ABC Book of Abnormal Psychology
By Emily Legeyt
A gitation Physical restlessness, manifested by pacing, hand wringing or playing with hair. This is a symptom of depression.
B inge Eating Bout of excessive eating. This is a symptom of Bipolar Disorder.
C rying spells for no reason Crying spells are also a symptom of depression.
D ifficulty making friends When you have a personality disorder it is hard for you to make friends.
E motionally numb Emotionally numb means the inability to feel much of anything. This is a symptom of depression.
F requent mood swings When you have a personality disorder, one of the symptoms is frequent mood swings.
G uilty People with depression blame themselves for what happened in the past.
H yperactivity When you have Bipolar Disorder you can be hyperactive.
I nsomnia Insomnia means not being able to sleep. This is a symptom of depression.
J udgement People with Bipolar Disorder think that others are judging them.
K lonopin Can treat seizures, panic disorders and anxiety.
L oss of Self Esteem You have a low self esteem when you are depressed.
M emory Problems Memory problems are also a symptom of dissociative amnesia.
N ausea You sometimes get nausea when you are anxious.
O lder Paternal Age When you have a child when you are older they are more at risk of getting schizophrenia.
P aranoid A sign of abnormal psychology is paranoia. Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear.
Q uentiapine Can treat schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and depression.
R eliving People with abnormal psychology can believe that they are reliving childhood or their past.
S uicide People with abnormal psychology can commit suicide. 31,000 people commit suicide each year in the united states. 600,000 people unsuccessfully commit suicide each year.
T imidity People with avoidant personality disorder are timid
U nstable family life during childhood Unstable family life during childhood can be a cause of abnormal personality disorder.
V iolent Violence is a symptom of antisocial personality disorder.
W eight loss Weight loss is a symptom of depression.
E hausted Exhaustion is a symptom of depression.
Y oga Yoga is a treatment for Dissociative Disorder and Anxiety Disorder.
Z iprasidone Can treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.