields of expertise. They work with all vehicle insurance companies and handle the insurance paperwork for you. They also guarantee our collision repair work for the life of the vehicle, as long as you own it. daaautobody.com Silver: Flash’s Auto Body Bronze: City South Idaho: Gerber Collision

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Montvale Event Center


OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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Our focus is on our clients’ needs and to listen to their desires. We are a comprehensive, full-service design firm working on complete original interior design concepts, blueprint review, and remodeling. Our team can work in all styles of design and we believe great interior design is a pathway that is not only beautiful, but functional, and creates a synergy and balance within our lives.

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by Diane Corppetts


hose amazing cool crisp days are upon us, making it a perfect time to decorate your porch to reflect the bountiful season.

Some Ideas: 1. Choose items to place on your porch that will complement your personal design style. 2. Take advantage of the flowers that bloom best in autumn. Mums, asters, ornamental cabbage and pansies are a few favorites. 3. Add in those adorable pumpkins, corn husks, hops vines or other natural elements. 4. Wrap up in a blanket, grab a warm beverage and head onto your porch in the evening to stargaze and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Find more porch photos, decorating ideas, and other DIY projects at whitepicketfence.co. Autumn porch provided by: Robert and Beth Fairfax

Vintage Autumn 100









and Crafty


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


photos and story by Joni Elizabeth

Modern Farmhouse Decor on a Budget 100

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017


ive Mile Prairie in north Spokane beckons with scenic fall perfection. Farmers’ fields shine golden, roadside stands offer home grown produce and craft fairs and vintage sales spring up in the old Grange Hall. A modern victorian home tucked in the lower end of the hill echoes fall festivities

inside and out. Maples and a dogwood await the paint of the autumnal pallete, at which point the trees will blend with the brick accents of the home. Inside an array of decor set against a clean backdrop composes a fresh modern farmhouse vibe ingeniously balancing clean and calm with personality and creativity. Visuals suggest West

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Elm catalog or a Pottery Barn shopping spree, but the chief decorator (and co-owner) of the home takes a more personal approach to gathering the elements of her decor. “I like to decorate on a budget, and think of how to do it creatively,” Shannon says. “I don’t decorate just to fill a spot. I will wait until I find it at a good deal. I kind of like the hunt.” She points out several well-timed purchases from Craigslist, a common hunting ground. DIY projects


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


are also interspersed throughout the home. Sometimes, it’s a combination of the two, like the chandelier in the front room that involved a Craigslist recruit and some self design. Shannon had spied—and immediately fell in love with—a massive iron chandelier set with Edison bulbs in a catalog. She immediately envisioned the chandelier hanging in her high-ceiling home, but the retail price left Shannon cringing. She began to plot a way to create, rather than purchase, a similar piece.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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A Craigslist ad for a welder led Shannon to Morgan’s Wood, who proved a perfect partner. Customizing the project allowed Shannon to fit the chandelier to the specifications of the room, the end result being the “statement piece of the home,” according to Shannon. Though the projects aren’t always as massive, the effects are large. Botanical prints, a stylish wall


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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Show us this ad and we'll pay the sales tax on your purchase. OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


garnish these days, can add up when purchased from a retailer. Shannon found a free set of prints online and set them in dollar store white frames, adding matting to enhance the effect. The mantle above the white brick fireplace showcases more DIY success: miniature olive trees alongside candleholders constructed of pipe and plumbing attachments. It’s not just Shannon, but rather a DIY duo who have stamped the home with its


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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current class and character. Shannon’s husband J.D., a finance professor at Gonzaga University, has no problem hitting the books (or digital sources) to educate himself on home carpentry. He began with a cedar shelf affixed with plumbing attachments in the front room, housing the projector that serves as the family’s primary television and makes their home a favorite for game days.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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The Morschecks have admirably found ways to weave meaning into their stylish arrangements with personalized details. Twelve black and white framed photos create a clean gallery in the front room, freezing special moments of the family of five. Each bedroom carries the same level of personality. Among his other talents, J.D. is also an arborist, and the family still owns a tree business in Reno, Nevada. The roots in this business run deep (pun intended) and


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017



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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


an antique pruner from Shannon’s great grandpa became the perfect curtain rod, thus anchoring the arborist and woodsy theme in the nursery. The motif stretches to adjacent walls, one covered in barn wood and another outfitted with rustic shelves hanging by rope and a faux fireplace mantle, a consignment find. Next door, Gwyneth’s room emulates the girly passion and dreams of the 10-year-old. Furniture sourced from multiple Craigslist purchases, including a large stand-up clock,


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


blends seamlessly together after a synonymous coat of white paint. Paper flowers in vases and hanging blooms add bursts of feminine color. Vintage sale finds, like the artful glass antique perfume bottles carefully selected by Gwyneth and purchased with her own money, personalize the space. A single chandelier, a Farm Chicks purchase a while back, adds the sparkle. A floor below in the master suite, the couple sectioned off the single long room by


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Best Landscape Design

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

adding a partial wall and barn doors, setting off a space that once served as a nursery and is now an office. A clean white pallete echoed from

e than just We have mor isit our V Gift Baskets! find the to p ho S l Retai me decor. ho perfect gifts &

other living spaces within the home anchors a peaceful vibe, while carefully selected pieces of rustic furniture and natural greens

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


providing subtle pops of color. Calvin, age 5, has a lower level room celebrating the family’s history in sports. Locker bins provide fun themed storage. Rustic shelves supported by plumbing


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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www.japan2spokane.com hardware, another J.D. creation, house framed sepia-toned photos of family athletes through generations, like Shannon’s grandpa playing football for the Reno Aces and images from her husband’s career at WSU. Antique sports equipment and number

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

42s, a shout-out to J.D.’s former athletic number, weave between the nostalgic photos. A narrow space in the room leads to the far wall, which Shannon originally thought might be perfect for a desk. J.D., however, went to bat for his son and the game plan did not stick. “My husband said, ‘Don’t you dare. I got a desk once for Christmas. Do you think I ever sat down and just wrote?” says, Shannon, laughing. J.D. ended up building a basketball hoop, the rustic backboard twinning the headboard, to fill the space. While some rooms reflect individuality, other spaces are built more on community. “We’re not formal dining room people. I want to be with people,” Shannon says. So they set the dining room table in the living room space, adjacent to the kitchen and separated only by a half wall, rather than the more isolated formal dining space. As a bonus, fireside meals are an option in cooler months as the table is set near a gas fireplace. More casual dining and an ample amount of crafting takes place at a bistro table in a nook off the kitchen. Shannon, an avid baker who used to run her own baking business in Pullman, has a platter of fresh apple muffins on the dining table.

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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Just outside, the newest addition to the home beckons for a cozy fall gathering. J.D. spent his summer building a deck, complete with a pergola. Strands of white lights stretch above a farmhouse table for 10, extending to a seating area on the far side. A lone swing adds whimsy and splits the space in two.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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After Shannon struggled to find the perfect outdoor couch, J.D. came to the rescue to construct a piece that would match cushions she had purchased. The couple also realized the deck could become hot during sunny months, and needed to find a way to enclose the space. Instead of purchasing formal curtains to span the deck, Shannon opted to bleach painter drop cloths and secure them with twine. Whether in the kitchen, crafting, or scouring a Craigslist find (even if it needs a little love and rescuing), creativity seems to eminate from Shannon. So much so she started a blog as an outlet to detail creative endeavors.

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Learn more about Shannon’s artistic projects and recipes on her blog at ladyslittleloves.com An avid traveler, Joni Elizabeth constantly snaps photos to document inspiring architecture and design. Writing about such spaces melds Joni’s love for design and decor with that of sharing an individual’s story, as she believes spaces are often a small reflection of the owner. She’s also convinced no space is complete without a dog.

Mon-Fri | 7:30 - 5:30

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



A Design Phenomenon


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Build What You Need Smaller buildings save materials and energy by Sylvia Dunn

What is up

with all the Mid-century Modern architecture, furniture and dĂŠcor popping up everywhere? We all know that styles are cyclical and, of course, the world of interior design is not exempt. Right now, Mid-centuryModern design is making a comeback and, for good reason. What is it about this MCM aesthetic phenomenon that keeps us coming back for more over half a century later? And, if we want to embrace it, how can we best work the style into our interiors while still following design principles? Mid-century Modern describes an era of style and design that began in the mid-1940s and continued into the mid-1960s. It became popular after World War II, when a weak economy forced consumers to downsize and simplify their lives. This simplification led to functional furnishings with clean, geometric lines and minimalistic construction balanced with highintensity colors such as avocado, mustard and citrus orange. The goal of designers at that time was to create something that did the job with the least amount of materials. Functionality was the goal, with beauty and elegance. Furnishings of the era took on a life of their own as American designers experimented with traditional materials and state-of-the-art substances developed for use during the war. That meant mixing new plastics, resin, metal composites, laminates and fiberglass with natural materials and different shapes giving us beautiful, new interior products. Think of egg or molded chairs, bubble or tri-pod lamps, tulip tables, and geometric-shaped, low-slung furniture. Each piece had a function and lines were clean and simple. While Mid-century design has come

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The time to sell has never been better.

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back in waves of popularity since then, nothing compares to what is happening today. This style is more popular than ever and is being embraced by a whole new generation. One theory is that stressed-out consumers are nostalgic for simpler times. They long for yesteryear and the furnishings that surround it. Another possible reason for the MCM resurgence is the decline in quality of mainstream furnishings over the past three or four decades. Frustrated, we began looking back to Mid-century Modern for


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

inspiration. It represents well-made, sturdy, functional yet attractive design. Because they are so well made, original Mid-century furnishings can be found in excellent condition in antique and thrift stores, at estate sales and on the Internet. But there is also a demand for new products that reflect Mid-century Modern characteristics from people of all ages. Repurposed or new, Mid-century modern today has developed into a “classic” style. If you’re among those captivated by this streamlined and minimalistic style, there are simple ways to incorporate these touches into your home. Select only a few MCM key pieces per room to keep the look interesting and varied. Too many and you might feel like you’ve stepped back in time. Pairing these pieces with contemporary and industrial elements will bridge the time. Add just a pop to an accent wall with bold, geometric wallpaper or archival paint color. Find unique period furniture at thrift stores or estate sales and reupholster it if necessary. How about some vintage accessories such as an aqua toaster for the kitchen, a macramé wall

hanging in the living room or a classic Remington clock to display as an accent piece? A tripod floor or table lamp with a vintage edge might be a perfect piece to anchor a room. There are many choices for new lamps today that give a nod to MCM. Remember bright colors are a must, either in the main furniture or in accent pieces. Mid-Century rooms featured warm colors in popular orange and brown fabrics and prominent warm wood detail (think of paneled walls). To update the look, try mixing in some cooler colors. Elements like gray walls, cool blue in the artwork or upholstery and black accents can all help offset the warm colored wood found in many MCM pieces. This will modernize a space with vintage flair. Something as simple as layering a real or faux cowhide on the floor or sheepskin on a chair adds a natural element and interesting texture to the mix. Look to Pinterest and Houzz for inspiration. Shop your favorite retail store and you will find elements of MCM everywhere. But, most importantly, use colors, furniture and accessories you adore—without trying to follow any one aesthetic. After all, a passion for design is what Mid-Century Modern was all about. Sylvia Dunn is founder and owner of Home Staging Works, Inc. which partners with many of the region’s most successful realtors, builders and developers. She also teaches Staging and Redesign Certification classes, helping others start up their own careers and companies. homestagingworks.com

Custom Bouquets (509) 922-6300 | find us on facebook 21950 E. Country Vista Dr. | STE 500, Liberty Lake

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


REAL ESTATE/mid-century

Different types of loans have different credit requirements. Some loans require you to have a credit score of at least 620, although it is possible (with some difficulty) to be approved for a loan with a credit score as low as 580. But getting loan approval is only part of the story.

