8th Grade Boys Fall 2024 Magazine

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2029 Magazine


What do students know about the war in Ukraine?

NFL Kickoff Rule

Solving Rubik’s Cubes = Better Brain

Table of Contents

Ukraine War

How combat drones can affect this brutal conflict

Invasive Ivy

This article shows the danger and invasiveness of ivy and how to take care of it

Video Games

An article about the affects of video games on teens

Rubik’s Cube

This article tells you what the benefits are to solving a Rubik’s cube

Golf Clubs

Get ready to learn about the art of the club!

This story explains the reasoning behind the controversial new rule, with the perspectives of a former high school player, a youth athlete, and even your typical viewer

Fantasy Football

Learn about fantasy leagues and whether or not you should play it

2029 Magazine

Contributing Writers:

David Cupchak Jr.

Oliver Eckert

Bernie Caplan

Chris McKee

Noah Wallace

Olajuwan Adams

Aydin Horgan

Holden Corey

Logan Gaul

Max Thompson

Liam McCann

Charlie Cobb

Tristan Desquesne


Dear Reader,

The power and promise of media whether early printed books, vinyl records, or social platforms like Instagram is found in the connection it enables with people beyond our immediate sphere. Media offers the maker the opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and hopes with real, authentic audiences in the broader world.

In “Digital Publishing,” we start from this premise and explore how we can responsibly create media. We examine the qualities of newsworthiness (proximity, timeliness, relevance, human interest, problem/solution, conflict/controversy). We study the structure of news articles. We research and interview members of our community, and we consider the perspectives that different readers might bring to our stories. We’re continually mindful that digital media is about more than words: visual features matter and are a core part of telling any story.

The two fall 2024 issues include some perennial topics, as well as some new features. Specifically, the section “Learning Highlights” calls out memorable middle school experiences, with an aim towards helping our faculty best understand how their students learn.

We constantly iterate and change our approach; in future issues, look for amplified connections between topics of teen interest and local/global concern.

On behalf of our 8th graders, thanks to you for reading!

Julie Knutson

Photo: David Cupchak

Drones in Modern Warfare

Why are these drones the death machines people claim they are?

To start, you have to understand what they do. Drones are programmed to remotely fly over areas and drop bombs on their target(s). However, there’s a lot of room for error. Mrs. Sasso, a History and Current Events teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy (SCH), says “It's sad that war has come to this level. . . where when you attack your enemies, more civilians die then soldiers. These drones have so many flaws and failures that they miss more than they hit.” This refers to the recent attack of a Russian ammo depot where a nearby city was accidentally hit, causing major damage and many civilian deaths. These drones are causing exactly what they sought to destroy, human casualties.

What makes drones better than the planes they have replaced?

Ukraine’s military has both F16 fighter jets and an assortment of drones, so why do they use the drones more? They use the drones more because they require less training to use and because there is a shortage of Ukrainian pilots. Also, they have mostly fighter jets, meaning the only bombers they have are the drones, so only their drones can take out industrial factories. Noah Wallace, an Eighth Grade Student at SCH who has been interested in the Ukraine war from the beginning, says, “They (Ukrainian soldiers) are using the drones well by attacking with them as a support beam to conserve human forces rather than using them as the main attackers and losing many of them.”

According to a Nov. 2024 report, “Ukraine's drone units are inflicting 80% of the frontline casualties on Russia.”

Ivy: Beauty or Beast?

Some people think that ivy is beautiful, but it can be bad for the environment.

Ivy is draining the life of our trees and deteriorating our buildings. I interviewed some people, and they said that ivy was destructive, dangerous, and invasive in our community.

Ivy can also harm livestock and other animals. Cats, dogs, and horses can not eat ivy. Mr. West, our director of facilities, added,” If the ivy roots get too long, they could get into the water supply and damage it.”

“Ivy can severely damage buildings, like moving bricks and deteriorating structures,” SCH science teacher Mr. Dreisbach explains. “It can also completely overtake areas with trees and buildings.”

