Make Extra Money at Home – You Know More Than You Think by Kurt Abel from Easy Internet Business I'll let you in on a little secret – you already know all you need to know to make extra money at home. When I set off in search of my internet fortune, I was determined to learn all that I could about internet marketing. I bought books, took courses, and ended up spending quite a bit of money. Money that at the time, I really did not have to spend. Want to know what I learned? I learned that no matter how much I learned about internet marketing, I wasn't going to make extra money at home without… practicing some principles that I already know. I was born into a great family. My parents always provided for us, and I always had plenty. Much of this is down to my dad. He was not educated, he is a little rough around the edges, but he is a great dad and a very good entrepreneur. Whether it was his mobile mechanic shop, flipping houses, rental properties, or buying and selling cars, he was (and he still is though he is retired now) always able to make extra money at home. As I was learning all that I could about internet marketing, I somehow forgot to look at the example that my dad set. So what did my dad teach me about making extra money at home? Let me give you some of the life lessons that brought him great success, and are now starting to do the same for me. 1. Save all you can - it often takes money to make money. 2. Don't be afraid to take a calculated risk – a single success can usually pay for many small failures. 3. Learn from your mistakes – and don't make them again. 4. Don't put all your eggs in one basket - unless you are prepared to lose everything, several smaller investments are better than one big one. 5. Learn what you do well and keep doing it – why reinvent the wheel? If you have found a way to make extra money at home that you are good at, keep doing it! 6. It's probably cheap for a reason – don't buy it just because it is cheap. Do your homework and see if it is a good deal. If you can make money buy it, if not don't.
7. A small profit is still a profit – don't always look for big money. Look for small practical ways to make money, and do them often. 8. Don't pay someone to do what you can do – at least until you can afford to 9. Making money is all about people - don't think of it as a business, but as a way to solve people's problems. Find problems to solve and you will be successful. 10. Spend time with your family – what is the point of making extra money if you do not enjoy it? You have to be smart in how you spend your money, but do not spend all of your time earning money. While all that I learned about internet marketing is certainly coming in handy, without the principles that I learned from my dad it would be useless. Think about some successful people in your life. What principles did they live by? How can you adapt those principles to fit your life? I am now starting to do very well online and I am able to make extra money at home without much effort thanks to my dad. I hope you are able to use similar principles to guide your success.