2010 Smallspace

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Small Space 01-Tamsui Space 02-Yanzi Tong Space 03-Masaic & Photo Space


Preface Design of Small Space : Maybe how to use the individuality of space. 01.Site : Five Senses(Sight,Smell,Sound,Taste,Touch), or some funny things ,like Shadows , Stay and Pass path , Naughty Path , Take a photograph , Under the Plant , Transparent , Mosaic , Material , Wood , Stone , Brick......etc. 02.Life : 01-24hr , How to use of space ? 03.Publicity : Provide Public service buildings. Which function can be satisfy.

Contents 01- Tamsui Space Visitors Service Station

02- Yanzi Tong Space Space alone

03- Masaic & Photo Space The Poetics of Site

01 Station Visitors Service Station 04 December 2010 Tamsui Taipei City Taiwan

About Visitor center small fishing port of Tamsui Site One kind is different in street lane makes the life, is slow and is leisurely and free. Design goal and demand Site demand 01.10M X 16M 02.Toilet: Male toilet Female toilets Accessible toilets 03.Travel information display 04.Waits with the pause space

Site Analysis Visitors Service Station Site Analysis

Sketch & Observation Around the site has many interesting Environment & behavior, like 01. Section 02. Tidal 03. Solar reflectance 04. Knot 05. Alleys 06.Ramp

Concept Visitors Service Station Ramp & Alley

Concept 01. Tidal Tidal use change, so building installation or construction, the public and the environment maybe interact . 02. alley The concept of alleys There are many alleys in Tamsui town . It's the most important unit , like the town of mountain.

Model Study Visitors Service Station Conceptual model study:

Conceptual model 01

Concept Alley + Ramp = ? The concept of alleys Series use path of different functions between Spaces and buildings.

The Model The pics of Model

Conceptual model 02

The Model 02 The pics of Model

Conceptual model 03

The Model 03 The pics of Model

Conceptual model 04

The Model 04 The pics of Model

Plan Visitors Service Station Floor Plan: 01.Accessible toilet 02.wash clean area 03.tourist information area 04.bicycle parking areas 05.water area 06.Stay area 07.Storage room

Section A-A'

Plan Visitors Service Station 2F Plan: 01.Toilet of male 02.Platform 03.Stay area

Section B-B'

Plan Visitors Service Station 3F Plan: 01.Outdoor viewing platform

Section C-C'

Plan Visitors Service Station Roof Plan: 01.Outdoor viewing platform

Section D-D'

Model The model

The Model The pics of Model

The Model The pics of Model

Model The model

The Model The pics of Model

The Model The pics of Model

Model The model

The Model The pics of Model

02 Space Yanzi Tong Space 09 November 2010 Space Alone of Grace’s Reading room. It's a Virtual Space

About i think what a modern calligrapher's space will be? Spatial script Cast: Tong Yanzi Gender: Female Age: 68 Height: 152 cm Weight: 55 kg

我是一個家庭主婦,生活作息正常,早晨五到六點起床後,起身至 庭園做個早操,活動活動筋骨,而後料理好家中事務後,走到庭園中的 書齋,展開我一天的生活,身為一個現代書法家,閱讀和書寫是一種了 解自己和消化自我情緒的方法,閱讀中面對了自己,書寫間,傳達我的 情緒。因為個性比較急躁,沒甚麼耐心,因此選擇一個能接收到戶外自 然環境的場所,那裡真正讓我感受到平靜,一個自己與自己相處的空間 ,每天坐在窗明几淨的躺椅上閱讀早報,晨曦的光影透過窗,灑落在我 身上,讓我感受到心中的滋潤與溫暖,望著窗外的自然,思考著社會的 現象,這樣令我倍感自由,有種與世無爭,不受牽絆的快樂。因需幫雜 誌刊物提字,看藝術雜誌時常拿起筆,靈感來時直接在雜誌上題字,喜 愛在我的閱讀平台上看人物的傳記和小說,那裡除了能接收大自然的訊 息外,也是我遨遊在書籍中與外在想像的連結,各方領域的故事常能激 起我對書法無限想像的空間,從小就很喜愛書法,整櫃的書架上擺放了 幾乎是書法藝術的帖,也因為帖常是橫幅,捲軸的收藏,所以書架書桌 ,都是長條形狀的,裝載著高度不同的捲軸。每當靈感剎那般出現時, 我在地板鋪上一米至兩米長的宣紙,寫下我文字中有畫,畫中有文字的 創作。

