SCH 8th Grade Girls Magazine Fall 2024

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A production of SCH’s 8G CEL students.


Tween skincare, shoes, haircare 5


Cell phones, local businesses, multi-talented teachers, school/life balance, Philly sports 12

What was your best middle school learning experience?

500 West Willow Grove Ave

Philadelphia, PA 19118


















Dear Reader,

The power and promise of media — whether early printed books, vinyl records, or social platforms like Instagram — is found in the connection it enables with people beyond our immediate sphere. Media offers the maker the opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and hopes with real, authentic audiences in the broader world.

In “Digital Publishing,” we start from this premise and explore how we can responsibly create media. We examine the qualities of newsworthiness (proximity, timeliness, relevance, human interest, problem/solution, conflict/controversy). We study the structure of news articles. We research and interview members of our community, and we consider the perspectives that different readers might bring to our stories. We’re continually mindful that digital media is about more than words: visual features matter and are a core part of telling any story.

The two fall 2024 issues include some perennial topics, as well as some new features. Specifically, the section “Learning Highlights” calls out memorable middle school experiences, with an aim towards helping our faculty best understand how their students learn.

We constantly iterate and change our approach; in future issues, look for amplified connections between topics of teen interest and local/global concern.

On behalf of our 8th graders, thanks to you for reading!


Popular items and brands from tweens today.

Top 5 beauty products

These products are the most popular skincare Sephora products, as stated by the people we have interviewed and articles we have read. These products are safe for young skin and free of chemicals.

To learn more about clean skincare visit ewg skincare deep-dive

Sol de Janeiro
“It has to be emphasized that consumers are put in this difficult position,” Dr. Zota said, “because this huge industry is severely under regulated.”

Are parents aware that their kids could be putting harmful products on their skin?

Scientists are finding harmful chemicals like Formaldehyde or Oxybenzonein in some skincare products and brands commonly used by tweens There is a huge spike in the popularity of skincare among young tweens There is a huge chance that the skincare products include chemicals damaging to young tween's skin

A recent New York Times article states, “Most American children are also exposed to toxic chemicals from a wide variety of sources that may be a cause of learning and developmental disorders, obesity, and asthma.

Many Personal Care Products Contain Harmful Chemicals. Here’s What to Do About It. - The New York Times

This photo from NBC News shows skincare products that are safe for young skin.

From New Balance to Nike, shoes are a staple of self-expression. They give people the chance to show their personality and interests. This is especially true at SCH, where uniforms are required and restrict people from showing who they are.

By Peyton, Lyla, & RIley

But just what do SCH middle schoolers favor as their top five shoe brands? We took that question to students and they responded with this.

While interviewing Roman Lawson, a 8thgrade MSB student, he expressed, “I mostly wear my New Balances because it helps make my uniform look better.”

While interviewing Ava Raby, a 7th-grade MSG student, she shared, “I love wearing shoes because they make me express myself.”

When we interviewed 7th grader Ava Houston, she was very expressive when saying “Shoes show how people feel about themselves and also how they express themselves.”

In middle school, we are required to wear uniforms and sometimes this can affect our fashion taste and style. However, shoes can express the creativity of students and are a part of a student's fashion. From Ugg boots to sneakers. A student should be able to express this creativity and passion for fashion.

This is the triple pink dunk lows. Many students in our class have talked about these shoes and how they plan to ask for them for Christmas.


Wondering how to properly take care of your hair?

Have you ever wondered if the money you ' ve been spending on your hair is worth it? In September,

interviewed licensed hairdresser Leslie Logan to find out her thoughts about the hair industry and, if paying large amounts of money for products is worth it. She also gave me other tips for keeping your hair healthy. In my interview with Leslie, she told me that “looking for products with ingredients that you can actually pronounce matters. If you look for products that have ingredients like Aloe Vera or Coconut oil it will be expensive, but it is worth buying.” Leslie explains that “Aloe Vera soothes your scalp and adds moisture and coconut oil provides deep hydration and helps with frizz.”

Other than the products being overly expensive, they are also hard to find In most cases, only professional stylists are able to buy the good products Even though professional stylists are only able to buy the really good products, there are other ways to get the products. You can sometimes buy the products directly from the company, or you can try to buy them from a professional stylist. You also may be able to buy some products from Amazon. Student Riley Coit says that she buys her hair products from the store Hair Town, and if it’s necessary, sometimes Target. Riley explains that Hair Town has everything that she needs, but if she’s in a bind, she can go to Target.