Better Credit, Better Rate

House Hunting and Credit: What you Need to Know

By now

it is something of a cliche to call homeownership the American dream. But even if sitting on your own deck, looking over your picket fence and sipping lemonade doesn’t move you, homeownership is still one of the best ways to build wealth. For many, owning a home is cheaper than renting and, in the long run, the biggest investment they will ever make. It’s also a practical financial move, because you’re likely building equity while getting a mortgage interest tax break. So although it is perfectly fine to dream about backyard barbecues and the smell of freshcut grass, the path to owning your own home should also involve taking the time to do some financial sightseeing. As a leader in creating credit scoring models, VantageScore Solutions has made it a priority to educate consumers on the important role a good credit history plays in buying a home. Whether you’re about to set out to buy your first home or if you are getting ready to sell and buy another home, here are the basics of how credit impacts the home-buying process.

Basics If you are like most people, you will probably need to take out a loan. If you are able to pay cash for your home instead, count yourself among the lucky few. A major factor in taking out a loan involves your credit history and credit score. You must prove to lenders that you can be a responsible borrower and can be trusted with a mortgage of many thousands of dollars. A strong credit score may provide proof of this trustworthiness. 132

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Home loans come in all shapes and sizes. Some are fixed-interest mortgages, some have adjustable rates or longer terms and the list of variables goes on. Just like anything else, some loans are better for you than others. To get the loan that has the lowest interest rate, which right now is around 4 percent, usually requires a higher credit score. Rates can be considerably higher when you have a lower credit score, and you’ll significantly more money over the life of the loan. A higher credit score demonstrates that you are skilled at managing debt and have a history of responsibly paying back many types of loans. Therefore, the lender is taking on less risk when lending you money. The less risk for them, the better the interest rate for you. While there are, of course, more nuances to the process, your credit score plays an instrumental role in determining the type of loan you may qualify for. Therefore, before you go to your first open house, check your credit score to better understand the factors that typically impact your scores. Many websites provide free access to your VantageScore, which is a perfectly fine barometer to use to directionally gauge your creditworthiness. Mortgage lenders use FICO scores in their underwriting. You can stay on top of things by subscribing to the monthly credit scoring newsletter, The Score. In The Score, you can find information on VantageScore 4.0, the fourth-generation scoring model that will be available to consumers in early 2018. Knowing your credit history and understanding the factors that could impact your credit score will help you plan, budget and come up with a realistic wish list for your house.

Nancy Wynia

Associate Broker ABR, CNE, CRS, GRI 800-403-1970 | 509-990-2742 nwynia@windermere.com




3327 S. MANITO BLVD. Stunning Manito Blvd Colonial boasts impeccable updates throughout. Gorgeous formal living room features hardwood floors & FP. Formal dining room with picturesque window. New epicurean island kitchen with state of the art amenities leads to covered patio. Restful master bedroom boasts new bath, double closets and built-ins. Sought after 4 bedrooms on upper level. Lower level includes media, family room, guest suite & 2 new baths. Tranquil backyard. 6 Bedrooms, 4 Baths










3015 S. HIGH DRIVE Stunning home boasts territorial views. Impeccable updates throughout leave barely a surface untouched bringing home into the new millennium. Oversized formal living room features floor to ceiling windows and fireplace. Formal dining room includes inlaid hardwood floors. Cook's island kitchen with granite counters, stainless steel appliances including Wolf gas cook top. Former patio now a kitchen eating nook. Restful master bedroom with new bath walk-in closet and built-ins. Lower level includes family room, BR, BA, laundry & storage. Tranquil backyard, RV parking. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $645,000

711 E. 28TH AVE Gorgeous 1 1/2 Story located just off Rockwood Blvd. Spacious formal living room with fireplace. Formal dining room boasts hardwood floors & corner china hutches. Country kitchen adjoins family room with wet bar. Upper level master bedroom with five closets, second bedroom & bath. Entertaining sized deck overlooks enchanting backyard. Oversized 2-car garage with overhead storage, amazing shop and covered 2-car carport. Gas forced air furnace, A/C & gas hot water. New roof on house & garage in May, 2017. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $399,900











4011 E. LINCOLN RD. Mint condition double wide sited on 9.5 acres near Mount St. Michael's . Formal living & dining rooms. Spacious island kitchen with double ovens. Family room features gleaming hardwood floors & fireplace. Main floor Master & utilities. Lower level includes daylight walkout rec. room with pellet stove, 3 hobby/office rooms. Garden spot with raised beds. Fruit orchard. Oversized 2-Story barn with new roof. Zoned for horses. Public water & natural gas. All appliances stay. 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths $299,000

523 W. 26TH AVE. Stunning Cannon Hill Bungalow sited on tree lined street. Gorgeous hardwood floors. Formal living room with gas fireplace adjoining formal dining room. Updated kitchen features slab granite counters, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinetry & tile floors. Fresh interior paint. Lower level boasts family room, bath, laundry and possible 3rd bedroom. Radon mitigated. Close to parks, school, shopping and downtown. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths $299,000

825 S. MONTAVILLA DRIVE One Owner Rancher 2 blocks from Indian Canyon Golf Course. Custom quality throughout. Oversized living room features floor to ceiling fireplace. Kitchen with eating bar adjoins entertaining deck. Master bedroom boasts double door closet & built-ins. Lower level with spacious rec/hobby room, bath & storage. Enchanting secret garden yard. Recent updates include newer roof, furnace & A/C. Garage with golf cart parking. Close to Whittier Park. Easy access to downtown & airport. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths $269,000







4421 N. ASHTON ROAD Otis Orchards mint condition manufactured home sited on just over 2 acres. Formal living & dining rooms. Oversized island kitchen. Separate master suite. Family room with pellet stove. Public water & gas. Covered patio. Park-like backyard with garden beds. Barn & shop perfect for horses. 3 barn st alls & additional stalls in shop. Fenced & cross fenced. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths $229,000


8122 E. GRACE AVE Charming one-story features many updates including newer windows, bath, gas furnace, hot water tank. Enchanting backyard with mature shade trees. Fenced front & back yards. Room for garage & shop. Buyer to assume CFR sewer assessment. 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath






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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

Career Shift Jen Ballantyne, 64


by Darin Burt

en Ballantyne has experienced firsthand the challenges that come with providing care and guidance for aging parents. Her mother’s six-year journey with Alzheimer’s disease inspired her to go to law school, to help others who travel the same path. When Ballantyne’s mother passed away in 2006, she left her longtime business career, moving from Dallas, Texas, to attend Gonzaga Law. She was 58 when she picked up her books, and 61 at graduation. “I had an epiphany that people who have this challenge (Alzheimer and other issues related to aging), become very, very vulnerable and need a lot of assistance, advocacy and protection,” Ballantyne says. “My youngest son had just finished law school, and I asked him if he thought I could handle it at my ripe old age. He thought I would do great. It was hard to do at that age—I didn’t have the stamina or pc skills that my young classmates did—but it was who I wanted to be. “Law school, like college, for a lot of people, is discovering what interests them—I was always single-minded about it,” Ballantyne says. Ballantyne honed her skills working for Gonzaga’s legal assistance center and a local elder law firm. She further develop expertise


in senior legal issues through membership in the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and its Washington chapter, as well as the Washington and Spokane County Bar Associations, and through board membership for the Senior Action Network of Eastern Washington and volunteer work with the Alzheimer’s Association and Wills Clinics for First Responders and Veterans. As the sole attorney at Estates and Elders Law PLLC, Ballantyne focuses on assisting clients with legal documents—wills, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives, which indicate end-of-life care instructions. Ballantyne prepares paperwork with an eye toward longterm needs and preserving assets so clients have the necessary funds to pay for care. For those without the savings or insurance to cover those care costs, Ballantyne helps with creating a “winning application” for Medicare benefits and clearing any hurdles that may be in the way. “It’s really interesting work, and it’s really the peace of mind business, because families are often over a barrel,” Ballantyne says. “It’s a lot to deal with for people, and all of the changes can be very difficult—the issues, a lot of time in elder law, are legal issues, but there are also social issues and the need to make sure that people’s concerns and questions are answered,” she says. “That’s the part of the job I really like. “I could really be a great advocate for my mom now, but I didn’t know all of this stuff then. There’s a lot of satisfaction in being able to help people like my mom and families like ours to avoid having such a tough go of it—I can’t believe how much I love this work. At the end of the day, I can count on my fingers how many people I’ve helped and it’s gratifying.”








Trekking Through the Ages Linda Petersen, 73

by Darin Burt

Linda Petersen

discovered a passion for backpacking in her forties. We’re not talking about walking some paved trail along the river—her very first trek was the legendary Appalachian Trail with a 50-pound pack on her back. She’s also hiked Utah’s High Uintas Wilderness and the mountains of Northern Idaho. Her hiking adventures came to a halt in 2007 as she faced medical and health setbacks for the following eight years: both knees and hips replaced, a shoulder replaced, breast cancer, emergency appendectomy, and hernia repair. No more hiking—and barely any walking as she relied on a walker and a cane. The lack of mobility put extra weight on Petersen, and her diabetes worsened. “I wasn’t able to gain all my strength back before I had another surgery,” Petersen says. But she wasn’t content to sit. Three years ago she started exercising at the YMCA, and that’s where she met trainer Tim Brummett. With his workout instruction, she was able to regain her balance with walking exercises in Brumett’s Senior Functional Fitness class. Petersen changed to a healthier diet after her blood sugar started rising and affecting her diabetes. By eating better and continuing her workouts five days a week, she was able to lose 60 pounds. “With the workouts, I gained a lot of muscle,” she says. “I feel good!” Others have noticed the change. “I have a friend who was waiting for me to adjust the backseat of my car the other day. I was bent over trying to get the seat back up, and she said, ‘Linda, what happened to your butt? Every time I see you it’s smaller.’” With renewed strength, Petersen is hitting the trails again. She now uses trekking poles to


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

help with balance, and instead of a backpacking tent that she’d have to crawl into, she has a much more comfortable shelter with a sixfoot ceiling. Last spring, Petersen felt confident enough to go camping by herself in the Four Corners, where Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado meet in a remote area of the of the Southwest amid spectacular scenery. For seniors, especially women, who’ve become sedentary but would like to improve their physical condition, Petersen’s advice is to avoid getting discouraged if results don’t happen overnight, but to “keep active and keep at it.” And that’s exactly what Petersen intends to do. She has another trip to the Four Corners planned—this time she’ll be exploring the ancient ruins of the Anasazi Indians. “I don’t want to sit at home for the rest of my life,” she says. “I want to get out and continue adventuring.”

