Spokane Coeur d'Alene Living October 2018 #155

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october 2   01     8 / issue 155 / spokanecda.com

Best of Gold Winning Singer

Haley Young

Local Instagram Phenoms to Follow

Must Visit Locations to Eat & Drink Your Way Around Green Bluff #155 | OCTOBER


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10/18 FEATURES O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 | V2 2 : I SSUE 1 0 (1 5 5 )

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Best of the City Part 2 We’ve spread the love for more than 450 of the region’s “best” (based on reader feedback) between the September issue and this one. In part two (this issue), we honor 67 categories in dining, drinking, entertainment and people.

1 3 8

Romping Around Green Bluff If you have never visited Green Bluff, you need to get your entire crew there this month. We’ve put together a list of 11 stops you need to make while you are there ... eating and drinking yourself around the hill.

october 2018 / issue 155 / spokanecda.com

on the cover Haley Young of the Bossame

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Instagram Influencers to Follow

Best of the City Gold Singer Best of Gold Winning Singer

Haley Young

Local Instagram Phenoms to Follow

Check out 10 local Instagram phenoms flexing their influence from faces, food

heatherclaramuntphotography.com Must Visit Locations to Eat & Drink Your Way Around Green Bluff #155 | OCTOBER


$3.95 (Display Until NOV 10, 2018)


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Photo by Heather Claramunt Photography

and fun to fitness, family and fabulous lifestyles and so much more.

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com




Editor’s Letter

Hot Topic

Stephanie’s Thoughts

College Campuses and Rape



First Look and Buzz

Best of the City Pt. 2

Wonderground Lilacs & Lemons 5 Public Art Installations Artist’s Eye Spokane Rising #PulseSpokane Photo Pics

Shopping, Home & Auto, Self-Care, Health & Beauty


Harvest Decor Dreams Farmhouse Meets Contemporary

Parties & Their People Hot Summer Nights White Room White Party


People Pages


The Scene Best of the City Haunted Bookshelf Haley Young & Bossame Tom Froese


Datebook October Events Picks


Instagram Influencers 10 People to Follow


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


The Nest

Prime Pages 4 Over 50 Inspirational Humans Healthbeat: Sem Cell Cancer Treatment by CCNW


Local Cuisine Feasting At Home Favorite Pie Green Bluff Ribbon Cuttings DINING GUIDE


Clarksville: Magic Boy

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


CONTACT US Spokane magazine is published twelve times a year. If you have any questions or comments regarding the magazine, please call us at (509) 533-5350; we want to hear from you. Visit our Web site for an expanded listing of services: www.bozzimedia.com. Letters to the Editor: We are always looking for comments about our recent articles. Your opinions and ideas are important to us; however, we reserve the right to edit your comments for style and grammar. Please send your letters to the editor to the address at the bottom of the page or to Stephanie@ spokanecda.com.

Editor in Chief

Copy Editor Carolyn Saccomanno Datebook Editor Ann Foreyt ann@spokanecda.com

of each issue, we publish a photo that depicts the Inland Northwest and why we live here. We invite photographers to submit a favorite to Kristi@spokanecda.com.

Datebook: Please submit information to Ann@ spokanecda.com at least three months prior to the event. Fundraisers, gallery shows, plays, concerts, where to go and what to do and see are welcome. Dining Guide: This guide is an overview of fine

and casual restaurants for residents and visitors to the region. For more information about the Dining Guide, email Stephanie@spokanecda. com.

BUZZ: If you have tips on what’s abuzz in the region, contact the editor at Stephanie@ spokanecda.com. Advertising: Reach out to the consumer in the Inland Northwest and get the word out about your business or products. Take advantage of our vast readership of educated, upper income homeowners and advertise with Spokane magazine For more information, call the sales manager at (509) 533-5350.

Fundraisers: Your group can receive $8 for each

$19 subscription sold. Contact the circulation director at (509) 533-5350.

Custom Reprints: We can adapt your article or ads and print them separately, without other advertising, and add new information. With our logo on your piece, your professionallydesigned handout on heavy gloss paper will be a handsome edition to your sales literature. Contact us at (509) 533-5350. Custom Publishing: Create a magazine

tailored to fit the needs and character of your business or organization. Ideal for promotions, special events, introduction of new services and/or locations, etc. Our editorial staff and designers will work closely with you to produce a quality publication.

Copy, purchasing and distribution: To

purchase back issues, reprints or to inquire about distribution areas, please contact the magazine at: Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living, James S. Black Building, 107 S. Howard, Suite #205, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 533-5350.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Stephanie Regalado


Why-We-Live-Here photos: On the last page

Story submissions: We’re always looking for new stories. If you have an idea for one, please let us know by submitting your idea to the editor: Stephanie@spokanecda.com.



Creative Director/Lead Graphics

Kristi Soto


PHOTOGRAPHERS Heather Claramunt Photography Cheryl Long

Mark Ament

Kayleen Gill

James & Kathy Mangis

Natasha Edwards

Bryce Williams

CONTRIBUTORS Sarah Carleton Kimberly Gunning Kris Kilduff

Sarah Hauge

Jennifer LaRue Erin Meenach

Megan Perkins Tony Rubleski

Diane Holm

Brian Newberry

Sharma Shields

Judith Spitzer


Emily Guevarra Bozzi


Senior Account Managers Jeff Richardson jrichardson@bozzimedia.com Erin Meenach


Account Managers KelliAnne Yates


Holli Quinones



Release Parties and Networking Events

Erin Meenach



Chateau Rive, Paulsen Penthouse Loft at the Flour Mill, White Room vbozzi@bozzimedia.com


Publisher & CEO

Vincent Bozzi



Emily Guevarra Bozzi


Finance Assistant

Jordan Bozzi


BEST OF THE INLAND NW SINCE 1999 Spokane magazine is published twelve times per year by Northwest Best Direct, Inc., dba Bozzi Media, James S. Black Building, 107 S. Howard, Suite #205, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 533-5350, fax (509) 535-3542. Contents Copyrighted© 2018 Northwest Best Direct, Inc., all rights reserved. Subscription $20 for one year. For article reprints of 50 or more, call ahead to order. See our “Contact Us” information for more details.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR/what you had to say

A Stellar Magazine My mother-in-law has gotten me hooked on reading Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine. It’s my weekend morning ritual and I read it cover to cover over my morning coffee. Your “Letter From the Editor” is always something I look forward to reading. For example, we live on a gravel road and we have a lot of quail in our neighborhood. When I read about your quail incident I immediate identified with you and felt a connection to the magazine. I’m also a huge fan of your “If they only knew” series. Those articles are so brave. While it can be shocking to hear some of the stories shared it has put perspective on my day to day interactions with strangers and has me compelled to ask myself- what more can I do to help those around me? Thank you for producing such a stellar magazine that has helped me to connect to my new(er) home in the inland northwest. —Genevieve Lund

A Cup of Tea, Big Socks & a Fantabulous Magazine When I get my Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine in the mail, I set it aside until I can make a cup of tea, put on my big socks and sink into my couch and read it from cover to cover. I can’t wait to see what the editor shares and I enjoy the personal “flair” they put in this magazine. It is displayed always in my house for others to see and read. This magazine is fantabulous and everyone should subscribe—those who aren’t subscribers are missing out! —Dicki T.

Editor Letter: for the love of a dog Thanks, Girl. You just messed up my mascara! Read your note and couldn’t help crying. We lost Becky The Beagle the same way you lost Friday. And, as in your tragedy, the driver who ended her life never stopped. Sort of makes one wonder, doesn’t it? Best to you, your kids and Tink. — Roynane Lisk

60 Most Powerful People Feature I recently reviewed your “60 Most Powerful People” list and it looks more like a list of the top 60 chief executives in the region. I volunteer many hours each month with the startup community in Spokane. I see the people who are actually down in the trenches


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

getting things done. They use influence, not position or title, for their power. The real people of influence and power are the ones getting it done in Spokane and having an impact, which is a drastic difference from those who sit in a corner office. Not to take away from those recognized in your publication, but certainly the following are as worthy, if not more so, of this accolade: 1. Dr. Elson Floyd. Even from his grave, his influence through the WSU Spokane Campus and Medical School continues on and will add so much to the Spokane Community well into the future. 2. Steve Rector. CFO of Cowles & Company, quietly leading venture investments in our entrepreneur community. 3. Mark Few. I’m pleased you recognized his contributions in your article. He makes my list too as he gives Gonzaga grads clout anywhere in the country after graduation and keeps Spokane on the map. 4. Ginger Ewing. Terrain brings out our community’s “culture,” helps create a melting pot of beliefs and spotlights it. 5. Megan Hulsey. Despite GSI’s best efforts to mess it up, she keeps pushing Startup Spokane forward by giving budding business ideas a garden to grow in (Shared Space Spokane) and a chance to bloom (Mind 2 Market accelerator fund). 6. Steve Trabun. Avista Regional manager, provides community funding support for local universities, Startup Spokane and other economic development efforts, there is not a entrepreneur event that Steve is not at and supporting. 7. Charlie Wolf. Co-founder of TEDx Talk Spokane, supporting our communities and citizen’s vision of the future and giving them a platform to share those ideas. 8. Jerry Dicker. Again, kudos to your publication for recognizing Mr. Dicker’s great contributions. He makes my list too as he brings the “form” of our community’s “fit, form and function” through his focus on art in his building projects. He has such a strong sense of form (art) that has been the core anchor to our downtown physical community and supports the sense of “function” through the Bing Theater events. 9. Dan Kardong. Bloomsday, what would spring (and Spokane) be without Bloomsday? 10. Matt Santangelo. Hoopfest slam dunks it! —Christopher E Wood

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Full slab viewing available by appointment. OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com 13

EDITOR LETTER/a note from Stephanie

Soaking in,


hether I’m sitting in a bustling café, elbows perched on the table’s edge, arms reaching up to support both hands blooming around a moon-sized mug as my lips gingerly sip to preserve the delicate design swirled into the froth—or I’m attending a fundraising event, energy spiked by live auctions and paddle raises raking in the dough, people high on life and free-flowing booze as their laughter seeps into all empty pockets in the air, one activity is always woven in: I’m soaking in—delighting in—the humans around me. The intrigue, the wonder, the pure fascination with others—as well as with my own existence—has me living a life ruled by curiosity, which has led to certain musings of myself, of others and of us all. Here are a few of my guiding lights: We all have the same spectrum of human possibility. I often weave this notion into my stories, and I can’t let it go. From the darkest dark to the brightest light of human potential and possibility, we are all dancing along the same line at any given time. There is no need to compare where we are—or where someone else is—when we understand it’s the same line. You don’t need concrete proof—or full comprehension—for something to be true. Trusting your inner voice that’s telling you something isn’t right, means something isn’t right. You don’t have to wait for concert proof to take the action necessary to honor yourself in a bad situation. And on the other side of that—and something more important now than ever before—you don’t need to understand someone else’s experience for it to be their reality. Listen to people, they rarely get their own recap—or feelings—wrong.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Delighting in, Humanity Most of us are, in Landmark terms, already always listening. And we hear what we want to hear versus what is actually being conveyed. It’s like getting in the car to run an errand on the weekend and ending up at your office, or the kids’ school. Our subconscious takes over when our brain is contemplating 100 other things in life, and will often go with what it has known to be true due to repetition in your past. Your brain holds all it knows and has experienced like sand in buckets, and it tips those buckets to fill in the gaps created by distraction or apathy, or anything that removes your full attention and open mind. Stay cognizant to the inclination to infill information, and present to hear what is actually being said. Respect isn’t earned, it’s given. I firmly believe how we treat others—how we speak of them, too—says far more about us than it says about them. We leave our mark on everyone we brush by in a day—on the sidewalk, in the office, at home, online, in the grocery store, everywhere— make the mark you leave a high one that encourages others to stand taller, reach higher, see beyond themselves and do good. It’s all an education. One of the terms I most frequently whisper to myself is “noted.” I think of all human behavior as an education and I’ve become grateful for the unveiling of that knowledge along the way, whether it breaks my heart or lights my soul on fire (in a good way). Stay wide open to learning the lessons those around you are laying down. The purest way to go eye-to-eye with what matters the most to you, is to face a tragedy. When we didn’t know where my son was for 45 minutes after receiving a text he was going to a bridge to answers someone’s call for help, it changed everything. His act of heroism in saving a young woman’s life that night made us proud, but having sifted all possible fears through our minds when he wasn’t to be found brought us to our knees. As

a colleague complained about a long-standing issue in the office the Monday morning after, I could only say: “it don’t mean a thing” because it no longer did. When I begin to feel washed out by life, I think of the worst news I could receive and what would rise up as most important under those circumstances … nothing scrubs the noise from my ears or “rights me” faster. Hold your spouse/partner in the highest regard or set them free. There is no greater sense of loneliness than when you are in a romantic relationship that isn’t serving you—or your partner— well. Whether you need to get real with yourself, or someone else needs to get real with you, I promise there is always a gift at the other end of heartbreak, even when life stays laced with pain from the loss. And for those committed souls, there’s no greater work than that of nourishing your life partnership. As they say, water your own grass if the grass is looking greener somewhere else. What sets a writer apart from those who say they can’t write is the same thing that sets anyone accomplishing anything apart from those who aren’t: some people give up too early to know their own grit and potential, and some never quite trying. No one has magic you don’t also have. Keep pushing through, people. I’m rooting for you, I’m rooting for us all. Write the book, make the relationship work, go for the amazing opportunity, don’t stop perfecting your craft and striving for your goals. They are yours if you really, truly want them. Thank you for reading my words and for reading Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine. You are a cherished part of the process. Please don’t hesitate to send your thoughts my way. My best, Stephanie Regalado stephanie@spokanecda.com

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Grand Re-Opening of the First Interstate Center of the Art Formally the INB Performing Arts Center


hat started off as an exploration into ways the INB Performing Arts Center could become more wheelchair assessable and all-able bodies friendly, turned into a nearly $23 million renovation and renaming. In addition to the original plan to create an open tunnel from the first floor lobby to the theater’s first-level access (those who needed first floor accessibility before this renovation had to checkin in the lobby and then be escorted back outside and around the side of the building to access the first floor of the theater), enhancements include a brand new lounge, a massive public art installation of puppeteer hands— complete with dangling dancers that will be lit in the evening—hanging from the ceiling of the lobby by local artists Bill and Karma Simmons, new sound system, more spacious ADA compliant seating (bringing capacity from 2,700 seats to 2,500 seats), and many other new modern updates.






To celebrate such a monumental moment in our region, the First Interstate Center of the Art is hosting a free concert for the public to enjoy the brand new building and see for themselves the changes from the renovation. First Interstate Center for the Arts Who: ZZ Ward w/Pickwick When: Nov. 5 at 6:30 p.m. Presented by Lydig Construction Tickets: This is a free event for the community, but tickets must be reserved ahead of time via ticketswest.com (you must go online to reserve up to four seats).











FIRST LOOK/lilacs & lemons {bad}


{good out of bad}


by Vincent Bozzi

LILACS to the City and the construction workers who finished the Monroe Street renovation ahead of schedule and exceeded expectations on its beauty and utility. It bothered me that there were so many naysayers among the businesses on the street who issued some pretty nasty claims toward the city, but most of them have come around and are cheerfully putting the travail behind them. All’s well that ends well.

LEMONS to scooter riders who ride on the sidewalks instead of in bike lanes. I’m assuming they are considered in league with bicycles as far as the law goes, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I was almost run over by a scooter driver who whizzed passed me and then cut right in front of me. The scooters don’t make much noise so they can be a little disarming to a pedestrian.

LEMONS to restaurants and events that don’t use common sense about asking for IDs from people who are obviously two or three times older than 21. I’m long past the age of feeling it’s a compliment when I get carded; rather I feel it’s an exercise in foolish consistency (the hobgoblin of little minds, as the saying goes). I won’t mention the establishments that use common sense on this, as I don’t want to get them in trouble, yet I’m so tempted to mention the last couple of restaurants where this occurred, but why give them any publicity?

LEMONADE to the Spokane Park Board for voting to remove the kiddie rides in Riverfront Park. In a previous issue, we lemoned the rides for cheapening the entrance to the park. Although they can be fun and festive, they don’t fit in with the park’s planned aesthetics; perhaps they could be considered on the north bank instead. Taking a beautiful park plan and then trashing it is like serving champagne in a dixie cup.

LILACS to the Lime company for placing bicycles and scooters all over downtown Spokane. It’s great seeing these fun people movers all over the city streets, and I plan to use them fairly frequently to get around myself. Living in the Paulsen Penthouse, it will be freeing to ride instead of walking to Kendall Yards or the Spokane Club, especially when the weather cools, although I suppose hauling groceries by scooter might be a challenge. I’ve enjoyed watching even middle aged businessmen jetting around on scooters— although one I witnessed yesterday seemed a bit tentative about his abilities, leading me to think that we all need to be a little more careful now.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

LILACS to Dr. Travis Denton at Washington State University’s Spokane campus for developing a drug that makes smokers lose their urge to light up. The drug replaces the nicotine and other harmful things in tobacco with a harmless drug that emulates the same effects. I’ve known alcoholics and smokers who quit smoking and drinking. Most say that smoking was the harder vice to vanquish. Now let’s get to work on the opioid crisis. LEMONS to those who do not RSVP. In our events business we occasionally see a bride and groom who’ve paid for a great deal of food find half the chairs vacant. It’s sad that so many don’t live up to their promises. On another note, on Facebook, we understand why there’s a button to push if you’re merely “Interested” in an event so you can take a while to think it over, but as soon as you know you’re going, it would be polite to change your status to “Going.”

