Hands-on Learning Handbook | 2022-2023

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A letter from the director Jean Gilles Phillips Clinical Professor of Law & Director of Clinical Programs More than 50 years ago, KU Law became a pioneer in clinical legal education when it launched the Paul E. Wilson Project for Innocence and the Legal Aid Clinic. Since then, the law school has built an experiential learning program that includes a mix of live-client clinics, field placements and skills simulations. Students sharpen their professional skills and gain practical experience under the supervision of clinical faculty, practicing attorneys and judges. In the clinics and field placement programs, students have the opportunity to represent clients in district or appellate courts, prosecute criminal cases, conduct negotiations on behalf of clients, write bench memos for judges, and work in a variety of governmental or nonprofit offices. Through a diverse offering of experiential courses, students learn to take and defend depositions; write and argue mock appellate briefs; and negotiate and close a mock business deal. With hands-on learning, students gain the experience necessary to be ready for practice.




INTRODUCTION A letter from Director of Clinical Programs Jean Phillips


GRADUATION REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST Students must complete 90 credit hours to earn a J.D. degree.


CLINICS Legal Aid Clinic Project for Innocence & Post-Conviction Remedies Tribal Judicial Support Clinic


FIELD PLACEMENTS Criminal Prosecution Field Placement Elder Law Field Placement Field Placement Program Judicial Field Placement KU Medical-Legal Partnership Field Placement 6th Semester in Washington, D.C. Program









22 P

OVERVIEW OF CLINICS AND FIELD PLACEMENTS A chart of the credit hours, location and time commitment for each clinic and field placement


Graduation Requirements Checklist Complete 1L courses (Torts, Civil Procedure, Contracts, Property, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Lawyering Skills I, Lawyering Skills II)

Complete Professional Responsibility within first 60 credits earned

Complete three of the following courses:

Business Organizations

Conflict of Laws

Criminal Procedure


Family Law


Secured Transactions

Trusts + Estates

* The same course may count for the above “menu” and as a writing class.

Complete three writing courses:

Professional Writing Course Name

Professional Writing Course Name

Scholarly or Professional Writing Course Name

* The same course may not count as both a writing and experiential credit.

Complete 6 credit hours of experiential courses:

Course Name

Course Name

Course Name

Credit Hours

Credit Hours

Credit Hours

* The same course may not count as both a writing and experiental credit.

90 credit hours needed to graduate


Current total credit hours

Unless in a joint degree program, only 6 credit hours may be taken outside of the law school. Requires permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.


Remaining total credit hours

No more than 16 credit hours may be field placements or clinical courses.

CLINICS KU Law students take the lead on real cases with real clients, honing practical skills while providing quality legal representation to underserved individuals and communities. Clinical offices are housed in the law school, and full-time KU Law faculty and staff attorneys supervise. Each clinic also includes a classroom component. For more information, visit law.ku.edu/clinics.


Legal Aid Clinic Faculty: Melanie Daily and Meredith Schnug

The Legal Aid Clinic (Law 952) offers students the opportunity to fine-tune their lawyering skills in a fastpaced, live-client setting by representing low-income clients at the trial court level. The clinic’s caseload is divided into four general areas: • A criminal practice for juveniles charged with crimes in Douglas County District Court; • A criminal practice for adults charged with crimes and municipal violations in Lawrence Municipal Court; • A civil practice to provide legal assistance for individuals seeking name and gender marker changes through the Douglas County District Court; and • A civil practice that may focus on school discipline, mental health, race and educational equity, and other emerging matters. Under faculty supervision, students assume primary responsibility for all aspects of their cases from initial contact to trial or other resolution. The Legal Aid Clinic is designed for students who are interested in learning about litigation, including client counseling, ethical case management, discovery, case analysis and negotiation. Eligibility: All Legal Aid Clinic students must be eligible for a student license pursuant to Kansas Supreme Court Rule 719. Students apply to the clinic prior to the semester in which they wish to enroll. In spring and fall, Law 952 is a 6-credit course; in summer, students enroll in both 2.5-credit sessions for a total of 5 credits. Students who successfully complete Law 952 may also apply for the 3-credit course Advanced Legal Aid Clinic, Law 833. Pre- or Co-Requisites: Professional Responsibility and Evidence are required; Trial Advocacy may be a pre- or co-requisite. For more information, contact Melanie Daily at melaniedaily@ku.edu or Meredith Schnug at mschnug@ku.edu. 5 HANDS-ON LEARNING HANDBOOK

