12 minute read
A Magical Creature VIRTUAL Fun Run
Do you love magical creatures? Mermaids, narwhales and unicorns? Do you also love to run? Then we have great news! The 2023 Magical Creature virtual fun run is now open for registration (https://www.virtualrunevents.com/product/magical-creatures/).
Once your register and pay your $20 entry fee, youl’ll receive your full color, Magical Creature medal and a runner’s bib in the mail. Then you’ll pick a date and a time that works for you. It’s a virtual run, so you won’t have to fight the crowds or travel to a distant city. You just have to run your race and report your time when you finish.
Because the Magical Creature run welcomes all runners—or walkers—you can select which race is right for you. Run or walk 1 mile, 5 K, 10 K, 13.1 miles or 26.2 miles. And you don’t have to compete on one set day. You can run on any day in March or April of 2023, at any time of day (or night). Run on the beach, at the mall, around a track, in your neighborhood. Anything goes.
As an added bonus, 15% of your entry fee will go to Operation Underground Railroad, a nonprofit dedicated to saving kids from human trafficking.

So on your mark, get set, and register. And join the race’s Facebook page to interact with 23,000 other runners around the world. As the race sponsors say, “Why be normal, when you can be magical?”

by: Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living / in Spokane CDA Living, Top Dentists, Top Professional
This list is excerpted from the 2023 topDentists™ list, a database which includes listings for more than 120 dentists and specialists in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene areas. The list is based on thousands of detailed evaluations of dentists and professionals by their peers. The complete database is available at usatopdentists.com. For more information call (706) 364-0853; write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; email info@usatopdentists.com or visit usatopdentists.com.

Selection Process
“If you had a patient in need of a dentist, which dentist would you refer them to?”

This is the question we’ve asked thousands of dentists to help us determine who the topDentists should be. Dentists and specialists are asked to take into consideration years of experience, continuing education, manner with patients, use of new techniques and technologies, and of course physical results.
The nomination pool of dentists consists of dentists listed online with the American Dental Association, as well as dentists listed online with their local dental societies, thus allowing virtually every dentist the opportunity to participate. Dentists are also given the opportunity to nominate other dentists that they feel should be included in our list. Respondents are asked to put aside any personal bias or political motivations and to use only their knowledge of their peer’s work when evaluating the other nominees.

Voters are asked to individually evaluate the practitioners on their ballot whose work they are familiar with. Once the balloting is completed, the scores are compiled and then averaged. The numerical average required for inclusion varies depending on the average for all the nominees within the specialty and the geographic area. Borderline cases are given a careful consideration by the editors. Once the decisions have been finalized, the included dentists are checked against state dental boards for disciplinary actions to make sure they have an active license and are in good standing with the board. Then letters of congratulations are sent to all the listed dentists.
Of course, there are many fine dentists who are not included in this representative list. It is intended as a sampling of the great body of talent in the field of dentistry in the United States. A dentist’s inclusion on our list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow dentists. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, we remain confident that our polling methodology largely corrects for any biases and that these lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate, and useful list of dentists available anywhere.
n Haley N. Denison
Ellingsen and Denison Endodontics
1005 N. Evergreen Rd, Suite 201 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 (509) 921-5666 ellingsenendo.com/ n Terry T. DeVore
Spirit Lake Family Dental 6070 West Jackson St. Spirit Lake (208) 623-6400 spiritlakefamilydental.com n Dustin L. Gatten
Access Endodontic Specialists 602 N. Calgary Ct., Suite 301 Post Falls (208) 262-2620 accessendo.com n Timothy L. Gatten
Access Endodontic Specialists 602 N. Calgary Ct., Suite 301 Post Falls (208) 262-2620 accessendo.com n Alvin Brett Matteson
Lakeview Dental
801 Milwaukee Dr. Coeur d’Alene (208) 664-0884 lakeviewdentalclinic.com/ n Blake McKinley, Jr.

