Kristine Vodon Design
Industrial Design
Graphic Design
Fine Art
SKATEBOARD GRAPHICS Drawn on Wacom Cintiq in Photoshop
UX/UI Development mockups
3D printed modular kit that is meant to foster creativity - no rules, no instructions, just let your imagination guide you.
Drawn on Wacom Cintiq in Photoshop, these form explorations are an early stage of this project.
These parametrically diven sole designs are meant to optimize flexibility and aesthetics.
SKETCHBOOK Samples of work
I NDUS TR IAL DES IGN GR APHI C DE SI GN F INE InkboxAR T April 2015 to present
University of Calgary January – April 2015
Artist Thesis focus on sustainability and materiality of performa Currently Attending I create tattoo stencils that customers can purchase and apply as real looking tattoos. I also provide Industrial Des Creative Style Composites exercise. my services to u sers for custom stencil work for any of their own ideas or designs. Worked on a May 2013 – August 2013 involved a va Bachelors of Industrial Design Carleton University Teaching Assistant development Graduated with distinction; minor in Technology, Society & 2010 - 2014 I helped M asters of Architecture students with skills in 3D CAD, Typography, Adobe Creative Suite, layout and presentation skills. I was part of a 3 person TA team and we provided walk-‐through Design Building Technology Humber tutorials oTn software, extra help after class hours, and mFoundations arking. I was also the TA who was in charge F INE ARCollege Graduated with highest academic honours of my graduatin 2009 of all -o2010 nline content for the duration of the course.
KristinK e rV i s ot idnoenV o d o n
Inkbox April 2015 to present
University of Calgary January – April 2015
Creative Freelance September 2013 - Present
InkboxStyle Composites Creative May 2013 – August 2013 April 2015 to present
University of Calgary EJanuary D U C A– TApril I O N2015 University of Calgary Currently Attending
458 West Mile Roa d EDUCATION London, Onta r io Freelance Designer Creative Freelance t: 4036818544 | e: | w: Masters of Env I work with clients to bring their visions to reality. I provide work in graphic design, industrial University of Calgary September 2013 - Present Thesis focus o Currently Attending design and f ine art. I have done work for a variety of clients including patch design for a non-‐profit exercise. organization artwork for an athletic therapist.
I helped M asters of Architecture students with skills in 3D CAD, Typography, Adobe Creative Suite, VOLUNTEERING ACHIEVEMENTS SKILLS Industrial DesignI Intern layout and presentation skills. was part of a 3 person TA team and we provided walk-‐through Creative Style Composites Masters Environmental Design Worked on Qu number of pbet involving wood plastic omposite aterial. PSketchbook May 2013 –ofAugust Fa2013 cu lty of Environmenta l Design eenaEliza h Entra nce Schola rm ship Adobe Illustrator tutorials on software, extra ha elp fter croduct lass hdesigns ours, and arking. I wcas also tmhe TA wrojects ho was Pro in charge Thesis focus on sustainability and materiality of involved performance footwear through an industrial design ariety of rFine esponsibilities including branding, packaging, r esearch, t esting a nd form Keyshot Print and Digital Media Graphic Designer a vIndspire Arts Awa rd Adobe Photoshop of all online content development. for the duration of the course. exercise. Wordpress 2014 - 2016
Carleton University Creative Freelance 2010 - 2014
September 2013 - Present
Humber College 2009 - 2010
Creative Style Composites May 2013 – August 2013 VOLUNTEERING
Industrial Design Intern Creative Style Composites Bachelors of In Carleton University ood plastic composite material. Projects Graduated wi May 2013 – August 2013 458 West MileWorked Roa d on a number of product designs involving 2010 -w 2014 Fa cu lty of Environmenta l Design Qu een Eliza bet h Entra nce Schola r ship Artist Adobe Illustra a variety of responsibilities including branding, packaging, research, testing and form London, Ontainvolved r io Digital Media IGraphic Designer Indspire Fine Arts Awa rd I create tattoo stencils that customers can purchase and apply aPrint s real and looking tattoos. also provide Adobe Photos development. 