DIPLOMA - KMI - 2022

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About the Institute of Fine Arts and Theory of Art Art education has been an integral part of the two-and-a-half-century high education of Eger for more than seventy years. The Department of Drawing founded in 1948, was defined by teacher training until the beginning of the 1990s. From 1993, the training was expanded to include the major Drawing-Visual Communication. The Institute of Visual Arts, established in 2016, consisted of four departments: the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of Media and Design, the Department of Cinematography and Communication, and finally, the Department of Visual Education and Art Theory. From August 1. 2021, the institution has been maintained by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Eger and the institution was renamed Eszterházy Károly Catholic University. In parallel with this event, the Institute of Visual Arts was transformed into three separate institutes, the Institute of Fine Arts and Theory of Art, the Institute of Cinematography and Communication, and the Institute of Media and Design.

Department of Fine Arts Tamás Kopasz_ director of institute, associate professor Dr. habil Zsolt Ferenczy DLA _ head of department, associate professor Dr. habil Péter Lenkey-Tóth DLA _ associate professor Dr. habil István Erőss DLA _ professor Dr. habil Péter Balázs DLA _ associate professor Tamás Kótai_ associate professor Dr. Dániel Horváth DLA _ senior lecturer Dr. Katalin Káldi DLA _ senior lecturer Dr. Péter Jónás DLA _ senior lecturer Erik Mátrai_ senior lecturer Péter Lipkovics_ assistant lecturer (doctoral candidate) Kund Kopacz_ assistant lecturer (doctoral candidate) Gergely Sárréti_ assistant lecturer Erika Fábián _ artist instructor Zsolt Molnár_ artist instructor

Department of Visual Education and Theory of Art Dr. Gerda Széplaky PhD_ head of department, associate professor Dr. Lili Boros PhD_ associate professor Dr. Csaba Orosz DLA _ associate professor Dr. Virág Kiss PhD_ associate professor Ágnes Virág_ assistant lecturer (doctoral candidate) Júlia Egervári_ assistant lecturer (doctoral candidate) Dr. Ferenc Barnás PhD_ senior lecturer, external lecturer Ágota H. Szilasi_ art historian, external lecturer Dénes Fajcsák _ architect, external lecturer

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