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/around the world

Briana Mullendore in Old Port in Montreal Briana and Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine near the Wheel La Grande Roue Montreal for an unforgettable experience.

Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine publisher’s Emily and Vince Bozzi in Antelope Canyon Over the summer, Vince and Emily visited the Antelope “Upper” Canyon—the most photographed canyon in America, located in Page, Arizona, on Navajo land. 22

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Dr. Kai Morimoto, Marc Rickey and Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine in Puerto Vallarta This beautiful resort town on Mexico’s Pacific Coast is known for its beaches, nightlife scene and so much more.

California Closets Kiddos in Paris, France The Morgenstern family, owners of California Closets, traveled to Paris, France, with Aubree, Cody and Wyatt. They are pictured here in front of the iconic Eiffel Tower with Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine.

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Two Joys with Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine in Ireland Joy Moore took her granddaughter Joy Lally to Ireland for her 10th birthday and they paused in front of the Dromoland Castle, where they stayed for three nights, with their Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine.

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spokane eyerising FIRST LOOK/artist



by Megan Perkins

The spires of St. Aloysius were beacons for me as I was learning to find my way around Spokane as a new student at Gonzaga. If I could see them, I knew which way to go to get back home. I crossed St. Al’s plaza many times in my daily routine, stopping frequently to gather shiny chestnuts from under the trees near it, to sit and talk with a friend on the benches across from its entrance, and occasionally to stick my head inside the church to admire the stained glass. It is a familiar friend.

Megan Perkins began her project, Artist’s Eye on Spokane, in May and plans to continue sketching and painting at cool places and events in Spokane for the next year. Follow her adventures on Instagram @artistseyeonspokane, Facebook and meganperkinsart.com.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/spokane rising


by Anthony Gill

Growing Transit Ridership to Benefit All In 2016, the region’s voters approved a 10 year package of investments designed to

gradually and strategically improve Spokane Transit service. Naturally, the Central City Line—a frequent, easy-to-use rapid bus route between Browne’s Addition and Spokane Community College—stole much of the press coverage, but other improvements (like later Saturday service, new transit centers and additional service on key routes) are already dramatically improving service to riders. In coming years, new, more frequent lines on Monroe, Regal, Division and Sprague will gradually roll out additional amenities and features at stops, off-board ticketing, improved reliability and new capacity. These needed investments will make public transit an option for more residents, but by themselves, they won’t unlock our ultimate potential. We need to make choosing a bus, bike or sidewalk as easy and “obvious” as choosing a car, and to do that, we need to change the culture.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

What if we did a better job of incentivizing employers to provide transit benefits? Many employers provide pre-tax commuting benefits, but in some cases that just means a free parking spot. The City, the Downtown Spokane Partnership, and STA should do more (likely through the tax code and targeted outreach) to encourage businesses to redirect these parking subsidies into fare-free transit passes. In recent years, cities heavily pushing this model have unlocked virtuous cycles, where as more employers subsidize passes, and more employees use them, increased demand allows transit agencies to add more service, which induces even more employees to ride. And of course, everyone benefits, as each additional rider is a car taken out of traffic. What if we gave fare-free transit passes to high schoolers? Seattle’s high school and some middle school students started the academic year with new, fare-free transit cards giving them access to buses, trains and water taxis in several counties. What if we tried a similar program? Young people who ride transit from an early age are more likely to use it as adults. By providing kids and teenagers with the freedom to travel around the city, we would be encouraging independence and cultivating future riders for our growing system. Thinking even more boldly, what if we experimented with a fare-free system? Back-of-theenvelope math suggests it would cost around $10 million per year if we went 100 percent fare-free, not counting the additional service we’d have to add to meet demand. But smaller-scale tests could grow transit ridership in a more targeted way. For example, we could experiment with a downtown fare-free zone for short hops, or choose one line—like North Division—to test whether free service would add any riders. At the end of the day, improved fast, frequent and reliable transit service will dramatically grow ridership for years to come. But taking a few additional, strategic steps would help the city and the region maximize their return on investment. Anthony Gill is an economic development professional and the founder of Spokane Rising, an urbanist blog focused on ways to make our city a better place to live.


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Exorcising Our Ghosts by Brian Newberry

October is a spectacular month of fall foliage, autumn festivals and a morning chill foreshadowing the winter weather that is sure to follow. At the end of the month, All Hallow’s Eve is recognize by frolicking youth trick and treating, costumes and carving pumpkins. As a youth, the most unsettling movie I watched was the 1973 horror classic The Exorcist, a movie focused on expelling a demon from a young girl. I recently attended a jubilant Journal of Business Rising Star celebration where the crowd saluted 10 leaders under the age of 40 who are making an impact and growing our economy. This celebration, now in its fifth year, reminded me that the ghost of a lack of self-esteem, haunting our metro region for decades, is clearly being exercised. Bumper stickers stating, “Spokane Doesn’t Suck,” sublimely remind us of our regional confidence issues. On this celebratory night, the youthful Rising Star award winners, like Brooke Baker of Baker Construction and Development, and Brandon Haugen from Kalispel Development Company, demonstrate our confidence is high. As a relative newcomer to the area, I am always surprised by our envy of the Emerald City’s riches. The shine of Spokane is why my wife and I opted to retire here from the military. As a leadership teacher, I know confidence is the largest determinant of success, and because of our Renaissance, our Spokane self-esteem is rising. If there was any question of our awakening as a resolute region, the move of the iconic Amazon to the West Plains answers our resurgence as quickly as that Amazon delivery will be. My Girl Scout Council of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho is, likewise, surging forward being selected as one of three of 122 councils nationally to participate in an outdoor STEM Journey for our older Girl Scouts. A region which once proudly hosted the 1974 World’s Fair is back again because the ghosts of doubt are banished. Our Renaissance reigns. Col. Brian Newberry, USAF (Retired) is the CEO of Girl Scouts Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho and the former Commander, 92 ARW, Fairchild AFB.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

FIRST LOOK/leadership


The last several years, I’ve been extremely fortunate to pick

the brains of some of the brightest minds on the planet ranging from the fields of sales, marketing, psychology, to sports, music and spirituality. It hasn’t come easy to “capture” these incredible minds on the phone and within the pages of my books. I put in the time, the discipline, the miles, the thousands of pages read, to do my homework and establish a track record with busy PR handlers and agents. The mission is to make my interview guests look good while helping them to feel like they didn’t waste their time with another boring interview. In my most newly released book, TRAILBLAZERS: Leadership Lessons from 12 Pioneers Who Beat the Odds and Influenced Millions (2018 Morgan James Publishing), I was fortunate to capture such minds ranging from NY Times bestselling author, Wm Paul Young who wrote the 20+ million selling book and movie, The Shack, Dave Liniger, who co-founded the globally known real estate company, RE/MAX, a rookie NHL hockey head coach who helped the Pittsburgh Penguins win the Stanley Cup, to sales and marketing legends such as Brian Tracy and Seth Godin. I still get a charge out of interacting and engaging with my special guests and never take their time and wisdom for granted. Each of them has a unique story and a journey that teaches us lessons from both sides of the wheel of life when it seems everything is clicking, or when it seems all hope of hitting the goal or dream may be lost. Each guest comes from diverse, eclectic and often-times mundane backgrounds. The commonality, however that they all share is massive amounts of persistence. They simply refuse to accept circumstances that would knock 99 out of 100 people out from even trying; they continue to press on. They all had to start somewhere, and often it was during times of great chaos and setback taking place within their own lives when they made a big decision: to cut the cord and go full throttle in pur-


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

suit of their dreams. Nothing was given to them. They had to hustle, put in the time, deal with tons of rejection, and bust through the paradigms of what a long line of others said could and couldn’t be done. They also had to face down and conquer the twin enemies known as fear and self-doubt, often for many years in relative obscurity. In the process, they grew, changed millions of lives, and blazed a trail.

Here are the Seven Key Characteristics of a Trailblazer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Intense Curiosity Persistence Vision Life-long Learners Problem Solvers Focus on Their Strengths Thick Skin

I share these seven key characteristics with you as you likely already possess many of them. The mission is two-fold: • Identify the top characteristic you are the strongest at and keep using it each day • Pick one of the seven characteristics of a Trailblazing Leader to work on and improve within your own life Tony Rubleski is the bestselling author of the Mind Capture book series. He’s an in-demand keynote speaker and trainer. His core expertise and message is designed to help people “capture” more minds and profits. This is a partial excerpt from the new book, Trailblazers, by Tony Rubleski. MindCaptureGroup.com

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/spokanepulse


AFTER THE STORM by Natasha Edwards Instagram @her.pnw.stories

I remember feeling sad and overwhelmed when I took this photo. My son and I had just moved to Spokane from Chicago and it was our first day. Coincidentally, there was a storm that passed through and we were greeted with this beautiful rainbow that appeared near Spokane’s popular landmark. I took it as a sign from the universe that everything will be okay.Â


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

A WINDOW FROM MONROE TO MAPLE by Bryce Williams Instagram @bryce915

As a meteorologist with a passion for photography, Spokane offers me a little bit of everything. Something that took me by surprise upon moving here was the vivid fall foliage. The combination of autumn colors and winding rivers is hard to beat. Throw in a few of Spokane’s bridges and this view was too good to pass up.

AUTUMN FOG by Sheryl Long Instagram @ sherylarizona

As a Spokane native— currently residing in Scottsdale, Arizona— photography is my passion. The beautiful parks in Spokane are one of my favorite places to capture some great shots. This picture was taken at Manito Park on a foggy morning in late October, and stays with me still.

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/spokanepulse

BLACKHORSE LAKE by Mark Ament Instagram @mark_ament

The Blackhorse Lake is one of many lakes inside the Turnbull National Wildlife refuge. As a transplant from the East Coast, I’m fascinated by the landscape of Eastern Washington. When I’m not working my day job, I love to travel around with my camera and capture the beauty of this region. From the rolling hills of the Palouse, to the Channeled Scablands further west, and our own Mt. Spokane State Park, it’s a landscape photographer’s dream.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


DJ Unifest

BEST of the CITY PARTY — Nights on Broadway —

Jace Fogleman Burlesque Bombshell: Gigi Spott

Red Carpet Emcee: Nova Kaine Headliners: Atari Ferrari


by Erin Meenach

ue the foot lights and draw the red curtain, it’s time yet again for another glamorous evening celebrating Spokane‘s finest, best and brightest. Saturday October 20 at the Montvale Event Center (1017 W. 1st Ave.) in downtown Spokane, in Broadway style, you’ll experience two floors of live entertainment, magic and merriment. Enjoy food and drink samples in our Crystal Ballroom, and dance the night away with DJ Unifest and encore headliner Atari Ferrari. The smooth and sultry sounds of the legendary Jace Fogleman will be serenading us in our second floor Cabaret Nightclub, along with spotlight performances by Northwest Opera and Spokane’s own burlesque bombshell, Gigi Spott.

Strike a pose on the red carpet, and elevate to the next level as you enjoy live performance art, tarot readings, body and face painting, signature photo booth, beauty bar and many other fun and glamorous surprises. Overnight packages available at Ruby 1, 2 and the Montvale Hotel. Just mention Best of the City to lock in the discounted rate. “Red Carpet General Admission” includes admission to the event, red carpet arrival, access to both floors of entertainment, food

and drink samples and two full service cash bars 7 - 11 p.m. “Champagne VIP” includes all of the above plus catered champagne reception from 6 - 7 p.m. and swag bags to the first 100. Don’t miss the soirée of the fall, Nights on Broadway | Best of the City, the swankiest red carpet event in the city. Tickets available at Bozzitickets.com.











by Sharma Shields

Spooky Picture Books to Celebrate Halloween

My kids and I love Halloween. My daughter loves it so much

that the staff of the Moran Prairie Library joked with me last week about her habit of checking out Halloween-themed books yearround. The fun, inviting spookiness of the holiday is a playground for the imaginative. And Halloween night, itself, is such a lively way to embrace the lengthening darkness and to enjoy our neighbors and communities. It’s no surprise my daughter loves reading about it, even in the middle of spring and summer. As usual, we’ve been checking out a lot of Halloween picture books. Here’s a selection of our favorites, some new and some classic: A Tiger Called Tomás by Charlotte Zolotov and Marta Álvarez Miguéns (Sourcebooks Jaberwocky). This is a Latinx retelling of a classic. Tomás is a “very nice boy” who is nervous about meeting his new neighbors. His mother encourages him, but he shies away, worried that people won’t like him. When Halloween arrives, Tomás dons the mask of a tigre to give him the courage to venture into the neighborhood. The resulting interactions make him feel maravilloso (wonderful). Beautifully illustrated, this is a gorgeous book filled with kindness and community and adorable Halloween costumes. Pumpkin Trouble by Jan Thomas (Harper Collins). Jan Thomas’s books are known for their clean lines, bright colors, and wacky humor. In this funny, gentle book, a duck gets overly excited while carving a pumpkin and gets his head stuck inside of it. Now there’s a pumpkin with duck feet running around the barnyard! This is a great


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read for the younger set, delightful but not at all scary. Stumpkin by Lucy Ruth Cummins (Simon and Schuster). Empathetic children will love this sweet story about a pumpkin with no stem and his fervent wish to become a jack-o-lantern on Halloween. Will anyone ever choose poor stemless Stumpkin to display in their apartment window? This affectionate story will definitely get your kiddos excited for pumpkin-carving season. Creepy Pair of Underwear by Aaron Reynolds and Peter Brown (Simon and Schuster). Underpants are always funny to children (and to me, admittedly), and this spooky tale will make children laugh even as they relate to the little bunny’s determination to be a big bunny. His first big-bunny triumph? Owning a pair of creepy underpants, of course! This is a laugh-out-loud tale my kids request again and again. Heckedy Peg by Audrey Wood and Don Wood (HMH). A mother gives her children three simple warnings as she leaves the house, but the children don’t follow her instructions. The witch Heckedy Peg takes advantage of their mistake and turns them into delicious foods. Fortunately the mother comes to their rescue, and her cunning and love for her children save the day. This is the quintessential witch story in our household, a book I ended up buying from Auntie’s Bookstore so we could have our own copy handy. Ghosts in the House! By Kazuno Kohara (Square Fish). An empowered girl moves into a new house with her cat to find it overtaken by ghosts … but she doesn’t mind, because she’s a witch! The illustrations in this are lovely, and the girl’s repurposing of the ghosts inspires creative thinking and bravery in young kids. Definitely a Halloween must. In a Dark, Dark Room by Alvin Schwartz and Dirk Zimmer (Harper Collins). You know the tales in this are great when they inspire incredible literary masterpieces like Carmen Maria Machado’s Her Body and Other Parties (Graywolf Press). This is a classic you no doubt read as a child, and I promise you your kids will find it just as enthralling and scary as you did. Definitely not a read for toddlers, I’d recommend this more for brave 5-8 year olds, although frankly I still delight in reading them at age forty. Have a fun October reading spooky books to your loved ones. If you need one for yourself, I recommend Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House. This is the book Stephen King once called “one of the most important horror novels of the twentieth century,” and it’s perhaps the most psychologically chilling tale I’ve ever read. Happy scary reading! Sharma Shields, born and raised in Spokane, is the author of Favorite Monster: Stories and The Sasquatch Hunter’s Almanac: A Novel. She lives on the South Hill with her husband and two children.

