Multiple intelligence cards

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Multiple Intelligence

I like to talk

Multiple Intelligence

I like to read

You like to talk, talk, talk!

You enjoy reading, even when you don’t have to. You love stories!

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to write

You like to write stories, poems, blog posts, or reports.

Tenkely 2013

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to learn new words You enjoy learning new words and how to use them.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to play games You like word games like hangman, Scrabble, Password, Words With Friends, word searches or crossword puzzles. Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like English

You enjoy language arts in school. You like reading, writing and maybe even grammar. Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like tongue twisters You enjoy tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes or puns (because they are so punny!) Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like Social Studies and History You enjoy learning about the world and the past.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like numbers You enjoy counting things and playing with numbers.

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Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

I like math facts

You enjoy addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like Math

I like Science

You enjoy math class.

You enjoy science class and experimenting.

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Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like games You enjoy brain teasers and games like chess, Minecraft, Sudoku, Rumicube, etc.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to measure

You enjoy measuring and categorizing things.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I notice patterns You notice patterns, regularities and sequences in things.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to collect

You enjoy collecting things and thinking of ways to organize your collection.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like art

Multiple Intelligence

I like maps

You enjoy painting, drawing, sculpting, creating graphics or photography.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

You enjoy looking at and reading maps and diagrams.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I am an artist

I daydream

You like to imagine, pretend and daydream.

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Others tell you what a good artist you are. You draw very well.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like movies You really enjoy movies, videos and other multimedia.

Multiple Intelligence

I like puzzles You enjoy puzzles and mazes. You like putting things together visually.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like pictures

You enjoy pictures more than you enjoy words.

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Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I doodle

You like to doodle little drawings on paper. Doodling helps you think or listen.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to move You enjoy learning and expressing yourself through movement.

Multiple Intelligence

I like to build You enjoy building things and putting things together.

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Multiple Intelligence

I am good at sports

You are great at one or more sports.

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Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I Fidget

You tend to move, twitch, tap or fidget when you are sitting down.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like movement You enjoy movement. You like to dance, run, exercise, or participate in sports.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I m good at things

It is easy for you to watch someone do something active and copy what they do.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to clown around You like to be silly with others and clown around.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I m fearless

You like to try activities that others might think is too hard to do.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I love my music Music makes you happy. You like all different kinds of music.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

I like to dance

When you hear music, you can’t help but dance or tap your foot to the beat.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to sing

I hear it all

When you listen to music you notice the rhythm, beat, pitch and sound

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You have a good singing voice and enjoy singing.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I play an instrument

Multiple Intelligence

What s that sound?

You play one or more instruments.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I make music

You like to make up your own songs, music or rhythms.

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You notice sounds in your environment right away.

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Multiple Intelligence

I like to perform

You enjoy performing music for others.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I understand When a friend is feeling sad, you try to make them feel better.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I know how you feel

Other people’s feelings are important to you. Your feelings get hurt, too.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I m loyal

You will stick up for your friends and family.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I want the best for everyone You would rather not fight and want the best for everybody.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like everybody You find something to like about everyone you meet.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I m in charge

You like to be a leader and tell others what to do.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I make people feel better You say things that make people feel good.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to play games with others You enjoy playing games and doing activities with others.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I work alone You like to do things on your own.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I m one of a kind

You like being different. You are glad that you aren’t like anyone else. You don’t feel like you need to look or act like your friends. Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I keep a journal

You enjoy reflecting in a diary or a journal.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to think

You enjoy thinking about things. You know what your own strengths and weaknesses are. Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I know what I want You know what you want and how to get it.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

I ve got this

You learn from your successes and failures.

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Multiple Intelligence

Of course it s possible

I never quit

You don’t give up easily, if you want something, you go after it.

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You think that you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I know a lot about the outdoors You know a lot about the outdoors. You know about nature, oceans, creatures, weather, etc. Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

I LOVE the outdoors You love being outside, if you could you would be outside all day long.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I m concerned about the environment

I study plants and animals

You show concern about the environment and animals. You know about endangered species.

You enjoy studying plants and animals and knowing their classifications.

Tenkely 2013

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like having pets

If you could, you would have LOTS of pets.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I know about environmental issues You know a lot about environmental issues. You know about the latest oil spill, global warming, and recycling. Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I like to hike/camp

You enjoy hiking and camping. Anything outdoors makes you happy.

Tenkely 2013

Multiple Intelligence

I wonder about everything You always want to know more and ask “why� a lot.

Tenkely 2013


Like me

Not me


Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence



Multiple Intelligence


Multiple Intelligence

Learning Profiles: Multiple Intelligences Instructions: • Give students one card at a time ask them to place the card on the pile that best describes them: on a scale of 5 “Like me,” to 1 “Not like me.” • Count up the number of each color in the 5 and 4 pile. Record the totals below.

Student Name___________________________________________________________________ Total Number in 5 pile: Red-orange (Verbal/linguistic) ____________ Indigo (Logical/mathematical) _____________ Magenta (Visual/spatial) ____________ Green (Bodily/kinesthetic) ___________ Orange (Rhythmic/musical ___________ Purple (Interpersonal) ____________ Blue (Intrapersonal) _____________ Red (Naturalistic) ________________ Total Number in 4 pile: Red-orange (Verbal/linguistic) ____________ Indigo (Logical/mathematical) _____________ Magenta (Visual/spatial) ____________ Green (Bodily/kinesthetic) ___________ Orange (Rhythmic/musical ___________ Purple (Interpersonal) ____________ Blue (Intrapersonal) _____________ Red (Naturalistic) ________________

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