The facts about video games

The video game industry is worth 215 billion dollars, roughly 13 times the GDP of Mongolia, and growing. The National Institute of Health reports that children 8-17 years of age spend 1.5-2 hours gaming each day. Given the amount of time, energy, and resources people spend on gaming, you might wonder if it actually has any benefits Although there are some ways video games are bad for you, many studies show video games are beneficial for you for many reasons like cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness Video games are also beneficial socially, as it gives people an easy way to hang out with friends and even make new friends

According to a study from the American Psychological Association violent video games can help with learning, health, and social skills.

According to the American Psychological Association, “Another stereotype the research challenges is the socially isolated gamer More than 70 percent of gamers play with a friend, and millions of people worldwide participate in massive virtual worlds through video games such as "Farmville" and "World of Warcraft," the article noted Multiplayer games become virtual social communities, where decisions need to be made quickly about whom to trust or reject and how to lead a group” Even though video games can be very beneficial for many different reasons, there are a few ways they can be a negative source of entertainment If you have an unmonitored amount of hours playing video games, this can lead to many bad habits. For example, a small amount of sleep, procrastinating work, decreasing your mental health, and more

clevelandandclinicorg states, “Some studies are small with a very narrow scope, that suggests children who are physically active have faster reaction times than those who only play video games The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders added the term “Internet Gaming Disorder” in 2013, continued research has suggested that video game addiction is similar to other well-established addictions related to substance use disorders. because the same parts of your brain, specifically those that release dopamine (the feel-good hormone), are activated when you have an addiction.” In closing, video games can help with many things but have some downsides and many people have stereotypes and false thinkings about video games

The interview

We spoke with an SCH student and avid gamer to find out about gaming’s affect on his life

Q: How/if have video games affected you?

A: “They bring me fun and happiness in my free time but also can make me mad and sad.”

Q: Do you think video games are bad or good for you and why?

A: “I think they are good for you if you have self-control because it is a good way to have fun and connect with friends and put your mind on something else if your having a bad time But, you need self-control because some people can get addicted and not do stuff in real life”

Q: How much time do you spend playing video games?

A: “On school days I spend 2-4 hours, and on weekends 7-11”

Q: What is your favorite game and how do you think it compares to other games? How good it is for you?

A: “Brawl Stars is my favorite game and it brings me joy when I win, but when I lose I get very mad and very angry Once, I went on a 30 game losing streak in ranked and was very mad”

Q: How much video game time do you think a teen should get?

A: “On weekdays 2-3 hours, and on weekends 4-8 hours”


A Rubik’s cube is more than just a party trick, as learning to solve a Rubik’s cube can lead to better focus in school and other activities. It's also beneficial to one’s focus as it also helps one’s brain in multiple different ways Learning how to solve a Rubik's cube can help with one’s brain, coordination, and attention to detail. After being asked whether Rubik’s cubing has improved one’s brain and coordination, teacher, dean, and coach Nick Donefry replied, “I think so. I think if anything it would make me pay a little bit more attention to detail, especially with specific moves Like there if you slip up one little thing it throws off everything else you’re trying to do, right?”

Donofry continues, “In terms of certain moves that you need to complete so, I think attention to detail has been heightened for me and is incredibly important for doing that.”

Rubik’s cubing helps enhance brain-hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and problem-solving skills. Sean Tiffany an eighth grader stated, “It’s a helpful tool to improve your motor skills and problem-solving” Solving a Rubik’s cube can help boost patience and perseverance, stress reduction, entertainment, and creative thinking Sagan, a 7th grader at SCH said, “Yes, I think it’s helped me It encourages me to face more challenges and has encouraged me to try new things.”

In short, Rubik’s cubes ultimately are a helpful tool for improving your coordination and motor skills

The Benefits of Solving a Rubik’s Cube

This is one of the best advantages of solving a Rubik’s cube When you are solving a Rubik's cube on your own without following an algorithm, you are creating your own technique or science for solving the cube When challenging the brain to achieve a goal, cognitive skills are enhanced Even when you are following an algorithm, you are focusing on the pattern and pushing your brain to solve the cube in a minimum number of moves and in the fastest possible way.

