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Katy Trail Weekly
Vol. 5, No. 16 | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Restaurant Guide | Arts and Entertainment | katytrailweekly.com
Scholarship valued at $128,000 Highland Park High School Class of 2018 graduate Holland Wiles (left) is the recipient of the Texas Exes Dallas Chapter Forty Acres Scholarship to the University of Texas at Austin. The Forty Acres Scholarship is offered to outstanding high school seniors who have demonstrated superb HPISD leadership skills. The scholarship is valued at $128,000 over four years, which includes tuition, books, a living stipend and an enrichment stipend. — HPISD
Start June in the hole Friday, June 1 is National Donut Day. It is no doubt Homer Simpson’s favorite day of the year. Urban Donut at 2805 Allen St. will be offering guests one free donut with every purchase all National Donut Day, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. In addition, the first 50 customers will receive a free Urban Donut T-shirt. — Abby Linney
Practice safe sax this summer Tickets are on sale for the Dave Koz and Friends (right) Summer Horns Tour on Saturday, Aug. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Morton H. DAVEKOZ.COM Meyerson Symphony Center at 2301 Flora St. Performing with Koz are saxophonist Gerald Albright who performed at Bill Clinton’s inauguration, trumpeter Rick Braun, former Tower of Power saxophonist Richard Elliot and jazz singer Aubrey Logan. For tickets, go to ticketmaster. com or call 1-800-745-3000. — David Mullen
Mull It Over Automobility
Community Calendar Charity Spotlight Dotty Griffith Recipe of the Week
Hammer and Nails Along the Green Trail
By David Mullen
david@katytrailweekly.com On Sunday, June 3, the annual Legapalooza, a charity event featuring food and drink, live music, raffles and a silent and live auction, takes place at Milo Butterfingers at 5645 SMU Blvd. at Greenville Avenue. Proceeds go to the Dallas Amputee Network (DAN), now the largest amputee support group in the U.S. Doors open at noon and the festivities continue until 7:30 p.m. “When we started this up years ago, none of us realized how big it would become,” said Tommy Donahue, founder of Legapalooza. Donahue lost his right leg when it was crushed by a hit-and-run driver in 1981.
Since 2010, the event has raised nearly $200,000 for DAN. Among the programs are monthly group meetings where members share accomplishments and goals, a peer group initiative where members visit amputees, candidates for amputation and their families at local hospitals and homes, and sending delegates to the annual Amputee Coalition National Conference. “Our incredible DAVID BOOMSTEIN sponsors and dedicatMany of the revelers will return to Legapalooza this weekend. ed volunteers are what Band, C.T. Davis and Double live auction begins at 4 p.m. make Legapalooza work,” The Trouble and The Jet Poets Last year’s Legapalooza Donahue said. “Without them, Band. A masseuse and massage accounted for more than onethis thing would be nothing chair will be available in the fourth of the money DAN more than a loud, fun party.” back of the bar beginning at 2 raised in 2017. More informaMusicians performing at p.m. Raffles begin at 3 p.m. and tion can be found at legapaloothe event include DJ/MC Dave take place every half hour. The za.com. Coke, Clint Boyd & The DOSE
How to prepare for triple-digit temperatures temperatures rise, so make sure to hydrate accordingly. And cut down on Forecasters say North Texas could caffeine. endure triple digits this week — about Dress for the heat. Wear clothes a month ahead of schedule. that are loose-fitting, light-colored and Typically, the first 100-degree day lightweight. Your clothes should cover doesn’t hit until July 1. But it came early your skin as much as possible. And last year as well, on June 23. avoid dark clothes — they absorb heat. Matt Bishop with the National Limit your time in the sun beWeather Service in Fort Worth says a tween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This is the 100-degree day this soon in the year warmest part of the day. Save any outdoesn't necessarily indicate what's to door activities or chores, like mowing come this season. STELLA M. CHAVEZ the lawn or jogging, for the morning or "Looking historically, it doesn't Klyde Warren Park is a place to beat summer heat. evening. Spend the warmest part of the say anything about how hot the sumday indoors. mer will be or how many 100-degree Saturday may be the hottest day with high Help the elderly, kids and pets days we will have,” Bishop said. “It certemperatures across North Texas ranging stay cool. Seniors are especially vulnerable tainly is unusually early, but it's not exactly between 100 and 106 degrees. to the heat. That’s why The Senior Source unprecedented." Several North Texans were hospiis raising money to purchase and install air The Climate Prediction Center is foretalized over the weekend for heat-related conditioning units for older adults in the casting above-normal temperatures for the illnesses. You can avoid the health risks by Dallas area. Last year, they provided units first week of June. doing the following: for 50 seniors. Also, never leave pets, chilWhat to expect this week : Drink plenty of water. You should dren or anyone else inside a hot vehicle. The weather service says temperatures try to replace the amount of water you Find even more tips from Dallas will climb through the end of the week lose during the day. On a typical day, that’s County Health and Human Services and the with highs in the upper 90s to 105 degrees. about 80 ounces. But you sweat more as National Weather Service.
With all due respect to Bruce Springsteen, test drive a Cadillac ATS (left), ATS-V, CT6 with Super Cruise, XT5 or Escalade at the north and south alleys of the West Village at 3699 McKinney Ave. on CADILLAC Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 3 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and receive a $25 Visa gift card. Must be 18 and over with a valid U.S. driver’s license to participate. To learn more, visit cadillacdetours.com. — David Mullen
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Annual charity event ready to step it up
Test drive a Cadillac in West Village
Notes from the Editor Bubba Flint Life on the Trail Love on the Trail
7 8 9 10 11
Crossword Puzzle Your Stars This Week History on the Trail Uncle Barky's Bites
Restaurant Directory Classifieds The Shape of Things Scene Around Town Shop The Trail
Travel Winding Roads Uptown Girl
Teen thespians walk the walk on DSM’s red carpet
By Shari Goldstein Stern stern.shari@gmail.com
“And the winner of this year’s Dallas Summer Musicals High School Musical Theatre Awards for Best Musical is… Plano Senior High for ‘Jekyll & Hyde.’” Nominees were chauffeured in vintage convertibles sponsored by Classic Chassis Auto Club. They were dropped off to walk the red carpet to the Music Hall. Their arrivals were announced while photographers snapped away. Cameras from WFAA Channel 8 streamed live. For the seventh year, Dallas Summer Musicals High School Musical Theatre awards (DSM HSMTA) filled the Music Hall at Fair Park with talented teens, skilled faculty, proud families and patrons earlier this month. Five-time emcee and funny man Ron Corning, WFAA Channel 8 News anchor, introduced the opening number, which
choreographers Theo Spencer from Frenship High School, Kylie Hilliard from Northwest High School, and Bryson Jackson from McKinney Boyd High School. They were invited to participate by Tracy Jordan, DSM HSMTA director, based on the excellence of their work in their high school proCHRIS WAITS ductions. Vocal coach Tina Sierra Robertson, Victoria Clark and Noah Aquilar shined Walsh also helped prepare at the DSM HSMTA. the students for the evening. Walsh will coach the highlighted each category and was acBest Actor/Actress as they prepare for the companied by a live professional orchesJimmy Awards in New York City, where tra conducted by Music Director Mark she will be the students’ chaperone. Brymer. Kelle Fraser is the Silver Rhythm Best Actor and Best Actress nomDancers director and Dance Teacher at inees from all nominated schools Rowlett High School. She said, “This cast performed medleys choreographed by Penny Ayn Maas and student THEATER cont'd on page 5
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