I am a housewife, a normal lifestyle after five to six in the morning to get up, get up to Garden to be a morning exercise, some exercise, good food and then back home affairs, went to the garden and Den, expand my day life, as a modern calligrapher, reading and writing is a kind of Understand their own emotions and self-digestion method, reading his face, between writing to convey my Emotions. Because personality impatient, no patience, so choose one to receive the outdoors since Place of the natural environment, there really made me feel calm, along with their own space, Bright and clean every day sitting on deckchairs reading Morning, dawn light through the window, falling on me Who, I feel moist and warm hearts, looking out the window of the natural, social thinking Phenomenon, so I feel more freedom, a kind of aloof, not tie him happy. Because of the need to help Miscellaneous Chi publications mention the word, see art magazines often pick up the pen directly on the magazine inscription inspiration, the hi love reading biographies and watching platform fiction, where the information can be received in addition to nature Interest, but also in the link I travel, parties and outside the field of books imagination can often be stimulated story Since I imagine the infinite space of calligraphy, grew very fond of calligraphy, the entire cabinet shelves placed Almost calligraphic art software, but also because often quote banners, scrolls collection, so Bookcases Are a stripe shape, loaded with different heights reel. Whenever the inspiration of the moment like the event,I covered the floor one to two meters long rice paper, I wrote the text in painting, painting in text Creation.

我喜歡挑戰自己,熱愛新的事物,在現代資訊爆炸文字泛濫的時代 ,我思考著科技與書法的結合,我學習利用電腦結合我的生活,我平時 有抄書,臨摹的習慣,利用投影機把我寫過的的作品,放射到牆面,除 了能閱讀著古人字裡行間的想像,也因為我常會不滿意本身的作品,不 喜歡,我就在一而再的寫,追求完美的境界,透過電腦錄製我的一筆一 畫,也帶給我許多的便利。身為一個現代的書法家,我有很大的使命感 ,常常在想一個問題,書法如果還跟幾千年前古人寫的一樣,那怎麼會 有意思呢,我無時無刻都在想著書法結合的可能性。鈴……電話響起, 朋友們找我看戲曲,看了牆上的行事曆,明日沒有活動,揮灑起黑板筆 ,記下明日的行程。

I like to challenge myself, love new things, in the modern era of information explosion, flooding text .I thought about combining technology and calligraphy, I learn to use a computer combined with my life, I usually There Transcription, copying habits, use of the projector to my written works, radiation to the walls, in addition to Be able to read between the lines of the imagination of the ancients, because I often dissatisfied with their work, not Like, I'll write again, pursue perfection, through my computer to record a one Painting, but also gives me a lot of convenience. As a modern calligrapher, I have a great sense of mission Often think a problem, if you even went to a few thousand years ago, ancient calligraphy written by the same, how will Interestingly it, I combined all the time thinking about the possibility of calligraphy. ...... Telephone bell rang, Friends come to me to see drama, looked on the wall calendar, tomorrow there is no activity, sway from the blackboard pen Write down the trip tomorrow.

Case Study Yanzi Tong Space 2009/06/05~08/09 Exhibition of X beyond O 無中生有 書法│符號│空間 董陽孜 阮慶岳 胡恩威 胡德如 陳瑞憲 黃永洪 楊岸 劉小康 簡學義

Model Study Yanzi Tong Space Conceptual model study

Conceptual model 01

Concept 01.Daily life imagination? 02. What is different between Dong Yang Zi and Wang Xizhi?