Boosts Cognitive Power Improves Concentration 01 04 02 05 03 Improves Memory Boosts Patience and Perseverance

The Rubik's Cube demands unwavering focus and concentration It's a task that requires your full attention, as a single misplaced move can derail your progress Over time, consistent practice in solving the cube can lead to enhanced concentration and an improved ability to stay focused on tasks in other areas of your life

While solving a Rubik’s cube you will need to concentrate and memorize the spatial patterns Rubik’s Cube has gradually been taken seriously in the field of education because it contains rich scientific knowledge Some primary and secondary schools carry out cube-based mathematics courses to improve the students’ learning ability under Rubik's cube brain benefits program

While learning to solve the Rubik’s cube the mind multi-tasks It is concentrating, memorizing, coordinating with the hand, and challenging its limitations The cognitive skills that develop gradually in the process, can make you more efficient, focused, and ultimately more confident about yourself.

Solving a Rubik's Cube is not for the faint of heart It can be frustrating and challenging, especially when you first begin. However, as you persist and learn from your mistakes, you develop a sense of patience and perseverance. These qualities are not only valuable in puzzle-solving but are also essential in facing life's challenges head-on


Wondering what clubs you should buy, when you should buy adult clubs, and how much you should be spending on clubs?

We are 13 and 14 year old golfers asking the same questions. In this article, you will hear from PGA teaching professional, Todd Roy. You will also hear from Springside Chestnut Hill High School golf team captain, Ethan Eckert, and the Springside Chestnut Hill middle school golf captains. In the process, you’ll learn about what clubs you should get and when you should switch to adult clubs.

Your paragraph text
Cupchak Jr.

Todd Roy is a PGA teaching professional who coaches at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. He started golfing at 7 or 8 years old because his father and grandfather got him into the sport. Todd got a hole-in-one in one of his first-ever rounds. This got him into the sport, but he started playing more competitively in middle school.

“I switched to adult clubs when I was too small, hence why I had to manipulate my swing”


Todd had kid's clubs up until his freshman year of high school. He regretted switching to adult clubs this early because these clubs didn’t fit him. He had to manipulate his swing. He gives advice to junior golfers to get fitted for adult clubs when the time is right. Todd used the TaylorMade RBZ as his first adult club and didn’t really like it. He then got fitted for the Titleist TSR3 which he liked because it helped his distance and ball flight. He then switched to the Titleist TSI3, which also helps him with the same things.

Todd has tried out the Paradym and the Stealth, but was not satisfied with the results. He pointed out that these drivers did not have a great feel or sound. Even though he has a sponsorship from Titelist, he would still use those drivers over others.


We also spoke with SCH High School golf Captain Ethan Eckert. We first asked Ethan If there is a big difference between expensive v. normally priced drivers. To this, he responded, “I would say there is a difference in performance, but having a good driver is not about the price of the driver, it's about having a driver that you feel comfortable swinging. For me, while it would be nice to have a super expensive driver like the Stealth, I am perfectly comfortable using my TaylorMade M2.”

This brought us to another question: Do players need expensive clubs? He responded, “I would say that for good players who play in tournaments and plan to play college golf a good and expensive driver is necessary, but for your average golfer there is no need to spend the extra money. Expensive clubs are typically meant for players with higher swing speeds and more consistent contact.”

Finally, we asked when he made the switch to better clubs. His response was, “ I made the switch to more expensive clubs later than usual. At the end of my 9th-grade year, I got fitted for new wedges and irons and a driver. This was after I played my 9th grade golf season, and I felt like I was the only player out on the course for Varsity matches that were still using kid clubs. I think the answer to this question depends if you are committed to playing golf often. If I was more of a committed golfer in 8th grade I probably would've made the switch earlier, but it took me till 9th grade to really commit to golf.”

Our third and final interviewees were our very own SCH Middle School Golf CoCaptains, Oliver Eckert and Bernie Caplan. We asked these 8th grade golfers about their golf careers. We asked Oliver first about when he first started playing he said “ I played golf occasionally from like 4-7, but once I hit 11-12 I really started playing Golf.”

