News from the KU Wheat Law Library | Fall 2012

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HEARSAY news from KU’s Wheat Law Library

Volume 6, Issue 6

Fall 2012


ISSUE Bluebook Relays results The end of an era: Three library employees set to retire International Student Services at Wheat Law Library By Ashly LoBurgio Basgall and Allison Reeve

A Day in the Life: Blake Wilson

Visit Us! In Person: Green Hall 1535 W. 15th Street Lawrence, KS 66045 Online:

DIRECTOR’S CORNER Greetings to everyone this Thanksgiving season. Although I am writing my “corner” about a week before Thanksgiving, I know that it may not hit the virtual newsstand until after one of my favorite holidays has taken place. If we are lucky, and the “force” is with us, you will read this right before the big day. One of the reasons I love Thanksgiving is because I get to see all three of my children at one time. And believe me, that is quite a feat. They are scattered across the U.S. in big cities; one lived in Philadelphia, she recently relocated to Kansas City, Kan., my son lives in Houston, and my middle mother, I mean, daughter lives in Atlanta. During their holiday visit we carry out many traditions, including cooking and eating the special foods soulfully created by my now deceased mother and grandmother. I have been told that I mastered their oyster-based dressing. My sister and nieces don’t eat anyone else’s dressing because it does not taste like Mommy’s. I have seen them frown and laugh at other relatives’ and friends’ Thanksgiving tables so many times; I finally advised them to stop trying to eat anyone’s dressing but mine. My youngest daughter painstakingly prepares a German chocolate cake that is so moist and delightful people close their eyes while eating it. When the short holiday comes to an end I feel so thankful for family and friends that make my life so full. This means that they make me experience a full spectrum of emotions: they make me happy and sad, and they are often fun, sometimes frightening, and comforting. I say all of this to make the connection between my home family and my work family; a family for which I am so grateful and thankful. I write about this special work family because in a few weeks three members of the Wheat Law Library family will depart to retire and live the good life. Granted, work colleagues are not your real family, but you certainly spend a great deal of time with them. I depend on them, they always come through, they teach me, they come early and stay late, they work weekends, they split shifts and they cover for one another. Su Johnson, circulation manager, Marsha Tiemann, cataloging manager, and Gale Troth, accountant will retire in late December. When I could not add, subtract or divide to make the budget work, Gale Troth could. She never tired of keeping me straight about 099 and 098. We created a slogan - buy in July. And when I needed a book processed and in my hands yesterday, Marsha “rush cataloged it” and placed it on my chair. My “horse lady friend” also joined me on a farm in southern Douglas County to help one of my horses deliver a stillborn foal on a rainy, cold, early spring morning. When any of us needed a kind word and a listening ear or a late-night exam schedule shift covered, Su was there – with bells on. The three combined served over 94 years at the University of Kansas. It is the end of an era. Thank you, Gale, Marsha and Su for sharing your lives, skills, gifts and talents with us. I will miss you. So, what awaits those of us left? I am naming the remaining library crew the Magnificent Seven, after the 1960 film with that same title starring Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach, Steve McQueen, and a few other Hollywood heavyweights. Yes, I am aging myself. The tagline states: “They were seven – and they fought like seven hundred!” The experienced, hard-working, stellar cast will take on the essential tasks performed by our retiring colleagues. We will also have help from Cheryl Saladin, Brad Barker, students and others. The Wheat Law Library will remain the most service-oriented law library in the region. We are currently training and retooling to maintain, and in some instances increase, our service mission. The transition, we hope, will be seamless. To my retiring library sisters I close by saying, adieu mes amies. And to the Magnificent Seven I dedicate this quote: “It is not the big armies that win battles, it is the good ones.” Maurice De Saxe, 18th-century French soldier and writer See you in the library! Joyce McCray Pearson, library director


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Three longtime library employees set to retire



I started with the university in approximately 1981 following employment with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. I worked in the Psychology and French and Italian departments prior to coming to the Law library in the summer of 1987 as Peter Schank’s part-time secretary. I have held several positions within the library: bindery assistant, government documents assistant and, most recently, the cataloging manager. I have enjoyed my time at the library. I have felt blessed to have such good people to work with and feel as if they are very much a part of my extended family. I plan on volunteering with a horse rescue nearby, spending more time with my grandchildren, friends and most likely doing some temp work as well. My husband and I are contemplating moving to Florida in the near future.