Inspiring & Empowering Kids Larry Moran, 71

by Darin Burt

Insure and ensure

are words that often get confused. For Larry Roman, owner of Moranco & Associates, the terms that go hand-in-hand—to insure, to make sure clients have coverage to protect their businesses and employees; and to ensure, as in provide the means for local school-age kids to achieve their goals through the assistance of the Moran Education Foundation. “Honestly, the more we help, the better our business does. It totally changes your priorities,” says Moran, whose insurance agency deals primarily with lawyer’s professional liability policies and employer health benefits, and whose foundation has helped hundreds of kids at Rogers and North Central and several schools in the Yakima Valley. Moran, born and raised on a dairy farm north of Chatteroy, earned a degree in education from Whitworth and taught math and science at Mead High School for 11 years. In his mid40s, Moran switched careers and got into the insurance field, which he found more stimulating and rewarding. “There’s satisfaction in providing good service—that’s how you retain a client,” Moran says. Since 2011, the Moran Education Foundation has been partnering with communities and schools to satisfy requests for shoes, clothing, food, and basic life assistance. These organizations have specially trained counselors and teachers who use their professional discretion to determine which students need the most help. A student’s needs are addressed immediately, with no paperwork or bureaucracy. “Our main goal is to keep kids in school; once they drop out it’s tough to get them back,” Moran says. “We’ve never said no.” Moran proudly points out a photo in his office of a teenage girl in a purple dress, entered

in the pageant to become a Lilac Festival princess. The foundation helped her buy the dress. She achieved her dream, and won a full-ride scholarship to Gonzaga. Often, athletics are the magnet that keeps kids in school. As many sports programs are “pay to play,” Moran buys gear for young athletes who could not otherwise afford to be part of a team. The foundation supplied uniforms for the wrestling team at Toppenish High School. The Wildcats went on to win back-to-back state titles. “When they stepped onto the floor, they owned it,” says Moran, who was made an honorary member of the team and now has a pair of shiny championship rings in his office. Moran keeps an “honor roll” of those he’s helped, and recently put on a celebration dinner for North Central and Rogers students who were first in their family to graduate from high school—70 graduates, along with their families and the teachers who inspired them to reach their goals, were in attendance.

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


PRIME/not dead yet

by Dennis Held

SPOKANE IS IN A TIME of great change. We’re getting younger, a bit more progressive, and dare I say it—maybe even a little more diverse, racially and politically. And all change is unsettling, even positive growth. So maybe it’s time to stand back for a second and take a hard look at who we are, who we have been in the past, and who we want to be. And come up with a cicic slogan that reflects those things. Spokane is a rough-cut city, still in its adolescence, in some ways. We’re one of the youngest cities to be built in America, and sprang up almost out of whole cloth. Incorporated with about 1,000 citizens in 1881, it grew to almost 40,000 people by 1900, and then more than doubled to 100,000 by 1910. Of course, those were the immigrants. In olden times, the area was inhabited by Salishspeaking people, whose way of life was destroyed with the coming of the white man. Two different smallpox epidemics struck the Native people in this area before white settlement, and decimated the population. By 1908, dams had disrupted the annual salmon runs that fed Native people and was the center of their spiritual and cultural life. Fast-forward to today: not that much of a trip, really, just 100 years or so. Spokane is still a predominantly white, conservative town, with very little racial diversity. It’s changing, yes, but there are reasons that brown-skinned people haven’t settled in Spokane in the numbers they have settled elsewhere in the West. People of color have simply not been made to feel welcome here. That includes the people who were here before whites arrived, the Native people. And the recent racist vandalism at the Salish School shows that we still have a long ways to go.


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That’s changing, here in Spokane as in the rest of the world. People of color are speaking out, asking for—and in some cases, demanding—racial justice and equal opportunity. Women are speaking out against the abuses they’ve been forced to endure. The justice system is in the midst of reform, here in Spokane and elsewhere, though much work remains to be done, especially within the nation’s police departments. Like most people who love this odd, hard-bitten little city, I take delight in some of the rougher corners, the unsanded and unvarnished exchanges I have with people whose lives are lived so close to the bone. There’s an honesty and sincerity in Spokane that some people mock as “unsophisticated,” but I find refreshingly real. Recently, Visit Spokane announced a new branding campaign for Spokane based on the slogan, “Creative By Nature.” While it’s admittedly better than “Near Nature, Near Perfect,” it isn’t exactly the freshest bouquet in the flower shop, shall we say. I’m sure good people spent good money with good intentions to come up with this new slogan, but it looks and feels like something that was created by a committee, which is usually the case in such matters. And that’s the problem. What you often wind up with is the least offensive offering possible, something so bland and forgettable that no one could object to it. Well, I object. Here’s my offering, as rendered in a 30-second TV commercial. Start with an establishing shot of a man flyfishing in a river. He’s bringing in a rainbow trout, which he releases without touching the fish, then stands up straight and smiles,

starting his next cast. (It’s Tod Marshall, the state’s poet laureate, who lives in Peaceful Valley, is an avid fly fisherman, and sometimes fishes the river. Facts matter!) Anyway, the camera wheels around him, and shows how close he is to downtown, with the arch of the Monroe Street Bridge framing it all. A voice asks, “Would you believe—Spokane?” followed by lots of big-city shots: the symphony, great cutting-edge restaurants, visual art on First Friday, packed to the rafters poetry readings full of young people. Then, the resonant but friendly voice says, “Spokane: Believe It.” Final shot of big-city amenities and the roaring falls and nearby outdoor megabeauty, and—cut. It’s an appeal to locals: join the side you’re on. Believe in Spokane. And it’s a call to anyone who wants something to believe in, a place to invest their best moments in, a place large enough to have the culture we need, and small enough to be changed, for the better. The whole “would you believe Spokane?” thing is an acknowledgment that most Seattleites, and most of the country for that matter, still thinks of us as a quaint but backwards community. That may have been true, at one point, but it isn’t any more, and it’s changing by the day. Let’s help be the agent of that change. We can start with a better city slogan. You can use mine for free. Anybody else out there believe in Spokane?

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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


PRIME/raising grandchildren

Raising Noah– When Grandma is the Mommy


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017


by Tamara K. Williams

rand-parenting is supposed to be the reward for the sleepless nights you stood over your babies, watching them—just to make sure they were breathing. Or the bonus from those years spent worrying whether your child’s development was progressing at the normal rate. It’s where you’re supposed to land after making it over the high jump of toomany-anxious nights waiting up for your sometimes rebellious, often angry, and overly dramatic teenager because they missed their curfew. It’s the last laugh and the payback we’ve been waiting for when our kids have kids, and are finally getting what’s coming to them for what they put us through. We get to love them and then give them back. Sometimes.

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


PRIME/raising grandchildren

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

An article published by The Gerontologist in 1997 counted the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren in the United States. The findings were astounding. According to the article, more than 10 percent of grandparents had been the primary caregiver for a grandchild six months or longer. A 2016 report on PBS NewsHour stated that child welfare officials report drug addiction, especially to opioids, to be the leading cause behind recent jumps in this number. It is estimated that 2.4 million people were addicted to opioids in 2016 and the numbers are rising at an alarming rate. According to NewsHour, 2.7 million American grandparents are raising grandchildren, up 7 percent from 2009. For Michelle Lobdell, 47, owner of “Body by Michelle,” a fitness studio in downtown Spokane, the numbers only indicate what she already knows: Opioid drug use is at epidemic proportions, affecting every demographic with its destructive availability. Lobdell discovered she was going to be a first-time grandparent shortly after attaining empty nest status with her husband Rocky. The news was met with joy but also some trepidation. “Amy* was just 22. I knew she was in an unhealthy relationship but I didn’t realize how bad it was until much later,” Lobdell says. She was soon to find out when after Noah’s* birth, CPS showed up at her door to ask about her daughter and the safety of Baby Noah. After a violent episode with Noah’s father, Amy called the police and fled to her mother’s house with Noah in tow. In front of Lobdell, when the social worker asked Amy to roll up her sleeves, the evidence of heroin addiction became vividly clear by the track marks on her arms. Now a full-time parent to Noah, Lobdell speaks with poignant vulnerability about the last three years: “She didn’t give Noah up willingly. It’s not a mother’s natural instinct to give up her child. She didn’t just hand him over and say ‘Here Mom, take my baby.’ An

addict will do whatever it takes to feed their addiction. It takes over your entire life, and you can’t just turn away from it. In April, we came very close to losing her. She coded and needed emergency openheart surgery at age 25.” Social workers will do everything possible to keep the children with their parents. When it becomes evident neither of the child’s parents can manage the welfare of their child, grandmothers and grandfathers often are the first— and best—choice when state and local caseworkers have to take a child out of a home and find someone else to take custody. According to Angela Sausser, executive director of the Public Children Services Association of Ohio, a coalition of public child safety agencies in the state, “When we are seeking caregivers for a child, you want to see who that child has relationships with.” “You’re removing them from their nuclear family. To minimize the trauma and help them feel some normalcy, you obviously want to seek out whoever is closest to that child.” Lobdell was there from the beginning and wasn’t about to give up this baby to a stranger. When it became clear Lobdell was going to be stepping in as full-time mother, she had to break the news to her husband. “There wasn’t a choice. I wasn’t going to allow Noah to go into the foster care system. I watched her give birth to him,” she says. “I told Rocky, it’s either me and Noah, or it’s just you alone. He’s not just my grandchild—he’s my baby’s baby. I love my daughter more than anything and I would do anything to save her, including giving up my lifestyle to raise this child.” While many of her empty-nester friends are out enjoying a girls-nightout, a quiet dinner with their spouse or a spontaneous weekend away, Lobdell is dealing with toddler schedules, Spaghetti-Os on the floor and scattered Legos—again. “I’ve given up a lot,” Lobdell says. “I could get a babysitter but he’s in daycare all day. I mean, I’m his mom not his grandma. He wants his mom at the end of the day like every other

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


PRIME/raising grandchildren

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child.” From the other room Noah calls out, “Mema?” Lobdell smiles. “Amy is still ‘Mama,’” Lobdell says. “She will always be Mama and I will always be Mema. And Rocky will always be Ropa.” As of September, Amy is five months clean. “She’s working hard. She’s in a recovery program and living in a sober living place. She’s doing intensive therapy, she’s working and paying her bills,” Lobdell says. “Right now, her recovery has to be her focus. She knows Noah is well-loved and happy. They have a relationship—they talk on the phone and do Facetime together all the time.” Wiping her eyes, she says, “She misses him. She misses him—like I miss her.” And what happens when Amy gets healthy enough to be Noah’s full-time mom? How will Lobdell be able to let go of the child she’s loved and raised? “I have legal custody of Noah,” she says. “I didn’t adopt him. I want to give Amy hope—to get healthy, and I want her to have the ability to get her son back. My hope is that through time and lots of hard work, she’ll be able to give him a safe home of her own. It won’t be easy for me, it absolutely won’t,” she says, struggling to finish the sentence. “It will kill me—but I believe God will let me know when it’s right and I’ll be able to do it—knowing it’s the right thing for both of them. It is my hope that, the scar on her chest from the surgery, will be her daily reminder of how lucky she is to be alive—and to stay clean for her child.” She looks down at the chattering toddler next to her and playfully tousles his hair. “We’re just two older parents—trying to raise a good human. Trying to help my daughter get whole again—and we’re doing the best we can under the circumstances.” *Names changed Tamara K. Williams, recent ASU Graduate, wordsmith extraordinaire believes the true Alchemist “Changes the world, one word at a time.”


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

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like diamonds, print is forever OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


HEALTHBEAT/stem cells

A n t i -A ging & t h e M a g i c of S te m C e l l s by Dr. S. Ashley M.D.


here’s a lot of excitement in the anti-aging medicine world about stem cells. Stem cells have the potential to reverse aging, repair damaged organs, reverse disease, rebuild cartilage in arthritic joints, and many other applications. It is such an exciting field, I predict that within the next 10 years it will change the way we practice medicine. A stem cell is a cell that has the potential to become any cell. We derive them from either bone marrow, fat cells, or the umbilical cord. The stem cells from the umbilical cord are easily obtained and are very potent in their potential to differentiate into other cells, whereas adult stem cells from fat or bone marrow are more limited in their potential.