Spokane Endodontics 620 N. Argonne Rd., Suite A Spokane Valley (509) 928-8762 spokaneendo.com n Brittney Penberthy
Marycliff Dental Center 524 W. 6th Ave. (509) 744-0916 spokanesdentistry.com n Timothy W. Penberthy
Marycliff Dental Center 524 W. 6th Ave. Spokane (509) 744-0916 spokanesdentistry.com n Scott J. Starley

Inland Endodontics
3151 E. 29th Ave., Suite 201
Spokane (509) 535-1720 inlandendo.com n Timothy L. Sweatman
Sweatman Endodontics
775 E. Holland, Suite 202 Spokane (509) 468-7744 n Roderick W. Tataryn
Tataryn Endodontics
2700 S. Southeast Boulevard, Suite 201
Spokane (509) 747-7665 drtataryn.com
General Dentistry
n S. Brady Bates Bates Dental
2700 S. Southeast Boulevard, Suite 104
Spokane (509) 795-5878
Batesdental.com n Michael A. Bloom Bloom Dentistry 9928 N. Government Way
Hayden (208) 772-3583 haydenbloomdentistry.com n George J. Bourekis 12525 E. Mission Ave., Suite 204
Spokane (509) 922-2288 smilespokanevalley.com n Rodney D. Braun
Braun & Jarvis Family Dentistry
775 E. Holland Ave., Suite 201 Spokane (509) 464-2391 braunjarvisdental.com n Timothy J. Casey

Liberty Lake Smile Source 22011 E. Country Vista Drive, Suite 201 Liberty Lake (509) 927-9279 libertylakedentist.com n Brent L. Child 10121 N. Nevada St., Suite 101 Spokane (509) 468-1685 childfamilydentistry.com n Brooke M. Cloninger 2001 E. 29th Ave. Spokane (509) 319-2152 brookemcloningerdds.com n Joshua Conway
Spokane Valley Dentistry 12121 E. Broadway, Suite 4 Spokane Valley (509) 926-6261 spokanevalleydentistry.com n Travis V. Coulter
Coulter Family Dentistry 1601 S. Dishman-Mica Road Spokane Valley (509) 209-8747 coulterdentistry.com n Kimberly R. Craven South Hill Family Dental 1424 S. Bernard St. Spokane (509) 747-7166 southhillfamilydental.com n Louise C. DeFelice
DeFelice Dentistry 4703 N. Maple St. Spokane (509) 258-5641 defelicedentistry.com n Robert R. DesRoches, Jr. Maple Street Family Dentistry 4610 N. Ash, Suite 102 Spokane (509) 928-5001 maplestreetfamilydentistry.com n Terry T. DeVore Spirit Lake Family Dental 6070 West Jackson St. Spirit Lake (208) 623-6400 spiritlakefamilydental.com n Blaine D. Dodson, DMD Evergreen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry 1005 N. Evergreen Road, Suite 202 Spokane Valley (509) 928-4191 evergreencosmeticdentistry.com n James P. Dorosh Dorosh Dental 10121 N. Nevada St., Suite 301 Spokane (509) 467-1000 doroshdental.com n Jaclyn M. Eliassen Integrated Dental Arts 5011 W. Lowell Ave., Suite 130 Spokane (509) 464-3100 identalarts.com n Eric C. Ellingsen Smile Source Dental 1215 N. McDonald Road, Suite 203 Spokane Valley (509) 381-7421 smilesourcespokane.com n Erin E. Elliott Post Falls Family Dental Center 313 N. Spokane St. Post Falls (208) 773-4579 postfallsfamilydental.com n Michele L. Foglia Spokane Valley Dental 200 North Mullan Rd., Suite 103 Spokane Valley (509) 928-8431 http://www.spokanevalleydental.com n Gregory A. Frahm North Hill Dentistry 1520 W. Garland Ave. A Spokane (509) 328-9787 northhilldentistry.com n Heather A. Frampton Spokane Valley Dental 200 N. Mullan Road, Suite 103 Spokane Valley (509) 928-8431 spokanevalleydental.com n Amir A. Ganji Cannon Hill Dental 1424 S. Bernard St. Spokane (509) 624-5590 cannonhilldental.com n Katherine M. Hakes Integrated Dental Arts 5011 W. Lowell Ave., Suite 130 Spokane (509) 464-3100 identalarts.com n Mark A. Jensen Millwood Family Dental 3018 N. Argonne Road Spokane Valley (509) 928-5444 millwoodfamilydental.com n Drew F. Heidergott 10121 N. Nevada St., Suite 202 Spokane (509) 466-6979 drdrewdds.com n Robb B. Heinrich 10121 N. Nevada St., Suite 302 Spokane (509) 467-1117 heinrichdds.com n Jeffrey J. Henneberg Smile Source Dental 1215 N. McDonald Road, Suite 203 Spokane Valley (509) 590-0814 smilesourcespokane.com n Bryan P. Hill 9671 N. Nevada St., Suite 200 Spokane (509) 468-4040 bryanhilldds.com n Jeffrey R. Hood, DDS Evergreen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry 1005 N. Evergreen Road, Suite 202 Spokane Valley (509) 928-4191 evergreencosmeticdentistry.com n James A. Howard 720 N. Evergreen Road, Suite 102 Spokane Valley (509) 891-0430 n Bradley D. Jarvis Braun & Jarvis Family Dentistry 775 E. Holland Ave., Suite 201 Spokane (509) 464-2391 n Samuel King King Family Dental 101 W. Cascade Way, Suite 201 Spokane (509) 466-2499 kkingdds.com n Susan M. Kohls 2020 E. 29th Ave., Suite 100 Spokane (509) 534-0428 drsusankohls.com n Ryan R. Love 420 N. Evergreen Rd., Suite 600 Spokane (509) 928-2525 ryanrlovedds.com n Joseph L. Luchini Luchini Family Dentistry 2107 W. Pacific Ave. Spokane (509) 838-3544 luchinidds.com n Kenneth Lynn Post Falls Family Dental 313 N. Spokane St. Post Falls (208) 773-4579 postfallsfamilydental.com n Katherine Q. Martin Avondale Dental 1683 E. Miles Ave. Hayden (208) 623-8048 avondaledentalcenter.com n Rudyard G. McKennon 5th Avenue Dental 507 S. Washington St., Suite 190 Spokane (509) 624-8783 5thavenuedds.com n Daniel J. Mergen Mergen Dental 902 W. 14th Ave. Spokane (509) 747-5186 mergendental.com n Michelle Metcalf 2829 S. Grand Boulevard, Suite 301 Spokane (509) 747-4242 drjodifunkdds.com n Kent E. Mosby Advanced Family Dentistry 910 W. Ironwood Drive Coeur d’Alene (208) 667-1154 drmosby.com n Kathrine A. Olson 210 S. Sullivan Rd. Spokane Valley (509) 924-9596 kathrineolsondds.com n Filip E. Orban Orban Family Dental 2834 Ramsey Road, Suite 102-103 Coeur d’Alene (208) 667-1546 orbanfamilydental.com n Jeffrey L. Oswell