Paul E. Wilson Project for Innocence and Post-Conviction Remedies Faculty: Jean Phillips and Beth Cateforis

Students in the Project for Innocence (Law 895 and Law 896) provide assistance to prisoners who otherwise do not have legal representation. The clinic litigates claims of actual innocence, ineffective assistance of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct, newly discovered evidence and constitutional violations. Our representation extends to both district and appellate court litigation at the state and federal level. As a result, students engage in a variety of legal skills, including interviewing clients, conducting fact investigations, creating case strategies, locating and working with expert witnesses, drafting and filing pleadings and motions, preparing and conducting hearings, and preparing appellate briefs. In the process, students learn about the criminal justice system and the impact of its mistakes. The Project is designed to engage students who are interested in either district or appellate court litigation, as well as those who are interested in criminal law. Eligibility: Students are eligible to apply to the Project after the successful completion of the first year of law school. Students must apply to participate and can be selected for either the fall/spring semesters for 4 credit hours a semester (students must enroll in both semesters), or for the summer session for 3 credit hours a session (students must enroll in both summer sessions). Each semester/session satisfies either the upper-level writing requirement or the experiential requirement. Pre- and Co-Requisite: Enrolled in both Law 895 (fieldwork component) and 896 (classroom component); Criminal Procedure, unless otherwise approved. For more information, contact Jean Phillips at phillips@ku.edu or Beth Cateforis at escat@ku.edu.


Tribal Judicial Support Clinic Faculty: Shawn Watts

Students in the Tribal Judicial Support Clinic (Law 998) provide research assistance to tribal court judges and personnel in projects that include tribal code development, legal research and drafting of legal memoranda, and judicial orders. Students are assigned research projects from participating tribal courts, and in the process have opportunities to meet with tribal attorneys and judges at tribal headquarters. In the past, clinical students have engaged in groundbreaking work for local tribes.

Eligibility: No application is required. Students enter the clinic by following standard enrollment procedures. Students can earn 3 credit hours for the semester. Participation in the clinic satisfies the Tribal Lawyer Certificate Program internship requirement.

Pre- or Co-Requisites: None

For additional information, contact Shawn Watts at shawn.watts@ku.edu.


FIELD PLACEMENTS KU Law students perform legal work at approved courts, nonprofit organizations and government agencies under the supervision of a practicing attorney. KU Law offers specialized placement opportunities in criminal prosecution, elder law, the judicial branch and the medical-legal partnership setting. Field placements also include a classroom component. For more information, visit law.ku.edu/field-placements. HANDS-ON LEARNING HANDBOOK 8

Criminal Prosecution Field Placement Faculty: Glenn Jewell

Students in the Criminal Prosecution Field Placement (Law 890) gain significant courtroom experience working side by side with prosecutors in federal, state and local offices in virtually all phases of the criminal justice process. In addition to appearing regularly in court on behalf of the prosecution, interns work closely with law enforcement agencies in developing a case, as well as prepare and file district court documents and appellate briefs. The Criminal Prosecution Field Placement consists of two components: work experience in an approved prosecutor’s office and an academic experience. The classroom component of the field placement includes a professionalism training session, program orientation session, meetings with the Program Director, a goals memo, weekly journal entries and a reflection paper. Students may earn between 3 and 6 credit hours during each of the fall and spring semesters, or during the summer program. A student may only earn up to a total of 9 credit hours in the Criminal Prosecution Field Placement Program. Eligibility: To be considered for the Criminal Prosecution Field Placement Program, students submit a completed application, resume and unofficial law school transcript. Students enrolled in the field placement must be eligible for a student license pursuant to Kansas Supreme Court Rule 719. More information about Rule 719 is available on page 21.

