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SECTION Featured Publications: 29

Featured Presentation: 29

Featured Products: 29

Featured Center: 30

Fredriksen-Goldsen, K., Jen, S., Emlet, C. A., Kim, H. J., & Jung, H. H. (2022). Key determinants of physical and psychological health-related quality of life over time among midlife and older LGBTQ and sexual and gender-diverse caregivers. The Gerontologist. gnac112, https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/ gnac112

Goffnett, J., Paceley, M. S., Saban, P., & Fish, J. N. (2022). Between cornfields and kinfolk: Identity management among transgender youth in Midwestern families and communities. Family Process, 61, 1681-1695. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12759

McGeough, B. L., Greenwood, E., Cohen, N. L., & Wootton, A. R. (2022). Integrating SMART recovery and mental health services to meet the needs and goals of LGBTQ individuals experiencing substance use–related problems. Families in Society, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/10443894221124621

Featured Presentation

Kattari, L., Kattari, S., & Paceley, M. S. (2022, Jan. 16). Examining the impact of the Lgbtqia+ policy landscape on the field of social work. Society for Social Work Research 26th Annual Conference “Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice,” Washington, DC.

Featured Products

McGeough, B. (2022). LGBTQ Needs Assessment [Academic product/professional education].

McGeough, B. & Paceley, M. S. (2022, June). LGBTQ Research Symposium [Conference/workshop]. University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. https://socwel.ku.edu/research-symposium-2022

Paceley, M. S. (2022, March 31). Anti-trans policies & social work education: A national town hall [Conference/workshop]. University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. https://socwel.ku.edu/town-hall

Paceley, M. S., Jen, S., & Greenwood, M. (2022, March). “There is an army of love around you”: A love letter to transgender and gender diverse youth [Academic product/professional education]. University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. https://socwel.ku.edu/tgd-love-letter

The Center for LGBTQ+ Research & Advocacy (CLRA) puts Kansas on the map as a hub for research, advocacy, community engagement, education, and scholarship focused on the experiences of sexually and gender diverse populations. The Center’s scope is broad and connects experts in a wide array of fields to work together in new ways to advance scholarship and research.

Center for LGBTQ+ Research & Advocacy website

Email: lgbtqresearch@ku.edu


Briana McGeough & Meg S. Paceley

CLRA will host the 2023 LGBTQ Research Symposium at the University of Kansas for the third year in a row this June 1 & 2. The virtual event will build on the important traditions established over the past ten years, providing researchers and advocates opportunities to present their work, discuss challenges and opportunities, and network with others conducting LGBTQ+ research across disciplines. Learn more about the 2023 LGBTQ Research Symposium.

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