15636 N. Highway 41
Rathdrum (208) 687-3478 oswellrathdrumdental.com n Kurt Peterson Peterson Dental 1604 W. Riverside Ave. Spokane (509) 747-2183 petersondental.com n Corey L. Plaster 5th Avenue Dental 507 S. Washington St., Suite 190 Spokane (509) 624-8783 5thavenuedds.com n Simon P. Prosser Prosser Dentistry 251 E. Fifth Ave., Suite B (509) 744-3244 prosserdentistry.com n John P. Reamer Reamer Family Dentistry 12805 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley (509) 924-5661 reamerfamilydentistry.com n Paul F. Reamer Reamer Family Dentistry 12805 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley (509) 924-5661 reamerfamilydentistry.com n Charles L. Regalado 6817 N. Cedar Road, Suite 202 Spokane (509) 326-6862 charlesregalado.com n Todd M. Rogers

Smiles of Spokane 3606 S. Regal Spokane (509) 838-4165 smilesofspokane.com n Todd Schini

Schini Family Dentistry 2329 N. Merritt Creek Loop Coeur d’Alene (208) 664-3321 schinidentistry.com n Ryon G. Schofield 8912 N. Hess St. Hayden (208) 762-4331 schofielddental.com n Jay H. Sciuchetti 2103 S. Grand Boulevard Spokane (509) 624-0542 drjayspokane.com n Ross Simonds Simonds Dental Group 22106 E. Country Vista Drive, Suite D Liberty Lake (509) 893-1119 libertylakedental.com n Mary K. Smith North Cedar Dental 6817 N. Cedar Road, Suite 101 Spokane (509) 325-0233 northcedardental.com n Mark M. Sodorff
Sodorff & Wilson Family Dentistry 12706 E. Mission Ave. Spokane Valley (509) 928-3131 sodorffwilsondds.com n Jessica Toillion Medical Lake Dental Clinic 123 N. Brower Medical Lake (509) 299-5171 medicallakedc.com n Kevin Truong
Tru Expression Dental Care 2603 W. Wellesley Ave. Spokane (509) 325-4227 tru-expression.com n Ashley L. Ulmer
Smiles by Ashley 9708 North Nevada St., Suite 101 Spokane (509) 468-3233 https://smilesbydrashley.com/ n John A. Van Gemert
Liberty Park Family Dentistry 1118 S. Perry St. Spokane (509) 534-2232 libertyparkfamilydentistry.com n Mark J. Van Gemert 2001 E. 29th Ave. (509) 319-2152 brookemcloningerdds.com n Nicholas G. Velis Velis Family Dental Care 820 S. Pines Road Spokane Valley (509) 924-8200 velisdental.com n Scott D. Warnica
Psomas Warnica Hennessey 12409 E. Mission, Suite 201 Spokane Valley (509) 924-4411 spokanevalleydds.com n Marc D. Weiand Weiand & Weiand 1414 N. Vercler Road, Building 6 Spokane Valley (509) 926-1589 yteeth.com n Earl L. Whittaker
Whittaker Family Dentistry 1212 N. Post Spokane (509) 326-7307 drwhittakerdds.com n Kory J. Wilson
Avondale Dental 1683 E. Miles Ave. Hayden Lake (208) 772-4066 avondaledentalcenter.com n Laura B. Wilson
Sodorff & Wilson Family Dentistry
12706 E. Mission Ave. Spokane Valley (509) 928-3131 sodorffwilsondds.com n Stephen O. Woodard
1020 S. Pines Rd. Spokane Valley (509) 924-8585 drwoodard.com n Mark A. Woodward
Wandermere Family Dentistry 510 E. Hastings Road, Suite A Spokane (509) 467-0755 drmarkwoodward.com n Jordan J. Zingerman Davidson Family Dental 509 West Hanley Ave., suite 201 Coeur d’Alene (208) 667-5447 https://www.davidsonfamilydental.com/ meet-our-doctors/ n Bryant R. Zollinger
Dental Care of Spokane
3022 E. 57th, Suite 10 Spokane (509) 443-8910 dentalcareofspokane.com

