South African Municipal Magazine
Volume 54
Leaders in Local Government Business Intelligence &
First Political Party Funding Quarterly Report HERITAGE MONTH
Managing Executive For Public Enterprise At Vodacom Business MUNICIPAL NEWS
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n our cover interview with Poppy Tshabalala, Managing Executive for Public Enterprise at Vodacom Business, she unpacks the benefits of the Vodacom Network and how through investment, technology and connectivity, Vodacom Business plays a crucial role in driving South Africa’s economy, enhancing the future, and improving people’s lives. Noting the historical challenges of the digital divide and the COVID-19 “new normal”, the intention of Vodacom Business is clear – include all citizens in digital transformation and access to the digital economy! Heritage Day, 24 September, was once known as Shaka Day, to commemorate the life of King Shaka Zulu, the founding father of the Zulu nation. Now, every September,
Nardine Nelson Publisher & CEO Kweda Media & Communications
South Africa celebrates Heritage Month created by the government as a way to foster greater social cohesion and a shared national identity. In the year (2021) dedicated to the memory of pioneer and freedom stalwart, Charlotte Maxeke, who sought to contribute to a South Africa that is united, prosperous, and at peace with itself, the National Heritage Council of SA (NHC) is in the process of declaring the Wilberforce Institute a heritage sight and in this way keeping its rich history alive. The Institute founded by Charlotte and her husband, was the first African independent school that had ever opened in the then Transvaal and produced some of SA and Africa’s finest alumna – who went on to be leaders in both the public and private sectors.
When reading the feature on the Wilberforce Institute we are reminded of how apartheid managed to integrate issues of culture and economic status in grading social groups. Municipal Focus discusses the first Political Party Funding Quarterly Disclosure Report as the IEC announced that the local elections were set to go-ahead on the 01 November 2021. September also coincides with Clean-up and Recycle Week and the Dept of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment speaks on the oceans economy, their Source-toSea Programme and creating jobs. Plastics SA, will be co-coordinating SA’s participation in the International Coastal Clean-Up Day for the 25th consecutive year and has supported governments clean-up initiatives by donating refuse bags, gloves and other equipment. In Municipal News we showcase municipal service projects that focus on the urgent needs of indigent communities and restores dignity by providing housing, street lights, municipal collaborations with the private sector for support, and job creation. Enjoy the read and keep safe!
Municipal Focus
Everything by focus and design The Inzalo Group is a strong network of leading B-BBEE Level 1 industry players whose technologies are purpose-built to be agile and resilient. We partner with local government to optimise the complete municipal revenue cycle. From our expertise, and data-driven insight, to our proudly South African manufactured products, we focus on what really matters: futureproofing South Africa’s public sector.
We focus on future-proofing the public sector by narrowing in on, and optimising, the complete municipal revenue cycle
Leaders in Local Government Business Intelligence &
10 Vodacom Business FEATURES
16 Independent Electorial Commission 20 Minimising the Country's Waste 26 STATS SA - Improving lives through data ecosystems 30 Nation Building - Reimagine SA 36 Limpopo Improved Municipal Audit Outcomes 42 MDB - Delivering Just & Democratic Boundaries
Municipal Focus
44 CIGFARO - Responsible & Accountable 46 National Heritage Council of South Africa FEATURES 50 The
Kagiso Trust Stakeholder Collaboration Model
52 National School Of Government 56 CSIR Unveils Novel Online Climate Risk Profiling and Adaptation Tool 58 MCPF: A Progressive Councillors Fund 62 Limpopo Investment Conference MUNICIPAL NEWS
64 uMngeni Local Municipality 68 Garden Route District Municipality 69 eThekwini Municipality 70 Emalahleni Local Municipality
Municipal Focus
South African Municipal Magazine
Volume 54
Leaders in Local Government Business Intelligence &
First Political Party Funding Quarterly Report HERITAGE MONTH
Managing Executive For Public Enterprise At Vodacom Business
Nardine Nelson
GCIS, National Assembly,
NCOP, National & Provincial
+27 82 739 3932
Departments, Municipalities: Mayors, Managers, Heads
of Procurement, Tenders and
Purchasing Officers, Conferences
Happy Nkhoma
and the Private Sector
Roxanne Langeveldt
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Always Connected is a solution designed to meet your government department's specific needs from access and flexability to responsible spending.
