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SFIA Legal Task Force

Listed in Alphabetical Order by Law Firm

Paul Cereghini


Firm Vice Chairman & Executive Bowman and Brooke LLP

2901 N. Central Ave., Suite 1600 Phoenix, AZ 85012 P: 602.643.2400 E: paul.cereghini@bowmanandbrooke.com W: www.bowmanandbrooke.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Litigation, Product Regulation, Safety, Recalls & Compliance Involving the CPSC, CPSIA, Product Design, Warnings & Instructions, Recreational Sports Equipment Defense (including helmets), Personal Injury, Wrongful Death & Catastrophic Injury Defense, Transportation & Personal Injury Defense, Mass Tort Litigation

Michelle Gilboe

Partner Bowman and Brooke LLP

150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 P: 612.672.3215 E: michelle.gilboe@bowmanandbrooke.com W: www.bowmanandbrooke.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Litigation, Product Design, Warnings & Instructions, Product Regulation, Safety, Recalls & Compliance Involving the CPSC, CPSIA, Personal Injury, Warranty, Wrongful Death and Catastrophic Injury Defense, Recreational Sports Equipment Defense (including exercise equipment, helmets), Defense Mass Tort Litigation

Jim Cleland

Shareholder Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione

524 South Main Street, Suite 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 P: 734.302.6034 E: jcleland@brinkshofer.com W: www.brinkshofer.com Areas of Expertise: Appellate, Chemical, Copyright, Litigation, Patent Prosecution, Trademarks & Unfair Competition

Gary Wolensky

Shareholder BuchalterNemer

18400 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 800 Irvine, CA 92612-0514 P: 949.224.6244 E: gwolensky@buchalter.com W: www.buchalter.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Litigation & Risk Management, Product Design, Product Warnings & Instructions, Product Regulatory Issues Involving the CPSC, Trade Regulation, Toxic Tort Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Trademark, Copyright, & Intellectual Property Litigation


Wendy Lumish

Shareholder Carlton Fields Jorden Burt

Miami Tower 100 S.E. Second Street, Suite 4200 Miami, FL 33131-2114 P: 305.539.7266 E: wlumish@carlonfields.com W: www.cfjblaw.com Areas of Expertise: Appellate, Product Liability, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice Defense

Gary Pappas

Shareholder Carlton Fields Jorden Burt

Miami Tower 100 S.E. Second Street, Suite 4200 Miami, FL 33131-2114 P: 305.539.7230 E: gpappas@carltonfields.com W: www.cfjblaw.com Areas of Expertise: Commercial Litigation, Product Liability, Class Actions

Kelly Lippincott

Member Carr Maloney P.C.

2000 L Street, N.W. Suite 450 Washington, DC 20036 P: 202.310.5591 E: kml@carrmaloney.com W: www.carrmaloney.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Insurance Coverage, General Liability, Professional Liability, Civil Litigation

Paul Maloney

Member Carr Maloney P.C.

2000 L Street, N.W. Suite 450 Washington, DC 20036 P: 202.310.5505 E: pjm@carrmaloney.com W: www.carrmaloney.com Areas of Expertise: Professional Malpractice, Product Liability, Commercial Litigation

John McDonough

Vice Chair, Commercial Litigation Department Cozen O’Connor

45 Broadway Atrium, 16th Floor New York, NY 10006 P: 212.908.1226 E: jmcdonough@cozen.com W: www.cozen.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Product Recalls, Environmental & Toxic Tort Litigation, Construction Law & Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Commercial Litigation, General Litigation, Class Action & Multidistrict Litigation

Paul Zola

Associate Cozen O’Connor

45 Broadway, 16th Floor New York, NY 10006 P: 212.908.1247 E: pzola@cozen.com W: www.cozen.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Product Recalls, Environmental & Toxic Tort Litigation, Construction Law & Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation, Commercial Litigation, General Litigation, Class Action & Multidistrict Litigation

Kevin Mayer

SFIA Legal Task Force Co-Chairman Partner Crowell & Moring LLP

515 South Flower Street, 40th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 P: 213.443.5544 E: kmayer@crowell.com W: www.crowell.com Areas of Expertise: Toxic Torts, Environmental Law, Federal & Cal OSHA, Complex Commercial/ Mass Tort, Litigation, Product Liability Law, Professional Liability Law, Contruction Law

Frances Hadfield

Counsel Crowell & Moring LLP

590 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor New York, NY 10022-2544 P: 212.803.4040 E: fhadfield@crowell.com W: www.crowell.com Areas of Expertise: International Trade, Litigation & Trial, Regulatory & Policy


Paul Rosenlund

Partner Duane Morris LLP

One Market, Spear Tower, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94105-1104 P: 415.957.3178 E: PRosenlund@DuaneMorris.com W: www.duanemorris.com Areas of Expertise: Business Litigation, Product Liability Litigation & Risk Management, Unfair Competition, Trade Secrets, Trademark, Copyright & Patent Litigation, Prosecution & Defense of Class Actions, Unfair Lending & Debt Collection Practices, Real Estate Litigation, Negotiation & Termination of Hotel Management Agreements, Privacy, Rights of Artists & Art Owners, Trade Regulation & Distribution Issues for Importers & Manufacturers, Product Recalls & Compliance Issues Involving the U.S. CPSC

