2014 design portfolio

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Kristine Vodon Design


Kristine Vodon Bio

After graduating top of my class from Humber College's Design Foundation Program I knew the design field was where I belonged. Design has changed the way I view the world we live in and I am driven by the thought that I have the ability to change that world. I am currently in my final year at Carleton's School of Industrial Design in Ottawa with a minor in Technology, Society and Environmental Studies. When I am not indulged in my design life I'm often outdoors enjoying kayaking, running, wakeboarding and snowboarding.

P R O J E C T B R I E F: Biobuilding is a biologically inspired building kit for creating unique interior decorating products. It is made up of 3D printed components that can connect together to form a modular building experience.

Rapid Prototyping

Biology Forms

Project Inspiration LEGO and K’Nex

Maker Movement

I N S P I R A T I O N: The foundation of this project is based around rapid prototyping, biological forms, modular systems and the project is geared towards expanding the maker movement community.

R A P I D M A N U F A C T U R I N G: 3D printing is typically used for prototyping because of how quickly it can produce physical model from digital inputs. When this process is used for its unique materials and ability to make complex forms it can be a valuable manufacturing tool.

“3D printing, where art meets industry, where craft meets design� - Designer; Markus Kittner

R A P I D M A N U F A C T U R I N G: The process allows for the use of a flexible PLA material and a10% infill in the components. This allows the pieces to bend and twist to be easily manipulated when building.

U S E R S: Since Biobuilding requires people to start using their hands to be involved with the design of their products it fosters a creativity in people that they may not have been in touch with before. The possibilities that Biobuilding opens up allows people to explore forms and be proud of what they have created.

P O S S I B I L I T I E S: There are a variety of uses that Biobuilding could accomodate. It currently focuses on lighting and interior design products that make a unique statement in the household, resturaunt or storefront.

P A C K A G I N G: Biobuilding can be purchased as a kit that has enough pieces to make a pre-designed pendant ligt or a desk lamp. There are extra pieces in the kit to explore other forms. The dividers in the box separate the large and small pieces, the extra components and the pendant cord. The bags hold the small connector pieces. The box is made of wood for a sturdy container box or something that can be easily recycled when it is no longer needed.

Lifeguard Waterbottle

P R O J E C T B R I E F: In designing this water bottle I started by looking at a specific user and analyzed the problems to create a set of design criteria. For the lifeguard water bottle I interviewed 3 lifeguards to decide what elements were most important to the design.

S H O R T S H I F T S: Lifeguards work on a short rotation schedule that puts them pool side for a short amount of time before a break. For this reason the bottle was specifically designed to be 450ml to provide a lightweight bottle that is easy to carry. S L O T & C L I P: A key feature of this water bottle is the clip that attaches to the lifeguard’s first-aid pack and the corresponding part on the water bottle. This allows for the water bottle to be carried hands free by the lifeguard.

F I N A L M O D E L: The final model demonstrates how the slot and clip system works with the existing first-aid pack worn by lifeguards. The bottle is a pearl white with red accents to highlight the features and provide an iconic look.

Draw Bot

Polargraph Machine

P R O J E C T B R I E F: The purpose of this project was to learn the basics of using Arduino. The DrawBot uses stepper motors to move a hanging pen to draw pictures. The pen moves back and forth balanced by counter weights.



P R O J E C T B R I E F: Working with architect William Teron, me and my team designed a student residence quad based on moduals developed by Teron's company. The moduals allow for taller than average walls which gave the opportunity for raised beds and nooks.


N O O K S: The nooks offer peace and solitude away from the chaos of student life. Soft padded alcoves are placed within rooms and common space to create a calming environment that encourages residents to kick back and take advantage of the vertical space. L A Y O U T: The hourglass shaped entrance way encourages students to flow into the open common space. Each individual room has the same square footage yet each room is designed to be unique.

P i l o t Pu l s e O x i m e t e r

P R O J E C T B R I E F: Pulse oximeters are small medical devices used to measure the percentage of oxygen in the blood. This research-driven project looked at designing a pulse oximeter specifically for pilot’s needs.

R E S E A R C H: Nine pilots, two nurses, and one biomedical engineer were interviewed to better understand the problems and find opportunities for innovation. For user empathy I went flying with a pilot who showed me the implications of using a typical fingertip pulse oximeter.

C R I T E R I A: 1. Finger-tip free 2. Easy to read 3. Easy to put on with one hand 4. Visual notifications 5. Use with or without gloves

P R O T O T Y P E:

W E A R A B L E T E C H: The sensor is first wrapped around the base of any finger and then the user has the option to wear gloves. The retractable spool provides varying lengths to accommodate wearing gloves, or not.


































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Design Internship

B R I E F: During my 4 month internship at Creative Style Composites (CSC) I worked as part of a 3 person design team to design products that could benefit from using CSC’s wood plastic composite material. We designed for products that re to be sold in Lowes, Home Depot, Sears and other retailers.

R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S: I took part in designing a variety of indoor furniture and outdoor products that could be manufactured from WPC and steel extrusions. I tackled many parts of the design process including patent drawings, research, concept development, branding, packaging, POP displays, material testing, graphics and prototyping.

Kindred Rings Software & Hardware

P R O J E C T B R I E F: In pairs we were to design a software / hardware combination that related to the provialing topic of ‘time’. Kindred Rings is an app and ring set that works together to evaluate the development of a relationship as it changes over time. The app gathers information from a number of sources and proves that information to the user in a useful way through the rings and app.

P U R P O S E: The app is heavily based on knowledge that is gathered through daily questions, a profile, and mood updates. It uses this gathers knowledge to send notifications through the ring, track your relationship development and help you plan dates. Kindred Rings can help strengthen, repair or rekindle your relationship

R I NG S: Each ring lights up notifying when a change has been made or a surprise has been planned. The charging stations are meant to be a center piece on your bedside table to remind you of the strength and importance of your relationship.

Kristine Vodon EDUCATION 2010-2014

Carleton University Bachelor of Industrial Design Minor in Technology, Society & Environmental Studies


Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning Design Foundations: Building Technology Graduated with highest academic honors

458 West Mile Rd. London Ontario N6H 3M2 kristine.vodon@gmail.com www.vodondesign.com

SKILLS Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Rhino VRay SolidWorks Excel

Sketchbook Pro Keyshot Sketchup Auto CAD GD & T Dreamweaver Makerware



Sterling Leisure Products - Graphic Designer Designed creative brochures to revamp the companies look for their new product line Creative Style Composites - Jr. Industrial Design Intern As part of a 3 person design team I tackled a number of projects dealing with concept development, research, packaging, branding, marketing, CAD work & much more


ACHIEVEMENTS 2014 Queen Elizabeth || Scholarship 2010 - 2013 Indspire Fine Arts Scholarship Award 2011 - 2013 Carleton Dean’s List


UX Camp Ottawa 4 Volunteered backstage and set up at Ottawa’s largest UX Camp

2013 Julius Lukasiewciz Award


Rocket Design Show I assisted with set up for the 2014 Rocket design show. I was also responsible for wayfinding and time management

2013 Teron Prize of Excellence

Tough Mudder Volunteered at the start line to motivate, organize, and supervise up to 17,000 participants running the Tough Mudder Event

2010 - 2011 National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation

2012 - 2013

Kristine Vodon Thank You

kristine.vodon@gmail.com www.vodondesign.com

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