WORKSPACE Studio Headquarters, KTH School of Architecture Fall 2019 Karin Matz, Rutger Sjögrim
Martina Bianchini, Lisa Chen, Tom Donoghue, Joel Ejeby, Petter Frisendahl, Siri Fritzson, Richard Gray, Alexander Hallberg, Amanda Hjälmeby, Dimitri Kasparian, Edoardo La Cava, Vilhelm Larsson Regnström, Christoph Leitner, Sahar-Fatema Mohamedali, Arif Reza, Helena Sundin, Melker Svensson, Ekaterina Ulitina, Ingrid Westermark, Lovisa Wirtén, Feng Yang, Yukang Yang, -RVH¿Q cNHUVWHGW
IT’S JUST A DESK, RIGHT? This project has investigated the relation between the human subject, the body, labour and the physical environment in which work is performed. Starting with the question “what is work today?â€? we investigated the workspace as an individual experience that is both perceived and performed by a single worker in UHODWLRQ WR D GHÂżQHG HQYLURQPHQW D VHW RI REMHFWV FR ZRUNHUV FOLHQWV YLVLWRUV patients, friends, etc. :H KDYH ORRNHG IRU WKH VSHFLÂżFV IRU WKH DFWLYH FRPSRQHQWV WKH SK\VLFDO social and managerial regimes that makes a workspace perform and that turns a person into a worker: The way a reception desk produces the receptionist DQG DW WKH VDPH WLPH SURGXFHV WKH YLVLWRU DV GLႇHUHQW WKH ZD\ DQ DVVHPEO\ line, or just any workstation for that part, informs the worker of her part in the JUHDW PDFKLQHV RI SURGXFWLRQ KRZ WKH ZRUNVSDFH EHFRPHV WKH DUPDWXUH WKDW SOXJV D KXPDQ EHLQJ LQWR D PXFK ODUJHU Ă€RZ RI WKLQJV RI UHODWLRQV DQG RI FDSLWDO DFFXPXODWLRQ KRZ WKLV ERG\ REMHFW DVVHPEO\ RI WKH ZRUNHU DQG WKH ZRUNVSDFH LQWHUIDFHV EHWZHHQ SURGXFWLRQ DQG FRQVXPSWLRQ KRZ \RXU DUPV PRYH DQG \RXU back aches. Yes, work can be bondage. But the workspace can also be the drafting table where a new and generous tomorrow is drawn: A place where we can dream of D EHWWHU IXWXUH D IXWXUH WKDW LV EHWWHU IRU HYHU\RQH D KDOO ZKHUH ZH FDQ DVVHPEOH DQG JHW RUJDQL]HG LQ RUGHU WR PDNH WKDW IXWXUH D UHDOLW\ DQ HQYLURQPHQW WKDW assists us and makes us powerful, like the mechanized exoskeleton that allows 5LSOH\ WR ÂżJKW WKH DOLHQ TXHHQ OLNH WKH PLFURSKRQH LQ IURQW RI WKH VSHDNHU LQ parliament, the way her voice carries. The workspace does a lot of things and it can be made to do many more.
THE BODY-OBJECT AND THE GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE )RU WKLV ¿UVW SURMHFW ZH FOHDUHG RXU VWXGLR VSDFH 7KH GHVNV ZHUH UHSODFHG ZLWK PP [ PP VTXDUHV PDUNHG E\ WDSH RQ WKH ÀRRU 6WDUWLQJ ZLWK D JLYHQ VSHFL¿F SURIHVVLRQ WKH WDVN IRU WKLV SURMHFW ZDV WR LWHUDWLYHO\ FRQVWUXFW D IXOO scale analytical object inside of our square that on one hand critically described the current architectural realities of that profession and on the other hand proposed interventions in the physical environment of the individual worker. At the same time as our object maps these physical relationships between limbs and things it also maps things that we cannot see. The ghost that moves through the machine: Smells, temperatures, words, sounds, perceptions of selves, animosities, friendships, fears and dreams. The non-physical things that animate the physical world.
ITERATIONS The exhibition is a result of an evolving process. Each week we were expected WR SUHVHQW D QHZ LWHUDWLRQ RI RXU DQDO\WLFDO REMHFW LQ RXU VSDFH HႇHFWLYHO\ turning the old object into a new object. Each iteration has been a response to a VSHFL¿F TXHVWLRQ DGGHG WR RXU LQTXLU\ (LWKHU DV D UHVXOW RI LQIRUPDWLRQ RU LGHDV produced/discovered during our work on the previous iteration or as a result of a change in the scope (a widening, narrowing or a lateral change of focus) of the investigation. So, each iteration had to bring something new to be discussed each week but there also had to be coherence and some kind continuity between WKH LWHUDWLRQV 7KH LWHUDWLRQV ¿QDOO\ WXUQHG LQWR WKLV WHPSRUDU\ H[KLELWLRQ VSDFH
PROFESSIONS IN SWEDEN 2018 Top 30 most common
1. UnderskÜterska - �Threshold� Unlicensed Assistive Personnel, Lisa Chen
2. Grundskollärare - �The Archive of the Elementary School Teacher� (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO 7HDFKHU -RVH¿Q cNHUVWHGW
3. Butikssäljare - �Salesmen In Specialized Stores And Their Desks�/ Store Salesman, Dimitri Kasparian
5. BarnskĂśtare/ Childcare Worker, Alexander Hallberg
6. Butikssäljare, Dagligvaror/ Cashier, Ekaterina Ulitina
7. Lager- Och Terminalarbetare/ Warehouse And Terminal Worker, Yukang Yang
8. Vürdbiträde/ Nursing Assistant, Sahar-Fatema Mohamedali
9. Kontorsassistent/ Receptionist, Vilhelm Larsson RegnstrĂśm
10. Mjukvaru- Och Systemutvecklare/ Software And System Developers, Tom Donoghue
11. Städare/ Cleaner, Helena Sundin
12. FÜrskollärare - �Sections In A Movement�/ Preschool Teacher, Amanda Hjälmeby
13. Personlig Assistent/ Personal Assistant, Edoardo La Cava
14. Restaurang- Och KÜksbiträde/ Restaurant And Kitchen Assistant, Feng Yang
15. Planerare Och Utredare/ Planner And Investigator, Petter Frisendahl
16. BoendestĂśdjare/ At-Home Assistant, Melker Svensson
17. LastbilsfĂśrare/ Truck Driver, Ingrid Westermark
18. MaskinoperatĂśr/ Machine Operator, Christoph Leitner
19. Snickare/ Carpenter, Siri Fritzon
20. Grundutbildad SjukskĂśterska/ Undergraduate Nurse, Richard Gray
21. FastighetsskÜtare - �The Physical Solution�/ Caretaker, Lovisa WirtÊn
22. Kock/ Chef, Arif Reza
23. Ekonomiassistent/ Financial Assistant, Martina Bianchini
24. UnderskĂśterska/ Assistant Nurse, Joel Ejeby
1. UNDERSKÖTERSKA - �THRESHOLD� UNLICENSED ASSISTIVE PERSONNEL Lisa Chen This project examines the workplace of a nursing assistant, or unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). They assist individuals with physical disabilities, mental impairments and other health care needs with their activities of daily life. They are all under the supervision of a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse or other health care professional. UAPs care for patients in hospitals, residents of nursing facilities, clients in private homes, and others in need of their services due to old age or disability. 7KH FRQWH[W RI P\ SURMHFW LV WKH QXUVLQJ KRPH PRUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ LQ WKH VSDFH where the institutional corridor meets the resident’s personal home. I chose WKLV DUHD EHFDXVH WKH\ FRQWUDVW HDFK RWKHU VHQGLQJ WKH XVHU YHU\ GLႇHUHQW signals on how to act, behave and feel. At the same time, they are both a UAP’s workplace. For the UAP the corridor is a transportation route that connects the home units and the shared spaces along with the other functions in the building. You don’t necessarily stop and hang out in the corridor - the noises from the ventilation and its low ceiling height does not really set the conditions to pause. Instead, its long and narrow shape tells you to move towards your destination. The destination could be a resident’s home that lies along that corridor. The UAP has to remember that they are now stepping into someone’s home, so they would preferably knock before entering. Inside of these home units, each ORRN GLႇHUHQW 2EMHFWV RU WKH ODFN RI WKHP LQ WKH VSDFH PD\ UHYHDO WKH OLIH DQG personality of the resident, but they may also reveal a life that is no longer what it once was. The institutional life has spilled over into it. A locked medicine FDELQHW LV LQ WKH KDOOZD\ IRU HDV\ DFFHVV WR WKH 8$3 7KH ÀRRULQJ QHHGV WR EH HDV\ WR FOHDQ WKHUHIRUH LW KDV WKH VDPH WH[WXUH DV WKH ÀRRULQJ LQ WKH FRUULGRU During the process it became more and more about the relationship between these two contrasting settings based on a very typical nursing home layout in Sweden. One is the corridor, a standard low stimuli space which purpose is to connect other functions and serve as a tranportation route. It is represented in the physical model as a narrow and clean space with a low ceiling height. The other one is the resident’s home which in this case has more materiality, personality, objects and a warm lighting that contrast the corridor. 13