Ms Poppy Tshabalala, Managing Executive for Public Enterprise at Vodacom Business
Municipal Focus
he world will be living in a ‘New Normal’ as long as the Covid-19 pandemic is still with us. What defines the pandemic is distancing ourselves from each other for safety, but humans are social creatures so we still need to stay in touch. Municipalities are not exempted from this challenge; if anything, the pressure on them mounts as more people stay at home and demand better service from their local government. In such an environment, remote communication becomes key, and this is where the role of a leading connectivity and digital provider such as Vodacom is priceless. We talk to Ms Poppy Tshabalala, Managing Executive for Public Enterprise at Vodacom Business, to understand the company’s view and role in this ‘New Normal’. Municipal Focus (MF): What role has Vodacom played in supporting municipalities as the ‘delivery arm’ of government? Poppy Tshabalala (PT): It is important to note that our relationship with the government of South Africa has spanned over a number of years, and as you know, relationships mature over time. In this regard we have accumulated knowledge of what
challenges faced government at various levels which have allowed us to develop specific solutions together. Indeed, Local Government has to interact with its citizens, something limited by capacity for physical contact, so Vodacom Business developed a Citizen Engagement Platform. The platform is designed to automate, enrich and streamline interactions between citizens, government contact centres, field workers and senior officials. Inherent in this solution is using technology for better human interaction – resulting in more efficient service delivery. This has been critical during the pandemic where fewer people were at offices and travel to service centres was limited. Vodacom Business re-engineered the Gauteng Department’s eAdmission system to include the latest technologies and improve user experience. The system was hosted on Microsoft Azure within the Vodacom Datacenter. Since then, the admissions system has received over 255 000 applications and processed over 1 000 applications per minute during peak times, eliminating the frustrations of “frozen” uploads.
Municipal Focus
VODACOM BUSINESS We worked with local government to introduce Smart Metering which enables municipal teams to measure consumption of services such as water and electricity remotely, addresses the challenges of capacity and limitation of interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic. Simultaneously it improves revenue collection, as has been demonstrated at Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. The Smart Metering solution has been extended to include fleet management – saving the municipalities costs and enhancing the lifespan, value and efficiency of their assets. The Stock Visibility Solution (SVS), developed by Vodacom Business, is assisting the Department of Health (DoH) to monitor critical supply chain process - and compare centrally purchased volumes of medicine that are available on the shelves of dispensaries. This minimises medicine shortages in the hospital frontlines where it is needed as stock levels are efficiently managed, taking into account the time-delay inherent in procurement process in the public sector. The Mpilo app is a smart and interactive mobile communication platform which enabled users to report waiting times in facilities, ambulance response times, safety issues, staff attitudes, and cleanliness of facilities in the Gauteng Department of Health. This app was designed by Vodacom Business and the department to strengthen patient care. Vodacom launched the MySAPS app to support national police efforts and connect communities in a collective effort in the fight against crime. The app enables citizens to search for the nearest police station, submit a tip off and call the crime stop number. The introduction of the app highlights how technology can be used to improve human lives. So in all that we managed to do, the key ingredient was our long-standing relationship with government. MF: What are the key challenges that government faced in communication over the last few years and what role did Vodacom play addressing them?
Municipal Focus
PT: The digital divide between various communities, locations and economic strata, is one of the major challenges facing government, especially at local level. We are proud that the relationship we have built with government over the years has enabled us to understand these complexities affecting municipalities’ ability to deliver service. We therefore have invested heavily in our network infrastructure to ensure that our customers are always connected, even in rural areas. MF: As more people work from home, in this Covid-19 pandemic environment, communication networks have become crucial. What is Vodacom doing in this space? PT: The pandemic has affected Vodacom as much as it has affected government. As a business we have to provide a service when our employees are not at the office. Access to connectivity, to data was important. Because of the additional capacity that was built into our RT-15-2021 Contract with government, we were able to provide the extra data and connectivity without any added costs to our partner. MF: What has been Vodacom’s own experience in navigating the pandemic challenge and how will this experience benefit government? PT: No doubt the Covid-19 pandemic has been a challenge to every organisation. Vodacom were in a position to provide these mitigations because we had experienced the same challenges ourselves. The partnership with government, has made it easier to develop and adapt our experiences, learn from each other and develop effective solutions. We have adopted a flexible working approach, which enhanced remote access to work. We have been able to keep government Always Connected to its citizenry, despite the devastating nature of the Covid-19 pandemic to operations, because of the Business Continuity Plans we always build into our service agreements with customers. These plans are specific to the needs of each department or municipality which we have grown to understand and share
with our partners over time. We are proud and appreciative of the mutually beneficial relationship we have built with government. The accumulated knowledge over the years has allowed us to develop solutions that cascade down to the individual users, government’s constituency. MF: Do these plans benefit government only? PT: Since government now includes Business Continuity in its planning, this assists the citizens of the country. As we learn of government challenges, we develop solutions that benefit all
customers. In addressing the digital divide, as highlighted in our relations with government, we identified the need to invest over R2.9 billion in infrastructure that has improved connectivity for all users of the Vodacom network. The national and local economies have benefited from the financial injection through the local suppliers and partners. Although this upgrade continued during the period of the pandemic, we were able to create sustainable local jobs at a time when most industries were shedding jobs. We invested in new technologies as these are key to future developments.