Wayne Mack

Partner Duane Morris LLP

30 South 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 P: 215.979.1152 E: wamack@duanemorris.com W: www.duanemorris.com Areas of Expertise: Antitrust and Competition, Trademark Protection and Anti-Counterfeiting, Franchising and Distribution, Securities and Financial Transactions, Class Actions, Contracts, Constitutional Law

Patrick Reilly

Attorney Faegre Baker Daniels LLP

300 N. Meridan Street, Suite 2700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 P: 317.237.1087 E: patrick.reilly@faegreBD.com W: www.FaegreBD.com Areas of Expertise: Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Product Liability, Sports Law

Peter Pliszka

Senior Partner Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

333 Bay Street, Suite 2400 Bay Adelaide Centre, Box 20 Toronto, Ontario M5H-2T6 Canada P: 416.868.3336 E: ppliszka@fasken.com W: www.fasken.com Areas of Expertise: Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Product Liability, Class Actions, Risk Management, Product Regulatory Compliance, Product Warnings, Product Recalls, Commercial Litigation, Insurance, Health

Aaron Parker

Partner Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

901 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001-4413 P: 202.408.4387 E: aaron.parker@finnegan.com W: www.finnegan.com Areas of Expertise: Patent Litigation, U.S. & International Patent Prosecution, Post-Grant Review Proceedings before the USPTO, Patent Portfolio Management & Strategic Counseling, Patent Monetization & Licensing, Design Patent Prosecution & Litigation, Trademark Prosecution & Litigation, Trade Secret Litigation, Copyright Litigation

Mark S. Granger

SFIA Legal Task Force Chairman Principal Granger Legal Consulting

P.O. Box 487, 1134 Rt. 9, Suite 4 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 P: 518.532.7459 E: mgranger@mgrangerlaw.com W: www.mgrangerlaw.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Toxic Tort, Environment Defense, Regulatory Compliance, Product Design, Design of Warnings and Instructions

Patrick Strubel

Partner Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart, LLP

2801 Highway 280 South, Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35223-2484 P: 205.297.8881 E: pstrubel@huielaw.com W: www.hfsllp.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Defense, Medical Malpractice Defense, Transportation & Personal Injury Defense

Kevin Ainsworth

Partner Jones Walker LLP

Four United Plaza 8555 United Plaza Boulevard Baton Rogue, LA 70809 P: 225.248.2036 E: kainsworth@joneswalker.com W: www.joneswalker.com Areas of Expertise: Business & Commercial Litigation, Class Action Defense & Multi-District Litigation, Construction, Contract Negotiation/ Drafting, Dispute Resolution, Environmental & Toxic Torts, Government Contracting & Bid Protests, Green Building/LEED, Products Liability, Project Development, Suretyship


Christopher Lynch

Shareholder LeClairRyan

One Financial Plaza 755 Main Street, Suite 2000 Hartford, CT 06103 P: 860.656.1935 E: christopher.lynch@leclairryan.com W: www.leclairryan.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, TBI, Wrongful Death Litigation, Medical Products & Pharmaceutical Liability, Mass Tort Litigation, Toxic Tort Litigation, Transportation & Trucking Litigation

Bob Kelly

Managing Partner Littleton Joyce Ughetta Park & Kelly LLP

141 West Front Street, Suite 120 Red Bank, NJ 07701 P: 732.530.9101 E: robert.kelly@littletonjoyce.com W: www.littletonjoyce.com Areas of Expertise: Complex Tort Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Alternate Dispute Resolution

Brian R. Socolow

Partner Loeb & Loeb, LLP

345 Park Avenue New York, NY 10154 P: 212.407.4872 E: bsocolow@loeb.com W: www.loeb.com Areas of Expertise: Media Negotiations, Distribution Agreements, Naming Rights, Sponsorships, Sports-Related Litigation, Representation of sports players, teams, event owners, media companies, and equipment manufacturers

John Knottnerus

Senior Partner Martin Bischoff Templeton Langslet & Hoffman LLP

888 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 900 Portland, OR 97204-2012 P: 503.224.3113 E: jknottnerus@martinbischoff.com W: www.martinbischoff.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Defense, Insurance Coverage and Defense, Complex Litigation

Michael Halaiko

Principal Miles & Stockbridge P.C.

100 Light Street Baltimore, MD 21202 P: 410.385.3715 E: mhalaiko@milesstockbridge.com W: www.milesstockbridge.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Litigation, Catastrophic Injury Litigation, Complex Civil Litigation, Manufacturer Risk Management, Product Warnings & Instructions, Medical Malpractice & Health Care Litigation

Timothy Mullin, Jr.