For Bernie, we asked some questions about his game and his handicap, he states in his answer “My handicap is a 16.” He said that he really got into golf because he wanted to expand his leadership through the golf team. His leadership expanded exponentially, it excelled so much that he actually became Co-Captains with Oliver. Then I asked them about anyone in their family golf, Oliver Responded with “Yes, My whole family actually does, My dad and brother do the most though.” Then I asked Bernie, he said “Not really, sometimes my dad does.” The main question I asked is what Driver do you guys use? Bernie Stated back “ I use a Paradym, and it is $600”, Oliver said “ US Kids Tour series 5, which cost $200”.

In the end, we heard from four great voices. We hope now you can gather all this information to make your choices in your golf journey.


The wicked NFL kickoff rule

Eight weeks ago, the 2024-25 NFL football season kicked off, and a new kickoff rule came with it.

For the last year, the NFL has been extremely focused on protecting their players, from increased “roughing the passer” calls, or even adding new rules like this.

This year was the first year this kickoff formation was set in place. It involved the kickoff team (except for the kicker) lining up on their 40-yard line, and the returning team’s linemen to be between their own 30 and 35yard line and the two returners' lineup near the endzone. No linemen are allowed to move until either the returner touches the ball, or the ball hits the grass.

Photography by Creative Commons licenses via Google Images (1974) Moved kickoff from the 40 yard line to the 35 (1994) Moved kickoff from the 35 yard line to the 30 yard line (2009) Theownersacceptedtheproposaltoban playersfromlinkinginthewedgesformation (2011)

This rule has been received with various opinions; some think that the rule is great because the safety of the players should be the top priority. On the other hand, people believe that this rule could be a disappointing turning point, saying that the NFL is going “soft,” and think that if you aren’t willing to take risks, you shouldn’t be playing a contact sport.

Given how controversial this rule is, we got multiple opinions. We spoke with CEL teacher Scott Kirker, a former football player, as well as Logan Gaul, a professional football game viewer and starting kicker for SCH’s Middle School varsity football team “It's just not as entertaining, you know,” Gaul says, “And it doesn’t look like it’s had a big change in the game.”

In addition, we talked to 8th grader Christopher McKee, an NFL game viewer. “I think the rule is quite exquisite, to be fair,” McKee says, “Some may even say... immaculate. Yes, quite immaculate indeed.”

Mr. Kirker even went so far as to say that he was entirely against the position of kickers (shown to the right). We made sure Logan didn’t hear this, however, to avoid further conflict

“I think we should just get rid of kickers in general.”
-Mr. Kirker

Arefantasysports worthplaying?

With the ongoing fantasy football season, fantasy players may ask whether fantasy sports are worth playing. About 10 percent of the U.S. population plays in fantasy sports leagues every year, that is about 30 million people. These fantasy leagues go on during the different sports seasons. To play in these fantasy leagues you invite your friends to it and draft your favorite players like an NFL draft just with the entire NFL rather than just rookies. These leagues help connect people in a fun way that taps into their knowledge of that sport. They may end up as champions with a little luck and will brag to their league mates.

In an article for the online publication Breakthrough, author Vey Law writes, “People can take pride in your victories, knowing they resulted from your skillful selection and management of your virtual team rather than random luck.” This quote shows that if people think fantasy is worth playing, they are probably skilled players. If they’re not having a great fantasy season, then they are more likely to stop playing. One of the interviewees suggested, “I think it is entertaining because there is a thrill to winning and you need to be engaged in it.” This quote shows why fantasy could be worth playing.

Most of the people who got interviewed think fantasy is worth playing and that the game is partly luck and mostly skill other than the draft.

Fantasy leagues are not just popular among students. The SCH Campus Lantern reports that teachers also have competative fantasy leagues.

This photo of Joe Mauer hitting a home run, most likely making many fantasy players happy

Liam McCann says, “I love the satisfaction of winning.”

Our best learning experiences

Robotics competition was a great experience. We went around quickly to fix and test our robot to make sure it is possible for the function we just programmed to work During the tournament, we had to work with high school students, and there were only one or two middle school teams there besides our two teams. The environment was kind of stressful because you wanted to win, but you had to be a gracious professional even if you lost or won The greatest experience for me in the competition was when they sent captains up and I had to accept an alliance request from a high schooler I was super nervous, but super happy that our team got chosen out of around 36 other teams This made me learn that you have to think on your feet and be respectful to everyone.