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com




by Darin Burt

photo by Heather Claramunt Photography

You hear music performers talk about going to work in the studio. Spokane’s Haley

Young goes to work in a salon. By day, Young is a hairstylist at Be Loved, and at night and on weekends she’s fronting the band Haley Young and the Bossame as the lead vocalist. Young, 34, grew up singing hymns in church where her parents were worship leaders. She moved to Spokane at 21, following a career path of doing hair—a surprising situation for a big break as an entertainer, but when the feature act for a First Friday event dropped out, Young jumped in. That impromptu performance led to more gigs, and Young eventually caught the attention of producer Jay Condiotti, who hired her to sing on a commercial he was recording. Young had been a back up singer and dabbled around with various bits in the studio, and even writing her own songs, her real desire was to perform her own songs live on stage with the best musicians in town. That turned out to be Condiotti (guitar and vocals), Eddie Ramirez (bass) and Juan Paris (drums). The band’s sound is what Young describes as soul fusion. Think Lauryn Hill meets Amy Winehouse meets Adele. The songs are what Young calls “felt music,” and her rich, distinctive tone, conveys a palpable connection to whatever she’s singing.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Haley Young and the Bossame The emotions that make their way into Young’s music come from her own experiences, good, bad, happy or sad. Her first album with the Bossame (a play on Boss of Me) was written at a time when she was going through a breakup, and so much of it deals with vulnerability and heartbreak. The new album being released this month represents a new happy time in her life. “I write my thoughts and feelings in my journal. Later I’ll go back and look at the words and somehow they become songs,” Young says. “It’s my way of coping, and dealing with my hurts, losses and triumphs. “There’s nothing cooler than sharing your heart and your journey.” Not only can fans download Young’s music online, listen closely and you’ll hear songs she’s written with bandmate Condiotti on the soundtracks of popular television shows including Claws (TNT), Orphan Black (BBC) and web series Hand of God (Amazon) and Daredevil (Netflix). Around town, you can catch Young and her group live at festivals and street fairs, and headlining big events like Pig Out in the Park and Epicurean Delight. Young has been offered gigs on cruise ships, vacation resorts and even to played rooms in Las Vegas. People often ask, with things going so well, why she doesn’t move on to bigger things. For Young, whether in her music, her voice or her life, it’s all about keeping it real. “The thing I love most about music is the intimacy of it, telling my story and having people respond,” she says. “I feel a kindred spirit with the people in Spokane—I write my songs, I love on my city and I get to go out on stage and sing to the people and have that hometown connection.”

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com




by Jennifer LaRue

If you were around the Spokane art scene in the late ’80s to early ’90s, you have probably

seen Tom Froese’s work; a pioneer back then, Froese simply created, rarely, if ever, thinking about the audience. Rather, he let his imagination rule and his pencil (or whatever tool he happened to have in his hand) lead. “When I am art working, I lose myself,” he says. “With a blank board, the images start to reveal themselves to me by my pencil.” And the revelations are unique: intricate drawings of mostly human figures doing strange and personal things in places never before seen like “The Panhandler” waving around pans in a place that may or may not be a kitchen. Froese grew up in Spokane. He attended Northwest Christian and sang in bands. He considered being a psychiatric social worker and went to Spokane Falls Community College to study music and take remedial classes. He got a job at Eastern State Hospital, started taking nursing classes and had a bit of an emotional breakdown after which he began drawing and asking himself: what is art and why does it feel so good? He started studying art history to perhaps answer his questions, and he ended up with a BFA from Eastern Washington University with a minor in art history, through which he learned about Dadaists. “I became obsessed with the Dada movement that began with people who were disgruntled with society,” he says. “They were the punk rockers of their time.” And so, he made art, immersing himself in the task by getting a large studio at a place called 123 Arts where he built things akin to Kurt Schwitters’ Merzbau (1933) and Cabaret Voltaire (Zurich, 1916): large installations that consumed space and performances rooted in experimentation. He brandished spray foam, wood, found objects and paint, conducted a punk rock choir, led rowdy discussions, threw food and beat on coffee cans. When he wanted a break from working loud and big, he started drawing again, meticulously creating a collection that he displayed at the Spokane County Dump (1989) and then left it there. “It was cathartic,” he


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says. He then moved into another large studio space and had a show, after which he was invited to do a solo show at the Gallery of Art at Eastern Washington University, which led to invitations from the Cheney Cowles Museum, the Spokane Art School Gallery, the Chase Gallery and more. He was invited to participate in themed exhibitions and fundraisers alongside the best in Spokane at the time, and his work sold quickly. And then he came face to face with an enemy—himself. “I really was my own worst enemy back then,” he says. “I was disgruntled with the scene and mad at the world. So, I quit making art.” Local legendary artist Harold Balazs tried to talk him out of it. “I spent time at his studio. He was ready to take me under his wing, but I was feeling crushed by some personal issues and no, I don’t regret my decision to quit making art and leave Spokane; I just wonder what would have happened had I not made that decision.” Froese moved to California where he raised a child and bought and sold vintage items. He returned to Spokane a few years ago and opened a vintage shop in the Garland District called the Rusty Ruby where, behind the counter, he draws for hours at a time like he did 20 years ago. “To me art is about the process of doing rather than the end result. It’s especially exhilarating when I discover something new. It is also kind of spiritual during meticulous long periods of routine work.” Recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, he mentions that the condition will most likely find its way into his work, no doubt in strange and personal ways. His latest series is a tribute to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’s 200th birthday, which includes found art reimagined with Frankenstein. The exhibition is at Object Space Gallery, 1818 ½ E. Sprague Ave. and will conclude with a reading of the book and a party on October 26 and 27. Visit Tom Froese at the Rusty Ruby, 606 W. Garland, for more information.


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THE SCENE/october



Through October 14: Bug

Opens October 6: The Inland Northwest and the Great War On the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, which ended World War I, we remember and celebrate the Spokanites who went to war. Museum of Arts and Culture. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931, northwestmuseum.org or themac@northwestmuseum.org.


2018 46

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Set in a seedy Oklahoma City motel room, Bug centers on the meeting between Agnes, a divorced waitress with a fondness for cocaine and isolation, and Peter, a soft-spoken Gulf War drifter introduced to her by her friend, R.C. Agnes stays at a hotel in hopes of avoiding her abusive ex, Jerry, who was just released from prison. There’s a hidden bug infestation problem that has both Agnes and Peter dealing with scathing welts and festering sores—which has Peter believing this is the result of experiments conducted on him during his stay at an army hospital. Their fears soon escalate to paranoia, conspiracy theories and twisted psychological motives. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 14: Spokane Marathon, Half-Marathon and 10k The Spokane Marathon, a Boston Marathon qualifying race, is one of the most scenic courses in the country. Choose your distance—full marathon, marathon relay, half-marathon and 10k (now a second seed qualifier for Bloomsday)—and tackle one of the area’s most beautiful courses. thespokanemarathon.com

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/october

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October 15: Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra: Shlomo Mintz Join the Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra for its season opener featuring legendary violin virtuoso Shlomo Mintz. Mr. Mintz is considered by colleagues, audiences and critics one of the foremost violinists of our time, esteemed for his impeccable musicianship, stylistic versatility, and commanding technique. He has long been acclaimed as a celebrated guest artist with many of the great orchestras and conductors on the international stage and continues to enchant audiences with his playing. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

October 27: Jennifer Batten During the Chateau Guitar Festival, there will be a ticketed event with Jennifer Batten, who toured as Michael Jackson’s lead guitarist for 10 years as well as joining him on Superbowl XXVII, which aired to 1.5 billion people. She then spent 3 years recording and touring with British guitar icon Jeff Beck. She continues to tour the globe with her multimedia show, and with various bands, as well as doing music workshops. Chateau Rive at the Flour Mill. 621 W. Mallon Ave. ticketswest.com


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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/october

October 27: Chateau Guitar Festival Chateau Rive At The Flour Mill will be the center of the Inland Northwest Guitar Universe for The Chateau Guitar Festival featuring luthiers, vendors, collectors, and a performance from Michael Jackson’s longtime virtuoso Jennifer Batten. World class guitar makers will be displaying oneof-a-kind creations during the free festival during the day. See unique harp guitars From The Powell Brothers as well as new work from master luthier David Keely. Chateau Rive at the Flour Mill. 621 W. Mallon Ave.

November 9: Epicurean Delight The 37th Annual Epicurean Delight, featuring 30 restaurants and 30 libations— showcasing some of the most amazing food and libations our region has to offer. Epicurean Delight is Spokane’s biggest cocktail party and the most fun black-tie/ formal gala in the Northwest. Past proceeds raised were put toward expanding INBC’s automation for transfusion services, enabling INBC to improve patient care and quality of service. This modernization allows INBC to expand their automated footprint to local hospital partners and allows for testing multiple patients simultaneously, saving time and cost in their ongoing mission to save lives. Spokane Convention Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 50

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Kenzi Novell — 2015 Reigning Miss Washington USA Actual Patient

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Autumn Leaf

THE SCENE/october

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

November 14: Fox Presents: The Best of the Second City

Fox Presents is bringing Chicago’s legendary sketch and improv comedy theater, as part of their national tour, “The Best of The Second City.” This must-see show features the best sketches and songs from The Second City’s history—as well as their trademark improvisation. America’s first name in comedy has produced superstars like Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, Gilda Radner, Bill Murray, KeeganMichael Key, Aidy Bryant, Alan Arkin and more. Fresh, fast and always spectacularly funny, The Second City is celebrating nearly sixty years of producing cutting-edge satirical revues and launching the careers of generation after generation of comedy’s best and brightest. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

We’d like to extend our deepest gratitude for one of the most memorable Host Summer Nights to date! Thank you to all who participated to make it a huge success! To our sponsors, vendors, Swag contributors, volunteers, car exhibitors and attendees alike, we humbly Thank each and everyone of you! Until next time Spokane… join us next summer when we travel to the 1960’s… Hot Summer Nights 2019 | The Summer of Love! 8 Tracks Rewound A to Z Rents Adam Hegsted Amy Sherman Anderson Ink BECU Blue Mustangs Bozzi Media Team Bulletproof Tattoo California Closets Carol Carter Centerplace Regional Event Center Cigar Train City of Spokane Valley Conrad Bagley Crystal Springs Water Dave Cotton Entertainment Warehouse Erin Meenach Fun Flicks Gigi Spot Glenn & Rachel Case iHeart Radio James & Kathy Mangis and Crew Jessica Ridgeway Kjerstin Bell Kristi Soto Le catering Levi Steverding Lynne Blackwood Matt Van Zee Mojo Print Solutions Octagon Entertainment Patty Tully Rebecca Chadwell Shane Chamberlin Spokane Valley Parks Department Starlite Motel Stina Rae Photography The Merry Makers Valente Chiropractic Whole Body Medi Spa

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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com





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by Stephanie Regalado



hese days, there are no boundaries for creative expression—or sharing it, and your life, with the world—and I have become increasingly intrigued by the numerous social media phenoms in our region. I did a little digging to uncover 10 not-so-secret Instagram influencers who fascinate me most and am excited to share them with you, along with their cool, new daily inspiration. From family, fitness and faces to food, fashion and fabulous lifestyles (and more), here are 10 of my faves representing a cumulative following of nearly 350,000 people.


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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


An Ugly Truth

HOT TOPIC/sexual violence

by Judith Spitzer


where there is a college or university campus, there is sexual assault


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

exual violence—it’s an unavoidable topic for anyone who even casually follows the news. Last month alone there was the debacle of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings and his alleged sexual assault, the sentencing of Bill Cosby, and the many allegations against (and the subsequent firing of) CBS executive Leslie Moonves for sexual abuses of women. Also in September, believe it or not, the U.S. Defense Department released a much anticipated, one-of-a-kind study that estimates the risk service members face at various military installations. Incredibly, the searchable database shows the average expected risk for men and women at individual military installations. All of which is to say that we have come a fair way in some areas in dealing with sexual violence. Yet on college campuses across the country, rape is widespread and far more common than other types of crimes on campus, according to experts. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) reveals a chilling statistic on its website: one out of every four female undergraduates will be victim to some form of sexual assault before graduation. In fact, we are currently in what college administrators and others call the “red zone” of sexual assault risk. The red zone is the period from the beginning of fall semester to about Thanksgiving break when sexual assaults on U.S. college campuses seem to spike. More than 50 percent of college sexual assaults occur in either August, September,

day care

October or November, according to Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), a national anti-sexual violence organization. Sarah Michele Kersey, a junior at Gonzaga University, considers herself a central point of contact for women survivors of sexual assault on campus. “The fact that one in five women and one in 16 men will experience sexual assault on a college campus is absolutely unacceptable. Unfortunately, not talking about the issue contributes to the commonality of the problem,” Kersey wrote in a letter to the editor of the Gonzaga Bulletin, the University’s student newspaper, last November. Last year Kersey appeared with two other young female students in a production called I Am Maria, a play produced by Gonzaga’s Center for Cura Personalis. Cura personalis is a Latin phrase that suggest individualized attention to the needs of the other or “care for the entire person.” Although she says it is difficult to share her story of being sexually assaulted when she attended high school in Moses Lake, she has been outspoken about the issue on campus. She is an intern at the Cura Personalis Center at Gonzaga where she is tasked with promoting healthy relationships on campus. Annual Security Reporting The Clery Act* requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report to employees and students every year in October. The report must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding three

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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


HOT TOPIC/sexual violence

calendar years, plus details about efforts taken to improve campus support from her office. safety. “I discuss investigation options with students and I head up the Clery reports must also include policy statements regarding (but investigation if there is one,” Whaley says. Whaley says it’s up to the not limited to) crime reporting, campus facility security and access, student whether law enforcement is involved. law enforcement authority, incidence of alcohol and drug use, and “We would likely do an investigation, but we don’t contact the the prevention of/response to sexual assault, domestic or dating police department automatically unless the student wants us to,” violence, and stalking. Numbers for crime statistics are listed on she says. “If they don’t want law enforcement involved, we work each college or university website typically under campus safety closely with them to provide what resources and referrals they and security. need. We explore their support options.” The Clery Act is not the only campus safety legislation to which The types of support and/or resources depend on the case, but institutions must adhere. In the broadest sense, Title IX is a civil Whaley says her office refers students to Spokane’s Lutheran Family rights law that sought to end discrimination based on gender in Services for services and works closely with every student. educational institutions. It now includes sexual violence on college “Students seeking support might say something happened to and university campuses. me or … just that they’re seeking help,” she Today, Title IX requires colleges and says. “We help people connect and have a nearly 70 percent of conversation on how they want to move forward. universities to “take immediate and effective steps to end sexual harassment and sexual victims don’t inform We keep track of every student who comes violence.” the police through office.” RAINN reports that nearly 70 percent of Clery Act reports for 2017 at two Spokane-area victims don’t inform the police and that a mere universities: 25 percent of 25 percent of reported assaults eventually in an arrest. And that number is on the reported assaults result Gonzaga University conservative side—one study by the ACLU eventually result in shows 95 percent of sexual assault victims don’t According to Taylor Jordan, Gonzaga Clery Compliance and Campus Security Team an arrest report to police. coordinator, there were two reports of rape and Whaley says the numbers are “right up there five reports of fondling on the Gonzaga campus with most underreported types of crime. I would 95 percent of sexual say we’re no different than other universities. last year. assault victims don’t And our numbers have been average for those Eastern Washington University percentage wise,” she says. report to police reporting According to Jennifer Miller, EWU Police Clery Sarah Kersey says she remembers the fear and Compliance officer, in 2017 there were six shock she felt after she survived the assault. reported rapes and one report of fondling at EWU. “It’s overwhelming,” she says. “You don’t know what to do. You don’t expect this to happen to you.” Stephanie Whaley, Gonzaga’s Title IX director, says the Clery Kersey says she didn’t tell anyone right away. Reports capture statistics that relate to criminal offenses on or “I didn’t tell my parents until a couple of months after it around campus, including criminal homicide, rape and other sexual happened. There was a lot of shame involved and I didn’t want to assaults, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft hurt them,” she says. “My parents have always been supportive of and arson, as well as arrests and disciplinary referrals for violations me, and I knew it would hurt them and I didn’t want to do that to of drug, liquor and weapons laws. The Violence Against Women them. My parents have a healthy relationship, and we’ve always Act amended Clery to include disclosure of statistics regarding been a normal family. We have a golden retriever for God’s sake.” incidents of dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. Kersey is vocal about her struggles today, but says it’s incredibly Whaley physically takes reports from students who report hard for any sexual assault survivors to talk to others about the sexually assault and reaches out to other students who may need crime.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

SHOWCASE/keep it local

Whole Body Medi Spa BeYoutiful Too! Salon & Custom Makeup Boutique! SPECIALIZING in ALL Natural Mineral Makeup for all ages. Organic Skincare with Probiotics and no preservatives! 327 W Third Ave | SE Corner of 3rd & Washington Come and see us Tuesday-Saturday 10am - 6pm. Or call 509-251-3786 to make an appointment.

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Pigtails Mercantile Spokane’s newest and most charming retail destination... featuring antiques, up-cycled clothing, jewelry, home decor and so much more. Where “everything has a story!” Hours 10a-6p Tues-Sat. Pigtails Mercantile 3028 S. Grand Blvd.

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


HOT TOPIC/sexual violence

Getting Real About Sexual Assault —People rarely lie about being raped or sexually assaulted. According to a research review reported by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, false reports happen in two percent to 10 percent of cases. —No one asks or deserves to be raped or sexually assaulted. Regardless of what they were wearing, where they were, who they were with or how much they had to drink. —There are multiple reasons why victims/ survivors don’t often disclose right away, if ever: fear of retaliation, fear of not being believed, fear of something worse happening if you tell, fear of it happening to someone else if you tell, threats, bribes, manipulation are used to keep the victim/survivor silent, fear of the offender getting in trouble, embarrassment, self-blame, shame, denial, avoidance (If I don’t tell, maybe it will just go away and I won’t have to deal with it), lack of support system, fear of law enforcement involvement. The list can go on. —Eighty to 90 percent of offenders are someone known and trusted by the victim/ survivor. The relationship that existed makes it even harder to disclose (How can someone I know/love/trust do something so terrible?). —The criminal justice process can be daunting and arduous. Out of every 1,000 rapes, only six rapists will ever spend a day in jail, according to RAINN.org. These statistics are not favorable for the victim/survivor and do not encourage people to come forward. —Generally speaking, as a society, we are not comfortable talking about rape, sexual abuse or even body safety. The lack of dialogue in our communities about sexual assault and body safety enables sexual violence to continue to exist. If we are afraid to hear a disclosure of sexual assault, if our most common response is to blame the victim, if we are uncomfortable talking about body safety, we are giving the power to offenders and allowing sexual violence to spread. If and when a victim/survivor believes she/he might be believed and supported, they are much more likely to come forward and disclose sexual assault.