For more information, contact Glenn Jewell at gjewell@ku.edu.


Elder Law Field Placement Faculty: Marilyn Harp

Students in the Elder Law Field Placement (Law 901) work under the supervision of attorneys from Kansas Legal Services assisting seniors with a variety of legal issues, including income maintenance, access to health care, housing and consumer protection. Students interact with clients and prepare documents, such as durable powers of attorney, powers of attorney for health care decisions and living wills.

Students are placed with Kansas Legal Services, a private, nonprofit law firm with 12 field offices that serve senior citizens in all Kansas counties. KLS also operates the Kansas Elder Law Hotline. Each office has a Senior Citizens Law Project that serves counties in the vicinity of the office. Generally, students work in the Kansas City or Topeka offices. Arrangements can be made to be placed in Wichita or Manhattan.

Eligibility: Students are eligible to apply for the Elder Law Field Placement program after successful completion of their first year of law school. Students earn 3 credit hours per semester and can participate in either the fall or spring semester. Students can also choose to participate for both semesters. The Elder Law Field Placement program application is available at law.ku.edu/elder-law-field-placement. Pre- or Co-Requisites: Successful completion of the first year of law school.

For more information, contact Marilyn Harp, Executive Director of Kansas Legal Services, at harpm@klsinc.org.


Field Placement Program Faculty: Glenn Jewell

The Field Placement Program (Law 894) provides students the opportunity to earn credit for legal work performed under the supervision of a practicing attorney outside of Green Hall. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn from practicing attorneys working on actual cases and legal issues. Students are responsible for finding their field placements, which must be with a governmental agency or nonprofit. To earn course credit, the student must perform primarily legal work, be supervised by an attorney and may not receive monetary compensation from the employer. For listings of available internships, please check Symplicity. Past field placements include: the United Nations, JAG Corps, Colorado Attorney General’s Office, Kansas Attorney General’s Office, EPA, Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, ACLU of Kansas, Spencer Museum of Art, the Kansas Department of Revenue and many more. In order to receive credit, students work 42.5 hours for each hour of credit, complete a goals memorandum, maintain weekly journals of their experience, complete online coursework and write a final reflective paper. They also must attend an orientation and professionalism session. Eligibility: Students are eligible to apply for the Field Placement Program after successful completion of their first year of law school. The application is available on the KU Law website at law.ku.edu/field-placement-program and must be submitted to Yolanda Huggins at ylhuggins@ku.edu by the deadline. You will be notified upon acceptance and given an enrollment code. Pre- or Co-Requisites: None For more information, contact Glenn Jewell at gjewell@ku.edu.


Judicial Field Placement Program Faculty: Glenn Jewell

Students in the Judicial Field Placement Program (Law 933) serve as interns with federal and state judges. Under the supervision of a judge, law clerk or staff attorney, interns perform research, draft documents and observe courtroom proceedings to expand their knowledge of how our court systems operate. Eligibility: Students are eligible to participate in the Judicial Field Placement after successfully completing their first year of law school. They may participate one of three ways: 1) Summer internship through the law school: This internship is open only to summer and fall starters finishing their first year of law school and requires that students submit a Judicial Field Placement application packet to Glenn Jewell. Summer interns earn 6 credit hours. 2) Fall-Spring internship through the law school: This internship is open to all second- and thirdyear law students and requires that students submit a Judicial Field Placement application packet to Professor Jewell. Fall-Spring placement is a full academic-year commitment with 3 credits per semester. 3) Independently secure an internship: For students who locate their own judicial internship, credit may be obtained by submitting an application to Professor Jewell along with a letter of interest from the judge that confirms the internship and explains the work that will be performed. The work must consist of research and writing, and observation of hearings, trials and chamber conferences. Students must complete significant written work. Pre- or Co-Requisites: None For more information about summer 2022 placements, contact Pam Keller at pkeller@ku.edu. For questions about the program generally, contact Glenn Jewell at gjewell@ku.edu. HANDS-ON LEARNING HANDBOOK 12