2. GRUNDSKOLLÄRARE - ”THE ARCHIVE OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER” ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER -RVH¿Q cNHUVWHGW The elementary school teacher plans, implement and evaluate the education in the elementary school according to given curriculums. The elementary school teacher also performs assessment and grading as well as other administrative assignments such as copying material, keeping attendance and maintaining contact with parents and social welfare authorities. In addition to this, the teacher also acts as a mentor and caretaker for the pupils, they comfort, support, discipline, inspire, and keep the overall order in the classroom as well as in other important spaces in the school environment. The elementary school WHDFKHU LV H[SHFWHG WR SHULRGLFDOO\ UHÀHFW DQG LPSURYH RQ WKHLU RZQ SURIHVVLRQDO development, as well as documenting the progress of their pupils. This profession is very limited by time. Elementary school teachers only have a certain amount of time each day to perform most of their work related activities. The given amount of time is limited by the pupils and what they can handle per day, and not particularly by the time (and recovery time) the elementary school teacher actually needs in order to perform in accordance with their expectations. This results in time constraints that are growing more and more crucial. Only six percent of teachers in Sweden experience that they have enough time and resources to give each of their pupils the amount of attention and guidance that they need. 7KLV SURMHFW DLPV WR GLVSOD\ WKH PDQ\ GLႇHUHQW ZRUN UHODWHG DFWLYLWLHV RI WKH elementary school teacher as well as their time management and the amount RI WLPH WKH\ VSHQG RQ WKH GLႇHUHQW WDVNV 7KH LWHUDWLRQ FRQVLVWV RI WZR SDUWV D research station made for this project (and the elementary school teacher) and D VSDFLDO UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI WKH WLPH PDQDJHPHQW WKH ¿OH FDELQHW RI WKH PDQ\ work related activities of the elementary school teacher, where the blackboards DUH VL]HG LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKH DPRXQW RI WLPH VSHQW SHU GD\ RQ WKDW VSHFL¿F WDVN 17
3. BUTIKSSÄLJARE - �SALESMEN IN SPECIALIZED STORES AND THEIR DESKS� STORE SALESMAN 'LPLWUL .DVSDULDQ The salesmen in specialized stores are advising the customers, but they also KROG WKH FDVK UHJLVWHU )RU QRZ LW LV RIWHQ WZR GLႇHUHQW SODFHV LQ WKH VWRUH GUDJJLQJ JRLQJV DQG FRPLQJV 1HYHUWKHOHVV ZH FDQ DOUHDG\ WU\ D GLႇHUHQW ZD\ out in the Apple stores, where the transaction takes place on the display stand. , KDYH WULHG WR FDWHJRUL]H WKH GLႇHUHQW ZD\V WR RUJDQL]H WKH FDVK GHVN LQ D specialized store, as if I was myself a salesman in a store specializing in cash desks. The counter included this mapping. 7KH ¿UVW IXQFWLRQ RI WKH FDVK GHVN LV WR ZHOFRPH WKH FOLHQWV DQG VHOO WKH SURGXFWV However, it acts as a protection between the salesmen and the customers. Indeed, they are manipulating cash or the card terminal, and so a safety distance is convenient. The backside of the counter is the salesmen’s only private space in the store. They can charge their phone or store their bag under it. 7KH KHLJKW GH¿QHV WKH RXWOLQH RI WKH FDVK GHVN 0RUHRYHU WKLV KHLJKW DLPV WR the comfort of the salesman and the customers. According to the type of goods, WKH HOHYDWLRQV ZLOO FKDQJH OHDGLQJ WR GLႇHUHQW OHYHOV XVHG WR SD\ WR SXW D EDJ or to display a good. Lamps overhung the cash desks in many stores. It lights up the table and bring transaction to light. In point of fact, the customer will always prefer taking out his money in a bright place rather than in a dark one. The light can also be part of the product’s showcase to direct the gaze of the clients. Speaking about the display stand, the most variable component of the cash GHVNV LV SHUKDSV WKLV RQH 7KH W\SH RI JRRG FKLHÀ\ GH¿QHV WKH VKDSH DQG WKH size of the display. However, the creativity of the storekeeper can create a variety of layouts to highlight the products. Beyond the functional aspect, the cask desk is part of the store’s signboard. Its aesthetics and the material are up to the store holder’s choice. This choice has an impact on the mood of the store. 21
5.00 5.00
10.00 2.00
5.00 5.00
10.00 14.85 2.00
DESK : Information Interface Transaction Protection Personal space
HEIGHT : 80 cm 90 cm 95 cm 100 cm 105 cm 110 cm 115 cm
LIGHT : Spot Neon Hanging lamp
MATERIALS : Wood Aluminium Paper Fabrics Marble Glass
DISPLAY : Foot Shelf Glass showcase Stall Pedestal Sign Rack Staging 23
5. BARNSKÖTARE CHILDCARE WORKER $OH[DQGHU +DOOEHUJ :RUNLQJ ZLWK FKLOGFDUH \RX KDYH PDQ\ GLႇHUHQW UROHV (YHU\GD\ LV ¿OOHG ZLWK new situations and emotions. It’s a balance between being either a chief, a creative animator or the safe place for the children. You have to be present and caring so that all the children feel comfortable and happy. Working with so many individuals can be both a challenge as well as an adaption. The childcare worker needs to cater for every child’s needs and level since they are all various LQGLYLGXDOV DQG GLႇHUHQW DJHV ,W¶V DOO D PL[ DQG PDWFK WR PDNH LW ZRUN DQG WR make everyone included and to be seen. The kindergarten, or preschool, is not just pastime or a human kennel but it’s also a school where you train the kids for the future to come. A place to grow both physically and mentally. 0\ TXHVWLRQ DW LVVXH LQ WKH EHJLQQLQJ ZDV ZKDW LV LW WKDW IRUPV WKLV SODFH ,V LW the building itself? The fenced area around the playground? Or could it be the relations between the children and the childcare worker that forms this place and space. I tried to represent the relationships and the formed space that arise LQ WKH FKLOGFDUH ZRUN LQ P\ ¿UVW WZR PRGHOV :RUNLQJ ZLWK WKHVH FRQFHSW PRGHOV directed me into another interesting thought about what the profession is, in a more primitive and rough aspect. That perspective is to see the preschool as a mold where the children is the clay and the childcare worker is the hands that form and shape them. This is a perspective I have chosen to explore in a later stage through models in my exhibition surface. Could this place be an infrastructural factory that produces children ready for the world? The mold form the thoughts, minds, feelings and experiences whilst the vacuum press creates the physical growth during these years in kindergarten. 25
6. BUTIKSSÄLJARE, DAGLIGVAROR CASHIER (NDWHULQD 8OLWLQD The profession of cashier is soon to be erased, replaced by self-checkout machines. People prefer looking at the mirror rather looking through a window, thus operating the checkout process themselves rather than helplessly observing someone doing it. Yet some people still choose to get their vegetables scanned in front of a living person. Although, what is there remaining from a living person but a set of repetitive, barely human motions and sentences that can be reproduced by any being possessing an upper body, shoulders, arms, hands, ears, eyes and lips? The project aims to recreate the full cycle of iterations that cashiers perform for the entirety of their day, time after time, strictly according to an instruction. 3LFN DQ REMHFW VFDQ LW SXVK LW Rႇ WKH FRQYH\RU EHOW VHQG WKH VHSDUDWRU EDFN to the next customer, throw the receipt away, smile, repeat. There is a unifying element to this blankness: it doesn’t matter who is behind the counter, what do they look like, what their gender or mood is. Life is an endless succession RI VKLIWV JRRGV DQG SHRSOH SDVVLQJ E\ LQ GLႇHUHQW VSHHGV ZLWK VXSHUSRVLQJ timelines. There is no room for interruption – a stuck receipt roll, a forgotten FUHGLW FDUG D IUXLW ZLWKRXW EDUFRGH XQLGHQWL¿HG E\ WKH V\VWHP The Salesperson Simulator is also a blank object without a character or personality. The fragility of the paper makes the life span of the simulator even shorter than the remaining time for the actual profession: cashier as job is probably going to fade away quicker than someone using the simulator is going to learn how to be one. Salesperson Simulator is a performative device that aims to unfold the routine of a cashier but also reevaluate its gradual but unescapable disappearance without a trace, like burnt paper. 29