Source: Sexual Assault Center, Nashville Tenn.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

“People I’ve talked to who have survived sexual violence typically say they don’t report because of fear of retaliation, a lack of faith in the justice system, uncertainty regarding how to define what happened to them (many times it’s several days after the assault until they understand what had happened and felt as if it was too late), and the uncertainty of where and who to go to for help,” she says. “But I think it’s worth it and it’s how I reclaim what happened to me. It’s taking back my story on my own terms. I like being that figure on campus and that people know it’s happened to me and people can talk to me,” she says. “So I get to do more work all year on spreading awareness about sexual violence, telling my story, doing events to make sure others can share their stories too, and preventing sexual violence,” she says. “Gonzaga has been a great place to find myself and share my story and I’ve received so much love and support from those experiences that its overwhelming and mind bending.” Today she says she is happy to tell her story because it starts a conversation and helps others deal with the uncomfortable tension “of where you don’t feel like you have the right to say what happened to you. “While we are seeing a shift in society’s willingness to believe victims of sexual assault, there will still be the people out there who will disregard, silence and continue to hurt survivors. Survivors will still be scared into silence, disregarded and made to feel as if they deserved the pain they had to go through,” Kersey says. Experts say although survivors of sexual violence suffer psychological consequences, they may reason that the costs of reporting—e.g., loss of privacy, humiliation, having to testify to police or at a college disciplinary hearing—outweigh any potential benefits. Additionally, women of color, women who are raped by an acquaintance or family members, and women who were using drugs or alcohol when they were assaulted are generally less likely to report the crime to police, research shows. Whaley says she sees a lot of self-blame. “And on campus—survivors in one way or another—they may know the person and even have to go to class with them,” she says. “Sexual assault is a very complex issue, and alcohol is a strong contributing factor in cases that I’ve reported for this age group.”

on campus— survivors in one way or another— they may know the person and even have to go to class with them

Gonzaga provides sexual assault awareness training for each incoming student, Whaley says, as well as several other programs on alcohol use, mental health issues, sexual assault and healthy relationships. Other workshops and programs provide even more in-depth intervention skills to work in groups on case studies and work through what could happen in a variety of situations and what to do in those situations. “We also have a bystander intervention program and workshops throughout the year. We really encourage people to step in and step up to do something and to help someone,” Whaley says. *Clery Act: Jeanne Clery was 19 years old when she was raped and murdered in her college residence hall. Her parents, Connie and Howard Clery, learned that standards for campus crime reporting simply did not exist in 1986. So the Clery family put transformative change into motion on the state and national level: they lobbied for revolutionary policy change that eventually led to the Jeanne Clery Act, and formed a nonprofit organization that would help colleges and universities understand the Clery Act and how to maintain safer campus environments. Today, Clery Center remains dedicated to guiding institutions to implement effective campus safety measures focused on sexual violence, dating violence, fire safety, hate crimes, hazing and other forms of violence and crime.

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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


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of the

c i t y 2018 PA R T T W O It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

when we celebrate more than 450 of the best local businesses, organizations, eateries, health care, personalities and more in our region. As you may have noticed, we’ve spread the Best of the City love between the September and October issues this year. On the following pages, you will find who and what readers voted as “the best” in multiple categories such as food, drink, experiences, events, people and more. We hope to see you at the Best of the City party on Saturday, October 20 at the Montvale Event Center. Visit bozzitickets.com for ticket information.

2018/best of the city


CHURCHILL’S STEAKHOUSE Nowhere better to pair a thick-cut, dry-aged filet mignon with a fine red wine than inside the upscale dining room at Churchill’s. Prepare the taste buds for an unmatched selection of mid-Western cuts with hearty embellishments. churchillssteakhouse.com

SILVER: Spencer’s Steakhouse BRONZE: Masselow’s Steakhouse IDAHO: Wolf Lodge Steakhouse


WILD SAGE Wild Sage has been hosting intimate date nights and private parties inside its relaxing and refined bistro for more than a decade. Executive Chef Charlie Connor incorporates regionally sourced ingredients into creatively composed dishes, and the menu is a favorite among diners with dairy and gluten dietary restrictions. wildsagebistro.com SILVER: Clinkerdagger BRONZE: Churchill’s Steakhouse IDAHO: Beverly’s


ANTHONY’S Anthony’s commitment to working with local farmers and fishermen extends from its Washington-sourced beef to its fresh caught selection of Northwest seafood, which serves as the determining factor for the day’s menu. anthonys.com SILVER: Masselow’s BRONZE: SS Beryl IDAHO: Syringa


ITALIAN KITCHEN A beautiful and charming decor, exquisite, authentic Italian cuisine, and above all else remarkable hospitality, the Italian Kitchen has been one of the Spokane’s premier dining experiences, specializing in authentic homemade recipes from scratch. italiankitchenspokane.com SILVER: Luigi’s BRONZE: Italian Trattoria IDAHO: Angelo’s 74

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


INCREDIBURGER & EGGS One small step for diners, one giant leap for burgerkind. Chef/Owner Adam Hegsted has created an eclectic menu featuring hand-pressed, umami-seasoned burgers and egg sandwiches accompanied by side dishes, adult beverages and as much local products and producers as possible. The Sweet Potato Tots are beyond words delish. incrediburgerandeggs.com SILVER: Palouse Bar & Grill BRONZE: Cochinito IDAHO: ten/6


ANTHONY’S A seat inside the dining room at Anthony’s would be the perfect perch to view the upper falls of the Spokane River if it weren’t for the spacious patio that gets you steps closer to the rushing river. anthonys.com

SILVER: Clinkerdagger BRONZE: No Li Brewhouse IDAHO: Crafted


DOMINI SANDWICHES This family-owned, Spokane-staple is wellloved for its hearty sandwiches piled high with deli-cut meats. No frills here; just traditional favorites by the sandwich, basket or pound, garnished with horseradish, and sweet and hot mustards. dominispokane. com SILVER: Caruso’s BRONZE: Smacky’s IDAHO: Best Sandwich Shack


SWEET FROSTINGS BLISSFUL BAKESHOP This delightful bakeshop satisfies sugar cravings with its freshly baked cookies, macarons, cake pops and pastries. Impress party guests with a delicately decorated custom cake or stop in on a whim and choose from the daily cupcake lineup. sweetfrostingsbakeshop.com SILVER: Celebrations BRONZE: Nothing Bundt Cakes IDAHO: Lake City Cakes


BENNIDITO’S BREW PUB One of the longest-standing original insanely delicious fired pizza places in the region, Bennidito’s will never go out of style nor will they ever disappoint our tastebuds.

SILVER: The Flying Goat BRONZE: Blaze IDAHO: Fire Artisan Pizza


WISCONSINBURGER Juicy, fresh and packed with flavor—the name Wisconsinburger itself is enough to make one’s mouth water. Regulars return for the innovative Grinds of the Week specials, but any fresh-ground burger from the menu is a solid choice. wisconsinburger.com

SILVER: Delish’s BRONZE: IncrediBurger IDAHO: Schmidty’s Burgers


LONGHORN BARBECUE The original brothers behind Longhorn Barbecue brought their Southern pitstyle barbecue-in’ from Texas to Spokane back in 1956. The best place in the city for baby back ribs, Longhorn Barbecue seasons, marinates and slow-smokes them until they’re fall-off-the-bone good. thelonghornbbq.com SILVER: Red Lion BBQ & Pub BRONZE: Chicken N More IDAHO: Dickey’s Barbecue Pit

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2018/best of the city


OLIVE GARDEN The Olive Garden is well-known for their delicious Italian meals and great family atmosphere, but their salads are just as raveworthy. olivegarden.com SILVER: Twigs Bistro BRONZE: Palouse Bar and Grill IDAHO: Cosmic Cowboy Grill


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

HENDERSON DIP With a nod towards the culture of the 1950s, the overriding goal Cliff Cannon Foods has been to create fresh, locally made and versatile culinary products for the discerning hostess. Henderson Dip Original, Henderson Dip Spicy Chipotle and Henderson Dip Classic Caesar are hits at any party. hendersondip.mealpoint.us SILVER: Victor’s Hummus BRONZE: Litehouse


THAI BAMBOO Each of the four locations has its own unique feel, but you’ll find the same highquality, authentic Thai and Asian fare. Order your tried-and-true favorite or opt for something new from the extensive menu and switch up the spice level. Thai Bamboo is known for its top-notch customer service and imported Thai art and trinkets. thaibamboorestaurant.com SILVER: Taste of Thai BRONZE: Bangkok Thai IDAHO: Asian Twist


CLINKERDAGGER Nestled in the Old Flower Mill building, the riverside views are fabulous and the dining digs are fit for a business meeting to nights on the town, and anything in between. Peruse the menu of meat- and seafoodforward entrées, but if you get stuck on the enticing variety of appetizers, you wouldn’t be the first. clinkerdagger.com SILVER: Saranac Public House BRONZE: Anthony’s Homeport IDAHO: Seasons


SUSHI.COM Fresh fillets are flown in daily to this authentic Japanese restaurant, where trained sushi chefs artfully craft popular specialty rolls, among simple sashimi bites and elaborate sushi boats. A wide variety of cooked and meaty rice and noodle dishes guarantee enough options for every diner to fill their belly. mainsushi.com SILVER: QQ BRONZE: The Wave IDAHO: Syringa


MING WAH Ready to switch it up? Treat your taste buds to Ming Wah’s twists on Chinese favorites. Orange chicken, pan fried noodles and the biggest egg rolls you’ve ever seen. Health-conscious dieters love the low-fat fare and fresh plates served at Ming Wah Restaurant. Pick your poison and toast your evening—drinks are also served here. Bring the whole clan to this restaurant—kids and parents will love the menu and ambience at this longtime Spokane favorite. m.me/ mingwahrestaurant9 SILVER: Red Dragon BRONZE: China dragon IDAHO: Chinese Gardens

Thank You Spokane! Best Neighborhood Restaurant

CHAPSGIRL.COM | 4237 Cheney Spokane Rd, Spokane, WA 99224 OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city


VINA ASIAN RESTAURANT Those who claim to know the best Asian food around favor Vina for its fresh dishes and made-from-scratch pho. Three varieties of hot pots are popular for sharing couples and families, and a full lineup of veggie, chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, squid and duck entrées offers something for everyone. SILVER: Pho Van BRONZE: Three Sisters IDAHO: Pho Thanh

BEST MEXICAN: Appetizers

Dessert- Burnt Crème

Fine Dining

Outdoor Dining

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TECATE GRILL Tecate Grill is blazing a new trail in the restaurant scene, offering amigo guests a delicious authentic Mexico dining experience. It captures the essence of various Mexican regions and features unique Southwest entrees including tortilla Souparroz con pollo, chili rellenos and adova chicken pasta. Don’t forget a pitcher of margaritas or sangria to get the fiesta going in full swing! tecate2go.com SILVER: Azteca BRONZE: Rancho Chico IDAHO: El Paisa Mexican Food


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

COUPLE OF CHEFS Great food from a truck? You bet! Allen Skelton and Joile Forral are a “Couple of Chefs” that serve gourmet fare from scratch, using quality ingredients. They roast, bake, sauté and prepare the best meals for you to enjoy! Sandwiches and burgers are made to order with love. This is a truck so it moves around—you can usually find Couple of Chefs parked in and around Downtown Spokane most days for lunch. coupleofchefs. com SILVER: 3 Ninjas BRONZE: Mac Daddy’s Gourmet Grub IDAHO: Left Coast Fusion Truck

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city



TOP OF INDIA Seafood, Tandoori, Lamb, Goat, Chicken and (a lot of) Veggie curries. Top of India invites diners to embark on an extraordinary culinary journey of India in a modern and sleek atmosphere. thetoirestaurant.com SILVER: Taste of India BRONZE: The Great Taaj


OLD EUROPEAN Don’t let that other place fool you, Old European is the real “international” breakfast house. Unique and special signature items which you had better try or miss out are: Danish Aebleskivers, Dutch Baby, Swedish Crepe, Banana Stuffed French Toast, Austrian Coffee, Buckwheat Hot Cakes, Bacon Avocado & Swiss Omelet and delectable Cream Cheese Cinnamon Rolls. oldeuropean-restaurant.com SILVER: Frank’s Diner BRONZE: Cottage Cafe IDAHO: The Garnet Café


THE SWINGING DOORS The Swinging Doors might equate to a neighborhood’s version of a living room, with its family-friendly atmosphere, dozens of TVs to watch the home teams, free wifi, games and, oh yes, sports grill-style grub. The family-owned establishment has been at the heart of its neighborhood for more than 35 years. theswingingdoors.com SILVER: The Onion, North Division BRONZE: Mamma Mia’s


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


MANITO TAPHOUSE This gastropub is the perfect place to meet with friends and catch up over one of 50 craft beers on tap and a juicy burger, though the mac ’n’ cheese varieties are top contenders, too. The dining space is outfitted with reclaimed barn wood walls and opens up to a spacious outdoor patio—a must visit in the warmer months. manitotaphouse.com SILVER: Lindaman’s BRONZE: Luna


CRAFT AND GATHER Located in the prior clubhouse of the Painted Hills Golf Course, Craft and Gather is step beyond your expectations. There’s a full bar featuring 12 draft beers, with a focus on local brewers. In the kitchen is executive chef Steve Jensen offering up classic pub burgers and handheld favorites, including a lamb burger, fancy grilled cheese, and fried chicken sandwich. Seasonal specials are also on the menu. craftandgather.com SILVER: Hay J’s Bistro BRONZE: The Stupid Cow


DOWNRIVER GRILL Make it in for a happy hour, weekly visits, a date night or family celebration, and you’ll never be disappointed at this neighborhood destination near Audubon Park. Let the wine pour and order perfectly prepared seasonal dishes, finished with fresh herbs from the patio’s garden. downrivergrill.com SILVER: Chaps BRONZE: The Flying Goat

WHITE HOUSE GRILL If garlic tickles your tastebuds, head to the White House Grill in Post Falls. For more than two decades chef and owner Raci Erdem has served up the flavors of the Mediterranean in seafood, vegetables, pasta and lamb dishes, complemented by a full bar featuring handcrafted cocktails, 12 beers on tap, an extensive wine list featuring many Washington varietals. whitehousegrill.com SILVER: Fleur de Sel BRONZE: Capone’s


ROCKWOOD BAKERY Nothing goes together better than coffee and pastries. That’s why a coffee shop that bakes its own goodies—or in this case, a bakery that serves great coffee—is one step ahead of the game. Side your vanilla latte with a fresh-baked berry scone, Danish, bagel or cookie for a rocket-powered day ahead. rocketspokane.com SILVER: Petit Chat BRONZE: Boots Bakery IDAHO: Bakery by the Lake


CLINKERDAGGER, BURNT CRÈME You know a menu item is something special when you can find copycat chefs on the internet TRYING to recreate it. Clinkerdagger’s Burnt Crème is the real deal—rich vanilla custard, caramelized sugar crust, topped with fresh berries and whipped cream. clinkerdagger.com SILVER: Europa, Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake BRONZE: Max at Mirabeau, Huckleberry Cheesecake IDAHO: White House Grill, Baklava

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city


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GOLDEN CORRAL Pile your plate with endless options and return to do it again, one, two, three times, at this popular buffet restaurant. Golden Corral offers something every family member will like. Don’t forget to leave room on your plate for their sweet and fluffy dinner rolls—oh, so good! goldencorral.com SILVER: Northern Quest, River’s Edge Buffet BRONZE: China King IDAHO: Coeur d’Alene Casino

BEST COCKTAILS & MARTINIS: Thank you for voting Spokane Humane Society’s FurrBall one of the best gala dinner auctions in Spokane!