KU Medical-Legal Partnership Field Placement Supervising Attorneys: Juliann Morland DaVee and Lindsey Collins

The KU School of Law Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) is a collaboration between the KU School of Law and two health systems: The University of Kansas Health System at KU Medical Center in Kansas City, and LMH Health in Lawrence. Under the supervision of experienced MLP attorneys, students assist in providing free transactional legal assistance to low-income patients and their families in the following areas of civil law: I – Income/Insurance (denials of public benefits, Medicaid/Medicare, Social Security benefits) H – Housing (evictions, issues with public housing, Section 8, poor rental conditions) E – Education/Employment (IEPs, school conflict, FMLA leave) L – Legal Status (immigration matters, including naturalization, trafficking/crime victims) P – Personal/Family Stability (Advance care planning – wills, living wills, health care and financial powers of attorney, protection from abuse/stalking orders, guardianships/conservatorships) MLP interns gain extensive transactional experience conducting intake interviews; developing case strategies; conducting legal research; and preparing legal pleadings, briefs, and memoranda of support. They can represent clients in administrative hearings and district court if the student is eligible for a student license pursuant to Kansas Supreme Court Rule 719. More information about Rule 719 is available on page 21. Eligibility: Applications are available at law.ku.edu/medical-legal-partnership and are accepted on a rolling basis. Students can participate during the fall, spring or summer semesters for 3 to 6 credit hours. Students must enroll through the general Field Placement Program (894). Pre- or Co-Requisites: Successful completion of the first year of law school. For more information contact Lindsey Collins, Managing Attorney for the KU MLP at KU Medical Center, lindsey.collins@ku.edu; or Juliann Morland DaVee, Managing Attorney for the KU MLP at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, juliann.davee@ku.edu. 13 HANDS-ON LEARNING HANDBOOK

6th Semester in D.C. Field Placement Program Faculty: Glenn Jewell

The 6th Semester in Washington, D.C. Program gives students work experience and connections within the D.C. legal, political and public interest communities. Through the program, students meet, learn from and network with influential and accomplished D.C. attorneys from the public and private sectors and have opportunities to develop in the D.C. region. Each student is responsible for securing an internship in the public or nonprofit sector. Past field placements include the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Agriculture Committee, the Department of Homeland Security, ASPCA, PBS, the National Resource Defense Council and the National Association of Attorneys General. To earn credit, the student must be engaged primarily in legal work, be supervised by an attorney and may not receive monetary compensation. Students complete a goals memo, weekly journals and a final reflection paper for the program. In D.C., you will take classes taught by KU Law faculty that address topics pertinent to D.C. and public service or incorporate local speakers and resources. Courses are offered on a schedule that allows students to balance study and work obligations. Students enroll in 6 to 9 credit hours for the field placement . Eligibility: Students in good academic standing are eligible to participate in the D.C. program during their final semester. Students interested in this program should meet with Professor Jewell as early in their law school career as possible, preferably during their 1L year. Pre- or Co-Requisites: Be in the last semester of law school; enroll in the Sixth Semester Field Placement taught in Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Glenn Jewell at gjewell@ku.edu.


Students gain legal experience through clinics, field placements

Not only did the Legal Aid Clinic provide me with hands-on experience actively representing clients, from procedural paperwork filings to appearances in court, but it also gave me the chance to experience what it feels like to know clients as real people and not classroom simulations.” Austyn Caisse, L’21 | Kansas City, MO Legal Aid Clinic

With the Elder Law Field Placement Program, I was able to advocate for those who need it most. This rewarding advocacy experience will also help me in practice with problem-solving and real-world communications with clients.” Ethan Crockett | Baxter Springs, KS | J.D. candidate, 2022 Elder Law Field Placement