“Looking for products with ingredients that you can actually pronounce matters.” -Leslie Logan

Not only is using products with good ingredients an important part of keeping your hair healthy, you also need to know how to use them. Knowing when to use a products or knowing how much of it to use is a very important part of keeping your hair healthy. Leslie says to properly shampoo your hair you should follow these steps:

1 Wet Your Hair: Start by thoroughly wetting your hair with warm water. This helps to open the cuticles.

2 Use the Right Amount: Squeeze a quarter-sized amount of shampoo into your palm. Adjust based on your hair length and thickness.

3 Apply Shampoo: Rub your hands together to distribute the shampoo, then apply it to your scalp. Focus on the roots, as this is where oil and dirt accumulate

4 Massage Gently: Use your fingertips (not nails) to gently massage your scalp in circular motions This stimulates blood flow and helps with cleaning

5 Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your hair completely with warm water, ensuring all shampoo is washed out

6 Repeat if Necessary: If your hair is particularly dirty or you use a lot of product, you can repeat the shampooing process

7 Condition: After rinsing out the shampoo, follow up with conditioner to hydrate and protect your hair

Your hair is special! Know now how to take care of it properly

Local News

cellphonesin schools

The new cell phone policy in the middle school has people wondering what the effect of the new rule will be. Read this article to find out more!!!

Starting this year, SCH middle school students are powering down and must put away their phones from the moment they enter the building until they leave. This new policy, directed to minimize distraction and improve mental health, has sparked many different reactions from students and faculty here at SCH. While some see it as a necessary step to better health, others argue against its effectiveness in our phone-dependent world. The first student I talked to was Lylah Morris, an 8th grade student here at SCH. I asked her what she thought the worst problem with cell phones and teenagers was, “It's distracting. I noticed that when I am on my phone I get distracted more.”

Additionally, I asked another 8th grade student, McKenna Corey, and she stated that she believed the problem was with mental health. “Social media can really affect a teenager’s mental health and can bring people down.” Both of these views state negative impacts of cell phones on teenagers and what can happen if phones are used irresponsibly. I also wanted to hear some of the benefits of phones. McKenna stated again, “Cell phones are used so much in this day and age that it would just be harder to live without them.” Her point of view highlights the necessity of cell phones in this current time, and how trying to function without them would be more challenging. I wanted to talk to Ms. Pepino, our head of middle school, and hear her thoughts on this topic.

Student access to technology isn't just being considered at SCH. In the summer of 2024, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro signed a law to restrict cell phone use in schools.

I asked her opinion on teenagers using cell phones and what was their largest negative effect. She stated, “I don’t think everything about phones is bad, I think phones can be very useful…I think when I fear phones is when students have this unlimited access to social media platforms like TikTok and Youtube and other types of media”. Ms. Pepino touches upon how she also feels phones aren’t 100% negative, but that problems can arise when phone use is excessive and unmonitored. As the middle school implements its new cell phone policy, students and staff are all adjusting to this new change. While some see it as a necessary step to combat the negative impacts of cell phones, others worry about losing a useful tool. As the school year progresses, the true impact of this policy on student life and learning remains to be seen.

Third Places: Local Businesses &Mental Health

Recently, Covid 19 hampered human social skills and connections, pushing people into social isolation.

In March of 2020, people all around the world have been pushed into their homes, leaving them without a workspace or school to go to. This made it arduous to interact with people in person rather than behind a screen. Today, we’re still becoming more acclimated to pre-pandemic norms.

During the pandemic, mental health and the ability to interact with those around us across the globe worsened to a point where people struggle to communicate with each other. Some of those effects still linger. “You’re figuring things out, like how to be normal again,” says one of our school psychologists, Dr T

However, the other efforts we can make to repair these crucial interactions might be more local than you think We interviewed Dr T on why these interactions are so important, and she expressed that “People are social creatures In order to have all their needs met, they need those social connections ”

So how can we bring back these interactions? The answer: local businesses Local businesses can serve as something called a “third space”

An article from Today discussed ‘Third places’, and described them as “ places where you encounter ‘regulars,’ or frequenters of a space, as well as potential new connections

Third spaces tend to foster light, pleasant conversation and are free from expectations of productivity ‘It’s crucial for people to escape from a sense of loneliness and build a sense of community ’”

Essentially, these third spaces are places that give people the opportunities to be able to have “ those social connections,” those crucial bonds to people and places Third places could be anything from a small cafe to a park And it doesn’t matter if you choose to conduct conversation every time you’re in these third places Just being in a social setting extracts general feelings of loneliness in your life, even just while you’re there

“’(These spaces) us feel rooted in our worlds, it helps us feel better about the people around us, and it helps us feel better about ourselves.’” - Live Love Local

In Stanley Tucci’s food memoir, Taste, he describes certain reasons for the importance of these interactions in local settings

He says that “...the wonderful, vital human connections we are able to make when we buy something we love…from someone who loves to sell it…Whether we know it or not, great comfort is found in these relationships, and they are very much a part of what solidifies a community.”

