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Agenda Day 2, Thursday, April 27th

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Speaker Profiles




7:30 – 8:00 am BREAKFAST

8:00 – 8:10 am WELCOME & MORNING GREETING • PRESENTER: John Peters, Senior Director of Sales, SFIA

8:10 – 9:00 am Big Data: So What? Presentation & Discussion

with IBM

• MODERATOR: Michelle Gilboe, Bowman and Brooke LLP • SPEAKER: Chris Hendren, Vice President Analytic Solutions- Distribution Sector Retail, Consumer Products, Transportation • SPEAKER: Len Polhemus, Managing Strategy Consultant – GBS Advanced Analytics CoC – IBM Corporation The consumer’s obsession with the quantifiable self has driven a big data boom. IBM developed IBM Watson to help companies navigate through the noise (data) and help them make decisions. In this exclusive panel with IBM, to take a deeper look into the role cognitive and predictive analytics is playing in the sporting goods industry with examples of real life application, and how to equip your company to navigate through the noise, exploring big data, privacy, data collection practices, and cybersecurity.

9:00 – 9:30 am U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: Current

Expectations & Upcoming Trends

• SPEAKER: John Wackman, Nilan Johnson Lewis, Attorney Take a comprehensive look at the changes and expected trends being imposed at CPSC with the changing political environment, how these will affect business and what can be done to minimize the risk of significant penalties.

9:30 – 10:00 am A “Better” Way? Trade, Taxes and the Border

Adjustment Approach: What Does it Mean for Your Company? (30min)

• SPEAKER: David Cohen, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg President Trump and Congress have identified significant tax reform as a 2017 priority. While lower corporate tax rates might sound appealing to many, issues surrounding the proposed Border Adjustment Tax (“BAT”) continue to dominate the debate in Washington, D.C. and throughout corporate America as Congressional Republicans work to advance tax reform. One measure that is being actively considered – known as the “BAT” – could dramatically increase the tax burden on companies that rely upon imported goods, materials, and finished products. Join Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg’s David Cohen, as he explores the BAT impact on your business, including the proposed mechanics of the BAT and how this will affect our industry.



10:15 – 11:00 am New Technology, New Risk: 3D Printing: Design,

Delivery + Discussion

• PRESENTER: James Miceli, CEO Epoch Lacrosse • MODERATOR: Angela A. Meyer, PhD, PE, Vice President, Exponent, Inc. • SPEAKER: Richard Underwood, PhD, CEng, Manager, Biomedical Engineering, Exponent, Inc. More and more brands are utilizing 3-D printing throughout their production process to shorten the product cycle, cut costs, and get the product into the hands of the consumer faster than ever. One such brand is SFIA member Epoch Lacrosse, who has built an innovation lab that incorporates 3-D printing, in Minneapolis, MN. Join Epoch’s CEO, James Miceli, as he spotlights 3D Printing as it relates to their production process from design to delivery, how it has enhanced their sampling and collection of feedback, and shares how localization and 3-D printing has improved their speed-to-market. Then, navigate this manufacturing revolution as Exponent’s Angela Meyer and Richard Underwood expand on information to strengthen your business by discussing risks associated with the 3D Printing process, including: recalls, counterfeiting, brand protection, and liability.

11:00 – 11:45 am Risk in Sports: Emerging Liabilities, Assessment &

Management with AIG

• SPEAKER: Matt Kelly, Senior Risk Consultant, AIG • SPEAKER: Richard Ramlow, Excess Casualty Practice Leader - Midwest Zone, AIG Insurance is a common risk management strategy that involves transferring risk to another party – often, the insurance company. But robust risk management involves looking at the Total Cost of Risk, and often the best strategy will incorporate various risk mitigation techniques well before an insurance policy comes into play. This is certainly true for the sports & fitness industry, when we consider the emerging liability issues the industry faces. American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading global insurance organization that helps customers in more than 100 countries and jurisdictions with all manners of risk transfer needs. AIG works hard to understand not only what our customers face now, but what they will face in the coming years. In this session, AIG’s Rich Ramlow (Excess Casualty Practice Leader - Midwest Zone) and Matt Kelly (Emerging Liability Strategist) will discuss traditional and emerging loss drivers and how insurance may – or may not – be able to help solve the related risk management challenges.

11:45 – 12:45 pm NETWORKING LUNCH

12:45 – 1:30 pm The Rise of the Virtual Trainer & Quantified Athlete • SPEAKER: Matt Tamasco, Partner Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP • SPEAKER: Kenie Ho, Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP The intersection of high intensity exercise such as those with remote live-person and web-based social training solutions has transformed the way both professional and personal fitness consumers seek motivation and a way to break the monotony of staring at a wall during indoor training sessions. These new technologies bring with them the potential for new avenues of liability in addition to new challenges against time-tested methods of warning against the hazards of high intensity activities. Have the desire to test your skills against cycling legend Jens Voigt? Just respond to his open invitation for a virtual trainer ride over the web. Fancy picking up a new routine by joining a group of dedicated spin enthusiasts? Head to a gym or just jump on your WIFI enabled trainer at home and join a class with a live trainer barking at you to keep pushing harder. Today’s technology is rapidly advancing to the point where virtual group events are being arranged on a moment’s notice. We will discuss several concerns related to inherently high intensity forms of exercise and the impact that data sharing, virtual training and the expectation that consumers may have when it comes to joining activities lead by professionals who encourage participants to join in intense workouts without supervising the ability of each individual participant.

1:30 – 1:50 pm Risk & Security: E Document Management + Solutions • SPEAKER: Gary Potters, Potters & Della Pietra LLP During this session, Gary Potters will discuss the legality surrounding electronic documents and policies used in managing commerce, digital documents, and digital signatures when it comes to liability and cyber security.

2:00 – 2:30 pm Optimizing Your Retail Sector: Examination & Risk

Assessment Around E-Commerce and Third Party Market Places

• SPEAKER: Kari Barnes, Buchalter This 30-minute presentation will address the challenges such as privacy, fraud, security, and marketing considerations and tactics when it comes to ecommerce and selling on third party marketplaces. This discussion will examine legal challenges around ecommerce with a comprehensive overview when it comes to evaluating the numerous options available for retailers and brands, explore the right approach for different types of businesses, and best practices to address dated marketing living on the internet.

2:30 – 3:00 pm Prop 65, Regulatory Updates & Implications • SPEAKER: Kevin Mayer, Crowell & Moring LLP Several substantial regulatory changes were made to Proposition 65 (the “Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986”) in 2016, and go into effect in 2018. The warnings regimen is becoming more complicated and subjective, which only raises the specter of increased violation claims and litigation. Every year, multiple industries and SFIA members are impacted by Prop 65 enforcement actions, resulting in costly lawsuits and punitive settlements. This 30-minute session will take a comprehensive look into California’s most unique initiative measure, addressing the regulatory amendments to Prop 65 and how they may impact your business. Join renowned California defense trial attorney Kevin Mayer as he provides valuable insight into best practices to meet Prop 65’s new requirements and limit exposure to litigation.

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