Final year project1

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using vinyl to change the color combination but keeping the surface simple and clean to understand this was the first development, and also keeping fangs on the bonnet to give an aggressive expression.

removing the bonnet fangs and adding more of an aggressive front towards the lights and grill that carries on towards the ground personally this was my favorite ideation but modeling would have significant problems, and it wasn't the simplest form to use.

again the idea was to keep the proportion the same but the change minor parts of the frontal area, by adding cuts and small curvature to see that it would look like but to also have similar DNA design input from infiniti range.

my final ideation that i was happy with and getting feedback on what to change on the previous ideation i chose to keep the fins on the side where it would taper toward the light then carry on down near the bottom wheel arch, this interoperation gave me a good idea as it would help with aero dynamics but also a new trend for infiniti as it give an simple form and keeping the car looking aggressive.



Developing a rear end was a difficult approach as i wanted to keep the styling similar to the front and DNA of infiniti styling, my first instinct was the lift the plate holder above the bumper as i personally prefer this which has similar inputs from the qx30 concept.

After careful feedback I decided to remove the large area bumper as it didn't go with the clean flowing theme of the vehicle, i decided to keep the current bumper styling but to add some slits on each side, and include the plate holder but inverting the angle.

My approach for this ideation was the make the car look and feel as wide as possible, to remove the plate input gave more of a conceptual feel, having a large black area i could play around and it could been used as a screen for other driver info and other kinds of advertisements.

so the final ideation came from all three ideation inputs, adding simple clean form, but also having a matching combination from the front initial ideation, i choose to keep the slits but adding more character to this that would connect front each side. removing the plate holder gave a clean feel to the rear end.



Keeping the profile and simple wasn't and understatement as i wanted to make this vehicle look premium to the market but with feedback, the idea was to add additional panels, to give a more interesting form to the side profile having the lower side skirt that bridged around the wheel arches.


trying out new ideas for the middle section similar to infinities design language with a opposite direction air intake. removing the cut line from the rear lights and adding a fin line that carried on towards the front grill.

removing most of the form changes towards the front and rear, but playing around with the side profile this would give a good play around with color and trim and the rear spoiler carried down towards the front wheel arch but feedback was that it looked like 2 separated cars. INFINITI XS









TECHNOLOGY INSPIRED The inďŹ ni3 xs has been inspired from forms of beau3ful technological inspira3ons keeping the surface simple and elegant, but showing characteris3cs to the propor3on, along with the xe pod inspira3on that came from minimal natural from of a spheres but extruding the surfaces to make it feel a lot more elegant and stylish with precise and design meaning of the inďŹ ni3 logo


TECHNOLOGY INSPIRED The inďŹ ni3 xs has been inspired from forms of beau3ful technological inspira3ons keeping the surface simple and elegant, but showing characteris3cs to the propor3on, along with the xe pod inspira3on that came from minimal natural from of a spheres but extruding the surfaces to make it feel a lot more elegant and stylish with precise and design meaning of the inďŹ ni3 logo


PART BEAUTY PART DESIGN MEANING Apart from looking at the beauty defini3on of the infini3 xs concept the propor3ons have been made to measure for the specific target market as a premium vehicle segment for luxury vehicles but in a small down sized package accommoda3ng major factors of the car market. a new segment that will push the boundaries for infinite.


PART BEAUTY PART DESIGN MEANING Apart from looking at the beauty defini3on of the infini3 xs concept the propor3ons have been made to measure for the specific target market as a premium vehicle segment for luxury vehicles but in a small down sized package accommoda3ng major factors of the car market. a new segment that will push the boundaries for infinite.


BUT SOPHISTICATED INTELLIGENCE The XS has many feature besides from looking like a dis3nc3ve inďŹ ni3, with crisp lines and an elegant body, there is a story behind why the vehicle has been kept the same so that it ďŹ ts the regula3on and target market, making an elegant compact premium vehicle appeals to the young genera3on, as it looks stylish but also status seeker that likes aSen3on from the crowd.


BUT SOPHISTICATED INTELLIGENCE The XS has many feature besides from looking like a dis3nc3ve inďŹ ni3, with crisp lines and an elegant body, there is a story behind why the vehicle has been kept the same so that it ďŹ ts the regula3on and target market, making an elegant compact premium vehicle appeals to the young genera3on, as it looks stylish but also status seeker that likes aSen3on from the crowd.


INTERGRATION IN ONE SHAPE The XS has been purposely design and manufactured to keep the signature features within the front grill and light area not going to complexed but trying simple forms. instead of having separate panels that intersect with the grill and light surrounding i have integrated both within the area to look more aggressive but a new design root inďŹ ni3 i can go down.


INTERGRATION IN ONE SHAPE The XS has been purposely design and manufactured to keep the signature features within the front grill and light area not going to complexed but trying simple forms. instead of having separate panels that intersect with the grill and light surrounding i have integrated both within the area to look more aggressive but a new design root inďŹ ni3 i can go down.


Conclusion •

Overall I have gained much knowledge from my final year but most important through out the 4 years with industry experience, going through the phase of my fmp project had some small hurdles but keeping on track and leaving con3ngency 3ming on the plan its fair to say I have managed my 3me and work well, feedback was a key aspect from my fmp as it helped me get honest opinions from my tutors and peer group members, enjoying almost every aspect of this project as I learnt new skills but also having the confident to develop my skills and strength, interior, exterior, 3D model making and physical modeling.


Design direction •

In terms of looking back at my brief I am confident to say I reached my ques3ons I had set from the begin to see if a premium brand can develop a premium compact vehicle for a sharing shopping experience. and have answered then with a in depth research and met the target by achieving something that would work well along with all the research I had completed to back up my final year project, with not just design direc3ons but a design meaning that had specific requirements, INFINITI XS


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