Joint injections—Probably the most commonly used, is

injecting the stem cells directly into the joint where there is severe arthritis and reduction of the cartilage. This can allow cartilage to regrow, avoiding the need for a joint replacement.

Heart disease—By replacing old, decaying cells with new heart 146

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

cells, heart conditions such as CHF, or congestive heart failure, may resolve. Also helps to repair blood vessels and may reduce high blood pressure.

COPD or other lung diseases—Stem cells can be nebulized

and breathed into the lungs allowing repair of damaged tissues; this may be effective even after years of smoking. Often, this treatment is done every six months for several years.

Diabetes—Has the potential to reverse diabetes, even Type


Alzheimer’s—Exciting research is being done showing the possibility of reversing this devastating disease. Other neurological diseases that may be helped include Parkinson’s, previous strokes and multiple sclerosis. Many other conditions see benefits, as well, such as vision loss, impaired wound healing, autism, hair loss, chronic pain, neuropathy, kidney disease and general anti-aging purposes.

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HEALTHBEAT/stem cells

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

What’s next on the horizon? Growing an entire organ. Let’s say you need a heart transplant, needed by 4,000 people a year. But there are only 2,500 available. And if you’re one of the lucky 2,500, you then have to take anti-rejection drugs the rest of your life, which increases your risk of cancer. But if you could grow your own heart it would be like a brand-new heart; no one has to die to get one, and you would never have to take antirejection drugs. Sounds like science fiction, but it is not. As reported in the journal Circulation Research, researchers used adult stem cells to regenerate new hearts. They looked like immature hearts, and when given an electric shock, they started beating. Organ transplantation from donors may become a thing of the past, and your own stem cells with your own DNA will be used. Have Type One diabetes? Islet of Langerhan cells can be grown and injected into your pancreas. Need a new kidney? A new one can be made in two weeks. Areas of the brain destroyed by a stroke, leaving neurological defects? New brain cells can be made and brain functioning restored. As with anything new for the first 10 years at least, it’s considered “experimental medicine” and therefore not covered by insurance. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t helpful and can’t have profound effects. Even penicillin was at one time considered experimental. We are at the forefront of medical technology, and starting to use stem cell injections for joints, and IV for all of the medical issues listed above. Dr. S. Ashley M.D. is the lead doctor at Healthy Living Liberty Lake. She can be reached at (509) 924-6199.

OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Kids and a Healthy School Year by Matt Griffith, CSCS

It’s a new

school year and that means a whole new way of life for some households after a long summer. To get back into the routine, you need to be prepared with lifestyle changes and sound nutrition for the entire family, but especially the children so they can be their best every day. Here are simple tips to get you going on the right foot. 1. Start the day off right. Eating breakfast as a family is a perfect time to bond and spend quality time together while also preparing a healthy breakfast for the kids. Eggs with whole grain toast, fruit and yogurt, or whole grain unsweetened cereal with milk and berries are several great choices. I suggest kids begin their day with a meal consisting of protein and fiber, a winning combination of nutrients that will help them feel satisfied until lunch. 2. Nix the added sugar. The American Heart Association suggests that children and teens ages 2-18 limit added sugar to no more than six teaspoons (25 grams) per day. These new guidelines aim to help improve children’s overall diet. Kids who eat foods high in added sugars tend to eat


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2017

fewer healthy foods that are good for their heart. Added sugar provides no nutritional benefits and is found in a wide range of food from cookies, ketchup, salad dressings, sugar sweetened cereals (even some whole grain ones), smoothies, to sweetened yogurts. The major culprit of added sugar, however, is soda and sugary drinks including iced tea and fruit punch so I suggest limiting them from your kids’ diets. The guidelines also suggest that children and teens consume no more than eight ounces of sugary drinks a week. Sugary drinks, often called “liquid calories,” provide no health benefits. 3. Swap juice for whole fruit. The fruit is rich in fiber and its high water content helps to keep the calories low. On the other hand, it is so easy to guzzle down too many calories from juice without even realizing it. A pint of orange juice, for example, contains around 225 calories. This is the equivalent to 2-3 cups of mixed berries, which would certainly make you feel much more satisfied. Most of us wouldn’t think twice about drinking the pint of juice but few of us would eat three cups of berries in one sitting. 4. Pack a healthy snack. If you are packing snacks for your kids, here is a perfect opportunity to include at least one fruit and veggie. Smart snacks include fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, baby carrots with hummus, roasted edamame, and a bottle of water. Nuts or nut butter squeeze packs are also great choices if a school allows nuts; if not, they are a great go-to snack when kids get home. 5. Keep portions healthy (no measuring cup required). Regardless of what you feed your kids, I am an advocate for healthy portion sizes. I love using the plate method with kids (as

Join us for a MonaLisa Touch education night on October 26, 2017 from 5:45pm to 7:30pm. Special discounts for attendees. RSVP at 509-455-5050.

long as the plate isn’t oversized): at dinner, for example, fill half the plate with veggies and a quarter with protein (think fish, chicken) and the other quarter with a healthy starch (brown rice, sweet potato). To avoid overeating, limit eating in front of the TV and pre-portion snacks into 100 calorie portions. 6. Skip the white food (unless it’s cauliflower or white beans). White bread, including bagels, white rice, and white pasta, are refined grains and are easy to overeat. Because they contain virtually no fiber, we don’t feel satisfied after eating them. While many kids choose them by default, I’ve learned from my counseling practice that introducing kids to healthier alternatives including quinoa, whole grain pasta, and brown rice helps them get into the habit of enjoying these grains. No need for kids to cut out starch entirely. Choosing the healthier ones is a far better alternative. 7. Get moving! Incorporating sports and exercise into your children’s daily routine is a great way to keep them healthy while also keeping their weight in check. If possible, enroll kids in after school activities, enjoy a walk or bike ride with your kids whenever possible, and encourage them to move. I’ve noticed that if parents engage in physical activity, their kids will follow along.

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OCTOBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



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chocolate coffee gelato

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spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

Feasting at Home

by Sylvia Fountaine | feastingathome.com

g n i n r o M i l s e u Glory M


orning Glory Muesli is a healthier, sugarfree, low-fat alternative to granola—that can be made ahead with ingredients you already have, and best of all, no cooking. What’s not to love? Find the full recipe on my website.









153 FO OD C H A I N






by Kris Kilduff

y father loved to fish. One of his favorite camping tricks was taking a fresh-caught bass or rainbow trout, cleaning it and filling the inside with crushed sour cream and chive potato chips. He would wrap it in tin foil and place it in the fire. When it was ready, he would open it up and the chips, turned soggy, would transfer all the greasy flavoring into the fish. I just assumed that was a common technique and it wasn’t until I was a bit older that I realized the term Fish and Chips was anything different. Luckily for me, there are a few places in town that have a full kitchen and don’t have the word Lay’s on their menu.

Kris Kilduff is crafted of 77% smoked gouda, 20% gnocchi and 3% ice cream sandwich.

The Salty Dog—

718 S. Main St. (Deer Park)

King Arthur had his Holy Grail, and I tend to put the same mystic around fresh halibut. Only having to travel a tad north to Deer Park saved some precious miles on my horse. Salty Dog’s waitress almost doesn’t even hand you a menu, 154

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it’s more of stern gaze with a quick “Cod or halibut?” Tracy doesn’t have to wait long for my answer, or my decision, because after a few small bites in I knew I was sipping from the cup of eternal youth.

Palouse Bar and Grill

2912 E. Palouse Hwy.

You would never go hungry darting around the South Hill, but earlier this year when Palouse Bar and Grill opened, it was the icing on the cake. Take these beer battered and Panko breaded Alaskan cod fillets with chile spiked tartar sauce. Easily the best dipping sauce in the bunch.

Pryor’s Restaurant

24706 E. Wellesley Ave.

A quality fish fry can happen anywhere. Pryor’s Restaurant, in Otis Orchards, goes to show fresh fish and a homey atmosphere can make a destination restaurant. Locals have flocked to this family owned eatery serving up filleted daily fish and chips. Their chowder isn’t anything to write off either.

FISH& CHIPS Durkin’s Liquor Bar

415 W. Main Ave.

If there’s anything better than drinking a cold Rainer, it’s when a chef takes it upon himself to start battering fish with it. You start adding roasted garlic to fries and then shove a ramekin of curry remoulade in front of my face, we will probably become best friends. Meet Durkin … my new best friend.

Steelhead Bar & Grille 218 N. Howard St.

If your restaurant is also the name of a popular fish, you better come correct with your fish and chips selection. Luckily for us, Steelhead doesn’t miss the mark on much at all. With a bevy of freshly prepared menu items, the crunchy fried batter on fresh flakey cod with hand cut fries were a perfectly starchy complement. SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




hen it comes to getting energy from the food you eat, it’s no secret that protein packs a powerful punch. However, research shows certain plant-based proteins, like peanuts, may also carry additional benefits. According to a Harvard School of Public Health study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, substituting plantbased proteins like peanuts for animal proteins and low-quality carbohydrates can result in lowering diabetes risk by 7 to 21 percent. Because peanuts are known as a low glycemic index food due to their slow digestion that causes sugar to gradually be released into the bloodstream, they can have positive effects on blood sugar control.

Find more nutritional information and ways to include peanuts in your diet at gapeanuts.com.

Power Plant Protein Up with

Chicken Pad Thai Servings: 4 1 pound chicken breast freshly ground pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon honey 2 teaspoons chili garlic sauce 3 tablespoons rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1/4 cup water 1 medium zucchini, spiralized (about 1 cup) 2 medium carrots, spiralized (about 1 cup) 1 cup cooked pad thai stir-fry noodles 1 cup bean sprouts 1 cup thinly sliced cabbage 1 lime, quartered 1/4 cup unsalted peanuts, crushed 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro Season chicken with pepper, to taste. In large, nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat, heat olive oil and cook chicken fully until juices are clear. Remove chicken from pan and allow to rest five minutes before slicing. In small bowl, whisk together honey, chili garlic sauce, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, peanut butter and water. Add zucchini, carrots, rice noodles and chicken to pan; pour sauce over and toss to coat. Toss in bean sprouts and cabbage. Serve with lime wedge, crushed peanuts and cilantro.


spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

Vegetarian Nourish Bowl Servings: 4 1 cup large, diced butternut squash 16 ounces Brussels sprouts, halved 1 medium red onion, large diced 1/2 can (8 ounces) reduced-sodium garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained 1 head garlic (about 10 cloves), peeled 1 tablespoon olive oil freshly ground pepper, to taste 1 lemon, juiced

2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon Sriracha sauce 1/4 cup peanut butter 1 cup cooked quinoa 1 tablespoon finely chopped peanuts Heat oven to 400 F and line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. On prepared baking sheet, arrange butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, onion, garbanzo beans and garlic; toss vegetables in olive oil and season

with pepper, to taste. Roast 30-40 minutes until slightly golden in color. Halfway through baking, shake vegetables or turn over to ensure even browning. To make dressing: Mix together lemon juice, water, Sriracha sauce and peanut butter. To serve, top quinoa with roasted veggies, crushed peanuts and drizzle of lemonpeanut butter sauce.

Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats Servings: 2 1/4 cup powdered peanut butter 3/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 2 teaspoons ground chia seeds 1 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut milk 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/2 cup small banana, sliced 1 tablespoon peanuts, chopped 1 tablespoon peanut butter Stir together powdered peanut butter, oats, chia seeds, coconut milk and vanilla extract. Divide evenly into Mason jars or storage containers and refrigerate overnight. Before serving, add banana slices, chopped peanuts and peanut butter to each. SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Spice Up School Days


usy school days demand meals that can match the pace of life. A Mexican-themed meal is a sure way to keep things festive and lively around the family dinner table. Not only does a meal centered on Mexican-style foods let you spice up your menu, it also allows for plenty of personalization so even the pickiest of palates can be satisfied. That means less time for preparation and more time spent together. Put a fresh twist on your next school-night fiesta with these ideas: • An ethnically-inspired meal is a great opportunity to encourage kids to try out new flavors and experiment with foods they wouldn’t normally eat. Sample variations of classic salsas, incorporate seasonal ingredients like jicama and diced sweet peppers to freshen up your dishes or put a spicy spin on a classic Italian favorite by creating Mexican-inspired stuffed shells. • Get creative with proteins. Chicken and beef are common options, but heart-healthy fish and shrimp are also great candidates for a Mexican-style meal. Pork is another good choice for many Mexican dishes, and beans provide an excellent source of added protein, along with some flavor variety. • Mex-up your taco night. Try an alternative to the traditional corn shell with an option like Ortega Good Grains Taco Shells, crafted with artisanal blends of real corn, unique grains and ingredients baked into each shell. They’re made with whole kernel corn, giving them an authentic taste and a distinctive flavor, aroma and texture. • Keep things kid-friendly and fun by focusing on finger foods. A large taco can be difficult for little hands to handle, but a street taco portion, a chimichanga or even nachos are more hands-on. • Look for fun toppings that add an extra crunch. For example, new Ortega Crispy Taco Toppers, lightly breaded slices of real jalapeno or onion, provide a bold kick and are the perfect finishing touch for tacos, salads and even Mexican-style burgers. • Don’t forget dessert. No meal is complete without a sweet treat, such as a churro, flan, empanada or sopapilla. Many of these favorites can be prepared ahead of time so you can simply cook and serve for a perfect ending to your family fiesta. Find more mealtime inspiration like these recipes, perfect for the busy back-to-school season, at ortega.com.

Slow Cooked “Pulled” Chicken Tacos Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 2 hours Servings: 5 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 bottle (8 ounces) Ortega Chipotle Taco Sauce 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 package (10 shells) Ortega Good Grains White Corn with Chia Taco Shells, warmed taco toppings

In medium pan, combine chicken, taco sauce, chicken stock, salt and pepper, and cook on low, covered, approximately two hours, or until internal temperature of chicken reaches 165 F. Remove chicken from pan and shred using two forks. Turn heat to medium-high and reduce cooking liquid into thick sauce, cooking 3-5 minutes and stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and combine sauce with shredded chicken. Serve in taco shells with desired taco toppings.

Mexican Style “Totchos” Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Servings: 5 1 package (32 ounces) tater tots 1 1/2 pounds ground beef 1 packet Ortega Taco Seasoning 1cup water 16 ounces shredded cheddar cheese 2 medium tomatoes, diced 1 container (16 ounces) sour cream 1 bag Ortega Crispy Jalapeno Taco Toppers

Prepare tater tots according to package directions. Heat medium skillet over medium heat. Cook ground beef 4-5 minutes until browned, using wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Add taco seasoning and water. Cook until water evaporates and sauce is thickened. Top hot tater tots with cooked ground beef and cheese, and broil in oven 5 minutes. Top with tomatoes, sour cream and crispy jalapeño toppers, and serve immediately. SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



by Kris Kilduff

Following the

Brewery Trail To sip or not to sip, can never again be the question after you check out this list of local breweries and cideries.

SPOKANE VALLEY Badass Backyard Brewing 1415 N. Argonne Rd. These ladies started in their backyard and for the last two years have been running a successful 22 tap brewery in Spokane Valley with plans to open a second in Coeur d’Alene. Pop in for trivia, live music or beer yoga. If you don’t see anything of interest, make sure to fill out a “beer request” sheet in the taproom. Drink: Daring Diva Raspberry Wheat, 6% ABV

English Setter 15310 E. Marietta Ave. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but luckily this old dog’s tricks are refreshingly delicious. It all started with friends and family sitting in the driveway or swinging by to borrow a few bottles of beer to a three-barrel system that can barely keep up. Also one of the few breweries around town pushing out some amazing pub food. Drink: Fuzzy Chew Toy Tangerine ESB, 4.25% ABV

Hopped Up 10421 E. Sprague Hot Rods and Beer is the American Dream. For owner and brewer Steve Ewan, it always has been, anyway. The building (a former IHOP) is a play on the tasting room’s name. Besides great beer, it’s not hard to find a car show, art dealings or at least some fresh pizza on-site from nearby Lalo’s Pizza. Drink: High Performance Porter, 6% ABV 160

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Square Wheel Brewing 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. For years I would attend events at Arbor Crest and beg everyone to team with a brewery. Someone must have been listening because two years ago, Square Wheel brought a handful of hoppy love to one of the most iconic locations in Spokane. If you are looking for the place to drink in peaceful serenity, look no further. Drink: Mildred’s Blonde, 4.5% ABV

Twelve String Brewing 11616 E. Montgomery Dr. Spokane Valley’s oldest brewery is probably their best. With a knack for barrel-aged darks, the team at 12 String knows how to keep their steady flow of regulars coming back for more. Hidden on the south side of an industrial area in the valley, you wouldn’t think foot traffic would be a thing, but the temptation of grabbing a beer or three after work proves too much for some. Drink: Bourbon Barrel aged Red Imperial IPA, 9.5% ABV

V Twin Brewing Company 2302 N. Argonne Rd. The newest of the bunch, V Twin is a place where bikers and suburban moms alike can sit down, grab a pint and play hangman on their chalk painted tables. Everyone in this brewery seems like a regular. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch them playing with a beer in their Randall. Adding fresh fruit, spices or even some jalapeño peppers to the mix. Drink: Breakline Brown, 6% ABV


SPOKANE Bellweather Brewing Company 2019 N. Monroe St. Playing in the realm of Old World-style beers with Celtic and Nordic influences, Thomas Croskrey is more likely to have something exotic with ancient grains than your run of the mill IPA on tap. Monroe Street is a collective of all things vintage, and Bellweather is par for the course. A throwback to the days of cold ale and someone serving it who has become a pillar of their community. Drink: Kulning Ancient Gruit Ale, 7.5% ABV

Bennidito’s Brew Pub 1909 E. Sprague If you serve some of Spokane’s best pizza, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize you should also be serving beer. Actually, why serve it when you can just start brewing your own. With a focus on bringing IBUs down and having a lighter, more balanced selection, Bennidito’s Brewpub is the perfect place to watch the game and have a few drinks with your pizza eating friends. Drink: Sigrid Kolsch, 5.2% ABV

Black Label Brewing Company 19 W. Main Ave. From farm to tap. Black Label produces their own berries, hop plants and honey, creating a variety of refreshing recipes housed in Spokane’s Saranac Commons. Think the Seattle or Portland’s popular open-front business hubs. Grab a drink and browse bakeries, cafés and art galleries. A can’t-miss hot spot to take your out of town friends and family. Drink: S.M.O.G., 11% ABV

Iron Goat Brewing 1302 W. 2nd Ave. A new location and a whole new vibe for one of Spokane’s most popular breweries. The brick building facing a busy Second Ave. is a hot-spot for downtown dwellers as they finish up a long week’s work. Live music, board games and beer list as about as iconic as it gets in the Inland Northwest. Goats eat anything, take that to heart as you explore their menu, you’ll want to as well. Drink: Goatmeal Stout, 5.36% ABV

Little Spokane 154 S. Madison St. After more than a decade of brewing beer for friends, head brewer Joe Potter joined forces with some of Spokane’s Beer elite to open Steel Barrel Taproom. With at least four of his beers always on display, they stay true to their name, sourcing any ingredients they can find locally. It’s beautiful because you get to taste that little bit of Spokane in every drink. Drink: Indian Painted Rocks, 6.3% ABV

SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Orlison Brewing Co. 1017 W. 1st Ave. West Spokane has become a safe haven for the beer weary. Dotting the lines of Montevale and the Knitting Factory is one of Spokane’s most prolific. The space might be tiny, but the flavor is not. Originally known as the “lager only” brewery of Eastern Washington, they have now adventured into a robust rousing of beer styles. Drink: Clem’s Gold Lager, 5.3% ABV

No-Li Brewhouse 1003 E. Trent Ave. If scenery is as important to you as a cold pint, No-Li’s brewery should be first on your list. Their huge, open patio faces the Spokane River. During the summer you can wave to rafters or just stick around until night and grab drinks with friends around a fire pit. If you’re bored with a beer, it doesn’t take long for something new from their small batches to hit a menu. Just a few of the reasons why No-Li took Washington Beer Awards 2016 brewery of the year. Drink: Wrecking Ball, 9.5% ABV

Perry Street Brewing 1025 S. Perry St. Perry Street is the epitome of your neighborhood brewery. I’m not sure there is a more iconic walk-in, accessible space in all of Spokane. You will just as often see a family on their street-facing patio as you will a regular at their bar eating a soft pretzel with beer cheese. As the only Spokane brewery to take home a GABF Gold in 2016, they also hold my personal award for prettiest pint glass in town, for whatever that’s worth. Drink: Session IPL, 4.5% ABV

River City Brewing 121 S. Cedar St. One of the Northwest’s oldest breweries, Coeur d’alene Brewing Co., transitioned and moved to Spokane in 2013 and hasn’t looked back. They throw some of the best events in town, and the taproom is full of local support in art, music and any community fare. With new releases and great relationships with restaurants around town, you don’t have to search hard to get your hands on what Todd and Chris are brewing. Drink: Riverkeeper IPA, 6.5% ABV

TT’s Old Iron Brewery 154 S. Madison St. As the newest brewery of the bunch, TT has a lot of ground to make up. Aligning himself with the team at Steel Barrel and making his first few beers absolutely delicious, are huge steps in the right direction. TT seems to approach its brand with drinkable lighter beers, perfect for watching the game or sticking around the tap room for a round of shuffleboard on their customized table. Drink: Ruckstell Rye IPA, 6.8% ABV

Young Buck Brewing 154 S. Madison St. Rounding up the three breweries at Steel Barrel Taproom, owner/brewer Cameron Johnson loves to dabble in flavor combinations, creating a variety of Sours, Gose and Saison brews that happen to pair beautifully with Top Chef Chad White’s ceviche bar a few steps away. One of Spokane’s can’t-miss breweries, recently featured in Food & Wine Magazine. 162

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Drink: Mimosa Gose, 3.5% ABV

Waddell’s Brewpub 6501 N. Cedar Rd. With the majority of Spokane breweries in downtown and West Spokane, Waddell’s is giving the Northside a much needed dousing of thirstquenching beer. Probably Spokane’s most prime location to find a variety of super unique tap handles and order a burger the size of your head. This is where you want to take your friend from out of town to show them a big bite of the Northwest. Drink: Blackberry Kettle Sour, 6% ABV

Whistle Punk Brewing 122 S. Monroe St. With a recent move into Spokane’s historic Railroad Alley, and operated by father-son team Craig and Matt Hanson, Whistle Punk sets sail on bold ales inspired by ingredients in the Pacific Northwest. The tap-house, fully adorned with rock and wood, perfectly matches the spirit of this brewery. Grab a pulled pork sandwich at the True Texas BBQ next door and pair it with a cold pint. Drink: Huell Melon Saison, 6.4% ABV

NORTH IDAHO Daft Badger Brewing 1710 N. 2nd St. As one of just two Coeur d’Alene brewpubs, they feature a variety of Northwest-influenced beer made right on site, as well as hand-crafted food to boot. Founder Darrel Dlouhy owned a successful contracting business for 30 years and it shows with Daft Badgers interest in the details, from atmosphere and service to the consistency of Idaho’s most namesake brewery. Drink: Hoppypotamus, 6.4% ABV

Downdraft Brewing 418 W. Seltice Way With eight taps, Downdraft is a small brewery in a growing town. It wasn’t so long ego that Post Falls felt like a blip on a map. Now its food and alcohol scene is booming. Downdraft has taken its own little corner. Hosting outdoor live music out of its rolled up garage doors, or infusing beers with cinnamon bears through a Randall, this isn’t the Idaho of lore. The new breed is coming.