TWIGS The bartenders at Twigs know how to shake a martini for a stellar start to a night out. Keep it simple with a classic or choose from an extensive list of fruit-forward and spicy specialties. Pinky up and down that hatch as you chat with best friends and nibble on appetizers. twigsbistro. com SILVER: Bistango BRONZE: Durkin’s Liquor Bar IDAHO: 315 Martinis and Tapas


NO LI With a focus on local ingredients, innovation, quality and creativity, No-Li has been proudly brewing “Spokane Style” beer in the heart of the Inland Northwest since 2012. Among their award winning “Usual Suspects” are Wrecking Ball Imperial Stout (Gold Medal, 2014 Great International Beer & Cider Competition) and Poser Pale Ale (Gold Medal, 2016 Washington Beer Awards). nolibrewhouse.com SILVER: Manito Taphouse BRONZE: Area 51 (The Onion) IDAHO: Crafted

VOTED BEST OPTICAL SHOP Your local Multifocal Contact Lens and Headache Specialist 23505 E Appleway Ave. Liberty Lake, WA 99019 509.210.0303 | LilacFamilyEyeCare.com 82

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


NO LI Come for the beer, stay for the beer—and the pub fare and entertainment, like Rhythm and Brews Wednesday. No-Li’s Born and Raised is commonly poured at locales around the state, but at their namesake tasting room you can try all their newest endeavors. nolibrewhouse.com SILVER: Whistle Punk BRONZE: Perry Street Brewery IDAHO: Post Falls Brewery

2018/best of the city


ZOLA Whether its for the eclectic décor, the Kobe sliders, fish tacos, Mac n’ Cheese with hickory smoked bacon and gouda, or the endless variety of live bands that play almost nightly, everyone raves about Zola. Experience the unique atmosphere and flavor for yourself at Zola’s happy hour, daily from 4-7 pm (all day on Sundays), with drink specials and a discount on their entire menu. zolainspokane.com SILVER: Rain BRONZE: Davenport Safari Room IDAHO: Midtown Bluebird


ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS Perched atop a hill, overlooking Spokane Valley, Arbor Crest Wine Cellars has quite the vantage point at which to sip a full-bodied red or summertime white. Wander the Cliff House Estate grounds and take in the castle-like charm. There’s no question why this venue is in high demand come wedding season. arborcrest.com SILVER: Latah Creek BRONZE: Barrister Winery IDAHO: Coeur d’Alene Cellars Winery


ARBOR CREST There’s no better way to enjoy atruly great glass of wine that at a winery. The Cliff House Tasting Room at Arbor Crest is perched atop a cliff offering spectacular views of the Spokane Valley making it the perfect place to sample award winning handcrafted signature wines. arborcrest. com SILVER: Maryhill BRONZE: Townsend Cellar IDAHO: Castaway Cellars


ONE TREE What began with a home cider kit and a love for state-grown apples morphed into a what is now One Tree Hard Cider and the newly opened Cider House. Making the most of Washington’s fruit yields, One Tree harmoniously infuses their ciders for a full lineup of flavors—raspberry, ginger apricot, huckleberry, lemon basil and even pumpkin. onetreehardcider.com SILVER: Liberty Ciderworks BRONZE: Twilight Ciderworks 84

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


WAKE UP CALL Distinguished by their gigantic bright red British phone booth entrance, Wake Up Call is the place to grab a coffee anytime you need—well, a wake up. This locally owned and operated coffee company, uses only the top two percent of varietals from around the world to deliver truly unique coffee blends of the highest quality. If you’re looking for a quick stop for a specialty drink or a bite to eat on your way to work, Wake Up Call is a must-visit neighborhood coffee shop. akeupcoffee.biz SILVER: Dutch Bros BRONZE: Rocket Bakery IDAHO: Strada


THOMAS HAMMER That orange cup and white hammer logo has become a familiar sight to see, and onlookers knows it’s filled with a balanced roast of Thomas Hammer coffee. The local brand has made a name for itself, roasting, bagging and stocking plenty of smooth flavor profiles for whenever you need a refill. hammercoffee.com


SWINGING DOORS Sports fans loyally return to The Swinging Doors for big game days—and all those in between. With 60 televisions, you’re guaranteed to keep up with all the latest plays and scores. During halftime, take a turn at the pool table and feast upon a menu filled with all the sports grill favorites. theswingingdoors.com SILVER: The Globe BRONZE: Birdy’s Sports Bar IDAHO: Paddy’s Sports Bar & Grill


NORTHERN QUEST Northern Quest is the ultimate Vegaslike experience without the air fare. Play a hand of poker, try your luck at the slots and partake in off-track betting inside the Turf Club Lounge. Complete your visit by spending a day at La Rive Spa, attending a live show, and cozying up in the modern resort rooms. northernquest.com SILVER: CDA Casino BRONZE: Spokane Tribe IDAHO: CDA Casino

SILVER: Indaba BRONZE: Doma IDAHO: Union Roasters


WELLNESS TREE Designed from scratch to be the most nutritious drink you have every consumed, each recipe on the menu at the Wellness Tree Juice Bar is carefully planned to include superfoods, including fresh organic fruits and veggies, from all over the globe, to lift your spirits and vitality to new heights. wellnesstreejuice.com SILVER: Method BRONZE: Jamba Juice IDAHO: Wellness Bar


NYNE BAR & BISTRO Strap up those dancing shoes and get down with the DJ, showing off your best moves on the dance floor each weekend. Special occasion not required for lively parties to be found inside this downtown night club. It’s a crowd favorite locale for letting loose and singing some tunes during weeknight karaoke. nynebar.com SILVER: The Globe BRONZE: Red Room Lounge IDAHO: Mik’s

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city

Make it a Tradition — Lake side cabins with fireplaces — — Restaurant open weekends —

Priest Lake, Idaho


SCHWEITZER Winter sports are a favorite reason for living in the Inland Northwest, and Schweitzer is a favorite destination for skiers and snowboarders. With so many ways to play in the snow—snow biking, snowshoeing and tubing, too—there’s something every family member will love, and resort accommodations are ideal for extended adventures. schweitzer.com SILVER: Mt. Spokane BRONZE: Silver Mountain

Best Lake Resort

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COEUR D’ALENE RESORT Whether you’re looking for a little rest and relaxation or you’re ready for an action-packed watersport vacation, this lakeside resort has it all. Start the morning playing 18 holes, meander the waters in a speed boat or pontoon, allow a massage to loosen your muscles, and wine and dine at one of the on-site restaurants. cdaresort.com SILVER: Hill’s Resort BRONZE: Elkin’s Resort


MUV FITNESS Kickstart your workout routine by joining a 60- or 90-day challenge, hook your heartrate device up to the facility’s MYZONE tracker for live updates throughout your training session, and mix up your routine by joining a myriad of group fitness classes. MUV Fitness has everything you’re looking for in a gym, along with friendly and encouraging staff. muvfitnessclubs.com SILVER: YMCA BRONZE: Spokane Fitness IDAHO: Peak Health and Wellness Center


DAVENPORT HOTELS A weekend spent at The Davenport Hotel is the perfect getaway without straying far from home. This collection of upscale accommodations spans historic to modern, and access to the best downtown has to offer is right outside the front doors. However, with the on-site spa, lavish dining rooms, swanky lounges and posh rooms, there’s really no reason to leave. davenporthotelcollection.com SILVER: Northern Quest Resort Hotel BRONZE: Red Lion IDAHO: Coeur d’Alene Resort 86

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

po in S



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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city


GONZAGA UNIVERSITY Go Zags! Just as the Bulldog basketball team is consistently ranked among the best in the nation, the Gonzaga University campus, professors, staff and students earn the highest accolades for their commitment to educational and life enhancing pursuits. Gonzaga offers nearly 50 service-learning courses, and 55 percent of undergraduates take part in some form of community service. The Fiske Guide to Colleges describes Gonzaga as a “solid regional liberal arts university committed to the Jesuit ideal of educating the whole person: mind, body, and spirit.” The guide quotes one student who says, “It’s amazing to go to a school where people try to foster growth in all aspects of life.” gonzaga.edu SILVER: Washington State University BRONZE: Eastern Washington University IDAHO: North Idaho College


CHATEAU RIVE Chateau Rive is an elegant venue with old-world charm. A bridge-covered creek trickles through the outdoor garden and into the beautiful Spokane River, which flows by just steps away. Natural rock outcroppings and a steep cliff on the west side protects the mini ShangriLa from wind and allows for wonderful wedding and special event photo ops. You’ll feel ensconced in a European-like ambience, which will make your day utterly unforgettable. chateaurive.com SILVER: Glover Mansion BRONZE: Beacon Hill IDAHO: Blackwell Hotel


NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO The best bet for a winning place to hold your next meeting or event is Northern Quest Resort & Casino in Airway Heights. Choose from traditional meeting spaces like the Pend Oreille Pavilion, Kalispel Ballroom, and Chief Victor Boardroom. Or try something a little different by reserving one of the resort’s more nontraditional settings, including Coach Fitz’s Clubhouse at EPIC, Legends of Fire premium cigar lounge, or the private dining room at Masselow’s Steakhouse for an unforgettable meeting experience. northernquest.com SILVER: Beacon Hill Event Center BRONZE: Davenport Hotels IDAHO: Hagadone Events Center


RED ROCK CATERING Red Rock Catering is a full-service catering and events company. Owner Bob Adolfson, executive chef Brandon Dallara and their team of culinary pros help create extraordinary weddings and corporate events with a strong emphasis on personalized customer service and exceptionally high standards. redrockspokane.com SILVER: Fery’s Catering BRONZE: DelecTable Catering IDAHO: Greenbriar


RIVER PARK SQUARE Experience the best in arts and culture each First Friday of the month when local artists and musicians showcase their creative talents at downtown venues. River Park Square is the perfect place to start your tour—enjoy dinner and a drink, do a little shopping, and peruse the wonderful world of art and music. SILVER: Barrister Winery BRONZE: Left Bank


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


PINOT’S PALETTE Art can be a serious endeavor—but not at Pinot’s Palette. This fun and relaxing art studio is where you can take a class with your friends or your date, painting a masterpiece while sipping a nice wine. You might not be the next Rembrandt, but after a few glasses of merlot, your canvas will truly come to life in vibrant color. pinotspalette.com SILVER: Sip ‘N Paint BRONZE: Painting with a Twist IDAHO: The Paint Buzz


DANCE ARTS ACADEMY Since opening in 2011, Dance Arts Academy has been committed to providing the highest quality of dance education in a fun and positive atmosphere. Accomplished and passionate instructors teach ballet, pointe, jazz, tap, contemporary, lyrical, acro and hip hop to students ages three through 18. danceartsspokane.com SILVER: Dance Center of Spokane BRONZE: Spokane Elite Dance Studio IDAHO: Lake City Highland Dance


BEYOUTIFUL HOT YOGA From power yoga and vinyasa to yin yoga and Baby and Me—which allows new moms the opportunity to socialize and build community in a safe space—the instructors at BEYOUTIFUL Hot Yoga will help you stretch your muscles and balance your mind. Classes are about 60 minutes and open to all levels. beyoutifulhotyoga.com SILVER: The Union BRONZE: Yoga Shala IDAHO: Gita Young Studio & Boutique


UNION GOSPEL MISSION As the saying goes, change starts at home. UGM began as a downtown soup kitchen in 1951 and has expanded into a comprehensive ministry with four shelters, three recovery programs, two thrift stores, an automotive enterprise, and an outreach center and summer camp for underprivileged youth. Your donations help UGM to reach the less fortunate members of our community with the love and power of the gospel so they may become God-dependent, contributing members of society. uniongospelmission.org SILVER: 2nd Harvest BRONZE: Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

BEST Tattoo Parlor 2309 N Division / (509) 325-6500

Thank You Spokane!

Best Dance Studio/Academy OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city

o h p t s e B ! n w o t in

Three Sisters Vietnamese & Chinese Cuisine 10615 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley (509) 928-2580 | Open Lunch & Dinner


EPICUREAN DELIGHT Epicurean Delight, benefiting the Inland Northwest Blood Center, is Spokane’s most anticipated cocktail party of the year. The event offers unlimited food and libations exquisitely presented by our area’s 30 hand-picked restaurants and 30 wineries, breweries and cideries. With an evening of live entertainment, a champagne bubble bar and martini ice bar, restaurant and libation awards, fabulous “Opportunity Drawing” packages and dancing—there’s no better “cause” for a memorable night on the town. inbcsaves.org SILVER: Beyond Pink BRONZE: Furr Ball


92.9 – KZZU The home station for the best modern hits to pump up the work day and wind down on the drive home. Dave, Ken & Molly, Dan Roberts and Ian Kelly keep you up-to-date on the latest while making sure your favorite music keeps on flowing through the airwaves. 929zzu.com SILVER: 96.9 – KEZE BRONZE: 93.7 – KDRK


590 KQNT (IHEART) The go-to station for all things news, from local headlines to national breaking-news coverage and commentary. 590 KQNT airs a lineup of popular talk shows with national hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. 590kqnt.iheart.com SILVER: 920 KXLY BRONZE: 1510 KGA


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best burger

DIRTY DANCING Dirty Dancing is a classic among modern movie musicals. INB’s Best of Broadway series proved this box office legend is just as good on stage. Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story on Stage showcased the hit songs (“I Had the Time of My Life,” “Hungry Eyes”) and cheesy one-liners with aplomb. It delivered everything audiences remembered best—lots of sexy dancing and rock ‘n’ roll—and proved without a doubt that you can’t put Baby in a corner. inbpac.com SILVER: Hello, Dolly! BRONZE: The Secret Garden IDAHO: South Pacific

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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


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2018/best of the city


DAN KLECKNER – KHQ This face of local news has been loyally watched by many since 1985. Dan has sat in a variety of seats throughout his 30+ year journey with KHQ, including sports director, morning news anchor and evening news anchor. His genuine reporting and community care never falters. khq. com SILVER: Sean Owsley – KHQ BRONZE: Derek Deis – KXLY


STEPHANIE VIGIL – KHQ Stephanie Vigil joined Dan Kleckner’s side as morning co-anchor in 1997 and has never looked back. Since becoming a face of Spokane’s local news, she has immersed herself in the community, helping to make a difference through local charities. She is an Emmy-award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award. SILVER: Kalae Chock – KHQ BRONZE: Nadine Woodward – KXLY


TOM SHERRY – KREM Knowing when the sun will shine or the snow will fall is crucial to living in the Inland Northwest. Chief meteorologist Tom Sherry has been the go-to forecaster since joining the KREM 2 news team in 1990. Every October, Tom conducts Tom’s Turkey Drive, the single largest food drive in the Inland Northwest which not only provides thousands of families with a complete Thanksgiving meal, but through thousands of dollars in donations, also stocks the shelves of area food banks. SILVER: Leslie Lowe – KHQ BRONZE: Mark Peterson – KXLY

BEST BREAKFAST — 13 Years in a Row —

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SAM ADAMS – KHQ Sam Adams has been covering sports in the Pacific Northwest his entire career. He quickly became a champion of local sports when he helped launch the region’s all-sports and weather channel, SWX, which broadcasts local games. His commitment to local sports coverage has certainly made him a crowd favorite. khq.com SILVER: Darnay Tripp – KREM BRONZE: Dennis Patchin – KXLY

Rosauers, Super 1 Foods & Online at HendersonDip.com OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


2018/best of the city


Vi rg i n i a " Jen ny " G ra h a m is a c a n d i d ate ru n n i n g fo r t h e WA Sta te House of Re p re s e n t ati v e s 6t h Le g i s la ti ve

• Public Safety • Safer Neighborhoods • Safer Schools • Mental health & Homelessness • Lower Taxes-through legislative accountability • Higher Educationacademic/tech trades for a ready workforce

VoteGraham.gop Pa id for by t he Com m i tt ee t o el ec t Je n ny G ra h a m

JESS WALTER This local author has a No. 1 New York Times bestseller under his belt (Beautiful Ruins), among five other novels, a book of short stories and a nonfiction piece. His writing spans journalistic to brilliantly comical to emotionally impactful. Among national appearances at writer’s conferences and events, Jess always makes time for his hometown fans. jesswalter.com SILVER: Sharma Shields BRONZE: Doug Clark


DAVID CONDON Mayor of Spokane since 2012, David Condon is greatly admired by the community for his strong focus on public safety, economy growth, infrastructure, budgeting and an improved quality of life. He’s a family man, an Army veteran, former small business owner and a community-oriented leader. my.spokanecity.org SILVER: Ben Stuckart BRONZE: Ozzie D. Knezovich IDAHO: Steve Widmyer


GARLAND ANIMAL CLINIC Taking care of your furry family members is the calling of each veterinarian at Garland Animal Clinic. Their knowledgeable care comes with more than 75 years of combined experience, ensuring your animal is in good hands no matter how simple or extensive the visit. garlandanimalclinic.com SILVER: Legacy Animal Medical Center BRONZE: North Spokane Veterinary Clinic IDAHO: Lake City Pet Hospital photo by Heather Claramunt Photography


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


DAVE, KEN & MOLLY – KZZU Weekday mornings tend to start a little better when listening to Dave, Ken & Molly on 92.9 ZZU FM. Hear the latest reports from Hollywood, listen to what the Panel of Women have to say about a variety of real-life situations and, of course, everyone wants a chance to Win Dave’s Money. dkmshow.com

319 W 2nd Ave Spokane, WA 99204

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SILVER: Jay and Kevin – 99.9 (Coyote Country) BRONZE: Brooke and Jubal – 103.1 (KCDA)


STOLEN IMAGES Blake Crossley started Stolen Images Photography with the mindset of delivering high quality images while having fun with all his clients! His skills, creativity and attention to customer service have earned him more than 200+ 5 star reviews. Crossley and his team specialize in commercial, senior portraits, sports and weddings—they’ve proudly created lasting memories for more than 225 nuptials. nwstolenimages.com

SILVER: Angela Schneider (Noses and Toes Photography) BRONZE: Moxie Images


Thank You Spokane For Voting Us

Best Boutique

HALEY YOUNG Spokane-based sultry soul lead singer of Bossame, Haley Young has been pleasing crowds and making a name for herself around the region for many years and seems, much like a fine wine, to become more delectable (to ears) as time goes on. Take a listen to her work on SoundCloud and stay connected to the band—and hear where they will play next—on Facebook. SILVER: Sammy Eubanks BRONZE: Peter Rivera

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com



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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


BE by Diane Holm


L L      FA

reating a pumpkin patch this year by dressing up this potting shed for fall. Hay bails and piles of plump pumpkins flank each side of the doorway giving the entrance a welcoming feel. The golden colors of fall are one my favorite things about the season, especially when the reflection of sun—warming the leaves—brings a sense of warmth to everything it touches. Terra cotta pots are some of the most affordable planters out there. By white-washing these clay pots you’ll end up having a weathered look perfect for filling with colorful gourds and pumpkins.

