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I Love a Parade!
The Spokane Lilac Festival Association (SLFA) is now accepting applications for parade entries to participate in the 85th Annual Armed Forces Torchlight Parade on Saturday May 20, 2023 in Downtown Spokane. Each applicant must submit a $25 non-refundable application fee and commercial units must pay a fee of $1200.00. Military units, veteran units, VIPs, Northwest Hosting members, and Junior Lilac Parade best in show band are all exempted from fees unless they apply late. Applications are being accepted through Friday, April 21, 2023 and can be found online at www. spokanelilacfestival.org. The 2023 Festival Signature Sponsor is the Kalispel Tribe of Indians and Northern Quest Resort & Casino.
Cookin’ Up Something Great!
Twenty-Seventh Heaven Bakery opened in downtown Spokane on January 27, 2023. Relocated from the South Hill, it is owned and operated by Navy veteran Lydia Cowles. She hopes starting her sixth year in business downtown will increase foot traffic. Anyone who craves baked goods made from scratch, including cake, fresh bread, bagels, scones and more, should visit 105 S. Madison Street to feed their bellies and warm their hearts. For more information, visit Twenty-Seventh Heaven’s website at twentyseventhheaven. com.

Moxi on the March
Deaconess Hospital nurses are getting a little help from Moxie, thanks to the MultiCare Health System. Moxie is a robotic assistant created by Diligent Robotics.

“We are excited to be the first hospital in the state to have Moxi on our MultiCare team,” said Jennifer Graham, Deaconess Hospital’s Chief Nursing Officer. “Moxie has not taken the place of our care givers but will serve as an aid for our team. Nurses and other clinicians spend significant time during their shifts gathering and delivering supplies, including PPE (personal protective equipment), patient medications, lab specimens and other items. Moxi will ease that burden, allowing our team to do what they do best—take care of our community.”

A Hug for Your Dog
If you love your fur baby, consider a Puffer Hug for Dogs! The bright red accessory provides a little extra warmth in a cool day and a feeling of added comfort for $19.99. Constructed of vegan leather and 100% nylon, it includes decorative pockets, a detachable leather strap and is available in a wide variety of K-9 sizes. You can even purchase a human version of the Puffer Hug to coordinate fashions with your pup.

As an added bonus, Puffer Hug donates 15% of sales to children’s mental health programs, nationwide. For more about this snuggly option, visit pufferhug.com.
Bike Electric
Washington State can’t claim the first-place ranking. Hawaii scored that win. But we’re the sixth highest state when it comes to our interest in electronic bikes.
In a twelve-month study conducted by experts at IceBike.com, Hawaii was first, California was second, Utah was third, Idaho was 4th place and Vermont rounded up the top five.
“This study highlights the increase in electric bikes as a low carbon, low-cost car alternative which also encourages a healthier lifestyle,” according to an Ice Bike spokesman. “And western states are taking a stronger interest in electric bikes, in comparison to their eastern neighbors.”

Hot Shots
If cinnamon is your jam, you’ll love SLRRRP’s Cinnamon
Whisky Gelatin
Shots. Made of premium whiskey, and other plantbased ingredients, they’re best after refrigeration, or you can add ice to the SLRRRP’s container. Gluten-free with 15% alcohol, each of ten shots are 60 calories and have a two-year shelf life. Fruitflavored vodka and malt liquor shots are also available from SLRRP’s. Starting at $10.99, you can get them online at slrrrp.com and at over 20,000 retail locations in 45 U.S. states, including Walmart, 7-11 and Circle K. Put a little fire in your cup with SLRRRP!