I began working at the university in 1979. I’ve had the pleasure of working at the Business School, Law School, National Direct Students Loans, Staff Benefits, University Daily Kansan and the Wheat Law Library. In the immediate future I will be traveling to family weddings.

SU JOHNSON I have loved working here every day of these past 19 years (though my coworkers might question this after enduring my “occasional” griping). What really stands out is having the privilege to get to know many great law students and faculty. They have enriched my life in so many ways. My philosophy as circulation manager has always been to do whatever we can—to bend over backward—to make life

easier for the population we serve. Have I forgiven a few too many fines? Probably so. Have I let people check out items that are designated as non-circulating on a few too many occasions? Definitely. Better to have the library’s resources in use rather than sitting on a shelf somewhere gathering dust. I will miss being here every day, but I cannot wait to jump into other activities: spending time with grandchildren, taking tap dance classes, tennis and aerobics, knitting, traveling, playing my flute, volunteering in some hopefully meaningful way, organizing my recipes and photos, joining clubs, travelling and playing with our four dogs. Can’t wait to start! Thank you KU Law for everything!

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Team ‘Merica takes down competition in Relays

Another raucous edition of the Barber Emerson Bluebook Relays enlivened Green Hall over the lunch hour on Nov. 2, 2012. Organized by the library’s own Jeff Montgomery and sponsored by the Lawrence law firm Barber Emerson, L.C., the 23rd annual Bluebook Relays were a smashing success. The 2012 title was ultimately captured by Matt Keane’s Team ‘Merica, which joins a long line of proud Bluebook Relays champions. The Bluebook Relays are a special tradition for KU Law that provides 1Ls with a brief respite from memo writing and puts their newly acquired legal citation skills to the test. Each small section competes with a team of 10 members, including one Bluebook “expert.” Usually held around Halloween, the Relays also feature outrageous costumes and spirited but friendly competition. Gina Spade’s team, Spading and Abetting, won the 2012 Spirit Award.


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Open Access Week 2012 and One-University Open Access Fund By Allison Reeve Wheat Law Library was pleased to team up with KU Libraries to plan this year’s successful Open Access Week 2012. The libraries hosted six events this year, all touching upon various and important topics of the Open Access (OA) movement. Events included: “Open Access Week Kickoff: Set the Default to Open Access,” featuring a webinar from the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC); “Open Access: New Frontiers in Publishing,” with representatives from Sage and Springer speaking on new OA publishing models; “From Open Access to Open Learning: Online Learning Platforms for Distance Education and Foreign Language Learning,” with faculty from the Spanish & Portuguese department, KU Libraries, and the Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center (EGARC) discussing new and open digital courseware projects taking place at KU; “Presentation about the Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA),” with Congressman Kevin Yoder, L’02, discussing his support of OA; “Open Access and Graduate Students,” during which

Nick Shockey from SPARC talked with pizza-munching students about how they can support Open Access; and “The International Impact of Open Access,” featuring international presenters who expounded the value of OA in countries with limited access and resources. Podcasts of these events will be coming soon! Dean of Libraries Lorraine Harricombe also made an exciting announcement during Open Access Week concerning the availability of the One-University Open Access Fund. The fund is sponsored by the University of Kansas provost, the University of Kansas Medical Center executive vice chancellor, and the Offices of Research at the University of Kansas and the University of Kansas Medical Center. This fund was established in order to underwrite article-processing charges for authors publishing in Open Access journals and who do not have other funding to cover these charges. More information and an application are available at: authorsfund.html.

New kid in town: Bloomberg Law By W. Blake Wilson In the fall of 2010, students were introduced to WestlawNext and the new federated search function. The following year, LexisNexis released its own algorithm changes in a database called Lexis Advance. As impressive as these changes were, 2012 proved to be the year when the game completely changed. Starting with this year’s Lawyering Skills class, the 1Ls were introduced to a third player in the online legal research game: Bloomberg Law. Bloomberg Law ( is the legal research division of Bloomberg L.P., the multinational mass media corporation founded by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Just like the other two major players, Bloomberg Law offers a combination of legal content— opinions, statutes, rules, treatises, etc.—and exclusive news and company information. Unlike Westlaw and Lexis, Bloomberg Law does not have various subscription levels. When you sign up for Bloomberg, you receive access to everything it has to offer, including BNA Reports & Portfolios, court dockets,

and EDGAR. The Bloomberg Law you use in law school is the same Bloomberg Law you use in practice. On top of that, Bloomberg allows students to use Bloomberg Law at work. Taking a job at a law firm? Bloomberg Law says you may use its services to your heart’s content.