4036818544 |2014 e: | w: - 2016 Ca rl eton Dea n’s List my services to u sers for custom stencil work for t:any of their own ideas or designs. Adobe Founda InDesi Design Humber College Jul ius Lu ka siewicz Awa rd 458 West Mile Roa d Adobe Premie Graduated wi 2009 - 2010 Tough Mu dder Teaching Assistant Teron Prize of Ex cel lence Adobe After E London, Onta r io Volunteer I helped M asters of Architecture students with skills in 3D CAD, Startline Typography, Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino E D U C A T I O N E layout X P EaR I E N C E 2012, 2013 & 2014 t: 4036818544 | e: | w: nd presentation skills. I was part of a 3 person TA team and we provided walk-‐through Grasshopper tutorials on software, extra help after class hours, and marking. I was also the TA who was in charge Solidworks Masters of Environmental Design University Artist Inkbox of all online content for tof he Calgary duration of the course. n sustainability and materiality n industrial design Currently Attending April 2015 to present I create tattoo sThesis tencils focus that o customers can purchase and apply s eal N looking IG also parovide Vof Opaerformance LrU T Efootwear Etattoos. R I Nthrough ACHIEVE Freelance Designer exercise. my services to u sers for custom stencil work for any of their own ideas or designs. I work with clients to bring their visions to reality. I provide work in graphic design, industrial Fa cu lty of Environmenta l Design Qu een Eliza bet design aof nd f ine art. I have done work for a variety of clients including patch design for a non-‐profit Bachelors of Industrial Design Carleton University Teaching Assistant University Calgary Print and Digital Media Graphic Designer Indspire Fine A organization artwork for an athletic therapist. I helped M asters Graduated with distinction; mith inor in Technology, ociety & Environmental Studies. 2010 - 2014 January – April 2015 of Architecture students w skills in 3D 2014 CAD, ST Adobe Creative Suite, Ca rl eton Dea n’ - ypography, 2016 layout and presentation skills. I was part of a 3 person TA team and we provided walk-‐through Jul ius Lu ka siew Artist Industrial Design Intern ToughI w Mu dder tutorials o n s oftware, e xtra h elp a fter c lass h ours, a nd m arking. as a lso t he T A w ho w as i n c harge Design Foundations Building Technology Teron Prize of Humber College Worked on a number of product designs involving wood plastic composite material. Projects I create tattoo stencils customers can urchase and a pply ams eal looking Volunteer Graduated w ith hp ighest academic honours of Startline y grraduating class. tattoos. I also provide all tohat nline content or the duration f the course. 2009o-f 2010 involved a variety responsibilities including bof randing, packaging, rfesearch, testing aond form 2012,ideas 2013 & my services to u sers for custom stencil work for any of their own or 2014 designs. development. Freelance Designer Creative Freelance I work with clients to bring their visions to reality. I provide work in graphic design, industrial September 2013 - Present Teaching Assistant design and fine art. I have done work for a variety of clients including patch design for a non-‐profit organization artwork for an athletic therapist.
Ca rl eton Dea n’s List Adobe InDesign Basic Knowledge of CSS Jul ius Lu ka siewicz Awa rd Adobe Premier Pro Bachelors of Industrial Design ToughFreelance Mu dder Designer & HTML Teron Prize of Ex cel lence Adobe After Effects Graduated with distinction; minor in Technology, Society & Environmental Studies. Startline Volunteer Typography I work with clients to bring their visions to reality. I provide wRhino ork in graphic design, industrial Layout Grasshopper E D U C A T I2012, O N2013 & 2014 design and f ine art. I have done work for a variety of clients including patch design PowerPoint for a non-‐profit Design Foundations Building Technology Solidworks Graduated with highest a cademic h onours o f m y g raduating c lass. for ofan athletic therapist. Masters Environmental Design University of Calgary organization artwork Thesis focus on sustainability and materiality of performance footwear through an industrial design Currently Attending exercise. Industrial Design Intern
Worked on a number of product designs Bachelors of Industrial Design involving wood plastic composite material. Projects Graduated with distinction; minor in T & Environmental Studies. a variety SoK f rIesponsibilities including bechnology, randing, Society packaging, research, testing and form A C H I E V E M E involved NTS LLS development. Carleton University 2010 - 2014