The Model 01 The pics of Model

Conceptual model 02

Conceptual model 03

The Model 02 The pics of Model

The Model 03 The pics of Model

Conceptual model 04

Conceptual model 05

The Model 04 The pics of Model

The Model 05 The pics of Model

Model Study Yanzi Tong Space Space Description: 上面的量體方正為剛,下方為 圓的圍塑空間,剛中帶柔,剛 代表的端正規矩,橫平豎直之 間有傾斜的重點,圓,捲軸那 種無線循環的感覺。曲線的轉 化,像是窗簾或是萱紙,整體 再呈現一種視覺經驗的改變。 從庭園走來一開始的感覺,會 先看到一些竹林,前面有些白 沙,有種悠然山林的感覺,接 著進入空間的入口傾斜的屋頂 平台是一個水幕,透過隱約的 看見自己,象徵的是閱讀一種 沉澱,一種與自我的對話,往 上是一個眺望的平台,提供早 上時後做晨操的感覺。而往下 慢慢的進入空間,會先看到直 立長幅的作品,而主空間是透 過路徑一分為二,一個是閱讀 的平台,一個是寫字書櫃的場 所,寫書法的空間,有一個長 2 米寬 80CM 的長桌,提供董 老師寫捲軸或臨摹時專用,而 書櫃部分是放一般的書,一部 分是放捲軸和帖用的,而這部 分的空間由一個較不通透的空 間所構成,會有間歇光打入提 供良好的閱讀光線,而從一個 較實的空間透過扭曲的牆面, 帶入閱讀平台是一個較為通透 的空間,有良好的視野看見戶 外的景觀,提供董老師看報、 看雜誌,看小說、觀賞畫、或 做畫。而扭曲的牆面也可以透 過投影機的播放產生不一樣的 空間,而懂老師也可以藉由不 一樣的視覺經驗觸發一閱讀文 字之間的想像和啟發。

Plan Yanzi Tong Space Master Plan: 01. Study room 02. Water curtain Pond 03. Garden 04. Bookcase 05. Deck

Model The model

The Model The pics of Model

The Model The pics of Model

Model The model

The Model The pics of Model

The Model The pics of Model

03 Place Masaic & Photo Space 22 September 2010 The Poetics of Site Site: Huashan1914 Creative Park Taipei Taiwan

About Huashan 1914 Creative Park (Huashan Cultural District, Huashan Culture Park or Mountain1914), formerly known as "Taipei winery," scheduled for Taipei City, Taiwan monuments. In 1999 after becoming available to the arts community, art exhibitions nonprofit organizations and individuals to use, musical performances and other cultural venues. In addition, a number of restaurants, shops, galleries and other commercial facilities within the park.

03 Place Masaic & Photo Space 22 September 2010 The Poetics of Site Site: Huashan1914 Creative Park Taipei Taiwan

About This place's Spatial like the aisle or path, make a slight space for conversion and stay.

Site Analysis Masaic & Photo Space Site Analysis

Under dim green light

Sketch & Observation This site's Environment & behavior, like 01. Camera viewfinder points 02. Staypoint 03. Naughty path of Uncontrolled 04. Shadows of Plant

The Sketch The Abstract of Sketch

Under the Mountain Suu

Under the Photograph

The Sketch The Abstract of Sketch

The Sketch The Abstract of Sketch

Model Study Masaic & Photo Space Conceptual model study

Conceptual model 01

Conceptual model 02

Concept 01.Lomo? 02.what Photographer? 03.Why wedding of people have come here take view? 04.Shadows of Masaic?

The Model 01 The pics of Model

The Model 02 The pics of Model

Model Study


Masaic & Photo Space Space Description:

MasterPlan & Section

A pair of of newly married couples about to enter the hall, were in the process of filming, the place to experience different expressions Master Plan 01. dressing room 02. Stay area 03. Deck

Model The model

The Model The pics of Model

The Model The pics of Model

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