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
n Chad P. Collins
The Center for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
322 W. 7th Ave. Spokane (509) 624-2202 thecenterfororalsurgery.com n Daniel R. Cullum
Implants Northwest
1859 N. Lakewood Drive, Suite 101 Coeur d’Alene (208) 667-5565 implantsnorthwest.com n Neal D. Curtis
Oral Surgery Plus
10121 N. Nevada St., Suite 102 Spokane (509) 928-8800 oralsurgeryplus.com n Jordan Diamond Inland Oral Surgery
2204 East 29th Ave., Suite 104 Spokane (509) 321-1404 inlandoralsurgery.com n Nicholas D. Freuen
Spokane Oral Surgery 9911 N. Nevada St., Suite 120 Spokane (509) 242-3336 spokaneoralsurgery.com n David G. Gailey Inland Oral Surgery

2201 E. 29th Ave., Suite 104 Spokane (509) 321-1404 inlandoralsurgery.com n Trevor Griffitts Griffitts Facial & Oral Surgery
8724 N. Wayne Dr. Hayden (208) 667-0824 cdaomfs.com n Terrance L. Hauck
Spokane Oral Surgery 9911 N. Nevada, Suite 120 Spokane (509) 242-3336 spokaneoralsurgery.com n Bryan W. McLelland
Liberty Oral & Facial Surgery
507 N. Sullivan Road, Suite 120 Spokane Valley (509) 922-2273 libertyoralsurgery.com n Jonathan Misner
Oral Surgery Plus
123 W. Francis Ave., Suite 102 Spokane (509) 928-8800 oralsurgeryplus.com n Spencer N. Sautter Oral Surgery Plus 123 W. Francis Ave., Suite 102 Spokane (509) 928-8800 oralsurgeryplus.com n Daniel W. Skinner
OMAX 12509 E. Mission Ave., Suite 101 Spokane Valley (509) 928-3600 omaxsurgery.com
n Erik R. Curtis Curtis Orthodontics 215 W. Canfield Ave. Coeur d’Alene (208) 772-7272 curtisbraces.com n Jacob DaBell
DaBell and Paventy Orthodontics 720 N. Evergreen Road, Suite 101 Spokane Valley (509) 381-4200 dabellortho.com n Clay H. Damon Damon Orthodontics 4407 N. Division St., Suite 722 Spokane (509) 484-8000 damon-orthodontics.com n Paul L. Damon

Damon Orthodontics 12406 E. Mission Ave. Spokane (509) 924-9860 damon-orthodontics.com n Ronald H. Ellingsen
Ellingsen Smiles Orthodontics 9915 N. Division St. Spokane (509) 467-2606 ellingsensmiles.com n Bret M. Johnson 10306 N. Nevada St. Spokane (509) 466-2666 drbretortho.com n Joshua L. Johnson
Johnson Orthodontics
510 E. Hastings Road, Suite B
Spokane (509) 328-1243 johnsonsmiles.com n Shannon L. Magnuson
Magnuson Orthodontics
10121 N. Nevada St., Suite 201 Spokane (509) 443-5597 magnusonortho.com n Gerald E. Smith Smith Orthodontics