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International Student Services at the Wheat Law Library By Allison Reeve and Ashly LoBurgio Basgall Wheat Law Library would like to welcome our new and returning international students to Green Hall for the Fall 2012 semester. Throughout the year, the library provides tailored services to these special patrons who are working on specialized degrees, including Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) degrees, Masters of Law (LL.M.) degrees, two-year J.D. degrees for foreign law degree holders, and regular J.D. degrees. These are all exciting programs at KU Law, and the library is pleased to have implemented services that support the specialized research and other needs of these scholars. Living and studying in a foreign country can present many challenges beyond the tasks of coursework and large research projects. Wheat Law Library welcomes our international students with a handbook outlining campus and community services and contact information ranging from international student orientation to thesis and dissertation formatting workshops, and from obtaining a KU ID card to campus writing centers. We recognize that research calls for attentive database training. International students are encouraged to consult with us to schedule Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg BNA training sessions or to set up training on any other research or writing related tasks. Of course, students are encouraged to ask any law librarian for personal assistance on research needs. Wheat Law Library aims to provide support or direct students to the proper campus departments as students fulfill graduation requirements. S.J.D. students complete their academic requirements with the submission of an approved dissertation. Writing a dissertation is an arduous task in one’s first language and can be even more daunting in a foreign language. KU libraries and various campus departments, such as the KU Writing Center and the Graduate Writing Program, can help students navigate this process. Law librarians can point students to these valuable services. Additionally, Allison Reeve, cataloging and technical services librarian, has published an electronic LibGuide, called “S.J.D. Student Resources,” that is kept up-to-date with administrative, writing, and submission procedures. It is located at http://guides. All KU Law students should always feel welcome to stop by Wheat Law Library’s service desk for assistance with research or for help locating useful services on the KU campus.


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NEWS & NOTES u The library has a new and updated

web presence. Visit library to get started. uDirector Joyce McCray Pearson was

a moderator and planner for the Black Caucus of the American Association of Law Libraries Conversation, George Strait Annual Scholarship Dinner, AALL Conference, Boston, July 22. u Two new electronic titles have been

added to our collection, both requiring user login to HRSimple: Kansas Human Resources Manual: a Guide to Kansas and Federal Regulations is available in both print at the reserve desk and via the HRSimple site. Catalog URL: Pwebrecon.cgi?bbid=7674453 Health Care Reform: A Year-By-Year Guide for Employers, is only available via electronic access. Catalog URL: Pwebrecon.cgi?bbid=7685927

Meet the Faculty Services Student Research Assistants

Jade Martin (L) and Isabel Segarra at work



I’m a 3L from Wichita, Kan. I have also lived in Texas and Michigan. I’m mildly obsessed with chapstick, love taking naps (though law school has really put a damper on this hobby), and crafting. Yes, crafting. I make wreaths, cards, scrapbooks, etc. Since the onset of Pinterest, I perpetually have a craft project in progress. I need a Pintervention!

I am a 3L who grew up in Austin, Texas and received a bachelor’s from Texas A&M University. I hope to practice environmental law in Texas upon graduation. I’m a “Star Trek” fan, and Worf is one of my favorite characters.

I applied to be a Faculty Services Research Assistant because I wanted to become a better, and more effective, legal researcher. So far I have researched intrusion upon seclusion in an employment context, securitization of loans, and tribal law. I’ve found it all interesting! I really enjoy learning a little about a lot of topics ... it’s the best part of the job.

My responsibilities as an RA this semester include helping with faculty services library projects and with research projects for faculty. Currently, I am working on an inventory of materials belonging to Professor Casad using the library’s cataloging system, Voyager. Because of my interest in environmental law, my favorite project thus far is the ongoing compilation of tribal environmental law codes. I sought the RA position to gain further research experience alongside experienced researchers and professors.

