The ABC book of Abnormal Psychology
By Daina Henry and Tiffany Moro
A mnesia Loss of a large block interrelated memoires, complete or partial loss of memory which is caused by brain injury or shock.
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Exhibiting behavior that borders both neurosis and psychosis.
C ognitive therapy A form of therapy for depression in which the goal is to diminish symptoms by correcting them.
D elusions It is a false or belief or opinion. An example of a delusion is thinking that the CIA is following you when they’re not.
E lectroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) It is a treatment for serious mental illness, especially severe depressive disorders.
F ugue Period of time during which a person suffers from loss of memory.
G eneralized anxiety disorder It is an anxious mood lasting a month or more. The symptoms include jitteriness, sweating and feeling concerned about a family member or self.
H allucinations It is a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders.
I dentity disorder Is when someone thinks that they are a different person but they’re not.
J udgment Is impaired when you have schizophrenia. Someone might think to jump off a bridge because a voice told them to.
K nowledge about depression can help you cope with your symptoms.
oss of interest in daily
activities can be a symptom of depression or schizophrenia.
M edication Medication is used to treat many psychological disorders.
N arcissism A lack of empathy for other people.
O bsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) A long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts.
P anic Disorder A disorder in which inappropriate, intense apprehension and physical symptoms of fear occur.
Q uetiapine Antipsychotic medication.
R elaxation Therapy Elimination of tension throughout the body and a peaceful state of mind.
S ocial Withdrawal Can be a symptom, cause and type of anxiety.
T hought disorder = disorganized thinking occurring as a symptom of some types of mental illness.
U ndifferentiated Schizophrenia Undifferentiated Schizophrenia is a type of schizophrenia that includes symptoms of several other types of the illness.
ery high self
esteem is a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder.
eight loss or
weight gain. These are symptoms of depression.
e X aggerating your
achievements. This is a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder.
Y oga Is a treatment for abnormal personality disorder. You can do yoga when you get stressed or when you get depressed.
schi Z oid personality disorder Inability to form warm social relationships.