Principal Miles & Stockbridge P.C.

100 Light Street Baltimore, MD 21202 P: 410.385.3641 E: tmullin@milesstockbridge.com W: www.milesstockbridge.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability Litigation, Complex Tort Litigation, U.S. CPSC Regulatory Compliance, Product Recalls, Manufacturer Risk Management, Product Warnings and Instructions, Fire and Electric Shock Litigation

Scott Baxendale

Of Counsel Miller, Matthias & Hull, LLP

One North Franklin Suite 2350 Chicago, IL 60606 P: 312.977.9969 E: sbaxendale@millermatthiashull.com W: www.millermatthiashull.com Areas of Expertise: U.S. & Foreign Patent Prosecution, Developing Invention Disclosure, Preparing & Prosecuting Patent Applications

Chris D’Angelo

Partner Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP

123 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19109 P: 215.551.1931 E: cdangelo@mmwr.com W: www.mmwr.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Class Action Defense, Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, International, Pharmaceutical & Amusement Law, Antitrust, Sports, Entertainment & Amusement Law, Maritime and Transportation, Commercial Litigation, Construction Law, Computer & Information Technology


Brian Johnson

Shareholder Nilan Johnson Lewis

400 One Financial Plaza 120 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 P: 612.305.7505 E: bjohnson@nilanjohnson.com W: www.nilanjohnson.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Medical Malpractice, Transportation & Personal Injury Defense

Gary Potters

Partner Potters & Della Pietra LLP

100 Passaic Avenue Fairfield, NJ 07004 P: 973.575.5241 E: gpotters@pdplawfirm.com W: www.pdplawfirm.com Areas of Expertise: Commercial Litigation, Product Liability, Mass Tort, Insurance, Reinsurance

David Cohen

Member Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A.

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.730.4955 E: dcohen@strtrade.com W: www.strtrade.com Areas of Expertise: Customs & Other Agencies, Customs Communications, Investigations & Regulatory Audits, Free Trade Agreements & Other Preference Programs, Import Compliance, Rules of Origin Determinations & Country of Origin Marking, Valuation

Matthew Tamasco

Partner Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP

140 Broadway, Suite 3100 New York, NY 10005 P: 212.973.8105 E: mtamasco@schnader.com W: www.schnader.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Aviation, Litigation Services

Kelly Wilkins

Partner Snell & Wilmer LLP

400 East Van Buren Street, Suite 1900 Phoenix, AZ 85004-2202 P: 602.382.6370 E: kwilkins@swlaw.com W: www.swlaw.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Financial Services, Business Litigation

Trisha Farmer Lau

Associate Snell & Wilmer LLP

400 East Van Buren Street, Suite 1900 Phoenix, AZ 85004-2202 602.382.6735 tlau@swlaw.com www.swlaw.com Areas of Expertise: Intellectual Property Litigation, Business Litigation, Contract Negotiations, Health and Fitness-Related Matters

Jonathan Menuez

Shareholder Sutter O’Connell Attorneys

3600 Erieview Tower, 1301 East 9th Street Cleveland, OH 44114-1831 P: 216.928.4510 E: jmenuez@sutter-law.com W: www.sutter-law.com Areas of Expertise: Trucking and Transportation, Product Liability, Sporting Goods Manufacture

Michael Hobbs

Partner Troutman Sanders LLP

600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 5200 Atlanta, GA 30308-2216 P: 404.885.3330 E: michael.hobbs@troutmansanders.com W: www.troutmansanders.com Areas of Expertise: Trademarks, Copyrights, Sweepstakes and Contests, Advertising Review and Compliance, Licensing, Athlete and Team Endorsements, Domain Names and Internet


Anthony Corleto

Partner Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP

1010 Washington Blvd. Stamford, CT 06901 P: 203.388.2404 E: anthony.corleto@wilsonelser.com W: www.wilsonelser.com Areas of Expertise: Accountants, Commercial Litigation, Commercial Contracts & Agreements, Corporate Governance & Compliance, General Liability & Casualty, Insurance & Reinsurance Coverage, Intellectual Property, Land Use & Zoning, Mergers &Acquisitions, Municipal/Local Government, Real Estate & Development, Real Property, Construction

Anthony Strasius

Partner Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP

100 SE Second, Suite 3800 Miami, FL 33131 P: 305.341.2287 E: anthony.strasius@wilsonelser.com W: www.wilsonelser.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability; Commercial & Business Litigation; Professional Malpractice Defense; Insurance; International

Henry Smythe

Partner Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP

5 Exchange Street Charleston, SC 29401 P: 843.722.3400 E: hsmythe@wcsr.com W: www.wcsr.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability

Stephen Smith

Partner Yoka & Smith LLP

445 South Figueroa Street, 38th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 P: 213.427.2300 E: shsmith@yokasmith.com W: www.yokasmith.com Areas of Expertise: Product Liability, Fire Litigation, Toxic Torts, Class Actions, Commercial & Business Litigation

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