7. LAGER- OCH TERMINALARBETARE WAREHOUSE AND TERMINAL WORKER <XNDQJ <DQJ My given profession is warehouse and terminal worker. I use simple and identical cubes as unit blocks to form the space through arrays. This space is an abstract representation of the internal structure of the warehouse, where URZV RI KLJK VKHOYHV DUH ¿OOHG ZLWK SDFNDJHV RI YDULRXV VL]HV 7KH VKDSH DQG VL]H RI WKH VSDFH DUH Ã&#x20AC;H[LEOH ZKLFK FDQ EH EXLOW DFFRUGLQJ WR the needs of users. For example, it can be as small as a table or a cabinet composed of only a few blocks, or as large as a space with many functions that can meet the needs of many people at the same time. This model shows one of the possibilities. It consists of two functions: the work preparation space and the breakout space. The work preparation space contains open cabinets for storing personal items such as clothes, bags, and shoes, as well as closed cabinets, which allow workers to change clothes and prepare themselves before entering the warehouse. The fake packages of various sizes in the frame highlight the professional attributes of the warehouse and workers. Besides, the cloth strips show the layout of the packages abstractly, that is, the small ones are above and the big ones are below. The breakout space provides an area where the workers can sit down and take a rest. It forms a private space after blocking the vision through tracing papers, where the workers can Fika, read magazines, etc. It creates an intimate and SHUVRQDOL]HG VSDFH DV DQ HVFDSH IURP WKHLU ZRUNV %HVLGHV WKH GU\ Ã&#x20AC;RZHUV and paper stripes on the top also increase the warm and relaxed feel of this place. 7KLV PRGHO UHÃ&#x20AC;HFWV WKH RFFXSDWLRQ RI ZDUHKRXVH ZRUNHUV DEVWUDFWO\ ,W DLPV WR provide the workers with opportunities for creativity to make up for the boring and tedious work. 33
9c5'%,75b'( NURSING ASSISTANT 6DKDU )DWHPD 0RKDPHGDOL Within the healthcare industry, a nursing assistant in a care home is essentially the bottom of the food chain. As a job that requires no formal education, it is rarely viewed as a career and more often seen as a fallback, or an in-between job. $V D SURIHVVLRQ LW LV TXLWH GLá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FXOW RQ D GD\ WR GD\ EDVLV WKH GXWLHV LQYROYH emotional and physical strain. The patients are usually steadily deteriorating over prolonged periods, often with memory loss, Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and dementia. Nursing assistants are witnesses to the deterioration and death of these patients on a long term. Along with this, physical care requires lifting heavy weights, bending and squatting often. Yet the imagery of the profession doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show this. While the duties- hand holding, assistance, etc. are portrayed, majority of the photos give a false sense of happiness and positivity. This â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;fake happyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; atmosphere is created by a generic set of postures, expressions, activities, and colours that are consistent throughout the images. 3HUKDSV WKLV LV EHFDXVH LW LV VHOOLQJ D SURGXFW WR WKH FXVWRPHUV VKRZLQJ WKLV as a pleasant environment to abandon the elderly in, both so that we feel more comfortable in doing so and so that it is not somewhere that we are afraid to end up ourselves. By using soft fabrics in a colour palette similar to the image database, and an ambient soundtrack, the project recreates an environment that appears fresh, bright, comfortable like the atmosphere in these photos. However upon interacting with the space, you are exposed to the discomforts of the job. The centrepiece of the space invites you to step into a nursing assistantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shoes to understand the physical exertion that bending down in the job causes. The sofa, like the images, portrays a false sense of happiness and FRPIRUW ZKLOH DFWXDOO\ EHLQJ TXLWH IUDLO DQG XQFRPIRUWDEOH DQG WKH Ă&#x20AC;RUDO IDEULF is used to cover up the problems. 37
degrees 10 20 30 40 50 60
1 minute
9. KONTORSASSISTENT RECEPTIONIST 9LOKHOP /DUVVRQ 5HJQVWU|P The receptionist is an employee at a workplace who performs supporting administrative tasks. Depending on the workplace, it is a rather varying job. 7KH OLEUDU\ UHFHSWLRQLVW H[HFXWHV GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW WDVNV WKDQ WKH Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH UHFHSWLRQLVW IRU H[DPSOH &RPPRQO\ UHFHSWLRQLVWV DUH RIWHQ WKH ¿UVW HPSOR\HH WKDW WKH SXEOLF RU FXVWRPHU KDV FRQWDFW ZLWK 7KH\ DUH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU PDNLQJ D JRRG ¿UVW LPSUHVVLRQ IRU WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ ZKLFK XOWLPDWHO\ FDQ Dá&#x201A;&#x2021;HFW WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ¶V success. $OWKRXJK WKHUH DUH PDQ\ GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQFHV DPRQJ UHFHSWLRQLVWV LQ YDULRXV ZRUNSODFHV there is one common denominator, the desk. The reception desk is the main workplace for the receptionist and a strong symbol for the profession as well. It signalizes that this is where you can get support. Rather than narrowing down WKLV VWXG\ WR D VSHFL¿F W\SH RI UHFHSWLRQLVW WKH PDLQ SRLQW RI WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ LV LQVWHDG WKH GHVN 7KH EDVLV RI WKLV VWXG\ KDV EHHQ UHVHDUFK DQG ¿HOG WULSV WR various receptions in Stockholm. This installation resulted in an interpretation of the profession through three layers, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The Deskâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; being the main layer and â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The Eyesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The Noiseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; representing the supporting layers. The Desk 7KH UHFHSWLRQLVW LV WKH IDFH RI WKH FRPSDQ\ DQG RIWHQ IXQFWLRQV DV WKH ¿UVW point of contact. This function implies that the reception is frequently located in an exposed area, for example in the center of a shopping mall or by a display window of a company. As the reception desk is the main workplace for the receptionist it is important that the reception is designed in the best possible way in order to make the receptionist both feel comfortable and safe while executing his or her tasks. $IWHU VHYHUDO YLVLWV WR GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW UHFHSWLRQV , GLVPDQWOHG WKH W\SLFDO UHFHSWLRQ GHVN DQG UHEXLOW LW LQ PRGXOHV WR H[SHULPHQW ZLWK GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FRPELQDWLRQV DQG KRZ WKH\ Dá&#x201A;&#x2021;HFW WKH ZRUNSODFH (DFK PRGXOH UHSUHVHQWV DQ LPSRUWDQW SDUW RI WKH GHVN DQG they are described further in the illustration on the following page. 41
The Top
The Wall
The top functions as a barrier between the receptionist and the visitor. The receptionist can execute administrative tasks without being exposed.