White Washing Directions: 1. Water down your acrylic white paint until it has a thin consistency. A little bit of paint goes a long way with this project. 2. Dab your brush in the paint and then on paper towels until most of the wetness is left on the towel. 3. You want your brush to have paint on it, but to be mostly dry. 4. Streak the white paint onto the terra cotta pot, working in small sections at a time. 5. Once you’ve painted a small section, quickly wipe the paint with a paper towel. This will blend the strokes of the brush and give the pot a white washed look rather than a white painted look. 6. Paint and wipe the inside edge of the pot down to soil-level. Potting Shed of Rick and Sara Koenig Styling by Diane Holm | whitepicketfence.co Photo by Kayleen Gill | kayleengill.com


NEST 103




spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Turn of the Twentieth Century by Sarah Hauge | photography by Kayleen Gill

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com



spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Where building relationships is just as important as the projects we build

by Sarah Hauge photography by Kayleen Gill


here’s a lot of warmth in memories,” says Nancy Jackson, who, along with her husband, Jim, is giving me a tour of the turn-of-the-20th-century home they moved into in 2015. The serene, tree-shaded grounds and the home itself, with an interior filled with family heirlooms and collected treasures from across the decades and across the globe, testify to this sentiment. After marrying four years ago, the couple searched the South Hill for a property that could be their shared home and project. “You know, at our age, most people downsize,” Nancy says. But she and Jim love to entertain,




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and they also love older homes and neighborhoods full of character and charm. They drove past this exact property many times before it went on the market, and even gave it a name, Greystone. “We named it before we ever knew we would buy it,” says Jim, who refers to the home as one of the South Hill’s grandes dames.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

It’s easy to see why. A three-story, granite-block home that sits on a quiet, beautifully landscaped lot, it was built by Dr. Frank Ross Fursey (one of the first to practice the then-new specialty of obstetrics in Spokane) between 1913 and 1915. Over the years a handful of owners, many of whom have had a long tenure, have preserved its integrity while also modernizing it. What was once

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Timeless Contemporary 6414 S. HELENA STREET

Stunning Copeland Custom Contemporary Home sited on nearly 2 acres with territorial views. Architectural design by Nancy McKennon. Light & sophisticated living room features soaring ceilings and wall of windows showcasing picturesque view. Epicurean kitchen boasts maple cabinetry & newly refinished maple flooring. Main floor utilities. Lower level features recreation room with in-law set-up & gas stove, office area, bedroom & bath, unbelievable storage & craft room. Secluded park like grounds. 3 Bedrooms, 4 Baths $799,900

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


a small kitchen is now a mudroom, and what originally were the waiting room and exam room for Dr. Fursey’s medical practice are now combined into a larger, more modern kitchen space with an island, granite countertops, and open shelving. “It’s had some wonderful, wonderful owners who have respected the integrity of the home,” says Jim. “That’s what we’re trying to do,


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

is be good stewards of this bit of the 20th century.” Since moving in, the couple have painted many walls, refinished the wood floors, and taken on capital improvement projects (a new boiler, the water line, the sewer line). The bulk of their energy, though, has gone to landscaping. The home once sat on a long slope leading down to the avenue. During the notorious windstorm in

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November of 2015, not long after they took ownership, a 120-yearold green spruce was downed, leaving an enormous root ball on the corner of the property. The need to bring heavy equipment onto the property to haul it away became an opportunity to rethink the landscaping. They ended up with not one, not two, but eight terraces, they say with a laugh. “It’s just like [the adage], ‘never paint the bathroom because you’ll end up redoing your entire house,’” Jim says. “That’s sort of what happened with the outside.” They have loved working on the property. “We have had more fun, just fun,” says Nancy of the renovations. The yard is meandering and peaceful, full of quiet spaces and gathering places. “Marian’s Labyrinth” is the name of the winding rock pathway designed by a friend. There’s a gazebo where friends often wander down to sit quietly and meditate. There are flower gardens, and toadstool steps leading from terrace to terrace. One especially meaningful space, a memorial site of sorts, is marked


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


Million Dollar Golf Course Views


MLS 201817938 | 6,826 Sq Ft | Offered at $1,150,000 The premier home in gated, Wandermere Estates, a 55+ community, that overlooks Wandermere Golf Course. Grand, double-door entry and a foyer with a stunning archway theme that carries throughout the home. Elegant formal living room with unobstructed territorial views of the golf course and the surrounding area. The kitchen showcases elaborate woodwork, dramatic granite counters and and luxurious Viking stainless steel appliances. The sweeping staircase leads downstairs to an entertainer’s dream; a full size bar with kitchen and family room area with double sided fireplace. Second master suite on the lower level. The sauna, indoor pool and hot tub make this home rival a vacation destination!

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

with a plaque that quotes Rumi and lists the names of beloved family and friends who have passed away. Guests are welcome to honor their own loved ones here, bringing a rock and laying it down in that person’s honor, or taking one of the silver bells—which Nancy has displayed on a window ledge—to ring in the space. The couple are quick to point out other beloved spots in the yard. “This is the best room in the house in the summer,” says Jim of the umbrella-shaded, tranquil terrace off the back of the home. Another terrace, which they’ve dubbed “the cathedral,” has open seating beneath a soaring green ceiling of evergreen boughs. They also point out happy discoveries and intentional additions to the property, like the stone carving of the Virgin Mary they discovered in a little arch in a retaining wall, and the Kwan Yin sculpture that’s displayed in a lower section of the yard. “I think the house and grounds have always had a lot of feminine energy,” says Nancy, referring in part to the fact that, from its earliest days as the home of an obstetrician, this was a home where pregnant women came

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

and babies were delivered. Inside, the home is filled with antiques and mementos. “It’s furnished with family heirlooms— ours and others’,” says Nancy. There is artwork that came from family members, framed family photographs, heirloom baby shoes, and other items collected from travels all over the world. The original charm and vintage of the home are honored and preserved, evident in its woodwork, the tin roof in the mudroom, the upholstered inset walls of the dining room, the elegant turned staircase, and the charming sleeping porch (where the couple’s grandchildren sleep when they spend the night). Family china is displayed in the dining room, where portraits of people from all over the world, painted by a German friend, stand along a ledge. In the kitchen— where avid cook Nancy most often finds herself—the open shelving flanking the charming, brick-surround fireplace displays a collection of Polish Pottery. Any window with a less-thanattractive view (a flat roofline, the

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garbage and recycling cans) has been covered with stained glass, pieces the homeowners sourced from across the country, all of which have their own stories, some dating back to the 1800s. The living room has lots of gathering spaces for the couple and their guests: in front of the tiled fireplace, around a round table, at one of the groupings of antique chairs and couches, or on the window ledge (since the home is built from 18-inch granite blocks, all of the windows offer deep seats). On the second story are the bedrooms, a master suite, the sleeping porch, an office, and the original maid’s quarters. Each room


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


is filled with well-loved items. In one guest room alone is a carved furniture set from around 1900, which belonged to a nurse in Spokane at the turn of that century. In it are also relatives’ framed photos, Nancy’s grandmother’s sewing chair, a French desk, antique upholstered chairs collected by friends, and lacy linens Nancy found on eBay (she describes herself as “a Craigslist haunter” and scours eBay regularly as well). Upstairs, the attic is a finished, airy space that is used for everything from meditation to yoga to dance parties; the couple refer to it as “the ballroom” in honor of how it was used by the original owners. There

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15614 E Sprague • Spokane Valley 99037 April-July: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm • Sunday 10am-4pm Aug-March: Tue-Sat 9am-6pm • Sunday 10am-4pm Sculptured-Gardens.com • 509.290.6866 OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


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are cushions for kneeling, artwork passed down by one of the prior homeowners, and the recent addition of Tibetan singing bowls, musical instruments Nancy’s son, John, brought back from his travels. The home exudes a sense of peace and of welcome with its deep ties to the past and embrace of the world at large. Jim and Nancy treasure their diverse circle of family and friends old and new, believing that all who come add something to the home just by their presence. As it says in a framed note by the front door that Jim and Nancy have hung to greet all who come to Greystone, “All our guests are valued and welcome.” If you know of a home—or have one—that would be a good fit for our house feature, please send an email to stephanie@spokanecda.com.

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Credits: • Revival Lighting and Interiors: Martin Springer • Barbara Safranek: Landscape Designer • Spokane Rock Placing Company • Earth by Design: Louie Bennet • Excalibur Excavating: Paul Young • George Van Hersett of George’s Lawn Service

Best Windows

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com




spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Don’t Let Your Home’s Heating System Leave You in the Cold

Your Beautiful Storage Solution

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by Darin Burt

There’s a chill in the air, and

that means it’s time to switch from airconditioning to heat in your home. The last thing you want to have happen is a heating system that leaves you in the cold when you need it most. According to Angie’s List, 75 percent of emergency winter service calls can be attributed to lack of maintenance. The following tasks will help to keep you cozy this fall and winter. Check the Thermostat Change the thermostat setting from cooling to heating. Check that the fan is set to AUTO. Raise the temperature setting a couple of degrees higher than current room temperature; the heat should kick on within about minute. If you have an older thermostat using a dial or slider to manually control temperature, it may be time to consider an upgrade. Modern programmable thermostats provide superior energy efficiency, comfort levels and adaptability. Some of the newest thermostats, like Nest, will actually learn your tendencies and self-adapt. With a wi-fi enabled thermostat, you can adjust the programming while you are away via a smartphone app.

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Windermere Manito LLC OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


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Get the help and support you need from an attorney you can trust. CALL TODAY! 509.326.4162 1821 West Fifth Avenue • Suite 101 Spokane, WA 99201 spokane-familylaw.com • clgallagherlaw@yahoo.com Change the Air Filters This is probably the simplest and most important maintenance task you can do to keep your furnace working properly and efficiently. It’s also one that’s commonly overlooked. Experts recommend changing filters at least every three months, but if you suffer from allergens or have pets in the home, you should replace your filter more often. A dirty filter allows dust, dirt and debris to get into your system, causing unnecessary wear and tear on the components, shortening the life of the equipment, worsening indoor air quality and compromising your system’s efficiency. Move the Clutter Many home layouts put the furnace in a space that doubles as storage. During the summer, when the furnace isn’t needed, it’s easy to toss empty boxes other “stuff ” into this space. Before you turn on the furnace, clean out the area around it—it’s one of the simplest steps to prevent the combustion of flammable material and ensure adequate 120

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018



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visibility of important components like pilot lights. While you’re in decluttering mode, make sure there is nothing blocking ducts and vents around the house that would prevent air flow. Call the Pros According to many manufacturers, a furnace typically lasts 15 to 20 years. After that, the chances of your furnace breaking down go up drastically. The DIY steps above will certainly help to keep your system running smoothly, but you can further prolong the life of your furnace with a professional tuneup. Mainstream Electric, Heating, Cooling and Plumbing offers comprehensive maintenance service that goes beyond filter and vent inspection. Their heating experts diagnose the entire system including all working components to ensure proper operation. They also test your smoke and CO alarms for added protection and to make sure your home and family are safe as well as comfortable. 866411zapp.com OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com



spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

photo and story by Darin Burt


very winning coach has a game plan and a playbook. Fred Crowell was the head basketball coach at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, then as the first coach for Athletes in Action, a program facing top 20 NCAA teams, like Duke, North Carolina and Kansas State, night after night, and since 1971, as the founder of Northwest Basketball Camp, Fred Crowell has amassed a winning record. Not only against opponents, but in mentoring players to perform to the highest expectations on and as well as off the court. NBC has become Nothing Beats Commitment Camps, focused on helping campers find the courage to be committed to a life of excellence—a life that isn’t about perfection or external success as much as it is about living life with gratitude, mental toughness, strength of character and the will to overcome any difficulty with dignity and confidence. Crowell has written a manual on coaching basketball, given motivational talks to teams, and even invented a special ball to help players improve their shot. Building on the fundamentals of ball handling, shooting form and defense, Crowell holds a core belief in strengthening the unique abilities and personal value of the individual, and the need to be practical with God through a life of faith. “We build on three things: the kids need to be loved, they need to belong and they need to have success,” Crowell says. “In their soul is an amazing spirit of survival that God put in all of us.” “Basketball has lost the meaning of what Dr. James Naismith started the sport for, which was as a game to build character,” Crowell says. “With children, whether they want to be an artist or a basketball player,” he says. “Our job is to help them go as far as they can.” Crowell, who played basketball and baseball at the University of Idaho, where he earned an undergraduate and master’s degree, also ran a personal counseling service early in his career. He’s still called upon to speak to teens and parents on life altering issues such as bullying and suicide. When a village in Alaska was impacted by youth suicide, rather than a



psychologist or psychiatrist, they brought in Coach Crowell, whose message of personal commitment and hope, backed by basketball, is immediately relatable. “In basketball we take care of the ball because we don’t want turnovers. In life, the most important thing is to guard is the heart—we’ve only got one of those,” Crowell says. “Something we teach 24/7 is to learn from the past and live right here, right now. “To live well, for me, to seize this very day—the first challenge is to win the moment,” Crowell writes in Words of Hope, his daily blog of inspirational reflections,

“At this moment, I choose gratitude, thankfulness, joy, peace, patience and love.” Crowell, married for 55 years to his bride Suzie, whom he credits for opening his eyes to power and grace of the Lord, practices what preaches. Nine years ago, he was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer, and doctors gave him three years to live. Standing strong and tall, and shooting the ball well from the outside arch, he’s still eager, willing and to play the game. “Cancer can take my body but it can’t take my mind,” Crowell says. “I’m living large. God is my coach and I know how to win.”






PRIME/over 50



photo and story by Darin Burt

Looking back on our school days, we all had a favorite teacher. For many kids, Barb

Silvey will be remembered as the teacher who helped them learn a difficult subject or pass a challenging test, and as a mentor who encouraged and inspired them to step beyond their surroundings and be what they knew deep down they could be. For much of 35 years, Silvey worked as an intervention specialist at Rogers High School. The students in her classes were teenagers on the edge, ones who struggled in regular classroom settings, many facing additional challenges in the outside world. Silvey understood where her students come from. She grew up in the same economically depressed Hillyard neighborhood and encountered her share of family strife, living with a severely alcoholic mother. Despite the hardships, Silvey graduated head of her class at Rogers, where she also excelled at volleyball, gymnastics and tennis, and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Washington State University with minors in math and health, and a master’s in adaptive physical ed. “I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I was about five or six years old. I saw my teachers as the people who could show me the way out,” Silvey says. “We were always in poverty, moving from house to apartment or house to apartment and from school to school to school. The fact that I graduated valedictorian was pretty awesome.” You might call Silvey an Irrationally Helpful Kid Whisperer, fittingly the name of a book she’s writing about her experiences in education. Not only did Silvey help students earn credits needed for graduation — she truly was a light in the storm whether the need was an encouraging hug, a friendly “push” in the right direction or the daily necessities of life, such as toiletries, shoes and school supplies, that others take for granted. Throughout the years, she even opened her own home to some students as a Foster Care provider. “You don’t have to do something huge to help change a kid’s life — it’s about giving unconditional acceptance,” Silvey says. At home, Silvey proudly displays plaques bestowed her as Teacher of the Year, a Spirit


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Award from her graduating class, and the Jim Chase Memorial Award as nominated by her students. What matters most to her, though, are the thank you cards and posters given to her by her students. The ultimate reward, Silvey says, is seeing the kids step beyond their troubles and achieve success in life and careers. One girl, who was so traumatized by school that she wouldn’t write in a regular notebook, and instead wrote an entire essay on a roll of toilet paper, became a shipping boat captain. There’s a lawyer, a professional skateboarder and a military officer. Yet another student, who was rescued from the playground basketball court, now owns a successful fitness gym. “It makes me really proud to see them overcome what’s been done to them,” Silvey says. “It’s not something they chose, it’s something that happened to them.” “I didn’t set out to be inspirational, Silvey adds. “I just know the thing that saved me was hope and knowing that I could solve whatever problem was thrown at me — I guess I want that for everyone else as well.”