Selkirk Abbey 6180 E. Seltice Way A little bit of Belgium in Northern Idaho goes a long way. With an abbey-themed tap room that is a warm and comfortable contrast to the building’s industrial exterior, they strive for a specialty craft product that is a bit more demanding. Grab a spicy saison or rich malty trappist and experience why Belgian beers are all the rave.

Drink: Gingersnap Imperial Stout, 7.7% ABV

Drink: Huckleberry Chapel, Wit 4.7% ABV

Mad Bomber Brewing Company 9265 N. Government Way The furthest on my beer map was this Hayden, Idaho, gem. Running a brewery might seem like a walk in the park when you are Tom Applegate. He went from disarming bombs in the Army to blowing up the North Idaho beer scene with some seriously good beer. From Kickstarter to conception, Mad Bomber is beer with a message. Part of the proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Slate Creek Brewing 1710 N. 4th St. Slate Creek has long been a secret spot for anglers and whitewater explorers, now it is a secret for craft beer lovers in their own backyard. Be part of one of North Idaho’s most prolific mug clubs or stick around for a bit and catch one of their iconic parking lot parties while the weather is nice.

Drink: Devil Bird Scotch-ish Ale, 6.5”% ABV

Paragon Brewing 5785 N. Government Way Supporting a major belief that with good beer there must be good food, Paragon hits the mark. What they lack in a deep beer menu, they make up for with quality and some serious eats. Spam fries, deep fried cookie dough and a variety of hoppy love to drown your taste buds in. Stick around for an acoustic performance every Friday night. Music, food and beer. A match made in heaven.

Drink: Norse Nectar Pale Ale, 5.7 % ABV

Tricksters Brewing 3850 N. Schrieber Way From Colorado to North Idaho, Matt Morrow worked his way up from a keg washer to owning one of North Idaho’s iconic breweries. Beer drinkers, much like coyote, run in packs. All stops lead to a facility that makes my personal favorite IPA in Idaho. Have a few of these bad boys and you’ll be howling at the moon, as well.

Drink: Uncrushable Apricot, 6.5% ABV

Liberty Ciderworks 164 S. Washington St. Creating amazing English and American-style ciders takes a lot of amazing cider-quality apples. Locally grown and hand-crafted, Liberty Ciderworks is Spokane’s artisan cider company. With a “cut no corners” attitude, quality is front and center to their product. I guess it helps to be located in the largest applegrowing region on the continent. Drink: Stonewall Dry Fly Barrel, 8.4% ABV

Drink: Juice Box IPA, 7% ABV

Drink: Hiawatha Pale Ale, 5.6% ABV


Drink: Stoney MacGuyver IPA, 7.2% ABV

Drink: Lemon Basil, 6.6% ABV

Post Falls Brewing 112 N. Spokane St. With much akin to Perry Street Brewing in Spokane, Post Falls Brewing does the same for their city. Within a few steps of the new facility you can tell it’s home to any of Post Falls beer drinkers. With second to none atmosphere and a line up of great brew, they’ve hit the mark for Northern Idaho. Especially with fun events like Pie + Pint nights, their own version of Oktoberfest and more.

Summit Cider 3884 N. Schreiber Way 2014 was a great year for beer; with the cider craze came fantastic creations including Idaho’s only craft cider company. Established for the skiers and mountain sports community, Summit has taken the reins and developed a whole line of great fruit ciders that laugh at everyone else's attempts with apples. Swing by the taproom for an up close look at the future of cider.

One Tree Hard Cider House 111 S. Madison On a beer menu, I traditionally don’t gravitate toward cider. That is until I was lucky enough to get my lips on One Tree’s Lemon Basil. It opened my eyes to what a cider can be. With the new tap house opening in Spokane’s brewery district, it’s your chance to find 20 taps of cider, great food and an amazingly fresh spot that downtown didn’t have covered yet.

photo via facebook

SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/food chain

The Real Truth of Fake Food by Chris Patterson

It was a dark

and stormy night, the mission objectives were discussed, planned and prepared. The 300 members of the raiding party were waiting for the go order; when it came, “Operation Golden Oil” was underway. I have no idea if it actually was a dark and stormy night, but I do know is there was an actual raid named Operation Golden Oil in 2008, involving 300 Italian police officers raiding bogus olive oil companies. The Italians learned that some companies were producing and exporting fake extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Apparently, the Italians take their olive oil very


spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

seriously. So what happens when “fake food” is discovered? Why does it happen, and what can you do about it? The hard part is how, and when it becomes discovered. Earlier this year a study sponsored by the California Olive Association, through the University of

California, found that of 124 olive oil companies, 70 percent were producing bogus EVOO. Sometimes these “sponsored” investigations are in attempt to bolster their own association and business, true, but having credible research done can also shed some light on potentially questionable practices. What the Italians—and the California study—found was that some companies were producing canola oil or sunflower oil and adding fragrances and flavorings to give some characteristics of EVOO. The pressure to turn a profit in a rising cost environment, and to stay competitive and relevant, can put pressure on people to make questionable decisions. Unfortunately, it happens all too often in all sectors of our supply chain. Remember the Volkswagen fuel economy scandal last year? Someone was under enormous pressure to stay competitive in the car market. Not too long ago Forbes ran an article on fake seafood in the U.S. and there have been numerous reports about fake Kobe beef. The challenge is a very small percentage, and I mean small percentage, of Kobe beef is ever actually exported from Japan. What you’re generally eating is American Wagu which is a legally licensed off breed of Kobe beef. But not Kobe beef. We generally don’t know what the fine differences are between Red Snapper and Snapper, Kobe beef and American Wagu. Is it Snapper? Yes, but is it Red Snapper? Is the beef genetically similar to Kobe? Yes, but is it from Kobe cattle in Japan? I recently attended a beer dinner where a reputable brewer confessed that when it comes to the IBUs (International Bitterness Units, used to measure ‘the bite’ of IPAs) in beer, “Most brewers almost never test that anymore,”

and they just throw out a number, 75 IBUs, as a marketing term. After all, the average pallete cannot tell the difference between Red Snapper and Snapper, Kobe and Wagu, 75 or 80 IBU’s. These names are now just adjectives, simply marketing to raise the sell price. Misguided, or misinformed, decisions like these conspire to erode our confidence in the supply chain, and ethical business as a whole. The real power lies in being an informed consumer. Trust comes from buying from people and organizations who have core values and guiding principles that act as the guardrails for the decisions they make. Are their business and purchasing decisions made with the consumer or the shareholders in mind? How do you know this? If it’s a well thought out part of their culture, can they articulate these guardrails to you? Yes, even we occasionally get fooled by a manufacturer. But our integrity demands that decisive action is taken when something like the EVOO study comes out, and we know quickly where we stand with the story. Food for thought. Now, take your EVOO, and put it in the freezer for about a half hour. If it starts to solidify, it’s good. The monounsaturated fats in pure olive oil will coalesce in cold temperatures. Kind of like how you feel on a chilly October night at the big game. Cheaper oils won’t solidify. For the big game, I recommend hot cocoa and something pepperminty. Chris Patterson is the director of Business Solutions at Food Services of America. He is a 30 year veteran of the hospitality and restaurant industry and has conducted more than 800 trainings, seminars, and consulting sessions with Inland Northwest operators.

The Difference

Taking orders for Holiday Catering + Delivery 180 S. Howard 509.468.2929 tastecafeandfineart.com

SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




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by Kris Kilduff

One Tree Cider House

111 S. Madison Spokane has its share of tap houses, the longstanding king of cider decided we better have something for cider lovers, too. You won’t find a beer on tap here, just 20 handles of some of the best cider found across the states.

Tuesday October 10th – QBSI Open House & October Release Party QBSI: 510 W Riverside 5-8pm FREE to attend

Tuesday October 17th – Third Tuesday Chateau Rive: 621 W Mallon 5-8pm FREE to attend

Saturday October 28th – BEST OF THE CITY : GOTHIC NIGHTS

Montvale Event Center: 1017 W. 1st Ave. 6-11pm Ticketed Event

FIND MORE INFORMATION AT www.bozzimedia.com 166

spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

Philly Express

1500 Northwest Blvd. A little taste of Philadelphia is continuing to build in CDA. With eight variations of the popular Italian beef sandwich, burgers, allbeef hot dogs, homemade potato chips and deep fried cheese curds.

Come try our new fall menu

Made from scratch creations by award winning Chef Leonetti

Sun-Wed: 11am-9pm Thurs-Sat: 11am-11pm 1914 N Monroe St Spokane WA 99205 509-474-9040 find us on instagram and facebook

The Buzz Pizzeria & Lounge

501 S. Thor It’s a whole new world at the Buzz. Where there once was coffee now has a full remodel that includes craft beer, arcade games and amazing hand crafted sandwiches and pizza.

Modern American Restaurant & Craft Cocktails

SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide


The Dining Guide includes summaries of local restaurants that are featured on a rotating basis each issue. Suggestions for additions or corrections can be sent to stephanie@spokanecda.com.