A wall behind the desk creates privacy and prevents the receptionist from being approached from behind. To work with an exposed back is often seen as something uncomfortable.
The Height Difference This box symbolizes a potential height difference. The situation is percieved differerent for both receptionist and visitor whether the receptionist is sitting or standing when the visitor approaches.
The Desk The main core of the reception. The desk makes it possible for the receptionist to the tasks. It LV FRPPRQ WRGD\ IRU RIĂ&#x20AC;FHV to replace the reception desk with a regular desk as an attempt to renew the profession.
The Front The front functions as a shield. It creates a distance between the receptionst and the visitor which makes it possible for the receptionst to sit comfortable without being exposed. He or she might also place personal belongings by the desk.
The Floor In some cases it is comfortable for the receptionist to be placed one step above the visitor.
The Eyes The hanging eyes represent the exposed situation that the receptionist is experiencing. As mentioned earlier, the desk is a strong symbol for the profession. It signalizes for both coworkers and visitors that this is where you FDQ JHW VXSSRUW 7KLV PHDQV WKDW D UHTXHVW FDQ RFFXU IURP GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW GLUHFWLRQV at any given time. This situation in combination with an often visible location of the reception desk creates a rather exposed workplace. How would you feel if your workplace could be disturbed at anytime, by anyone and from anywhere? The Noise The noise is a sound installation and it is an interpretation of a receptionistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tasks and how they may vary depending on the workplace. Generally the receptionist is someone who performs various administrative tasks. At the same time as the receptionist needs to execute administrative tasks, such as replying to emails or booking meetings, he or she also has to be the face of the company by answering telephones and giving information to the public and customers. Hence it is a profession where you have to be superb at multitasking. New tasks occur simultaneously while previous ones are still being executed. This multitasking makes the design of the workplace very important. The desk needs to be both a clear signal for the visitor and a calm workplace for the receptionist. 43
10. MJUKVARU- OCH SYSTEMUTVECKLARE SOFTWARE AND SYSTEM DEVELOPERS 7RP 'RQRJKXH Software developers can often work anywhere, as long as they have a laptop DQG LQWHUQHW FRQQHFWLRQ $Q Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH VHWWLQJ LV QR ORQJHU UHTXLUHG DV PXFK RI WKH communication between teams is via messenger systems online. However, through research, it was found that many still have a workstation set up in the more traditional manner. These workstations have several common objects, a keyboard, a screen (or many) and a chair. This installation explores some of the key common objects used by software developers on a daily basis, sometimes up to 10 hours, H[SORULQJ SK\VLFDO LQWHUIDFHV DV ZHOO DV WKH XQVHHQ Há&#x201A;&#x2021;HFWV DQG H[SHULHQFHV The Keyboard The keyboard is the tactile interface between the developer and computer. A photographic study found hands are often in unnatural positions and shapes when using a keyboard. Further research found users will often favour to use GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW ¿QJHUV WR SUHVV WKH NH\V RQ WKH NH\ERDUG ZKLFK LV GHPRQVWUDWHG WKURXJK UHVWULFWLYH ZHDUDEOH ¿QJHU SLHFHV 'XH WR WKH QDWXUH RI FRGH ODQJXDJHV software developers often use symbols on their keyboard more than the average user, expressed in the installation through worn keys. The Screen ,Q WKH PDMRULW\ RI ZRUNVSDFHV RQH VFUHHQ GRHV QRW VXá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH DQG LQVWHDG DQ array of screens is adopted. Often curtains or blinds are drawn to reduce glare, LQWURYHUWLQJ WKH ZRUNVSDFH FUHDWLQJ D ]RQH ¿W IRU SXUSRVH 7KH VFUHHQV DFW DV D IHHG RI GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW VWUHDPV RI LQIRUPDWLRQ WKLV DUUDQJHPHQW LV DEVWUDFWO\ H[SORUHG through the hanging screens. Daily use of screens has been linked to several eye problems, including eye strain and blurred vision, whilst the emission of EOXH OLJKW Dá&#x201A;&#x2021;HFWV VOHHS SDWWHUQV DQG FDXVHV JUHDWHU DOHUWQHVV DW QLJKW The Chair Every developer needs a great chair. This chair was an iterative process, DGGLWLRQV DQG VXEWUDFWLRQV PDGH WR ¿W WKH FRPIRUW RI WKH XVHU :KLOVW DWWHQWLRQ was also paid to the recommended seating positions and angles required for correct posture. 45
11. STÄDARE CLEANER +HOHQD 6XQGLQ In your space but out of your way. Erasing your traces leaving none themselves. Spending the work day in your left-behinds without being on your mind. Your space is their space but not the other way around. The cleaner sees you, the cleaner knows you. But you don’t know the cleaner. The work space of the cleaner is other’s work or living spaces, but where then is the court of the cleaner? The rooms of his or her own are the cleaning trolley and the supply closet. Here is where the cleaner is in control and not left out to deal with whatever residues comes out of others activities. Cleaning is bodily work on repeat which leaves the mind free to wander. There are a lot of things to do right or wrong ergonomically. Movements are repeated many times and it’s the repetition rather than for example heavy lifting that is the problem when it comes to work injuries. The common dance with the mop is a signature choreography that is important to do right in order to last. The sweeping is discretely decorating the shroud of the cube. The traces can be translated into other realms, trash becomes treasure and keeping up becomes creating. Reputation-wise there are issues of negative nature concerning cleaners need to face. Maybe it’s because they don’t create and produce in the common sense. But they do produce, or at least maintain, an environment that is decent IRU RWKHUV WR EH LQ DQG XVH 7KH FOHDQHU WDNHV DZD\ VWXႇ WKDW PDNHV LW DQQR\LQJ for people to co-exist and co-use spaces. They see the uncivilized sides of us and makes the traces go away. In this cube the cleaner gets to be the main character and not just some invisible spirit haunting rooms of others. Cleaning is a job, one of many but not every job has as a direct indirect impact on people. A job with a meditative factor and the freedom (or lack) of not having to interact with people. There is room for doing something else with your mind and this mind will therefore be at your service after work. Which is when life is life. Cleaning with references and heroes, keeping memories, making points, treasuring experiences and taking pride in the art of cleaning is what the pin board is for. It’s processing the mental room of the cleaner. The dance of the mop is the framework and a little practice is needed. 49