Establishing the sense of connection and comfort found in the simple interaction of buying something locally, and how that transaction is significant to the social connections necessary in a person’s life.

teacher entrepreneur

Located on Bethlehem Pike in Erdenheim, Solstice Dance Academy opened this September of 2024, inviting in excited dancers ready to start at the new studio. SCH teacher Ms. Tiffany, the Academy’s founder, explains how the dance studio came to be. After her daughter's dance studio closed abruptly, she partnered with another dance mom who already had her own performing arts studio. Ms, Tiffany states, “I called her and I said are you interested in partnering […] so from that literal same day on, we just started taking it one task at a time and created a new ‘entity’.” She further adds, “wanting to keep the kids together was a big motivator for us. ” The dance studio offers many classes for ages 2 to adult with varying genres, like tap, lyrical/contemporary, jazz, ballet, hip hop, and musical theater. She hopes to add in new classes like Point along with possibly more genres, including Bollywood and African styles. Ms. Tiffany adds, “We’re trying to do as much variety as humanly possible because I think a lot of studios in the Chestnut Hill / Mount Airy area are very specified to ballet which is awesome […] there's a lot of opportunity for jazz, tap, and hip hop.” With the studio officially up and running, Ms. Tiffany was able to cross a big goal off her bucket list, along with helping kids in the community have a safe space to dance and have fun.


After SCHoolLife

What does a school student do after their day is complete? You may wonder if they just sit around and scroll on screens, but many students are booked from 7 am to 9 pm. We interviewed five SCH students and asked them some questions about their after-school life and what it consists of. These five students gave us insight into their daily routine on top of school.

Here are some other students we heard from...

“It makes me stressed having to juggle sports and school.” -Jane

It can be overwhelming... having a big friend group and trying to hang out with each other, it can take away time from homework.” -Tori

Fifth grader Clare Sasso is a competitive dancer and is one of the students that we interviewed. Usually, fifth and sixth graders are still young and getting used to the swing of middle school. This means that they usually have less work, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don't do as much out of school. Clare stated, “On Wednesday I have 3 hours of dance.” She then continues and says,“This on top of school and homework can add up to a lot of work and stress,” especially for a 5th grader.

“It can be mentally draining, because you may not have time for other things besides school and sports.”Lyla

Schedules usually get busier in seventh and eighth grade. 7th grader Libby Katz competitively cheers for UMAS (Upper Merion Dance & Gymnastics Company). “I practice for cheer usually Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday if there is a competition.” On average each of her cheer practices tends to be around 2 hours long plus the commute it takes to get there which can add up to around an hour. This plus homework can add up to 6 hours of work each night. On top of this students also need to balance friends, family, and self-care. Libby also stated that, “School is one of the main times where I get to hang out with my friends, and school is for most of the week.”

Jane Fuld
Tori Owens Lyla Raby

WilltheEaglesFlytothe SuperBowl?

Last year the Eagles were great, with a record of eight wins and two losses. Two years ago, they made it to the Super Bowl and were very close to claiming the NFL championship . . . but the Chiefs won. This has fans asking: Can they make it back to the Super Bowl again? Fans are curious if there is a chance the Eagles will make it to the Super Bowl this year. Football fan and CEL Director Ed Glassman states that the Eagles will “absolutely not” make it to the Super Bowl. He believes that Nick Sirianni started out in a great way but now with a very highly paid and skilled roster, he needs to be more mature and lead by example for his players.

Are we going to be able to capture the same energy we had in 2018 when the Eagles won the Super Bowl? Mr. Glassman believes, “there is a disconnect from the players and the coach Nick Sirianni.”

When asked if Sirianni has positively or negatively impacted their 2024-2025 season, Mr.Glassman stated, “that the offense and defense coaching and playing has affected their team due to the coordinator and Jason Kelce no longer being on the team.”

As for Nick Sirianni's new haircut, the fans are not liking it and some are saying “HAIR HE GOES Philadelphia Eagles coach Nick Sirianni’s new ‘awful’ hairstyle spotted by fans who demand ‘he deserves to be fired.”


Overall, the thought of the Eagles winning the Super Bowl is slim.


A few positive experiences from the students that tell us a little about what they find memorable and how they learn best.