Kyrgyzstan visitors tour library, meet with staff By Joyce McCray Pearson November 5-8, the law school hosted guests from the International University of Central Asia School of Law in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan. Dean and Head of the Law Program Zhyldyz Tegizbekova, Professor Aidar Djumagulov, and Professor Bakhtiiar Igamberdiev took a tour of the library. We discussed collection development, library faculty course offerings, and library research and support provided to faculty through the liaison program, the Primary Library Contact Service. The guests were particularly interested in the library support offered to faculty through the liaison program. Professors Joyce Pearson and Blake Wilson gave the guests course syllabi and the Wheat Law Library Collection Development Plan. They also received copies of the texts used in the Lawyering and Advanced Legal Research courses and some other topical legal research nutshell books. The visitors were extremely impressed with the rare book room, located on the third floor of the library. The Wheat Law Library also plans to make a book donation to their school in the spring during National Library Week.

Professor Betsy Brand Six reviews a course syllabus with Dean Zhyldyz Tegizbekova during a tour of the Wheat Law Library.

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A day in the life: Blake Wilson By W. Blake Wilson Hello. My name is Blake, and I’m a law librarian. More specifically, I am Head of Instructional and Research Services. That’s quite a lot of words with not much information, isn’t it? Well, let me explain. Starting by looking at the phrase “law librarian,” you can see that there are two aspects: the law and the librarian. Let’s look at each of these individually and then see what it means when combined. First, allow me to explain to you what a librarian is. There’s a good chance that you have a picture in your head of a mild-mannered individual who will begrudgingly help you locate a book but only after giving you the almighty “SHOOSH!” Although a librarian will help you find a book, and perhaps even recommend you keep it down, it’s not really all we do. Librarians have specialized master’s degrees making them information specialists. This means we process, catalog, retrieve and use information in every form. Sure we do books. But we are also versed in research, cataloging, electronic media, digital editing — anything dealing with information. If it’s processing and manipulation, we do it. Of course not each and every one of us does it all. But collectively, we get it done. So what about the “law” part of “law librarian”? This is not simply a reference to the type of library we work in, but a reference to our educational background. For example, along with my Master’s in Information Science, I have a J.D., and even worked at a couple of pretty big law firms. So not only do I work in a law library, but I also understand the law both in theory and in practice. Each of us in the library is wonderfully diverse in our abilities and is cross-trained to handle most things that come in through our doors. But we each also have our specialties. Personally, I have two: researching and teaching. This explains the long title. As head of instructional services, part of my day is spent either in my own class room teaching research or in other faculty classrooms lecturing on specialized research. But this is not the only service I provide. I also maintain the library’s services with regard to all instruction. Need help with Blackboard? No problem. Want to show a clip from a movie in your class? Can do. Basically, I help people prepare their classes. But that’s not all! As head of research services, I am charged with, well, research services. Not only do I conduct research, but I have a wonderful group of people working with me who handle research requests, both large and small. When I’m not in the classroom, you can bet that I am hard at work conducting research and helping others work on their research projects. All of this is on top of my duty at the reference desk, where I field questions from faculty, staff, students and the public. Wow. Now that I’ve written this, it’s truly dawned on me that I need a vacation!

WHEAT LIBRARY WINTER RECESS HOURS Saturday - Sunday: Closed Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


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Exceptions: CLOSED Monday - Tuesday, Dec. 24 - 25; Tuesday, Jan. 1; and Monday, Jan. 21 (MLK)


Dean and Head of the Law Program Zhyldyz Tegizbekova, International Central Asia University, in the rare book room.


Dean Stephen Mazza, Marsha Tiemann, Gale Troth, Su Johnson and Director Joyce McCray Pearson at a ceremony honoring KU retirees

As the largest and oldest law library in Kansas, the Wheat Law Library is an integral part of the School of Law. It serves the law school and university community in legal and interdisciplinary scholarly pursuits and provides attorneys, judges, and the general public with access to legal information. Key components of this mission include collecting and preserving Kansas, national, and international legal documents, teaching legal information literacy, and serving as a legal information gateway by providing access to sources beyond the scope of the physical collection.

Wheat Law Library Staff Ashly LoBurgio Basgall - Faculty Services Senior Researcher Pamela Crawford - Head of Public Services Su Johnson - Circulation Department Manager Joyce A. McCray Pearson - Director & Associate Professor Jeff Montgomery - Serials Department Manager Allison Reeve - Cataloging and Technical Services Librarian Christopher Steadham - Associate Director Marsha Tiemann - Cataloging Manager Gale Troth - Accounts Manager W. Blake Wilson - Head of Instructional & Research Services CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: 785/864-3025. Email:

fall 2012


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