The Project for Innocence taught me that law school is more than just exams and hypotheticals; it gives you the opportunity and ability to help real people.” Parker Bednasek | Charlotte, NC | J.D. candidate, 2022 Paul E. Wilson Project for Innocence & Post-Conviction Remedies


The Prosecution Field Placement provided real-world learning opportunities I could not have gotten in the classroom or even in other professional settings. I got to practice law with real people and real cases.” Riley Schumacher | Olathe, KS | J.D. candidate, 2022 Prosecution Field Placement | Kansas District Attorney’s Office

The Judicial Field Placement introduced me to many aspects of courthouse operations. When I become a litigator, I will know how to deal with obstacles of practicing in federal courts and courts in general.” Peter Qiu, L’21 | Hutchinson, KS Judicial Field Placement | U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas

Through the MLP, we have the opportunity to step in, meet clients’ needs and offer services at no cost. Getting the chance to play a small part in helping these clients has been one of the most meaningful experiences of law school.” Blair Bohm, L’20 | Wichita, KS Medical-Legal Partnership Field Placement | LMH Health


Course Requirements The required 6 credit hours of experiential coursework can be met by participation in a clinic or field placement, or one or more of the simulation courses listed below. Course offerings are subject to change based on staffing and enrollment. law.ku.edu/requiredcourses#experiential

• Advanced Litigation

• First Amendment Advocacy

• Alternative Dispute Resolution

• Kansas Supreme Court Research Practicum

• Business Planning Seminar

• Legislative Simulation and Study

• Contract Drafting

• Patent Practice

• Criminal Practice in Kansas

• Pretrial Advocacy

• Deals

• Public Policy Practicum

• Deposition Skills Workshop

• Transactional Law Competition

• Due Diligence Workshop

• Trial Advocacy


Students are required to complete three upper-level writing courses. The requirement can be satisfied by taking three professional writing-intensive courses or two professional writing-intensive courses and one scholarly writing-intensive course. Course offerings are subject to change based on staffing and enrollment. The same course cannot be used to fulfill more than one of the requirements. Professional Writing-Intensive Courses • Appellate Advocacy • Conflict of Laws • Contract Drafting • Corporate Governance • Criminal Practice in Kansas • Deals • Energy Law and Policy • Estate Planning: Practice • Federal Indian Law • Higher Education and the Law • International Business Law Drafting • International Law and Literature • Jurisdiction (depending on instructor) • Kansas Supreme Court Research Practicum • Legislation and Statutory Interpretation • LGBTQ Seminar • Patent Practice • Project for Innocence and Post-Conviction Remedies • Public Policy Practicum

• Real Estate Finance • Transactional Law Competition • Writing for Law Practice Scholarly Writing-Intensive Courses • Advanced International Trade Law • Capital Punishment • Comparative Law • Elections and Campaign Finance • Environmental Law Seminar (varied topics) • Feminist Jurisprudence • Global Challenges in Law, Agriculture, Development and Ecology (with 1-hour Independent Research) • Independent Research (2 credits) • Jurisprudence • Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy (2 semesters) • Kansas Law Review (2 semesters) • Mass Incarceration • Sex Crimes

Note that not all of these courses are offered every year. Offerings are subject to change based on staffing and enrollment.

Additional courses in these categories, beyond those listed above, may also be offered. Students are advised to review each semester’s options before enrollment.

Students cannot take more than 16 total credit hours of clinical and field placement courses. Simulation courses listed on page 17 will satisfy the experiential coursework graduation requirement, but they do not count toward the 16-credit hour maximum for clinical/field placement courses.



Other Opportunities Moot Court

All second-year students are eligible to compete in KU’s Second-Year In-House Moot Court Competition. KU Law’s Moot Court Program consistently ranks among the top programs nationwide.

Mock Trial

KU Law offers both an in-house Mock Trial Competition course and a Mock Trial Council that represents the school in national competitions.

Transactional Law Competitions

Students partake in meaningful and realistic simulations of transactional practice. There are multiple opportunities each spring.

