Internet Business Plan A Step by Step Guide to Starting Your Own Internet Business An internet business plan is the most important first step if you want to be successful online, and it is often the missing puzzle piece needed to make money online. Like any small business, you need to be intentional about what you do if you want to succeed. Taking the time to write an internet business plan can make the difference between being successful and wasting countless hours and not reaching your goals. In order to write an internet business plan, the first thing you need to do is learn internet marketing. Fortunately, there are many great sites available that will help you learn the ropes as you are getting started. Take some time and familiarize yourself with the different strategies of internet marketing. Read as much as you can, and practice a bit of it as you go along. I have always found that doing is the best and fastest way to learn. As you become familiar with the various strategies and find out which you enjoy more and which ones you are better at. Keep these strategies in mind as you are writing your internet business plan. You will be much more successful and you will enjoy what you are doing more if you concentrate on what you are good at, while practicing and learning the other strategies as a minor part of your plan. Here are things that you will need to do in order to have a successful internet marketing plan. #1 Find a niche – Keep in mind that you want to solve a problem, not sell a product. Find a niche where people are looking for a solution to a specific problem. This is called a hungry market, and when you find one, you will be much more profitable. #2 Find a product that will solve the problem – When you are starting out, clickbank is the best place to find products. They offer high commissions (usually 5075%), the products are digital so there is no shipping, and they offer a wide variety of products. #3 Find a keyword to target – This is how your niche will find you. You need a keyword that enough people are searching for each week, but with low competition so that you are able to make your way to the first page of google. You can do your keyword research free using google's external keyword tool, along with the SEO Quake
Firefox plug-in, but I use Market Samarai because it saves a lot of time and gives better results. #4 Set up a website using WordPress – I recommend using wordpress because it is easy (sign up for the free bonuses and you get a free WordPress Guide that will walk you through setting up your first WordPress site). You can update and edit very easily and you do not need to know much if any html. As you set up your site, make sure to optimize it by using your keyword in the title, description, and several times in the body. To read more about search engine optimization here is a great explanation. #5 Use the strategies you know – Pick two or three of the strategies that you feel you are best at and use them to promote your site. As you get better and faster at these, introduce other strategies as it is always best to have a diverse set of links pointing back at your site. #6 Plan your weekly routine – Take some time and plan what you will do each day of the week. This will make you much more productive and it will ensure that you cover all of the promotion strategies that you want to. Make sure to schedule time for learning and researching as that is one of the most important things you will be doing in the beginning. #7 Evaluate your plan monthly – You want your internet business plan to work, right? The best way to do that is to take a look at it after following it for a month. Is it working? What can be improved? Make the changes and try it for another month. Pretty soon, you will have a streamlined operation, allowing you to do more in less time. This is a very simple Internet business plan that can be used to guide you as you get started in internet marketing. Feel free to add to it because this has to be your internet business plan. The most important thing about any internet business plan is not how well written it is, or how great it looks, but how well you can follow it and the success that follows. Write yourself a plan and stick to it – you will be glad you did.