101 W. Cascade Way, Suite 100
Spokane (509) 467-6535 smithorthodontics.com
Pediatric Dentistry
n T. Joel Blake
KidSmile Dental
721 N. Pines Road, Suite 101 Spokane Valley (509) 822-2209 kidsmiledental.com n Patrick Bradley

Spokane Pediatric Dental
6501 N. Cedar Rd., Ste 2
Spokane (509) 315-3200 spokanepediatricdentistry.com/ n Becky Coombs
South Hill Pediatric Dentistry
611 E. 31st Ave.
Spokane (509) 315-8500 southhillpediatricdentistry.com n Dallin J. Dance
Dance Dentistry for Kids
1027 W. Prairie Ave.
Hayden (208) 772-2202 dancedentistry.com n Tom M. Dance
Dance Dentistry for Kids
1027 W. Prairie Ave. Hayden (208) 772-2202 dancedentistry.com n Kirk Fuhriman
Children’s Dental Village 9302 North Colton Street Spokane (509) 863-9460 https://www.cdvdental.com/ n Erin L. Johnson
South Hill Pediatric Dentistry

611 E. 31st Ave.
Spokane (509) 315-8500 southhillpediatricdentistry.com n Jared K. Karstetter
The Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentists
418 E. 30th Ave.
Spokane (509) 755-5437 childrenschoicedental.com n Jason R. Moffitt
Moffitt Children’s Dentistry
520 S. Cowley St., Suite 101 Spokane (509) 838-1445 moffittdental.com n Molly Gunsaulis
Dentistry for Children
15404 E. Springfield Ave., Suite 102 Spokane Valley (509) 922-1333 mollygunsaulis.com n John R. Ukich, Jr.
Pediatric Dental Center of North Idaho
1717 Lincoln Way, Suite 205 Coeur d’Alene (208) 667-3556 dentalcareforkids.com n Andrew H. Garabedian
The Children’s Choice
418 E. 30th Ave. 9711 N. Nevada St. Spokane (509) 624-1182 (South) (509) 755-5437 (North) childrenschoicedental.com n Christopher W. Herzog
The Children’s Choice 418 E. 30th Ave. 9711 N. Nevada St. Spokane (509) 624-1182 (South) (509) 755-5437 (North) childrenschoicedental.com n Charles E. Toillion
The Children’s Choice 418 E. 30th Ave. 9711 N. Nevada St. Spokane (509) 624-1182 (South) (509) 755-5437 (North) childrenschoicedental.com n David B. Toillion
The Children’s Choice 418 E. 30th Ave. 9711 N. Nevada St. Spokane (509) 624-1182 (South) (509) 755-5437 (North) childrenschoicedental.com
n David W. Engen
Engen, Hahn & Pizzini 9911 N. Nevada St., Suite 110 Spokane (509) 326-4445 drengen.com n Rolf G. Hahn
Engen & Hahn 9911 N. Nevada St., Suite 110 Spokane (509) 326-4445 drdwengen.com n Nate Johnson Spokane Periodontics and Implants
307 W. 6th Ave., Suite 204 Spokane (509) 838-4321 spokaneperio.com n Lauralee Nygaard 1005 N. Evergreen Road, Suite 102 Spokane Valley (509) 927-3272 drnygaard.com n Andrea Pizzini 911 North Nevada, Suite 110 Spokane (509) 326-4445 drengen.com/meet-dr-pizzini/ n Shaun M. Whitney Lake City Dental Specialities 1322 W. Kathleen Ave., Suite 2 Coeur d’Alene (208) 664-7300 shaunwhitneydds.com

n Michael Brooks
Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics
826 Mullan Road, Suite D Spokane Valley (509) 309-2591 pnwprosthodontics.com n Michael W. Johnson
Pacific Northwest Prosthodontics

826 N. Mullan Road, Suite D Spokane Valley (509) 309-0867 pnwprosthodontics.com n Max H. Molgard, Jr. 6817 N. Cedar Road, Suite 102 Spokane (509) 327-4469 maxmolgard.com
This list is excerpted from the 2022 topDentists™ list, which includes listings for more than 120 dentists and specialists in the Spokane area. For more information call (706)364-0853; or write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; by email (info@usatopdentists.com) or at usatopdentists.com. topDentists has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Copyright 2010-2022 by topDentists, LLC Augusta, Georgia. All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without permission of topDentists, LLC. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of the information in this list without permission.