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Katy Trail Weekly
Vol. 5, No. 29 | Neighborhood News | Community Calendar and Restaurant Guide | Arts and Entertainment | katytrailweekly.com
Communit y News
Reunion Tower steps up This September, Reunion Tower is offering military personnel and first responders 50 percent off GeO-Deck tickets when they show their valid ID through Sunday, Sept. 30. The tower has panoramic views of the Dallas skyline, interactive exhibits and unique perspectives with a 360-degree video experience. Ticketholders travel 470 feet in the air in REUNION TOWER a 68-second elevator ride to the GeO-Deck, where the views span North Texas. Reunion Tower is at 300 Reunion Blvd. E. – David Mullen
Cool Thursdays continues
The Dallas Arboretum's Cool Thursdays Concert Series, presented by Wells Fargo, welcomes The Wildflowers, a tribute to Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, on Thursday, Sept. 6 for the first time. The concert is held at the award-winning Martin Rutchik Concert Stage & Lawn overlooking White Rock Lake. Attendees can bring picnics and beverages or purchase food items from some of DFW's favorite food trucks. Gates open at 6 p.m. and the concerts begin at 7 p.m. – Krista Bruton
Special event planned StandUp LD, a Dallas nonprofit support network for parents and educators seeking educational resources to support and inspire children with learning differences, will STANDUP LD host “Stand Up For Your Superpowers” on Saturday, Sept. 8 at 3 p.m. at the Sci-Tech Discovery Center, 8004 N. Dallas Parkway, Suite 100 in Frisco. It is a free event for D/FW students aged 6-12 years old with dyslexia, ADHD and related learning and attention differences. Registration at eventbrite.com is required. – Jo Trizila
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Notes from the Editor Bubba Flint Uptown Girl Love on the Trail Automobility Mull It Over Hip to Be Square Community Calendar Charity Spotlight Photo of the Week Dotty Griffith Recipe of the Week Big Tex Choice Awards Hammer and Nails
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Travel Profile
Remembering Senator John McCain
By Joe Ruzicka
joe.c.ruzicka@gmail.com John McCain was a political rock star. No other senator, even some presidents, had the cache that John Sidney McCain III possessed. When a person serves their country for more than 60 years, first as a naval aviator, then as a Prisoner of War, and finally at the highest levels of government, the result is a person larger than life itself. When he passed away on Aug. 25, it was a reminder that even the giants among us are also susceptible to Father Time. Back in 2011, I was fortunate enough to be selected as Senator McCain’s Navy Legislative Fellow for that calendar year. The Department of Defense each year selects about 85 personnel from the four major branches to assume the role of Legislative Fellows in Congress. The year-long program allows military personnel the opportunity to step out of uniform and step into a business suit while working directly with a senator or congressman’s office. The role is typically as a defense advisor handling mostly policy questions and being a liaison back to the Department of Defense. As luck would have it, I had a front row seat to the best office in all of Capitol Hill. His daily schedule was something to behold. A morning phone call with a Supreme Court justice, lunch with the CEO of GE and an afternoon invite to the White House to speak with his good friend the vice president. Foreign dignitaries,
Senator John McCain in 2016. Hollywood celebrities and political figures all called on the office. Tourists would stop and stare in the hallway as he briskly made his way to a vote or scheduled hearing. Frankly, he was difficult to keep up with in terms of walking pace. Such was a typical day. I can also say with certitude that you know you are with someone famous when riding in the car with them and their voice comes on the radio and they are the news of the day. Yes, that happened. One time I had to escort the Commandant of the Marine Corps down to meet Senator McCain at the Senate floor. All senators have a “hideaway” office, which is hidden near the Senate floor and used by senators for private meetings away from the voting floor. Senator McCain led us through a maze of
enjoy the tour while it was a surreal moment for me. When we finally made it safely back and dropped the Commandant off, Senator McCain simply said, “Now that was an adventure.” To simply label John McCain as a rock star would be a disservice to the man and the legacy he leaves. His ability to reach across the aisle, the courage to put the greater good above self, and most of all to make a life of service your calling is something we desperately need today. I am certain that we will not see another national figure like him in our lifetime, but I am confident his legacy will be a beacon of light to lead us back to a place of civility and prosperity. Joe Ruzicka is a retired Naval Aviator and F-14 Tomcat RIO. He lives in Lakewood and yearns for the days of Nolan Ryan fastballs.
West Nile Virus hits Highland Park again By Lt. Lance Koppa lkoppa@hpdps.org
Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) has confirmed that a resident in zip code 75205, an area within the town limits of Highland Park, tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). Due to medical confidentiality and privacy, DCHHS does not provide any additional identifying information. In following the guidelines listed in the Town’s Mosquito Control Policy, the Parks Department will conduct ground spraying measures for three consecutive nights on Thursday, Aug. 30, Friday, Aug. 31 and Saturday, Sept. 1. The mosquito ground spraying measures will take place town-wide beginning at 10 p.m. and conclude by 5 a.m. In the event of rain or wind speeds in excess of 10 m.p.h., the ground spraying will be rescheduled. The Town’s decision
to use adulticide is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that surveillance data, when combined with established thresholds, indicates a necessity to reduce the density of adult mosquito populations quickly to lower the risk of WNV. Ground spraying measures will include the public rights-of-way and the Town’s tennis courts. Highland Park residents should remain inside and protect pets during the time the sprayers are in your area. Any pet water dishes left
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hallways to his hideaway where we met for about an hour and a half. Unfortunately, the meeting lasted so long into the evening that when we tried to leave, many of the normal doors were locked. We wandered around the hallways, pulling on certain doors, retracing our steps back from certain choke points and slowly wandering our way through the bowels of the Capitol looking for a way out. It was akin to being lost in your own house and not being able to get to the front door. So what do you do as a senator when you and your guest, a four star general, are lost in your home away from home? Give a personal tour of course! Senator McCain began pointing out different paintings and statues while relaying historical facts. The Commandant seemed to
outside should be cleaned after spraying. Individuals are encouraged to survey their yard for any areas with standing water. Drain collected/standing water from areas such as flower pot basins, open trash bins and replace the water in bird baths regularly. Mosquitoes are known to be most active in the dawn and dusk periods of the day. To prevent mosquito bites, outside activities are complemented by the use of insect repellant (follow manufacturers recommendations) and by dressing in long sleeves and pants. Commercial products for yard applications are available at local home improvement stores. Mosquito dunks are available at no cost at Town Hall. Town personnel are available for free home/ property inspections to identify potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Residents may call 214-521-4161 to arrange a free inspection of their property. For more information, go to hptx.org/ mosquitocontrol.