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


PRIME/over 50



photo and story by Darin Burt

CHRIS BROWN has resided in the Spokane

area nearly 30 years—and for more than a decade Brown and his family lived in a home near Deer Park that he designed and built with his own two hands. Construction wasn’t a skill on Brown’s resume that includes four decades working in food production. He worked in food packaging for Hormel and James River, and quality control at Johanna Beverage Co. “It certainly was a challenge because this was pre-internet, so you couldn’t just look up how to do something,” Brown says. “I wish I’d had the internet then because I would have done several things differently.” Brown was in his mid-30s when he started his building project. The beautiful 6,000 square-feet home, with four bedrooms and five bathrooms, took five years to complete. “At that age you had a lot of gumption, but maybe not enough smarts or money,” Brown says. “Some days are extremely


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

frustrating—I remember a few when I just about cried, and then other days are really rewarding when you get X, Y and Z done.” The most challenging part was connecting the labyrinth of plumbing. Unfortunately, that’s not information gleaned from a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a minor in psychology. “Water doesn’t always go downhill,” Brown says. “It was a learning curve for sure.” Luckily, Brown ran into Joe O’Brien, a Deer Park resident, who was an encyclopedia of knowledge. “I owe him a huge debt because when I got in trouble he really helped,” Brown says. The house wasn’t Brown’s last project. Since retirement at 62, a typical day usually looks something like: one end of town to repair a car for a friend, the other end of town to help a family member move, a third place somewhere in town to volunteer, and then wrapping it up with repairing electrical work for an elderly neighbor. He also takes people from here to there as an Uber driver. “I really enjoy the Uber because I meet a lot of interesting people and get into intriguing conversations,” Brown says. “It keeps you mentally young to hear different perspectives that make you make you think.” Brown comes from a very humble upbringing and credits many with helping him along the way. Therefore, being of service to others, to him, is more than just a way to stay busy. “I have some skills, so I share them,” he says. “I hope those people pay it forward. “‘Friend’ is a word thrown around easily these days, considering social media, but he is someone who has more real and cherished friends than anyone I’ve met,” says daughter Adina Pankey for whom Brown is helping to remodel a rental house. “To him, a friend means someone you would do anything for, and that he has, and does, on a daily basis”

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13505 E Broadway, Spokane Valley Full Apartment living with community indoor swimming pool, garden and theatre, on-site fitness center, gourmet dining and planned social events. OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


PRIME/over 50




photo and story by Darin Burt

A lifetime helping others acquire the habit of courage has taught Bill Kortenbach a simple truth: inside, we are all survivors. Kortenbach is a martial artist with over 40 years of experience. He holds a 7th-Dan in Isshinryu Karate and has trained extensively in other disciplines including Arnis and Escrima, Aikido and Pentjak-silat. He has served as a board director for the Sexual Assault Center of Pierce County, Washington, and is the founder of Safety First Personal Protection Strategies, a nonprofit dedicated to the safety and empowerment of people of all ages through Survival Response Conditioning—the re-activation of dormant, subconscious survival skills through high pressure, scenario-based experiences. Kortenbach wasn’t always a confident person. As a boy, he was so traumatized by an abusive father that he did not speak above a whisper until he was seven years old. To lessen his self-esteem even more, he was repeatedly hospitalized for bronchitis and pneumonia, and suffered a gamma-globulin deficiency and retarded bone growth. Fast forward: Kortenbach was 13 and two bullies made him their target, beating on him daily during the school bus ride home. One day, Kortenbach’s younger sister was sitting directly behind the worst of his tormentors. As her brother endured shoves and punches, she became so enraged that she smashed the kid in the face, knocking him to the floor where she kicked the tar out of him. Witnessing this event inspired Kortenbach to change his life. He enrolled in karate, through which he gained strength and confidence. Studying the relationship between conflict and fear became a lifelong pursuit. “A person may be able to protect themselves, but the missing link is the ability to process fear the way nature intended,” Kortenbach says. “In our society, it is normal to live in fear, but it is not natural. The human mind does not want to conceive of worst-case scenarios and that can leave us vulnerable.” Research convinced Kortenbach that successful people are stimulated by fear, and rather than denying and avoiding their feelings, they embrace and push through it. According to Kortenbach, Survival Response Conditioning can be especially effective for seniors, not


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

because they may lack the ability to use their fine motor skills, but looking back, many realize that fear has held them back from achieving what they want in life. Women who have suffered physical and mental abuse also can see a powerful change. From 2009 through 2015, Kortenbach hosted “The Street Wise Forum,” a weekly radio program covering all facets of personal safety. Ironically, even after teaching others about empowerment through fear, he succumbed to mic fright the first time he went on the air. “I was so humiliated,” he says, “but my decision was to dance to the music that I’d created and put my best foot forward. “I still have plenty of fear and I’m glad I do,” Kortenbach says. “Life has shown me how fast a simple thing can blow up into something that’s God awful and can change your life a second. “What I say to people who have experienced some real hard knocks in life is that there is no circumstance that can’t be improved, there is no life that can’t be led to more fully, there is no problem that cannot be resolved,” Kortenbach says. “All it takes is to recognize fear and to have the willingness to move forward.”

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HEALTH BEAT/stem cell transplant

by Darin Burt

Stem Cell Transplant Program Gives Cancer Patients New Lease on Life Cancer Care Northwest provides close to home treatment


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018


t wasn’t long ago that being diagnosed with multiple myeloma was a death sentence. Multiple myeloma, commonly referred to as myeloma, is a cancer of the plasma cells found in bone marrow. Plasma cells are a type of immune cell that produces antibodies to fight infection. Although myeloma is generally referred to as a blood cancer, it is more specifically cancer affecting the immune system. The cause of myeloma remains unknown.

According to the National Cancer Institute, about 83,367 people in the United States were living with multiple myeloma in 2011—over the last decade many of those who suffer from multiple myeloma, Hodgkin lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma have improved their chances for a longer life through a cancer treatment called an Autologous Stem Cell Transplant. An autologous stem cell transplant is a vehicle to deliver high dose chemotherapy to kill cancers that are refractory to standard dose chemotherapy. High dose chemotherapy can eliminate a patient’s cancer, but as a side effect, it also kills their bone marrow. The resulting blood cell abnormalities can be life threatening. Fortunately, previously collected bone marrow stem cells are able to replenish the marrow when they are infused to patients like a blood transfusion. Cancer Care Northwest is the only oncology practice in Washington State, outside of Seattle, to offer the life-saving procedure. Since performing their first autologous stem cell transplant in 2005, the Inland Northwest Myeloma/Lymphoma and Transplant Program has successfully treated 285 patients. Headed up by Dr. Hakan Kaya, an oncologist, hematologist and a fellowship-trained transplant specialist, the stem cell transplant program includes a network of physicians, nurses, social workers, dietitians and blood bank staff.

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OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


HEALTH BEAT/stem cell transplant


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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

In the past, undergoing an autologous stem cell transplant for Inland Northwest patients meant traveling over the mountains, and staying away from home for two to three months with a full-time caregiver. The results were excellent, but cost and inconvenience were disadvantageous, presenting challenges for many patients and families. Today, patients can be conveniently treated at Spokane’s Sacred Heart Medical Center and Children’s Hospital. Patients come from the Spokane area, as well as North Idaho and Western Montana where there are no other such transplant programs. The inpatient services enable family members to drop off patients, visit them while they are in the hospital, then take them home three weeks later. When choosing which patients are eligible for stem cell transplants, age is usually one of the factors. Multiple myeloma patients younger than 75 years old have the best chance for a positive outcome. There is no age limit for lymphoma patients— the youngest in the transplant program to date is 16 years old and the oldest is 78. Eligibility requirements also include absence of major medical problems, and healthy heart and lung function. Stem cell collection is an out-patient procedure not much more invasive than giving blood. Multiple myeloma and

lymphoma are treated first with chemo, and after a day’s rest, the stem cells are reintroduced to the blood through an IV. Then these stem cells reach the bone marrow and over a period of about 10 days they start to grow, multiply and help the marrow make healthy blood cells again. In Dr. Kaya’s experience, the majority of patients are up and about within just a few days. “This type of stem cell transplant is well tolerated. Fatigue and intermittent nausea are the most common side effects,” says Dr. Kaya. “We recommend patients recuperate at home for a couple of months after being discharged from the hospital. We have had several patients return to work within just a few weeks.” In the late 1990s, a typical myeloma patient had a life expectancy of only 18 months. Treatments, such as an autologous stem cell transplant have improved survival prognosis to more than 10 years — effectively giving cancer patients a new lease on life. “Autologous stem cell transplantation can cure otherwise incurable recurrent lymphomas. It does not cure myeloma, but helps patients live longer,” says Dr. Kaya. “We have so many new therapies for fighting cancer, and hopefully within the patient’s lifetime there will be a cure.”

We have so many new therapies for fighting cancer, and hopefully within the patient’s lifetime there will be a cure.

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spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Modern American Restaurant & Craft Cocktails


by Sylvia Fountaine | feastingathome.com


his is the time of year when zucchini and summer squash seem to pile up, and many of us have already had our fill. That’s when I like to whip up these flavorful guys—Zucchini Cakes with Jalapeño and Lime. Zucchini is grated either by hand or in a food processor (way easier) and salted and drained. Then it’s mixed with jalapeño, lime zest and fresh herbs. I use an egg to bind it, along with bread crumbs, which seem to give these the best texture. Feel free to add cheese or leave it out for a lighter version. Sear them up and serve with a drizzle of Chipotle Mayo or sour cream. So tasty, and perfect alongside a leafy green salad. A delicious, low-calorie, vegetarian meal. Find the full recipe at feastingathome.com.

i n i h c c u Z akes C

Jalapeño and Lime










9919 E. Greenbluff Rd. It only makes sense that because Green Bluff Farms is famous for its apples and pumpkins, the pies made from their harvest should be equally delicious. Just north of Spokane, Green Bluff is a perfect family day trip. Visit the corn maze, tour the pumpkin patch and more importantly, swing by the bakery to pick up a warm cinnamon apple pie. Beck’s is perfect for a quick dessert or ordering ahead for large family holiday gatherings. 136

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

by Kris Kilduff


n the long-standing history of jokes and pranks, I’ve always cringed at someone getting a pie to the face. Not for the mess or out of empathy for the heel, but because what kind of insensitive clown wastes a perfectly decadent pie? Ever since watching Twin Peaks in the early ’90s, I’ve searched high and low for the perfect slice. The combination of a sweet gooey inside with a thick flaky crust is enough to make any sweet tooth swoon. With fall comes apple and pumpkin harvest, which means pie season is among us. What better time to jump in the car, throw on Warrant’s Greatest Hits and see if anyone in Spokane can give Sweeney Todd a run for his money.

Follow Kris Kilduff’s food adventures on Instagram at @chefboyarduff.


1215 N. Ruby The first thing I ever made in my high school home economics class was meringue, so I always get excited to find a pie covered in its sugary goodness. Lilac City, who is the new sister bakery of Celebrations Cupcakes, has a few assorted pies—this one packed full of a delicious tangy lemon filling that melted in my mouth.


12622 E. Sprague Ave. If you are looking for pie in Spokane, Conley’s is your onestop shop. Head in for some homemade Irish fare and stay for a full menu of pies served whole or by the slice. From peanut butter and chocolate to dutch apple, Conley’s takes “fresh made daily” to a new level. I was lucky enough to try a slice of their very last strawberry pie of the season: a flaky, buttery crust piled high with a heap of sweet berries.


1235 S. Grand Blvd. Whoever decided chocolate and peanut butter belong in pie? I owe them a high five. Lindaman’s has long been a favorite of pastry lovers. It takes one look into their enormous glass case full of cakes, cookies, cheesecakes and pie to realize that you’re about to indulge in something special. A rich sugary slice of their famous peanut butter and chocolate pie is just that.

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


Here are 11 not-to-miss locations: Twilight Cider Works 18102 N. Day Mt Spokane Rd. (509) 570-8748 Saturday: Spokane Farmer’s Market Wednesday: Kendall Yards Night Market Tuesday: Fairwood Farmer’s Market


Townshend Cellar


8022 E. Greenbluff Rd. (509) 238-1400 Friday-Saturday: 12 to 5 p.m.

High Country Orchard 8518 E. Green Bluff Road (509) 238-9545 Sunday-Thursday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Hansen’s 8215 E. Green Bluff Road (509) 238-4902 7 days a week: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by Sarah Carleton | photos by Ari Nordhagen

Strawberry Hill Nutrition Farm

Last week I took our youngest kiddo up to Greenbluff to take a peek around and

N. 16904 Day Mt. Spokane Rd. (509) 238-6919 Tuesday-Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

enjoy an afternoon together while the two older kids were at school. It was a gorgeous quintessential Fall day. The sun was shining and the skies were the most perfect hue of blue. If you aren’t a Spokane local or aren’t familiar with Green Bluff, it’s an area Northeast of Spokane that covers acres and acres of privately owned farms and orchards. Depending on the season, you can find the following for sale: raspberries, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, rhubarb, corn, winter squash, pumpkins, peaches, apples, summer squash, beets, onions, gourds, herbs, garlic and much more. I have been visiting Green Bluff for more than 20 years. I remember back to when one of the farms had a ferris wheel. It was amazing as you went up and were able to see for what felt like forever over the tops of the apple trees and all across the bluff. Green Bluff holds special memories for our family, and has become a Fall tradition. The love of the land and appreciation of it runs deeply in us, and going to Green Bluff each year is a memorable and fun way to celebrate the end of the growing season and all that season has meant to us. When you combine caramel apples, tractor rides, hay bales, pumpkin donuts, corn mazes, October skies, long orchard rows, pumpkin patches, kettle corn, pony rides and farm animals, you can’t help but have a grand time and make lasting memories. I urge everyone carve out some time to take a trip to Green Bluff through the month of October to slow down, breathe some fresh country air, make some special memories and support local farmers and keep their legacies alive and thriving. Visit greenbluffgrowers.com for a list of 59 growers as well as events and more.


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Beck’s Harvest House 9919 Greenbluff Rd. (509) 238-6970 7 days a week: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Big Barn Brewing 16004 N. Applewood Lane (509) 710-2961 Wednesday-Sunday: 12 to 8 p.m.

Walter’s Fruit Ranch 9807 E. Day Rd. (509) 238-4709 7 days a week: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Siemers Farm 11125 E. Day Mt. Spokane Rd. (509) 238-6242 7 days a week: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.




Live music on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights this Summer!

11 Acres Farm 10909 E. Day Mt. Spokane Rd. (509) 238-9473 Tuesday-Sunday: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Hierophant Meadery 16602 N. Day Mt. Spokane Rd. (509) 294-0134 Tuesday-Friday: 12 to 6 p.m. Saturday-Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Enjoy an afternoon or evening in Coeur d’Alene on our deck and patio with crafted cocktails and delicious fare.

VOTED BEST NORTH IDAHO! For reservations, call 208-667-9660 x1 or online at: 315martinisandtapas.com

Greenbluff Fresh Catering Company And if you would like to bring Green Bluff to your own table or event, the Greenbluff Fresh Catering Company team are the people to reach out to. They adore Green Bluff and the farmers who live there and they feature fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, eggs and wine in monthly menus comprised of the seasonal offerings this local treasure produces. greenblufffresh.com


Be sure to keep the following in mind when visiting Green Bluff: Be respectful of the farms and the “No Trespassing” signs. These farmers are inviting you onto their land and into their lives so be sure to be respectful and kind to their land, it’s their livelihood. You just never know what kind of weather you are going to get. It’s always a good idea to bring a jacket and hat as it can be windy and rainy in October. Weekends are the busiest. The farms that attract more traffic can become busy, so be prepared for lines as you search for parking as well as for buying pumpkin donuts. Bringing cash is a good idea. Many of the farms accept debit/credit but some don’t. Some of the farms do have an ATM machine but they are few and far between. Since these are working farms, there will be plenty of dirt and possibly mud. I wouldn’t suggest wearing your favorite pair of white shoes. If you are going on a weekday, some of the attractions and activities may not be available; it’s a good idea to call ahead.


315 Wallace Ave | Coeur d'Alene


Happy Hour All Day! OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide


The Dining Guide includes summaries of local restaurants that are featured on a rotating basis each issue. Suggestions for additions or corrections can be sent to stephanie@spokanecda.com.