12. FĂ&#x2013;RSKOLLĂ&#x201E;RARE - â&#x20AC;?SECTIONS IN A MOVEMENTâ&#x20AC;? PRESCHOOL TEACHER $PDQGD +MlOPHE\ Bend, stretch and twist are the worst positions for the body. Our bodies are built WR GR D ORW RI GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW PRYHPHQWV ZLWKRXW JHWWLQJ KXUW EXW ZH QHHG D YDULDWLRQ of movement, loading and time for recovery. The preschool teacher has a lot of physical household chores during the days. A preschool teachers work with WKH \RXQJHU FKLOGUHQ IURP WKHLU ÂżUVW \HDU XQWLO WKH\ VWDUW WKH JURXQG VFKRRO DW VL[ years. They have the pedagogical responsibility for the children and are working both physical and mentally. Some of the main activities during a day as a preschool teacher include movement as bend, stretch and twist. What kind of space are created out of these movements? 7KH LQVWDOODWLRQ LOOXVWUDWH D PRYHPHQW EHWZHHQ WKH WKUHH GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW SRVLWLRQV where bend, stretch and twist are included. These are for understanding the interfaces between body and environment that cause pain, injury or on the other hand perfection, â&#x20AC;?naturalâ&#x20AC;? positions that feels good. Like a dancer on the scene who move the body in movements that creates an LQYLVLEOH VSDFH WKH SUHVFKRRO WHDFKHU SHUIRUP DV D FDOP DQG REYLRXV ÂżJXUH The movement itself creates an interface between the spatial experience and the social atmosphere. Look at the waters capacity for include all volumes, like the space of air, and just give an invisible foot print. This development include the space of movements and focus on the physical space with overlapping positions. The preschool teacher creates a lot of spaces around their bodies during the movement of work. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interesting to think about an invisible space as an object. Those spaces can be translated to the negative shape of a human body. The invisible space are changing in shape during the movements of the body witch gives the space a constantly variability. The material is lika a symbol of a section through the movement and are showing the bodily atmosphere just by a 2d technique. 53
STRETCH Dust the shelves
TWIST Assist the kids at the tables
BEND Pick up things after the kids
13. PERSONLIG ASSISTENT PERSONAL ASSISTANT (GRDUGR OD &DYD The personal assistent is he/she whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s main duty is to take care of a person who has any type of physical disability. In 1994, personal assistance became a legal right in Sweden. The aim was to help people live like others among the community. Anyone who may have a disability can pick his personal assistant and get funding from the government. The duties of a personal assistant are more than one: responsible or cleaning, cooking and running general errands around the house, personal hygiene task, such as showering and grooming physical and mental support, by activities such as reading, talking and games. As you can see, this job is not only about a physical support, but also a moral one. When asked to investigate into what the workspace of a personal assistant is, this is what interested me the most: 8QOLNH RWKHU SURIHVVLRQV ZKHUH \RX PD\ KDYH DQ Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH RU D SHUVRQDO VSDFH the workspace of a personal assistant is the home of someone else. This was the beginning of my thinking process, that brought me to build a spae that resembles a home, a space where you could have the same â&#x20AC;?uncomfortableâ&#x20AC;? feeling you have when entering some home that is not yours. I translated this idea in material by building a small space, with an uncomfortable entrance and a low ceiling. Going on in my building process, other themes that came to mind were privacy and intimacy, and the way I chose to represent them was through bed sheets and clothes. This ended up transforming my object in an textile experience. I than decided to close my space and add intimate / â&#x20AC;?home likeâ&#x20AC;? objects inside it. 57
14. RESTAURANG- OCH KÃ&#x2013;KSBITRÃ&#x201E;DE RESTAURANT AND KITCHEN ASSISTANT )HQJ <DQJ Rinsing, peeling, chopping, cutting 0HDWV YHJHWDEOHV VSLFHV Setting everything in position, Cleaning anything in dirty conditions, :H GR DOPRVW DOO WKH WKLQJV H[FHSW FRRNLQJ LQ WKH NLWFKHQ We follow the instructs and commands, :H VKLIWLQJ WKH FKDRV DQG WKH RUGHUV ...... We are peripheral but also central, :H DUH DVVLVWLQJ EXW DOVR FDUU\LQJ We run all over the kitchen! and, We are SPINNING! Spinning! spinningâ&#x20AC;¦ Conversations that could happen in the kitchen are extracted into paper strip and hanging above. All conversations comes from a rigorous kitchen simulating program â&#x20AC;&#x2122;overcooked 2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, which runs in famous platforms l.e. 1LQWHQGR 6ZLWFK DQG 6RQ\ 3OD\ 6WDWLRQ 'Lá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW GLDORJXHV SULQWHG RQ WKH SDSHU VWULSV LQ GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW OHQJWK 7KH\ DUH VXSSRVH WR WRXFK GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW part of your body and annoying you. That how these words works. 'Lá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FRORUV UHSUHVHQWV GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW NLQGV RI ZRUGV 5HG LV EDVLF WRQH WKDW UHIHUV WR FRPPDQGV DQG RUGHUV IURP WKH FKHI :LWK D ZDUPHU WRQH RQ UHG RUDQJH UHIHUV WR FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK RWKHUV $ FROGHU WRQH RQ UHG SXUSOH UHIHUV WR VHOI PXPEOLQJV You do not need to have intentional interact with them. Working under pressure is key point of working as a kitchen assistant, those paper strips are your pressure here. Looking at the spinning colored paper roll, and noticing the waving paper strip above your head, they are not only here in this limited space. The UHÃ&#x20AC;HFWLQJ DOXPLQXP SDSHU DPSOLI\LQJ WKH FRORU DQG WKH PRWLRQ LQ¿QLWLYHO\ Jump a little bit also. You will hear the sound in the kitchen, too. Sensitive aluminum paper are saying theirs greetings to you who is hard working here. 61
15. PLANERARE OCH UTREDARE PLANNER AND INVESTIGATOR 3HWWHU )ULVHQGDKO Working as an investigator is often about drafting proposals, planning, following up and reviewing a business. The most common task for an investigator is to investigate, which means gathering facts that are then compiled as a basis for conclusions. With an inquiry as a basis, proposals are drafted, for example for a reorganization or a new law. :LWKLQ SODQQHUV VWDá&#x201A;&#x2021; SODQQHUV DUH D FRPPRQ RFFXSDWLRQ 7KH PDLQ WDVN LV RIWHQ WR PDQDJH DQG SODQ VWDá&#x201A;&#x2C6;QJ DQG ZRUNLQJ KRXUV IRU DOO VWDá&#x201A;&#x2021; Working as an investigator or planner is often about going through a lot of LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG EHLQJ DEOH WR SUHVHQW VPDOOHU WH[W RQ KRZ WR ¿QG D VROXWLRQ WR D SUREOHP RU DQ Há&#x201A;&#x2C6;FLHQF\ ZLWKLQ WKH FRPSDQ\ This workload requires a total focus to be able to perform this job so I have focused on the information and the focus you need to be able to perform your MRE 7KHUH DUH VHYHUDO GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW WKLQJV WKDW FDQ PDNH \RXU IRFXV GLVDSSHDU IURP your job, which is why I designed this workplace with the view that the focus should not be stolen neither visually, acoustics and the construction of your workplace. The gray color can be seen as the colorless color, a color that does not stand out and creates a calm. Like a default mode from a rendering that does not have D GH¿QLWH VXUIDFH LW JHWV WKH JUD\ WRQH 7KH FORFN LQ WKH Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH RQO\ VKRZV WKH WLPH \RX DUH DW ZRUN VR WKDW \RXU WKRXJKWV will not go away and end up somewhere other than where you are now, at work. &DUSHWLQJ LV DQ Há&#x201A;&#x2021;HFWLYH ZD\ WR EULQJ GRZQ WKH DXGLR IUHTXHQFLHV LQ D ZRUN environment so it provides peace and quiet at your workplace. The design of WKH Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH LV LQVSLUHG E\ WKH FXELFOH DQG VKRXOG KDYH D YHUVDWLOH VWUXFWXUH ZKHUH it can easily be reshaped, changed and further developed. Hanging screen dividers give you focus on your job and also protect the information you work with from people who pass you by. 65