Current Events Lunches with Ms. Sasso


Mr. Jeannoute’s English Class

The class was so much fun and it really helped me get ready for the challenges of 8th grade The environment was supportive and helpful. I loved how we were able to take breaks as well as grind

The Current Events lunch club with Mrs. Sasso was a fun experience that built community within the group It taught us about critical thinking in groups, and we could safely talk about relevant topics and controversies The club brought together people with common interests and made us more aware and involved with the current events around us, when otherwise we would be oblivious One of the main reasons it was so memorable was because it made serious and controversial topics fun and engaging


Ms. Vandergrift’s Math Class


8th Grade Service Learning

Cradles to Crayons was a field trip that we took as 8th graders in the fall. We were split into groups to do different types of service work for some children in our area that weren’t fortunate enough to have what they needed for the coming winter It was a very hands-on and collaborative project, and served as a learning opportunity for all of the students including myself Teaching that service learning is contributing to a bigger cause and can benefit so many people.

In Ms Vandergrift’s class we started learning about algebra In this class, Ms Vandergrift would teach us a new topic, we would do some examples as a class, then she would let us work on worksheets with a partner If we were confused, we could ask her because she wouldn’t be busy working with the class She would explain what we were confused about and then we could go back to our partner and continue This taught me how to be independent and how to work with partners after learning a new topic


Opinions on some of our favorite things.

Panera Bread:

Panera Bread always serves fresh bread and hot food. Their bread bowls are a staple, offering variants of soup or mac and cheese in the bowl. The service is differing for people preferences, having both online ordering using a buzzer to alert when the food is ready, or having the option to go up to the counter and order your food face to face. The store itself is very warm and cozy. It has a neutral earth color palette with warm lighting and many comfy seating options, making it a very welcoming place.

Rating: 4/5

Froot Cafe:

Froot Cafe is a wonderful place to get smoothies, acai bowls, fresh salads and more. From the moment you walk in, you are brought into a welcoming environment filled with healthy food. You can see where they make the bowls and salads and watch the whole process of making a bowl. They have so many options of fruits and vegetables to choose from and so many choices to choose from. The food is exquisite and is a perfect healthy dessert after a meal. By far, Froot is my favorite place to go for salads. bowls, and fresh fruit smoothies.

Rating: 4/5



When I first walked into Osteria, my jaw dropped at the beautiful lights and furniture — the restaurant was so put together and cohesive. There were plants everywhere, decorating corners and hanging from parts of the ceiling, which added even more to the ambience. The menu was filled with delicious sounding dishes; my party and I tried quite a few. We started with the grilled broccolini caesar and baked ricotta, which were incredibly well done. Continuing on to our main dishes, the pasta dishes we tried were superb, exceeding all of our expectations. Additionally, the service was very nice, they were attentive and more than willing to accommodate our needs.

Rating: 5/5


Ten Things I Hate About You:

Ten Things I Hate About You is my favorite movie of all time I have watched it a total of 7 times because it's so good, it never gets boring This early 2000's romcom movie is the perfect thing to watch for any occasion It constantly draws you in and has a great ending, that ties all loose ends and closes the plotline I would 100% recomend this person to anyone who wants to watch a good movie that is interesting, funny, and dramatic

The Parent Trap:

I watched the movie with my friends probably over 5 times When I watch this movie I can't take my eyes off the screen It has the best combination of drama and comedy in one It's simple but a great, sweet, fun, funny, lighthearted, and heartwarming story with a great ending


Frozen is an entertaining popular children's movie that has been loved for years it has always been one of my favorite comfort movies I think it deserves to be on the "best of list" because it is an entertaining movie for any age group and can be loved for years

Murder Mystery:

This movie remains one of my most favorite movies to this day This hilarious comedic drama is the perfect brain teaser to watch when you’re bored There is a perfect amount of comedy and suspense, making a blockbuster movie This movie has an incredible cast, including Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston working together as a power couple to solve the mystery of their friends death. Amazing movie and would watch 100 times again.




Rare Beauty deserves a spot on the "best of list" because it’s such a good makeup brand that is affordable. It made me purchase it because once I found out that it supports mental health services and education, I thought that the message was beautiful. Therefore, I decided to purchase and I have loved the brand ever since.

Summer Fridays Lip Balm:

Summer Fridays deserves a spot on the "best of list" because it is a great, hydrating, and moisturizing lip balm This lip balm comes in many different flavors such as pink sugar and vanilla I know a lot of people that use these lip balms and I have purchased many myself because of people telling me about them

Olaplex No. 7 Bonding Oil:

This hair product is one of the best things for my hair It’s always hydrating and protecting and makes styling so easy As someone with frizzy, thick hair, it reduces the amount of frizz in my hair when blowdrying and brushing, so my hair doesn't get frizzy and tangled I love the product so much and would 100% recommend!!

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