WILD SAGE BISTRO Cedar Roasted Steelhead & Crab

photo by Charlie Connor

ASIAN, INDIAN, HAWAIIAN Aloha Island Grill. Hawaiian. Operating out of two former Taco John shacks on Monroe and West Francis, Patrick and Lori Keegan serve up fresh, tender Teriyaki Chicken “plates” that will keep you coming back. Based on family recipes from the islands and plenty more than just teriyaki, both spots offer a student discount; the Francis location serves a creative breakfast concoction called the “Loco Moco.” Open daily. 1724 N. Monroe St. (509) 327-4270 and 1220 W. Francis Ave. (509) 413-2029. eataloha.com. Thai Bamboo. Thai. Each of the four regional Thai Bamboo locations offers a massive Southeast Asian menu in settings designed to transport you across the Pacific. Inside each restaurant you’ll find Thai stone and wood carvings, water fountains, Thai music and the namesake bamboo décor. Thai Bamboo continues to be No. 1 Best Thai in readers’ polls, and both the newest location on North Division and the CdA restaurant feature a Tiki Beach-styled lounge and striking sky ceilings in the main dining rooms. Think Vegas with pad Thai. All locations Mon-Thu 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri 11:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sat 12-9:30 p.m., Sun 12-9 p.m. Delivery available. thaibamboorestaurant. com. 140

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

BARBECUE Red Lion BBQ & Pub. For about 20 years, whether it was in the old rhythm and blues, peanut-shells-on-the-floor days, or more recently as a sports bar, there’s always been butt-kickin’ BBQ at this downtown corner spot. The undisputed star here is wine-broiled chicken, spicy and robust, yet falling-off-the-bones moist and tender. Together with the signature fried bread and honey, you have a BBQ experience that can’t help but please. SunThu 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m.-1 a.m. (Sunday breakfast buffet 9 a.m.-noon during football season.) 126 N. Division St. (509) 835-LION (5466). redlionbbq.com. FINE DINING Park Lodge. Located in Kendall Yards overlooking the Spokane River, Park Lodge is surrounded by natural beauty. The views offer inspiration for creating a unique dining experience of locally inspired comfort food in a fine dining setting. Chef Philip has been cooking for more than 15 years in fine dining establishments in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Paris and Spokane. His philosophy toward food is one of careful consideration—recipes should highlight the ingredients. The dishes at Park Lodge attempt to help

others develop the same love and respect he holds for the ingredients we are provided with. 411 N. Nettleton St., Mon.-Thurs. 4-9 p.m., Fri.-Sun. 4-10 p.m., (509) 340-9347, parklodgerestaurant.com. The Wandering Table. A much-anticipated American tapas-style restaurant located in Kendall Yards. Chef Adam Hegsted delights with a variety of small plates (try the Garden for a creative take on salads, the Deviled Eggs, or the Popcorn), craft cocktails, a whiskey bar, and substantial dishes, such as the Bacon-Wrapped Bacon Sliders or the Braised Shortribs. Take the chef 's advice and go with the “You Choose the Price” meal option for the table offered at $35-$65 per head for a surprising culinary journey. Hopefully it will include the Olive Oil Gelato for dessert. Tues-Thurs, 11:30 a.m.–10 p.m., Fri-Sat 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m., SunMon, 4-10 p.m. 1242 W. Summit Pkwy. in Kendall Yards. (509) 443-4410. thewanderingtable.com. Wild Sage Bistro. Tucked into a classic 1911 brick building on Second Ave. and Lincoln St., Wild Sage offers an intimate dining setting and memorable food with real flair. The atmosphere combines class and warmth. Executive chef Charlie Connor presents regionally influenced North-

Ribbon cuttings by Kris Kilduff

Steady Flow Growler House 111 S. Cedar St.

For three years Spokane Valley’s most popular place to grab a pint has just opened it’s second location in the westside of downtown. Thirty-three taps of beer, cider and wine, plus a variety of handmade flatbreads if you get hungry.

J&T Food Bunker

Food Truck, CDA

Veteran-owned and operated, J&T Food Bunker is the newest addition to the blossoming food truck scene in Northern Idaho. Check out their rotating menu of craft burgers, salads and gooey grilled cheese.

Humble Abode Brewing 1620 E. Houston Ave.

Homebrewersturned-pro Matt and Courtney Gilbreath are officially off to the races with some humble beginnings, a homey atmosphere perfect for a solo afterwork beer or a trip with the entire family. You can even bring your dog.

Follow Kris Kilduff on Instagram at @chefboyarduff.


NOVEMBER 6 /7 /8 th




W. 1018 Francis 509.326.6794

OCTOBER 2018 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide

west cuisine using only the finest locally sourced products. Try the Yukon Taquitos, the Crisp Bacon and Blue salad or the Cioppino. Be sure to finish with a slice of the “Soon-to-be-Famous” Coconut Cream Layer Cake with lilikoi sauce. This awardwinning bistro is known for its in-house bakery and an amazing array of gluten-free options. Also, make it a point to order something from their “scratch bar,” with or without alcohol. They use only fresh juices and house-infused flavored liquors. Dinner seven nights a week, opening at 4 p.m. 916 W. Second Ave. (509) 456-7575. wildsagebistro.com. Masselow's Steakhouse. Named after a strong chief who was instrumental in the survival of the Kalispels, Masselow’s combines the culinary heritage of the tribe with Northwest fine dining. The restaurant features an intimate and lavishly appointed dining room just off the hotel lobby in the new wing of the Northern Quest Resort and Casino in Airway Heights and serves up an Elk Sirloin and Seared Scallops worth the drive. Their chocolate mousse on the dessert menu is also a show stopper. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights. (509) 242-7000. northernquest.com. 1898 Public House. With a nod of respect to the year the golf club was originally established, 1898 Public House combines a storied history with modern flair. Led by Executive chef Tyler Schwenk, their culinary team takes pride in preparing classic foods with a fresh twist, while using the finest ingredients. From hand-pressed gourmet burgers and house-cured bacon, to house-made rolls and charcuterie, dining at 1898 is an exciting culinary tour for your palate. With signature comfort food dishes and unique combinations designed for the more adventurous foodie. Sun-Thurs 4-9 p.m., Fri/Sat 4-10 p.m., happy hour 4-6 p.m. 2010 W. Waikiki Rd. (509) 466-2121. kalispelgolf.com. BREAKFAST & LUNCH SPECIALTIES Frank’s Diner. Frank’s has become a Spokane landmark throughout the past decade. Both early 1900s vintage rail cars were originally obtained by the Knight brothers, Frank and Jack, during the Depression, and converted to diners. Frank’s breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, available all day, has all the classics. Among our favorites are the openface turkey, roast beef and mushroom sandwiches, chicken pot pie, Joe’s Special (the venerable scramble of eggs, ground beef, spinach, onions and parmesan), and the don’t-miss hash browns and silver dollar pancakes. Seven days 6 a.m.-8 p.m. 1516 W. Second Ave. (509) 747-8798. 10929 N. Newport


spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

Highway, (509) 465-2464. franksdiners.com. The Yards Bruncheon. The team at The Yards Bruncheon figured out how to extend the weekend all-week-long by offering brunch every day, and— oh!—how that pleases us. This modern diner is a combination of breakfast and lunch complemented with classic brunch cocktails. Their menu features comfort food using local farms and producers. The food is food the team loves to eat and is meant to be taken lightly. They make most of their menu items in house, including their pastries, which are some of the best around. They also feature some of the best coffees and teas from around the world. 1248 W. Summit Pkwy., Mon-Sun 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (509) 290-5952. theyardsbruncheon.com. CASUAL DINING Gilded Unicorn. The Gilded Unicorn is a modern American, classic restaurant featuring handcrafted foods and drinks, located in the historic Montvale Hotel in downtown Spokane, right in the heart the entertainment and arts district. The restaurant's name reflects its blend of classic and modern without taking itself too seriously. The Gilded Unicorn showcases local, seasonal food and drinks from the Northwest and beyond coerced into newfashioned flavors that hit you in the soul. This is a “must visit” eatery experience. Sun-Sat 3 p.m-close, 110 S. Monroe St., (509) 309-3698. gildedunicorn. com. 315 Martinis and Tapas. Located within the historic Greenbriar Inn in Coeur d’Alene, this restaurant specializes in small plates with a global focus and well-crafted cocktails. Come sit in the intimate martini bar for happy hour beginning at 3:15 p.m. and enjoy drink and tapas specials, or share small plates or entrees along with live music on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights in the main dining room beginning at 6 p.m. Expect good service, great atmosphere and an experience you won’t soon forget. Tues-Sun from 3:15 p.m. to close. 315 Wallace Ave. in Coeur d’Alene. (208) 667-9660. 315martinisandtapas.com. PUB AND LOUNGE FARE The Onion Taphouse & Grill. Established in 1978, the Onion is the grand dean of gourmet burgers and casual family dining in Spokane. With the addition of Area 51 Taphouse (with, yes, 51 different beers—and some hard ciders, too), you’ll never want to leave. From gourmet burgers and sandwiches to pizza, salads and their namesake beer-battered onion rings, The Onion Taphouse & Grill pays attention to details and does more from scratch than many other restaurants aspiring

to loftier appellations. 302 W. Riverside. Sun-Thurs 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m.-1 a.m. Mon-Sun 11 a.m.-11 p.m. 7522 N. Division. (509) 747-3852. The Swinging Doors. Opened in May of 1981, the tavern-turned-restaurant has been in the same family for its whole life. With 27 beers on tap and 60 television screens, The Swinging Doors is a sports fan’s paradise. On the food front, the restaurant is famous for its large portions (which can be split). Breakfast is served all day and the huge pieces of Broasted Chicken remain the most popular item on the golf-themed menu. Show up on your birthday for a free steak dinner. Open seven days a week from 6:45 a.m.-2 a.m. 1018 W. Francis Ave. (509) 326-6794. theswingingdoors.com. Crave. Where to go that’s lively, airy, and serves some of the best pub and lounge fare around? Crave does wraps, burgers, salads and fries (yes to the fries!) right. On the super hip corner of Riverside Ave. and Washington St. with eats, drinks, and nightlife done right. Daily, 11 a.m.-2 a.m. 401 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 321-7480. OTHER Fujiyama Japanese Steak House and Bar Its popularity in Silverdale, Richland and Pullman has them setting up their 4th location in beautiful Liberty Lake. Walking into Fujiyama transports you to a different culture with its deep red and black walls and Asian art, and the menu is clean, simple and delicious. Choose from steak, chicken, shrimp, salmon or calamari, and mix it with vegetables over some rice fried right at your table. While you wait, make sure to order the assorted shrimp and pork stuffed dumplings in lucky money bag shaped pouches. If you’re just looking for a quick bite or a few drinks during the game, slide over to their bar or patio with a more casual sports bar atmopshere. Mon-Thur 11a.m.-10 p.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Sunday 12 p.m.-9 p.m., 21801 E. Country Vista Dr #101, Liberty Lake, (509) 903-0888. Sushi.com. We still think the name is about as cheesy as you can get for a sushi bar and Japanese restaurant, but the food transcends the curious .com label over the door. Sit at the sushi bar and enjoy what’s fresh or take a table and explore the menu that also includes plenty of excellent hot options if raw fish still makes you nervous. Some of our favorites are the super white tuna and the house tempura. Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sat 12 noon-9 p.m., Sun 12 noon-8 p.m. 430 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0630.

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20 Under 40 Awards Event

NOVEMBER 20, 2018 at Chateau Rive in the Flour Mill Celebrating professionals under the age of 40 who are making great strides in their career with trajectories for continued success … in their own lives and in moving our community forward.

Email Stephanie Regalado

stephanie@spokanecda.com for more information. 144

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018




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THIS NOTICE MUST BE PROVIDED TO YOU UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. This health care practitioner performs one or more stem cell therapies that have not yet been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care provider prior to undergoing a stem cell therapy.


Magic Boy by Doug Clark

A frosty February night in 1998 found me inside the old Stockyards Inn to sleuth a story about a little known gathering of adult wannabe magicians. That’s where I met the Spokane kid I dubbed “Magic Boy.” Dave Womach, his given name, stood out among the elder lightweights of legerdemain for a couple of profound reasons. First off, he was just 14 years old. Second, he had actual skills. In a blink, Magic Boy could take a deck of cards and cut it one-handed with either paw. His sleight-of-hand moves were mature beyond his youth, and as he performed he maintained that fluid patter common to all magicians not named Teller. I didn’t have to consult Kreskin to sense the undercurrent in the room. Some members were jealous of this wunderkind. During a lull, I asked the lad what he hoped to do with his, um, hobby. In a deadpan tone, Womach told me he had found his life’s calling and planned to oneday dazzle the world. You know what? I believed him. Abracadabra! We are transported 20 years and change into the future. The young magician I’m proud to call a friend is 35 and doesn’t answer to Magic Boy any more. Or Dave Womach, not when he’s plying the prestochango trade. Some years ago while touring the globe, Womach adopted “David DaVinci” for a stage name. He performs with his wife, Jamie, who fills the iconic role of beautiful magician’s assistant. 146

spokanecda.com / OCTOBER 2018

The Womachs have a 5-yearold daughter, Capri. Sandpoint is home when they’re not on the road, which is less often than not. As of late, DaVinci/ Womach has been billing himself as no mere magician, but a “thrillusionist.” “Beyond reality – just short of insanity,” his website explains. “…Not just an illusionist, but a thrill-seeking, mindbending master of prestidigitation who creates an alternate world of fascination with gravity-defying hair and leather pants (required).” I give you Exhibit A, the over-the-top stunt Womach attempted in Sacramento last month on behalf of an organization devoted to curbing veteran suicides. That was the motive. The madness was to set a new Guinness world record by escaping the confines of a straight jacket while being suspended upside down from a hot air balloon floating 10,000 feet above sea level. I know. Who knew there was an old record? Even so, exiting a straight jacket certainly beats that disgusting “how many hotdogs can you shove down your pie hole?” path to Guinness notoriety. The current straight jacket dangling mark, by the way, is 7,200 feet above sea level. Womach told me that over breakfast at the Coeur d’Alene Resort Hotel on the morning he and Jamie took off for

California. “There’s not a lot of oxygen to breathe at that altitude,” warned the Thrillusionist. “Hypoxia can set in.” Jamie laughed and looked at me. “I probably should’ve asked some of the questions you’re asking before I signed on for this.” I wasn’t too worried about Womach not achieving such a high-minded goal. Besides being a pro magician, he’s got a lot of other things going for him. Womach is a skydiving fanatic with 160 jumps to his credit. He can also hold his breath for 3-plus minutes, something he trained himself to do while free diving in deep water between shows at a Saipan dinner theater. And as for shedding a straight jacket? Don’t make me laugh. Womach nailed that old chestnut ages ago while working for the brothers Ringling. According to his resume, he set a record by escaping a straight jacket 220 times over a span of eight hours. As it turned out, however, some things are still beyond a magician’s control. The September record attempt never got off the ground thanks to the balloon pilot, who scrubbed the mission due to an air inversion. “The weather to me looked perfect, but I’m not a hot air balloon pilot,” said Womach. “He said the balloon can accelerate too quickly and he cancelled.” Don’t complain. Buddy Holly’s pilot

should have been so careful. Anyway, Womach tried his best to hire an alternate sky ride, but no soap. He found a willing helicopter pilot, but no available copter. They’d all been conscripted in California’s eternal War on Wildfires. But the show, Womach vowed, will go on in early November in the skies above San Diego. Here’s the thing about making it in magic: You need as much talent for hustling as you do for sawing volunteers in half. Womach was bitten by the hocus pocus bug at age 4, when he hijacked the magic set his older brother received as a Christmas present. He had the business side going before he could legally drive, booking his act at middle schools, birthday parties and special events. He paid a Seattle magician 100 bucks for the tuxedo the man wore when he was 16. While other teenagers were worshipping Michael Jordan and other sports stars, Womach was idolizing the likes of Lance Burton, Jason Byrne and David Copperfield. Young Womach built his own props. He bought and trained three doves – Elvis, Houdini and Fluffy – to be part of his act. And what an act! A month after I met him at the Spokane Magic Club, Womach invited me to his home and performed his entire show on the custom stage he and his father, Dan, built in the basement. Soon he was on his way, winning a gold medal from the Pacific Coast Association of Magicians competition and a Master

of Magic Award at the 2005 International Magic Festival. It’s been quite a ride since those Spokane Magic Club meetings at the Stockyards Inn: thousands upon thousands of practice hours; hundreds upon hundreds of shows at arenas, theaters and enormous wave-rolling cruise ships. Two years ago, the Womachs’ renown for training birds caught the eye of the aforementioned Copperfield. The Vegas superstar hired the couple to teach two macaws and four toucans to be part of his show. The job came with a rare bonus: A 10-day vacation at Musha Cay, Copperfield’s private-island resort in the Bahamas. Spokane-area magic fans fortunately won’t have to travel so far. The man formerly known as Magic Boy comes to town on Oct. 16. David DaVinci will take over The Bing to amaze and thrill you. “I’d be lying if I said that every moment has been a golden road,” Womach said. “But I pour my heart and energy into everything I do.” Doug Clark is a Spokane native and lead singer/songwriter for his band, Trailer Park Girls. He recently retired from The Spokesman-Review after writing three columns a week for more than 30 years. Clark’s humor and general-interest commentaries have won scores of local, state and regional honors along with three awards from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. He can be reached at dougclarksville@gmail.com.

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