16. BOENDESTĂ&#x2013;DJARE AT-HOME ASSISTANT 0HONHU 6YHQVVRQ At-home assistance is a practical and social care insert for people with mental disability such as autism spectrum disorder, or substance abuse problems, which aims to make it easier for the individual to manage their everyday lives. The disabled are to be helped to develop their social ability and brake isolation as well as perform everyday chores such as vacuuming, doing the dishes and shop for food. The purpose of the assistance is to help those who have a mental disability to cope with living in their own apartment or house and every insert is adapted to the individuals need. An important note is that at-home assistants work with and not for the one in need of assistance. It means that the at-home assistant doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t perform any physical work. Instead the at-home assistant is there to remind, motivate and explain how it should be done. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up to the person receiving the assistance to perform the work. Since the at-home assistantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role is to be a mental support and guidance and not to perform any physical work for its user, the installation is focused on trying to illustrate the relationship between the assistant and the user, a relationship built on trust. How the assistant becomes a kind of interface between the user and its surroundings by interpreting, clarifying, sorting out irrelevant impressions and creating structure for a person who is unable to do it on their own. The assistant does so by, in a way, taking control of the userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life and creating EDODQFH EHWZHHQ WKH GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW DVSHFWV RI LW UHSUHVHQWHG LQ WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ E\ WKH lines, connecting the the assistant with the users mind through the user. 7KH LOOXVWUDWHG ZHHNO\ VFKHGXOHV DQG FKHFNOLVWV IRU GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FKRUHV DUH KHOSIXO tools in communication between assistant and user and helping the user to stay focused on what needs to be done. 69
17. LASTBILSFĂ&#x2013;RARE TRUCK DRIVER ,QJULG :HVWHUPDUN A truck driver driving a Scania R-series truck has 4.7 m2 for working, sleeping, eating and waiting, often spending more time in their workspace than at home, most of the time alone. This project examines the relationship between truck GULYHU DQG KLV KHU ZRUNVSDFH ZKHQ WKH ZRUNVSDFH EHFRPHV \RXU SRUWDEOH KRPH 7KH IROORZLQJ WKHPHV ZHUH UHVHDUFKHG DQG LQWHUSUHWHG RYHU ÂżYH ZHHNV resulting in the following fragments of the isolated being of trucking life. The climb: 1.4 meters is the height the driver have to climb every workday. Sitting KLJK Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV D JUHDW RYHUYLHZ EXW DOVR GHWDFKHV WKH GULYHU IURP WKH VXUURXQGLQJ essentially eliminating the chance of eye-contact with others. Work sleep eat: Driving a truck can be a lifestyle. Textiles and other objects DUH RIWHQ XVHG WR DSSURSULDWH WKH VSDFH DQG IDFLOLWLHV VXFK DV FRá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH PDFKLQH microwave, trash bin, extra storage etc can be added to the space. Everything needs to be built-in and secured as the workspace is in constant motion. Some have a no shoes policy in their truck to keep the space clean. So called â&#x20AC;?scenthidersâ&#x20AC;? are popular to generate a sense of freshness. The importance of the right handle: It is not easy entering a workspace situated 1.4 meters up. There are several handles to help the driversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ascent. The handles need to be at the exactly right places and strongly mounted to handle the force of the driver climbing up and into the truck. Truck driver is the profession with WKH KLJKHVW GHDWK UDWH DOWKRXJK QRW IURP IDOOLQJ GRZQ HQWHULQJ WKH WUXFN VDIHO\ is still of highest importance. Freedom and surveillance: The freedom is many times used as the heaviest argument for this job. However, the driver have to report resting, working and drinking habits. The GPS also make sure that your position is constantly monitored. Now, everyone can see where you are and how long it takes before their delivery will reach the destination. Loneliness: Isolation is a big part of a truckersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; life, but it also provides a lot of time to think, listen to radio, to music, books and podcast, to write and to read. Some feel very lonely, resulting in large phone bills Some keep pets in the truck to ease the feeling of loneliness, building specially made ramps for their pets to be able to enter the truck. Others listen to all 47 books of The Legends of the Ice people. 73
18. MASKINOPERATĂ&#x2013;R MACHINE OPERATOR &KULVWRSK /HLWQHU The machine operator works in an industrial production line with machines for DXWRPDWLF SURFHVVLQJ 7KH ZRUN LV DERXW PRQLWRULQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;RZ RI PDWHULDO FOHDU disturbances and repair the machines when needed. In the text â&#x20AC;?The Interfaceâ&#x20AC;? John Harwood describes tools, machines, rooms -in short the whole workplace- as an interface that decides what information a person has to consider while performing the work. The interface regulates WKH FRJQLWLYH Ă&#x20AC;RZ WKDW WKH SHUVRQ KDV WR PDQDJH LQ WKH WDVN ÂżOWHULQJ RXW VRPH WKLQJV DQG OHWWLQJ RWKHU WKLQJV WKURXJK 7KH LQWHUIDFH LV OLNH D ÂżOP WKDW OLHV RYHU the work itself. Inspired by the text I took some wet cardboard and shaped it over things that I ÂżJXUHG ZDV QHHGHG LQ WKH ZRUN RI WKH PDFKLQH RSHUDWRU :KHQ WKH FDUGERDUG had dried I hung in wire from the roof. It hung like a membrane in the air. The membrane was the connection between the body and the work -the interface. :KDW PDGH PH VWDUW WR UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW RQ WKH LQWHUIDFH DQG ZRUN LQ JHQHUDO ZDV EHFDXVH RI WURXEOH ÂżQGLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW OHG PH LQ WR WKH ZRUN RI WKH PDFKLH RSHUDWRU and made it to something more than the demands and desires expressed in WKH OLVWLQJV D SHUVRQ ZLWK DWWHQWLRQ WR GHWDLO WHFKQLFDOO\ OLWHUDWH D WHDPSOD\HU a person that knows how to handle heavy equipment, a person who thinks on his or her