ASIAN, INDIAN, HAWIIAN Aloha Island Grill. Hawaiian. Operating out of two former Taco John shacks on Monroe and West Francis, Patrick and Lori Keegan serve up fresh, tender Teriyaki Chicken “plates” that will keep you coming back. Based on family recipes from the islands and plenty more than just teriyaki, both spots offer a student discount; the Francis location serves a creative breakfast concoction called the “Loco Moco.” Open daily. 1724 N. Monroe (509) 443-1632 and 1220 W. Francis (509) 413-2029. eataloha.com. Thai Bamboo. Thai. Each of the four regional Thai Bamboo locations offers a massive Southeast Asian menu in settings designed to transport you across the Pacific. Inside each restaurant you’ll find Thai stone and wood carvings, water fountains, Thai music and the namesake bamboo décor. Thai Bamboo continues to be #1 Best Thai in readers’ polls and both the newest location on North Division and the CdA restaurant feature a Tiki-Beach styled lounge and striking sky ceilings in the main dining rooms. Think Vegas with pad thai. All locations MonThu 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri 11:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sat 12-9:30 p.m., Sun 12-9 p.m. Delivery available. thaibamboorestaurant.com. Top of India. Indian. A hidden gem serving up northern Indian dishes in a surprisingly chic space tucked into a tiny house off East Sprague. Owner and chef Manjit Kaur brings the specialties she learned to cook on the family farm in the Jalandhar district of Punjab to the Northwest. Don’t miss the garlic naan or the Chicken Tikka Masala, but order just about anything and expect it to be quite good. There is also a lunch buffet for $9.99. Open daily 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. 11114 E. Sprague Ave. (509) 927-0500. thetopofindia.com. Canaan Buffet. Refuel, work, meet, celebrate, or unwind with Canaan Buffet’s fantastic selections of Pan-Asian cuisines, along with affordability and a fun atmosphere. Enjoy delicious dishes, expertly prepared with more than 200 items to choose from. They use organic vegetables on both their salad bar and in all vegetable dishes. Huge varieties of freshly made sushi and with the freshest fruits of the season. Seven days a week, 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., 9606 N. Newport Hwy. (509) 465-4849. canaanbuffet.com. Gordy’s Sichuan Café. Provincial Chinese. This intimate bistro with a creative menu is a temple to the Sichuan cuisine of southwest China. Chef Gordon Crafts and his team serve up dishes laced with ginger, garlic, chiles, and the lemony Sichuan “pepper” that sets your


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tongue buzzing. Open since 1997, Gordy’s is a wonderful exception to mediocre and standardized American Chinese food. Heavenly dumplings, searing chile basil soup, and the best lemon chicken around are only the beginning. Open Tues-Fri 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat 4-9 p.m. 501 E. 30th Ave. (509) 747-1170.

BARBECUE Red Lion BBQ & Pub. For about 20 years, whether it was in the old rhythm and blues, peanut-shells-on-the-floor days, or more recently as a sports bar, there’s always been butt-kickin’ BBQ at this downtown corner spot. The undisputed star here is wine broiled chicken, spicy and robust, yet falling-off-the-bones moist and tender. Together with their signature fried bread and honey, and you have a BBQ experience that can’t help but please. 126 N. Division. Sun-Thu 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m.-1 a.m. (Sunday breakfast buffet 9 a.m.-noon during football season.) (509) 835-LION (5466). redlionbarbeque.com.

BISTROS The Wandering Table. A much-anticipated American tapas-style restaurant located in Kendall Yards. Chef Adam Hegsted delights with a variety of small plates (try the Garden for a creative salad take, the Deviled

TOI top of india

Best Indian

Eggs, or the Popcorn), craft cocktails, a whiskey bar, and substantial dishes, such as the Bacon-Wrapped Bacon Sliders or the Braised Shortribs. Take the chef 's advice and go with the “You Choose the Price” meal option for the table offered at $15-$65 per head for a surprising culinary journey. Hopefully it will include the Olive Oil Gelato for dessert. Tues-Thurs, 11:30 a.m.–11:30 p.m., FriSat 11:30 a.m.-1 a.m. Sun-Mon, 4 p.m.11:30 p.m. 1242 W. Summit Pkwy. in Kendall Yards. (509) 443-4410. thewanderingtable.com. Laguna Café. This South Hill restaurant calls itself a café, but in actuality it is much more. Owners Dan and Debbie Barranti have created a sophisticated combination of gourmet food, great wines, and gifts. The dinner menu features entrees such as Wild Pacific Salmon with fresh rosemary mango salsa and roasted rosemary potatoes or the Flat Iron Steak and Black Tiger Shrimp. They offer an extensive line of summer salads, along with a full bar—and delectable burgers, too. Want to fine dine at home? Don’t miss their pick-up window with meals to go. Live music weekly. 2013 E. 29th Ave. Mon-Thur 8 a.m. -9 p.m., Fri 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sat 9 a.m.-10 p.m., and Sun 9 a.m.-8 p.m. (509) 448-0887.

Wild Sage. Tucked into a classic 1911 brick building on 2nd and Lincoln, Wild Sage offers an intimate dining setting and memorable food with real flair. The atmosphere combines class and warmth. Executive Chef Charlie Connor presents regionally influenced Northwest cuisine using only the finest locally sourced products. Try the Yukon Taquitos, the Crisp Bacon and Blue salad or the Cioppino. Be sure to finish with a slice of the “Soon-to-be-Famous” Coconut Cream Layer Cake with lilikoi sauce. This award-winning bistro is known for its in-house bakery and an amazing array of gluten-free options. Also make it a point to order something from their “scratch bar,” with or without alcohol. They use only fresh juices and house-infused flavored liquors. Dinner seven nights a week, opening at 4 p.m. 916 W. Second Ave. (509) 456-7575. wildsagebistro.com.

BREAKFAST & LUNCH SPECIALTIES Frank’s Diner. Frank’s has become a Spokane landmark in just over a decade. Both early 1900s vintage rail cars were originally obtained by the Knight brothers, Frank and Jack, during the Depression, and converted to diners. Frank’s

Gluten-Free Options


HAPPY HOUR MON-THURS 5:00pm-7:00pm

11114 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley, WA 509-927-0500 TheTopOfIndia.com SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide

breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, available all day, has all the classics. Among our favorites are the open-face turkey, roast beef and mushroom sandwiches, chicken pot pie, Joe’s Special (the venerable scramble of eggs, ground beef, spinach, onions and parmesan), and the don’t-miss hash browns and silver pancakes. 1516 W. 2nd. Seven days 6 a.m.8 p.m. (509) 747-8798. 10929 N. Newport Highway, Sun-Thurs 6 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri-Sat 6 a.m.-9 p.m. (509) 465-2464. franksdiners. com.

Best Fine Dining

Yards Bruncheon. The team at Yards Bruncheon figured out how to extend the weekend to all week by offering brunch every day, and—oh!—how that pleases us. This modern diner is a combination of breakfast and lunch complemented with classic brunch cocktails. Their menu features comfort food from all over using local farms and producers in the season. This food is food the team loves to eat and is meant to be taken lightly. They make most of their menu items in house including their pastries, which are some of the best around. They also feature some of the best coffees and teas from around the world. 1248 W. Summit Pkwy., Mon-Sun 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (509) 290-5952. theyardsbruncheon.com.


catering for all events


spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

D. Lish’s Hamburgers is the #1 spot for the perfect burger with beef that’s always fresh and never frozen, homemade sauces, and hand-cut fries. Dreamed up by Dave Lish and his best friend, Curt Goller, and opened in 1998, D. Lish’s Hamburgers has served thousands of burger aficionados in the Inland Northwest and beyond, with the help of Anne Marie, Dave’s wife. Since 2008, Mike Lish stepped up to take Dave’s place and has continued his parents’ legacy of providing a quick, tasty meal at a fair price. Mon-Sat 10:30 a.m.—9 p.m. Sun 12 p.m.— 7 p.m. 1625 N. Division St., dlishs.com.


Taste Cafe & Fine Art. If you love the taste of healthy and enjoy putting nutrientdense fuel into your body—while giving your tastebuds the stuff food dreams are made of—Taste Cafe & Fine Art is a not to be missed downtown destination. Jim and Mary Ann McCurdy whip up their most popular dishes—asian chicken wrap, lentil salad, cookies and a kale salad that would make carnivores drool—among a long list of tantalizing dishes. Mon-Fri 7 a.m.-4 p.m., ThuFri 5:30-8 p.m., closed Sun. 180 S. Howard St. (509) 468-2929. tastecafespokane.com. Gilded Unicorn. The Gilded Unicorn is a Modern American, Classic restaurant featuring hand crafted foods and drinks located in the historic Montvale Hotel in downtown Spokane, right in the heart the entertainment and arts district. The name reflects their blend of classic and modern without taking themselves too seriously. The Gilded Unicorn showcases local, seasonal food and drinks from the Northwest and beyond coerced into new fashioned flavors that hit you in the soul. This is a “must visit” eatery experience. 110 S. Monroe St., Sun-Sat 3 p.mclose. (509) 309-3698. gildedunicorn.com. Prohibition Gastropub. A small, but cozy pub on Monroe offering modern meals with a vintage vibe and a carefully curated cocktail menu. Specialty candied bacon appears throughout the menu, from jalapeno poppers to a bevy of burgers. The kitchen is eager to please vegans and vegetarians, as well. 1914 N. Monroe. Mon, Wed-Sat 11a.m.-11 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.-10 p.m., closed Tues. (509) 474-9040. 315 Martinis and Tapas. Located within the historic Greenbriar Inn in Coeur d’Alene, this restaurant specializes in small plates with a global focus and well-crafted cocktails. Come sit in the intimate martini bar for happy hour beginning at 3:15 and enjoy drink and tapas specials, or share small plates or entrees along with live music on

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LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide

Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights in the main dining room beginning at 6 p.m. Expect good service, great atmosphere and an experience you won’t soon forget. Tues-Sun from 3:15 p.m. to close. 315 Wallace Ave. in Coeur d’Alene. (208) 667-9660. 315martinisandtapas.com.

FINE DINING Clinkerdagger. English pub décor overlooking the Spokane River. Known for their fresh seafood, steaks, and rock salt-roasted prime rib, Clinkerdagger is a favorite eating place among locals. Their salmon filet is one of the best in the area. The Broadway Pea Salad and Blums Coffee Toffee Pie are two classics since 1974. Two cozy fireplaces make for a warm, friendly atmosphere. 621 W. Mallon (in the Flour Mill). Lunch Mon-Fri 11:152:30 p.m., Sat 11:30-2:30 p.m., Dinner MonThurs 4:30-9 p.m., Fri 4:30-9:30 p.m., Sat 4-9:30 p.m., Sun lounge 2-9 p.m. and dinner 3-8 p.m. (509) 328-5965. clinkerdagger.com. Masselow’s at Northern Quest. Named after a strong chief who was instrumental in the survival of the Kalispels, Masselow’s combines the culinary heritage of the tribe with Northwest fine dining. The restaurant features an intimate and lavishly appointed dining room just off the hotel lobby in the new wing of the Northern Quest Resort and Casino in Airway Heights and serves up an Elk Sirloin and Seared Scallops worth the drive. Their chocolate mousse on the dessert menu is also a show stopper. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 100 N. Hayford Rd. in Airway Heights. (509) 242-7000. northernquest.com.

W. 1018 Francis | 509.326.6794



spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

Best Sports Bar & Best North Restaurant

Stacks at Steam Plant. Named for the twin smokestacks that have been a part of the downtown Spokane skyline for nearly a century, Stacks offers a full-service dining experience in a one-of-a-kind space. Unique private dining spaces include boiler rooms where the original pipes still line the walls

since 1959

and ceiling. Signature dishes are created from scratch and incorporate ingredients produced only at the Steam Plant—including smoked meats, fish and vegetables, and many of the ales brewed on-site. 3 p.m.–10 p.m. Sun-Thurs, 3 p.m.–11p.m. Fri-Sat. 159 S. Lincoln, under the smokestacks downtown. (509) 777-3900. steamplantspokane. com. 1898 Public House. With a nod of respect to the year the golf club was originally established, 1898 Public House combines a storied history with modern flair. Led by Executive Chef Tyler Schwenk, their culinary team takes pride in preparing classic foods with a fresh twist, while using the finest ingredients. From hand-pressed gourmet burgers and house-cured bacon, to house-made rolls and charcuterie, dining at 1898 is an exciting culinary tour for your palate. With signature comfort food dishes and unique combinations designed for the more adventurous foodie. Sun-Thurs 4-10 p.m., Fri/Sat 4-11 p.m., happy hour 4-6 p.m. 2010 W. Waikiki Rd. (509) 466-2121. kalispelgolf.com.

