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Street and Denholm Drive
6.3.1 Durfee Avenue
Durfee Avenue between Magnolia Street and Denholm Drive is located in the southeast part of the City of El Monte. The primary land use is commercial, the high speeds and lack of signalized crossing make for an unfriendly environment for people walking and bicycling, as well a,s for people driving. Demand for students to cross the street to access Mountain View High School is needed, making the roadway the ideal candidate for Vision Zero improvements. Figure 6-5 provides concept level improvements with numbered callouts and corresponding sample pictures below the map. A concept level cost estimate is shown in Table 6-2.
Figure 6-5: Durfee Avenue Project Sheet: Between Magnolia Street and Denholm Drive

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Pedestrian Signal Conflict Striping High Visibility Crosswalks Low Cost Bulb Outs Crossing Island