feet. ,W DOVR EHFDPH YHU\ FOHDU WKDW WKHUH LV D ELJ GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQFH EHWZHHQ WKH PDFKLQH operator and the other workers in the production line. The machine operator is a professional. A person who works for a long time as a machine operator accumulates a lot of knowledge and becomes more or less identical with the workplace. Or rather with the production line. -The machine operator is UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKDW WKH SURGXFWLRQ UXQV ZLWKRXW LQWHUPLVVLRQ IRU WKH Ă&#x20AC;RZ LQ WKH production line. :KDW DFWXDOO\ PDNHV WKH PDFKLQH RSHUDWRU GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW IURP WKH RIWHQ WHPSRUDU\ HPSOR\HHV SHUIRUPLQJ WKH PRQRWRQRXV XQTXDOLÂżHG WDVNV LQ WKH SURGXFWLRQ OLQH" 7KH ZRUN RI WKH PDFKLQH RSHUDWRU FRQVLVWV RI WKUHH SDUWV VWDUWLQJ WKH PDFKLQHV RYHUVHH WKH Ă&#x20AC;RZ RI PDWHULDO UHSODFH GDPDJHG SDUWV (DFK WDVN E\ itself is placeless, situationless. They solve a problem, a moment which could happen anywhere or anytime. An image from the internet of an industrial interior FDWFKHV P\ DWWHQWLRQ 7KH IXUQLVKLQJV DQG ÂżWWLQJV DUH VWDQGDUGL]HG WKH URRI LV KLJK DQG WKH FRQFUHWH Ă&#x20AC;RRU VKLQHV LQ WKH OLJKW IURP WKH Ă&#x20AC;XRUHVFHQW ODPSV ,W could be anywhere producing anything. 77
19. SNICKARE CARPENTER 6LUL )ULW]RQ Carpenters, in the sense of those who work with wood in the construction of buildings and facilities, is a heavy work. You are often hired in by a bigger project PDQDJLQJ FRPSDQ\ IRU D VSHFL¿HG WLPH SHULRG <RX KDYH QR Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH QR SHUPDQHQW space, your workplace is wherever the construction team goes. Working is often loud and carried out with the help of noisy machinery demanding hearing protection and protective workwear. It takes its toll on the body and can at times be quite lonely as venues sometimes are vast and scattered. To uphold and maintain this working situation and demanding environment WKH LQGXVWU\ KDYH GHYHORSHG D UDWKHU VWULFW URXWLQH RI FRá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH EUHDNV Like a clock, all workers on site drop their tools and whatever they are GRLQJ WKUHH WLPHV D GD\ $0 $0 DQG 30 WR KDYH ³¿ND´ WRJHWKHU 7KLV EUHDN LV ZKDW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV D FRQVLVWHQF\ LQ WKH ZRUNGD\ QR PDWWHU ZKHUH \RX are working, what task or phase you are doing or whom your colleagues are for WKLV ZHHN \RX DOZD\V GR ¿ND ,W LV D FKDQFH WR WDNH Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; \RXU KHDULQJ SURWHFWLQJ UHPRYH \RXU JORYHV DQG VLW GRZQ $ PRPHQW WR UH¿OO \RX HQHUJ\ KDYH EUHDNIDVW FRá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH D VQDFN OXQFK WHD D FRRNLH VRPH WLPH RQ \RXU SKRQH WDON WR D colleague or just catch your breath and rest. There is a special room dedicated MXVW WR ¿ND EUHDNV VHFOXGHG IURP WKH DODUP RI WKH ZRUNSODFH 7R EULQJ WKLV NQRZOHGJH KRPH EDFN WR WKH ¿HOG RI DUFKLWHFWXUH P\ H[SHULHQFH LV that we are devoted workers. We sit down infront of our computers at 9 AM and JHW XS DW 30 +DYH RXU FRá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH LQ IURQW RI WKH VFUHHQ PD\EH GR VRPH VPDOOWDON with the colleague next to us while working and occasionally we skip lunch all together. I think this way of working is just as heavy and hazardous as that of the carpenter. All workers need to break not to break down - even architects. What would happen to the workplace of architects when the routine of â&#x20AC;&#x153;bygg¿ND´ LV HVWDEOLVKHG DQG ZKHQ D WLPH DQG VSDFH IRU WKLV LV SURYLGHG" 81
20. GRUNDUTBILDAD SJUKSKÖTERSKA UNDERGRADUATE NURSE 5LFKDUG *UD\ The Nurse as an Intermediary Between Patient and Medicine The profession of the nurse is one that is almost universally known. Around the world, and through history, the role of a carer with anatomical insight has been an integral part of our sickness and health. As time progressed, the role passed to being the domain of religious orders - monks and especially nuns carried out nursing-like care, and it is perhaps from here that the typology of the hospital originates. Whilst nursing has developed substantially over centenaries, it can be seen that one element of their role has remained the same: The Nurse as an intermediary between patient and medicine. Whilst the patient has remained more-or-less the same for thousands of years, the medicine has evolved rapidly. With the medicine evolving rapidly, the role of the building has become more and more prominent and specialised. Our hospitals now exist in a state where the buildings and their rooms are so specialised that they cannot exist for any other purpose, and where the function of a hospital cannot be performed in any other building. The original typology of ’hospital’ would likely have been supported by two VHUYLFHV OLJKW WKHQ LQ WKH IRUP RI ¿UH DQG ZDWHU 0DQ\ RWKHU EXLOGLQJV VWLOO exist with only two services, electricity and water, which are able to support the functioning of the building. Hospitals, meanwhile, have a multiplicity of services supporting their function: electricity, water, oxygen, medical air, respiratory air, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, anaesthetic, vacuum air, carbon dioxide, waste anaesthetic, and telecommunications. Many of these systems additionally have backups. The nurse as an intermediary between patient and medicine is now therefore often a case of the Nurse as an intermediary between patient and the building. An intermediary between the patient and a number of complex systems embedded into the building’s fabric. However these systems are often not knowingly the domain of the nurse: the LQWHUIDFH WKDW WKH QXUVH H[SHULHQFHV LV KLJKO\ VLPSOL¿HG :KHUH DUH ZH OHDG WR LI we look beyond the interface? 85
Hospital Realm
Electrical Grid Fuel
Meter Defribulator
Backed-up Plug Socket
Electroconvulsive Therapy Machine
Battery Backup
Backup Generator
Atmosphere Control Panel
Plug Socket
Nurse Realm
Water Separator
Telephone Switchboard
Shut-off Valve
Server Healthcare Profesional
Telecommunication Provider
High-Pressure Air Compressor
Shut-off Valve
Low-Pressure Pump Low-Pressure Air Compressor
Control Panel
Medical Appliance Computer
High-Pressure Pump
Scavenging Interface
Control Panel
Oxygen Generator
Control Panel Monitoring System
Shut-off Valve
Control Panel
Shut-off Valve
Control Panel
Patient (Direct)
Nitrous Oxide Tank
Helium Tank
Shut-off Valve
Shut-off Valve
Carbon Dioxide Tank
Patient Realm Patient (Indirect)
Tissue Samples
Consumable Product
Electrical Appliance
Medicine Medical Equipment
Pneumatic Tubes
Cooking Appliance
Pneumatic Pump
Boiler Tap
Water Main
Central Distributor
Shut-off Valve
District Heating
Respiratory Oxygen
Respiratory Air
Gas Outlet
Fossil Gas Tank
Fossil Gas Main
Medical Air
Emergency Backup
230 V
Emergency Backup
230 V
230 V
230 V