Law Review

The Kansas Law Review is a student-edited journal of legal scholarship published five times yearly.

Law Journal

The Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy aims to promote analytical and provocative articles through contemporary discourse on judicial decisions, legislation and other legal and social issues. Moot Court and Mock Trial do not satisfy the writing or experiential course requirements. Reference the course lists for requirements satisfied by Law Journal, Law Review and Transactional Law Competitions.


Kansas Legal Intern Permit Rule 719 Credit hours requirement General credit hours requirement: Students may obtain a student practice permit after completion of 59 credit hours and Professional Responsibility. Under the 59 hours rule, the permit allows students to work in law school clinics, field placements, governmental agencies and law offices. Exception for reduced hours required for in-house law school clinic work: In very limited circumstances, students can receive a student practice permit after completing 44 credit hours, or after completing the first semester of the second year. To meet this exception, students must have successfully completed or be currently enrolled in Professional Responsibility. A permit under this provision is only available if the student is supervised by a licensed attorney who teaches in an in-house law school clinic. At KU Law, that means:

• Second semester 2Ls can obtain student practice permits allowing them to represent clients for the Project for Innocence or the Legal Aid Clinic. Students must still apply and be accepted to enroll in a clinic.

• Second semester 2Ls cannot obtain a student practice permit to work in a field placement, a law office or governmental agency. If the student is not supervised by a licensed attorney who teaches in an in-house law clinic, they must complete 59 credit hours to obtain a permit.

Attorney supervision requirement Permits are valid for practice under a specific, named supervising attorney: The student practice permit is directly tied to the attorney supervising the intern. In other words, the student cannot obtain a permit and move into another job without notifying Attorney Admissions in the Kansas Supreme Court Clerk’s Office. Supervising attorneys must notify the Attorney Admissions office when the student placement with the attorney ends, at which time the student’s permit terminates. To reactivate the permit, a new supervising attorney must submit the appropriate paperwork to the Attorney Admissions office. There is no additional fee or application process to reinstate or transfer a student’s permit; it only requires the new supervising attorney to submit the required form stating the attorney takes responsibility for the student’s legal work during the dates provided. A student permit is not a license to practice law anywhere with any supervisor. The permit is tied to practicing law with the specific supervisor.

More details about Rule 719 can be found at law.ku.edu/rule-719.


Course Name

Number of credit hours

Actual hours per semester


Legal Aid Clinic (Fall or Spring)



Green Hall

Legal Aid Clinic (Summer)



Green Hall

Project for Innocence & Post-Conviction Remedies (Fall and Spring)



Green Hall


Green Hall


Tribal Judicial Support Clinic



Green Hall

Criminal Prosecution Field Placement

3 to 6

3 hours: 127.5 6 hours: 255


Elder Law Field Placement

3 to 6

3 hours: 127.5 6 hours: 255

Topeka / KC

Field Placement Program

1 to 6

1 hour: 42.5 6 hours: 255


Judicial Field Placement Program (Fall and Spring)




3 per semester

Judicial Field Placement Program (Summer)


25-40 hours per week


KU Medical-Legal Partnership Field Placement (Fall or Spring)

3 to 6

3 hours: 127.5 6 hours: 255

LMH or KU Med

KU Medical-Legal Partnership Field Placement (Summer)

3 to 6

3 hours: 127.5 6 hours: 255

LMH or KU Med

6th Semester in Washington, D.C. Field Placement Program

6-9 for field

6 hours: 255 9 hours: 382.5

Washington, D.C.



Project for Innocence & Post-Conviction Remedies (Summer)



4 per semester







Overview of Clinic and Field Placement Courses

Students can take a maximum of 16 credit hours of clinic and field placements throughout law school.


Produced by the Office of Communications at the University of Kansas School of Law, 2022. Editor & designer: Sydney Halas Communications Specialist Photos: Margaret Hair Bill Petros Lisa Pickel iStock Photos KU Marketing

The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, civilrights@ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center campuses).

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