Boychoir with Mr Woehr is a very exciting experience. It is very fun because you get to sing with your peers, boosting everybody’s mood Our class is very productive, and we learned all the songs at record pace Learning how to harmonize with peers taught me how to sing in general, and how to work in a team to produce the most efficient work possible

Photo credit: Ms Knutson
Photo credit: Julia MacMullan

It is my first year here at SCH and I have been through many experiences so far Cradles to Crayons taught me how to give back and help people in need The environment was fun and caring, there was tons and tons of clothing, and we had to sort clothes into folded piles and ship them to people in need It made me feel better about myself, and I wanted to do more to help others. The experience was great because it taught me about my community and what challenges people go through

Community Engagement

Through basketball, I learned that the most important part of life is being able to work with others This was shown when we were down by 12 points in a tournament game We ended up winning by 5 and had a total of 7 assists in the 4th quarter, shutting down the other team to only 4 fourth-quarter points

Photo credit: Julia MacMullan
Photo credit: Canva


This amazing restaurant shaped my perspective on food and eating out As soon as you see the location on Germantown Ave you understand how incredible its atmosphere is. The food is very good and the cooks are flexible My favorite foods are the giant pretzel and the mushroom soup The pricing is pretty good and the service is unreal. The waiters provide great insight and will advise on menu options

The Bagel House is, in one word exceptional, with middle class working employees and a truly charming owner With food so good your taste buds will go on a trip straight to a Manhattan deli and service so good you might as well say that angels work there With an atmosphere as charming as the house above it there is nowhere better to be. The item that really stood out to me was the homemade pizza bagels, however if you're coming in for breakfast You can never go wrong with bacon,egg,and cheese on an everything bagel Overall there is nothing better in the restaurant industry If I could I would give it a 100, but 5/5 will have to do

I have only been to McNally's twice, but it was very good When I go, good food is always waiting for me, whether it's a normal cheeseburger or the colossal Schmitter The waiters are amazing and very nice even when I ordered the wrong thing he fixed it with no fuss and was very nice for the rest of the time too And when you walk in it feels like a fun family-owned restaurant (which it is). Overall it is a very good restaurant all around

The restaurant Sakura Ramen and Sushi Bar is one of my favorite restaurants For starters, as soon as you walk in, you can feel the traditional atmosphere of a Japanese restaurant The design of the place is made purely from dark brown wood, and everything feels old-fashioned The food there is also great. The sushi is really good, and so is the ramen The way they design the sushi platters is also really cool The people there are really nice, and they will help you out with anything. That’s why I give the Sakura Ramen and Sushi Bar 49 out of 5 stars, because nothing can truly be perfect

Iron Hill Brewery
The Bagel House
Sakura Ramen and Sushi Bar

Our Top Picks for Video Games

The Walking Dead by Telltale

This game is a fun and thrilling game that gives kids a way to get away from the world and even communicate and form connections with other kids If your kids get really good, he can even win money. This game has remained popular for years and taught me to spend my money wisely

The walking dead game is a unique video game where you play in chapters and seasons rather than just a story game It is a game where a zombie apocalypse broke out and they have to survive. The zombies aren't the only obstacle as it is a unique decision making game where your decisions can affect the outcome of the story The walking dead game is a unique game that everyone should experience at least once.

Brawlhalla is an amazing platform game that is similar to super smash bros. It is a 2d game with many different characters with their own weapon combos, for example there is a character named Kor, who uses the weapons gauntlets and hammer Brawlhalla deserves the title of best platform game because they recieve consistent updates and are very active with their community This game has had a positive result on my life, making me extremely happy and joyful

Rocket league is a videogame where you play soccer in cars You can customize your car to be different cars and there can be decals on the cars as well as toppers and flags. When playing there are pads on the field that you picked up giving you boost you can use the boost to fly and do different clips It is an esport that people play for lots of money in a competition called RLCS There are different mechanics and there are freestylers and pro players

Mortal Kombat Brutality is a game made in 1992 This game laid the groundwork for games like super smash bros and many other fighting games This game made arcades worldwide This game takes place on earth where seven different warriors enter a tournament with the prize being the continued freedom of their realm under threat of a takeover by the Outworld.

SCH 2029 Magazine

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