21. FASTIGHETSSKĂ&#x2013;TARE - â&#x20AC;?THE PHYSICAL SOLUTIONâ&#x20AC;? CARETAKER /RYLVD :LUWpQ $V D FDUHWDNHU \RX DUH WKH ÂżUVW RQH LQ OLQH WR SURFXUH D VROXWLRQ IRU DQ LVVXH 7KH WDVNV DVVLJQHG WR \RX DUH LQFUHGLEO\ GLYHUVH DQG GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV from day to day. It can vary from maintenance to troubleshooting RQ WKH VSRW 7KLV LQVWDOODWLRQ IRFXVHV RQ WKH ³¿[LQJ´ SDUW RI WKH MRE In the event of a reported issue, the caretaker needs to asses the situation and then act. It can often be a minor issue that the caretaker can solve by themselves. But at times it can be something more severe which requires a professional interference. If that is the case, the caretaker can at times procure D TXLFN Âż[ WKDW ZRXOG WHPSRUDULO\ PRGHUDWH WKH LVVXH 7KH TXLFN Âż[ FRXOG EH for instance, sealing a pipe that eventually needs to be replaced. Every issue QHHGV WR KDYH WKH FDUHWDNHU SUHVHQW EHIRUH WKH FKDLQ RI Âż[LQJ FDQ EHJLQ ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV QRWKLQJ FDQ EH Âż[HG ZLWKRXW WKH FDUHWDNHU SUHVHQW Âą ZKHWKHU WKH FDUHWDNHU LV DEOH WR Âż[ LW WKHPVHOYHV RU QRW The installation takes form in the caretaker as the physical solution. The installation provides a path for water to trickle along. The push of a pedal VHWV WKH Ă&#x20AC;RZ LQ PRWLRQ EXW WKH ZDWHU ZLOO QRW UHDFK LWVÂś LQWHQGHG HQGSRLQW ,W needs physical interaction with â&#x20AC;&#x153;toolsâ&#x20AC;? for the water to reach itsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; target. The physical interaction by the viewer turns them into the caretaker â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the physical solution. The work progress itself resembles the work of the caretaker. The starting point and the goal are clear, but the much-needed execution is not. In RUGHU IRU WKH ZDWHU WR Ă&#x20AC;RZ Há&#x201A;&#x2021;RUWOHVVO\ LW ZDV QHFHVVDU\ WR WU\ RXW DQG SLQSRLQW the the angles, the material and the critical connections between the objects. A lot of tweaking and time had to be spent on these connections, and the constant adjustments and fragility revealed itself during the assembly. Every adjustment meant that all the elements that followed had to be reassessed again. 89
22. KOCK CHEF $ULI 5H]D For me its important to pay tribute to any of the professions. That’s why the chair. The chefs do work all day long standing. So I thought they need good amount of rest too. That’s why I tried to design a comfortable recliner chair. To symbolize the work the most important thing that a chef needs (the knives) are displayed on the counter top. I see knives as the extension of a chefs body to do the job. The minimum number of knives required would be displayed. The ceiling designed is to symbolically represent the low kitchen ceilings which holds the kitchen hood(Chimney). Red is the color of duality. Through the representation of color red, the duality of WKH SURIHVVLRQ RI D FKHI LV V\PEROL]HG $V D FKHI KDV MR\ RI IXO¿OOLQJ KLV SDVVLRQ DQG to perform his work he or she has to work so hard that literally they have to sweat. Also contrasting white represents the purity and holistic approach of the profession. And as a whole I tried to symbolize the hardship joy and the purity of the profession at the same time. 93
23. EKONOMIASSISTENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 0DUWLQD %LDQFKLQL 7KH GDLO\ URXWLQH RI D ÂżQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQW WDNH SODFH DW D GHVLJQDWHG VWDWLRQ IRU DQ average of 8 hours a day. From 9.00 to 18.00 the employer will be typing data in to an excel sheet, creating charts and diagrams analyzing the economy of his HPSOR\PHQWÂ?V ÂżUP %XW ZKDWÂ?V KDSSHQLQJ LQ LWV VXUURXQGLQJV" 7RGD\Â?V Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHV DUH FXUUHQWO\ XQGHU UHYLHZ :RUNVSDFHV DUH QHLWKHU FRPSDUWPHQWDO QRU FRPSOHWHO\ RSHQ HQYLURQPHQWV WKH\ KDYH EHHQ LGHQWLÂżHG as open-workspaces. Considered the best organizational and architecture choice, they appeared few years ago, and in some ways, they have already been proven unsuccessful. Dealing with challenging tasks, where focus and silence play a central role, in such a busy and overstimulated environment, can be the cause of higher levels of stress and especially lack of productiveness and task motivation. Audible noise is the most obvious issue in open-plan spaces, with conversation and the noise of devices like printers and copiers. Visual noise however isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t VR REYLRXV LWÂśV VWDUWLQJ WR EH UHFRJQL]HG DV DQ LVVXH Dá&#x201A;&#x2021;HFWLQJ HPSOR\HHVÂś productivity. ,Q D ZRUNVSDFH ZKHUH ORWV RI SHRSOH DUH LQ \RXU ÂżHOG RI YLVLRQ Âą PRYLQJ W\SLQJ talking â&#x20AC;&#x201C; visual noise can take your eyes away from your screen, disrupting your work. Wondering where someone is going, who theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re talking about, why they keep leaving their desk etc. can really take your mind away from the task DW KDQG \RXU WR GR OLVW 5HVHDUFK VKRZV WKDW DFWLYLW\ RU PRYHPHQW DURXQG WKH HGJHV RI DQ HPSOR\HHÂśV ÂżHOG RI YLVLRQ FDQ HURGH FRQFHQWUDWLRQ DQG GLVUXSW analytical thinking or creativity. More over in the digital era where almost all our information and assignments are handled by digital sources, we are constantly looking DW VRXUFHV RI OLJKW DQG GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FRORUV IDFLQJ DIWHU VHYHUDO KRXUV of working strong headaches and eyestrain. To express these perceptions and feelings, has been created a strong impact environment with tricky textures and a highly colorful background, a shocking and saturate atmosphere that could attract and push away at the same time the observer. 97
24. UNDERSKĂ&#x2013;TERSKA ASSISTANT NURSE -RHO (MHE\ I have focused on the patient lift, a tool the nurse uses almost everyday in order to prevent bodily wear damages and to achieve a safer care for the patients. Invented in 1955, inspired by the car engine lift, R. R. Strattons patent has been improved during the years, a sling has been added and today the patient lift is to be found in almost every hospital in the developed countries. My initial interest for the lift had to do with the dignity aspect, experienced by the caretaker. What is it like to get the sling attached around your body and then slowly get dragged up in the air, dangling like a a concrete plate lifted by a crane? Is it humiliating, or the contrary, a funny element in an otherwise uneventful weekday? 7KH DVVLVWDQW QXUVH LV JHWWLQJ PRUH WRROV DORQJ ZLWK QHZ ÂżQGLQJV DQG LQYHQWLRQV from the engineer. Is this automatically a positive thing? How can it be measured what is a useful tool and what isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, when it comes to more sensitive, bodily intrusive such? The example with the patient lift shows that the question is complex and everyone has their own preferences. What can be measured though, is the amount of caregiver injuries that has decreased since the entry of the lift. My work is about presenting the history of the patient lift, and also to give GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW YLHZV RQ WKH WRRO 7KH YLHZ IURP WKH SDWLHQW WKH QXUVH DQG WKH manufacturer. In order to collect proper information I will visit a hospital and WKH KHDG Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH IRU WKH ELJJHVW PDQXIDFWXUHU SURYLGLQJ SDWLHQW OLIWV WR 6ZHGHQÂśV hospitals and health care clinics. Can I nuance to myself and others what it means to involve a bodily intrusive tool into the daily care of your loved ones and your patients? 101