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Katy Trail Weekly
Vol. 5, No. 10 | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Restaurant Guide | Arts and Entertainment | katytrailweekly.com
Noted architect speaks The Dallas Architecture Forum continues its lecture season on Wednesday, April 25 at the Magnolia Theater in West Village at 7 p.m. (check-in at 6:15 p.m.) with architect Christian Veddeler, director of DALLAS ARCHITECTURE FORUM award-winning UNStudio Architects in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. UNStudio and its leaders are internationally recognized and have designed 100 major projects that have been built around the world. — Sharon Cooper
Evening at Fair Park On Thursday April 26 from 6:30 to 8 p.m., author Jim Parsons will host “An Evening With! LOST FAIR PARK,” a talk featuring the buildings and art that were constructed for the 1936 Centennial and have been lost or torn down over time. Included in these are the Hall of Negro Life, the Ford Building, the original Woofus and the murals in the Food and Fiber building. Cost is $10 for non-members of the Dallas Historical Society. Visit dallashistory.org for more information. — Dallas Historical Society FAIR PARK
Music at the Dallas Zoo The Dallas Zoo’s Safari Nights concert series kicks off its sixth season on Saturday, April 28, with A Hard Night’s Day at 7 p.m. Some of North Texas’ best original songwriters and jam-worthy tribute bands will blend nature and live music on shady Cat Green for 12 consecutive Saturday nights through July 14. Reliant debuts as the new presenting sponsor for the concert series. The live music and additional activities are included with general Zoo A HARD NIGHT'S DAY admission. — Lydia Jennings
Doctor joins Perot Museum The Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas has formed a partnership with internationally renowned paleoanthropologist Dr. Lee Berger (right), whose groundbreaking work has rewritten the way early human and hominin evolution is understood. Berger’s alliance with the Perot Museum is part of a new strategic focus on human origins called the “Center for the Exploration of the Human Journey,” for which he will serve as the Center’s Distinguished UCL Science Advisor. — Taylor McDonnell
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Notes from the Editor Bubba Flint Uptown Girl Mull It Over Automobility The Shape of Things Community Calendar Charity Spotlight Dotty Griffith Recipe of the Week Fashion Sense Hammer and Nails
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Former first lady Barbara Bush dies at 92
By Ross Ramsey
Barbara Bush was the second American who was both the wife and mother of presBarbara Pierce Bush, maidents; the other was Abigail triarch of an American political Adams. She and George Bush, dynasty that has produced presmarried 73 years ago in January idents, governors and other high 1945, had the longest-lasting officials, has died in Houston. marriage of any first couple. She was 92. Both were from political famBush was an outspoken ilies. Her grandfather, James public figure, often putting into Robinson, was on Ohio’s first BOB DAEMMRICH Supreme Court, according to words the thoughts that the Former first lady Barbara Bush with her husband at the inaugu- Richard Ben Cramer’s What elected men in her family were ration of her son as governor of Texas in 1999. too cautious to utter. She did It Takes. Her father, Marvin practically everything in poliPierce, was a distant descendant tics short of running for office herself, organizing campaigns and of President Franklin Pierce. George H.W. Bush’s father, Prescott “women’s groups” in the parlance of the day, riding herd on poBush, was a U.S. senator from Connecticut. litical friendships and organizations critical to electing her husShe was a strong advocate for literacy programs — the band, George H.W. Bush, to the U.S. House, the vice presidency Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy was started and ultimately, to the presidency itself. Her oldest son, George while she was first lady — and authored several books: Barbara W. Bush, was the 43rd president after twice winning election as Bush: a Memoir; Millie’s Book: As Dictated to Barbara Bush governor of Texas. His younger brother, Jeb Bush, was governor and Reflections: Life After the White House. At the Republican of Florida and, later, an unsuccessful candidate for president. And National Convention in 1988, she made a presidential one of her grandsons, George P. Bush, is currently the land commissioner of Texas. BUSH cont'd on page 6
‘Bread’ slices through urban issues By Shari Goldstein Stern stern.shari@gmail.com
It’s January 2017, the postObama era in Dallas’ suburb of Oak Cliff. The middle-class Baker family is focused on the impending arrival of their second child. An upbeat Ruth Baker is overdue, but enjoying telling stories to her unborn son. “Bread,” written by Regina Taylor, is now running at WaterTower Theatre at 15650 Addison Road in Addison through Sunday, May 6. The play is set against a turbulent backdrop of racial tension and social upheaval. Ruth’s 17-year-old son, Junior Baker, is unlike many others in single-child families, excited about the birth of his baby brother. Most scenes are set in the family’s modest kitchen, while Junior
The cast of "Bread" at WaterTower Theatre. shoots some hoops in the back yard. The set is convincing with subtle scene changes in the 90-minute play with no intermission. Junior’s dad James, was laid off from his job and having trouble finding another. When their friend, Al Watkins, drops by he offers James an opportunity to invest in an unproven
BREAD cont'd on page 8
Artist studio tour celebrates 15th year
By Carolyn Rekerdres crekerdres@sbcglobal.net
The North Dallas Artist Studio Tour celebrates its 15th anniversary this year with the 2018 tour, featuring 25 local artists opening their studios to the public for an inside look at local art in the studios in which they were created. This year’s free tour will be held on Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, featuring artists working in glass, ceramics, silver, wood, photography and more. Only a fraction of local art is on view in galleries and shops. The North Dallas Artist Studio Tour is a chance to view local art by accomplished artists right in the neighborhood and seen in working artist spaces. The tour features artists working in North Dallas — between Lovers Lane and Interstate 635, and from Denton Drive to North Central Expressway.
Artist Gary Vaughan in his studio. One of the tour’s featured artists, Nathan Jones, is well-known nationally for his traditional, realistic style. His art has been featured on a U.S. Postage Stamp and shown in museums across the country. Jones produces art using a technique that he calls “Painting with a Pencil,” which achieves fine gradient tones with graphite that appear to be
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business venture. James falls for the offer without checking out the sizeable investment with Ruth. Things grow tense when Ruth realizes it. Stormi Demerson plays an exhausted Ruth, who has a warm and loving relationship with both her husband and son. That stands out in Junior’s age group, when it’s
not the norm among teenagers. Demerson owns the small stage with sincerity as the mother, wife and friend. Ruth and James plan a bright future for their teenage son and his soon-to-be-born brother. “But when James’ brother Jeb returns home, buried family tensions resurface and the past casts a troubling shadow across an uncertain future,” said Taylor, award-winning actor and playwright. “It’s a stirring, timely story of identity and family that asks: How can we prepare the next generation for what’s to come?” As James Baker, Djore Nance is sensitive and joyous in anticipation of his son’s birth. He coddles his wife as she remains optimistic, struggling through with her
painted. At photographer Sheila Cunningham’s studio, you can learn how she uses both traditional and digital tools to convey thoughtful reflections on contemporary issues. Recently, using hundreds of discarded books, she and a collaborative partner created sprawling site-specific book-art installations, which she records in photographs. Jan Dreskin-Haig showcases one of her favorite ceramic methods, Nerikomi, a Japanese technique for hand-building objects with multiple colors of clay. By layering, compressing and cutting, the colors are carefully developed into a pattern that becomes the decoration of the final form. The artists on the tour want to share their enthusiasm for art and to talk with you about their work. They invite you to explore, learn about and enjoy art. Visit northdallasart.com to download a tour map.