PUB AND LOUNGE FARE The Onion Taphouse & Grill. Established in 1978, the Onion is the grand dean of gourmet burgers and casual family dining in Spokane. With the addition of Area 51 Taphouse (with, yes, 51 different beers—and some hard ciders, too), you’ll never want to leave. From gourmet burgers and sandwiches to pizza, salads and their namesake beerbattered onion rings, The Onion Taphouse & Grill pays attention to details and does more from scratch than many other restaurants aspiring to loftier appellations. 302 W. Riverside. Sun-Thurs 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m.-1 a.m. (509) 747-3852; 7522 N. Division, Mon-Sun 11 a.m.-11 p.m. (509) 4826100. Steam Plant Brewing Co. & Pub. An amazing location for a brewery–under lay-

ers of catwalks and an 80’ ceiling inside the renovated steam plant. The brewery produces eleven handcrafted microbrews on-site, from their famous Double Stack Stout to several seasonal varieties. Its microbrews are also available to go in kegs and growlers. The Pub features multiple flat-screen TVs and a game room to make a night of it. The brews are complemented by signature menu items like the Coal Bunker cheese bread, smoked steelhead and beer cheese soup. 3–10 p.m. Sun-Thurs 3–11 p.m. Fri-Sat.159 S. Lincoln, under the smokestacks, downtown. (509) 777-3900. steamplantspokane.com. Café at the Gathering House. Is a great place to meet with a friend for a latté or to work away on your laptop. The café offers a full range of espresso drinks as well as delicious baked goods and a host of delicious artisan sandwiches and a salad bar for only $5.95. The Gathering House is a church that uses their facility as a job training coffee shop, café, and meeting place that is elevating quality food and lives. Weekdays 8 a.m.—4 p.m.m 733 W. Garland, (509) 340-9113. gatheringhouse.biz. The Swinging Doors. Opened in May of 1981, the tavern turned restaurant has been in the same family for its whole life. With 27 beers on tap and 60 television screens, The Swinging Doors is a sports fan’s paradise. On the food front, the restaurant is famous for its large portions (which can be split). Breakfast is served all day and the huge pieces of Broasted Chicken remain the most popular item on the golf-themed menu. Show up on your birthday for a free steak dinner. Open seven days a week from 6:45 a.m.-2 a.m. 1018 W. Francis. (509) 326-6794. theswingingdoors.com.

PUB AND LOUNGE FARE The Blackbird Tavern and Kitchen. Head straight to the bar where there are 34 beers (and four wines) on electronic tap, or

Best BBQ One of Spokane's oldest and most respected watering holes and restaurants. We provide the finest BBQ and catering in town. Come join us to meet friends and family alike, for an experience to remember. Full bar, full menu, and catering of all kinds.

509.835.5466 RedLionBBQ.com 126 N Division Happy Hour 11am-6pm

SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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never You’veen to be

LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide


W. 7 Main, Downtown Spokane WA (509) 443-3602

take a seat at a squishy leather booth at a butcher block table. If it’s warm enough, you might want to sit on the patio under strings of Edison light bulbs. Located in the historic Broadview Dairy Building just north of downtown, the Blackbird offers southern-inspired gastropub fare like Bacon Fat Popcorn, Marinated Scallops and a bevy of burgers. A convenient location, kind, attentive service, the chance to try ingredients and combinations unlike any other area restaurant, bottomless mimosas at brunch and a bit of homey resemblance to its sister restaurant Manito Tap House on the South Hill make it a solid choice for friends and families alike. 905 N. Washington. Open Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat-Sun 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 3-11 p.m. (509) 3924000. theblackbirdspokane.com. Crave. Where to go that’s lively, airy, and serves some of the best pub and lounge fare around. They do wraps, burgers, salads, and fries (yes to the fries!) right. On the super hip corner of Riverside and Washington with eats, drinks, and nightlife done right. Daily, 11 a.m.-2 a.m. 401 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 3217480 and on Facebook. nYne Bar & Bistro. Pub fair done right. Everything from juicy burgers, and delicious wraps to salads, nachos and a select array of appetizers. All entrees served with your choice of Kettle Salt and Pepper Chips or Tomato and Cucumber Salad. Tacos served every Tuesday with $5 margaritas. Happy hour is TuesSat 3 p.m.-6 p.m. $5 appetizers, $1 off well drinks, pints and wine. nYne has one of the best dance floors in town featuring DJs on the weekends and karaoke Tues-Thurs. Live music and special events as well. Private party space available with reservation. 232 W. Sprague Ave. Mon 7 p.m.-close, Tues-Sat 12 p.m.-2 a.m. nynebar.com.







SUSHI Sushi.com. Japanese. We still think the name is about as cheesy as you can get for a sushi bar and Japanese restaurant, but the food transcends the curious dot.com label over the door. Sit at the sushi bar and enjoy what’s fresh or take a table and explore the menu that also includes plenty of excellent hot options if raw fish still makes you nervous. Some of our favorites are the super white tuna and the house tempura. Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sat 12 noon-9 p.m., Sun 12 noon-8 p.m. 430 W. Main, Spokane. (509) 838-0630.

SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




139 131 72 47 174 84 72 51 107 92 13 50 47 125 7 16-17 BC 54 152 175 71 76 90 33 74 174 84 82 5 87 115 123 148 46 127 40 89 26 127 83 144 29 38 88 151 65 142 23 113 79 25 175 167 177 60 75 123


89 103 53 171 147 90 143 174 41 64 91 23 73 37 2 51 29 9 166 117 93 25 82 69 144 25 77 67 47 60 21 55, 76 41, 93 56 149 19 125 107 84 3 145 151 46 91 66 73 174 78 45 121 91 172 167 119 131 96 36




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173 105 132 68 141 81 37 61 59 174 129 139 80 143 85 41, 119 113 55 148 115 139 35 14 21 174 179 171 81 172 175 165 75, 152 70 129 101 169 105 74 39 36 63 24 109 80 65 132 111 111 55 4 79 170 118 133 109 55 85



SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Worst of the Worst

by Doug Clark


o here I am, and not a second too soon. After 34 years of popping off for Spokane’s daily newspaper, I retired and have accepted this opportunity to add a longoverdue dose of imbalance to this otherwise respectable magazine. What could possibly go wrong? And as luck would have it, my debut monthly column coincides with Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living’s high profile annual “Best of the City” razzmatazz issue. As you can see from the cover photograph, I’m all about “The Best,” especially when it involves cupcakes, coffee and ice cream. I’m also a huge believer in the democratic process. And there’s no better example of that patriotic duty than to be able to vote over and over and over again for your favorite weed merchant, psychic massage therapist or low-rent rendezvous motel. (Being new to this, I’m still a bit vague on the categories.) But here’s a thought: Why vote for just the Best of the City? If we’re going to continue to lead the way as the region’s fanciest supermarket-worthy publication, I say we broaden our scope to include those irritants in life that really ($%^!!) us off. So to get things rolling, I will offer a few of my picks for Worst of the Worst. Feel free to play along at home and compile your own list of bronze, silver and gold aggravations. Consider this your green


spokanecda.com / SEPTEMBER 2017

light to blow off steam and perhaps avoid that cardiac infarction that could be looming right around the coroner. I’m not big on testimonials. But being the Spokane area’s Voice of Treason for so long saved me an untold amount of psychiatric visits. So let us begin with… -Worst Spokane Mayor: Bronze: Ron Bair (diminutive egomaniacal TV newscaster who once greeted a visiting President Jimmy Carter while wearing a ridiculous rumpled safari outfit with an Australian bush hat topping his dome.) Silver: Jim West (The only mayor to be tossed out of office for … Well, let’s not muck about in all that sordid stuff again.) And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Whatever scoundrel currently holds the position. -Worst lie commonly uttered by local politicians. Bronze: “This mess we’re in is all the fault of you fascist Republicans.” Silver: “This mess we’re in is all the fault of you Commie Democrats.” And the gold-plated Worst goes to … “Vote for me. I’ll get those potholes patched in no time.” -Worst Inland Empire myth: Bronze: Wilbur crop circles. Silver: Bing Crosby’s ghost heard crooning on GU campus.

And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Hydroplane races will return to Lake Coeur d’Alene. -Worst menace to humanity: Bronze: Senior citizen swindlers. Silver: Schoolyard dope pushers. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Spokane red-light intersection cameras. -Worst whiny excuse Spokane Valley residents use to avoid shopping in downtown Spokane: Bronze: “Too many people.” Silver: “Might have to pay a quarter for parking.” And the gold-plated Worst goes to … “I break out in shingles whenever I cross Havana heading west.” -Worst new feature rumored to come with the iPhone X: Bronze: Siri replaced by ghostly of Steve Jobs. Silver: Still lousy at boiling water. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … (Anthony) WeinerChat to replace FaceTime. -Worst proposed covering for the U.S. Pavilion at Riverfront Park: Bronze: Salami. Silver: Mortadella. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Chauncy Welliver’s heavyweight boxing trunks.

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Doug Clark is a Spokane native and lead singer/songwriter for his band, Trailer Park Girls. He recently retired from The Spokesman-Review after writing three columns a week for more than 30 years. Clark’s humor and general-interest commentaries have won scores of local, state and regional honors along with three awards from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Clark lives in Spokane with his lovely wife, Sherry. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University and, most proudly, is the first person inducted into the Eddie Gaedel Society’s Hall of Fame headquartered at O’Doherty’s Irish Pub & Grill in downtown Spokane. Reach him at dougclarksville@gmail.com

Proud florist for


East Sprague Makeover. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Spokane’s Downtown “You Can’t Get There From Here” War Zone. -Worst faux pas that exposes you as a rank Inland Empire newcomer: Bronze: Never fed the Garbage Goat. Silver: Think Domini’s is a pizza chain. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Ordered French fries at Hudson’s Hamburgers. -Worst proposed new attraction for Riverfront Park remodel: Bronze: Ice skating ribbon shortened to ice skating riblet. Silver: The Harold Balazs art fountain now homeless shower. And the gold-plated Worst goes to… Looff Carrousel out. Bouncy Castle in! -Worst alternate nickname for the Lilac City: Bronze: SpoKanistan. Silver: Smokelahoma. And the gold-plated worst goes to … Up a Spell from Spangle.


Worst pipe dream held by Spokane-area sports fans: Bronze: “My kid’s gonna be a pro athlete one day.” Silver: “That Wazzu football coach Mike Leach is worth every penny of his near-$3 million salary.” And the gold-plated Worst goes to … “This is the year the Mariners win the World Series!” -Worst insanity coming out of Spokane City Hall since the Condon Coin: Bronze: Banning elephant hooks. Silver: Council President Ben Stuckart’s “Rocks n Rubble for the Homeless” program. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … City Council President Ben Stuckart’s terrified about face following mass outrage over his “Rocks n Rubble for the Homeless” program. -Worst example of public behavior: Bronze: People who push already lit elevator buttons at River Park Square. Silver: Overly chatty checkers who create grocery line gridlock. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Anyone engaging in an archeological nasal dig. -Worst thing about modern life in our Ingrown Empire: Bronze: No firecrackers on the Fourth of July. Silver: No real cruising on Riverside any more. And the gold-plated Worst goes to … Getting felt up every time I try to board a plane at the Spokane International Airport. -Worst Spokane street construction snarl: Bronze: North Monroe Starvation Diet. Silver: The Destroy all Commerce on

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sunsetflorist.net SEPTEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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