MF: The pressure on communication networks has also increased over this period. How will Vodacom address this, as well as the inherent costs of remote work, learning and service delivery? PT: The above investment is to make sure we keep our municipalities Always Connected. We have embarked on a transformational journey from a traditional telecoms company to a technology communications company and have invested in the latest network technologies and modern digital IT systems to ensure
we connect our customers to a better future. In the education sector where I come from, I noticed how important it is to be able to have good connectivity in an affordable manner in the remotest of areas. The same applies for municipalities. Because of our Business Continuity planning, we are able to increase capacity without increasing costs. We are using newer technologies to minimise these costs – whilst delivering better quality. Here partnerships are important and that is what we have done with some of our main suppliers of technology solutions – and we pass on this benefit to our customers.
In all that we manage to do, the key ingredient is our long-standing relationship with government.
Municipal Focus
VODACOM BUSINESS MF: How will Vodacom assist municipalities take advantage of this “Internet of things” in the 4IR environment? PT: Whilst technology plays a role in communication, the human element also plays a vital role. So we see a brighter future for our country and the ability of municipalities to deliver better services when we enhance technology and develop the human capacity to take advantage of it. We are aiming to make the network ‘smarter’ through automation and artificial intelligence. Documentation, billings, readings and other activities of municipalities will no longer rely on an individual writing on paper only, but systems will be able to ‘talk’ to each other. This will improve fault reporting, recording, logging of complaints or issues as well as response times. Municipalities will enhance their revenue collection, whilst saving costs on the other hand. MF: What has Vodacom done to assist women and mothers in these challenging times? PT: The phrase ‘Empowering women, empowers a community, thus empowering a nation’ is not just a slogan, it is the reality of life that we have seen over the years. The zero-
rated app Vodacom introduced to assist expecting mothers deal with pre-natal health issues, has proven to be such a success that even the Democratic Republic of Congo has taken up the service for its women. We support the SAPS communication so that women can quickly call out for help as they are the most vulnerable.By connecting women we will help ensure health and well-being, build skills and promote entrepreneurship to support women reach their full potential. Women working closer to home, create localised economies that will support local government.
MF: What does the future hold? PT: Definitely the historical challenges of the digital divide have become more pronounced at these pandemic times, and our SmartCitizen Mobile App and our other new technologies will provide the high level of transparency and accountability needed to provide municipalities with fast reports of damages, leaks or breakdowns, and allow municipalities to react more efficiently. Vodacom is here to provide technological solutions to municipalities so we can take citizens further together.
Contact details 082 Vodacom Boulevard Midrand 1685, South Africa Telephone +27 11 653 5000 or contact your account manager
Municipal Focus
ix months after the implementation of the Political Party Funding Act, 6 of 2018, on 1 April 2021, the Electoral Commission has published the first 2021/22 Quarterly Disclosure Report in terms of the Act and its regulations. This first report was done on 9 September 2021, a month before the expiry of a stipulated six-month period granted to the Commission during the first year of implementation.
party made declaration of qualifying direct donations,” says Electoral Commission Chief Executive: Party Funding, George Mahlangu. These are the African National Congress (ANC), the Democratic Alliance (DA) and ActionSA. The ANC and the DA declared individual donations received of R10 720 000.00 and R15 983 751.48, respectively. Action SA declared total direct donations amounting to R3 305 090.26.
For the first quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, three political parties made declared qualifying donations, the total value of which was just over R30 million – R30 008 841.74 to be exact.
Value of donations in-kind?
“This Act has introduced a new era of transparency within South Africa’s electoral democracy by, among others, mandating all registered political parties to disclose to the Commission all donations above R100 000 per annum,” says Electoral Commission Chairperson Glen Mashinini. The Act put specific restrictions on sources of funding for political parties, including proscription of donations by government departments, state-owned entities and foreign governments and agencies. Further restrictions have also been put on the amount and purpose for which foreign entities can make direct donations to registered political parties. Which parties made declarations? “Two represented political parties and one unrepresented political
Municipal Focus
“Of the total amount declared across the three political parties, total value of donations in-kind is R855 685.41, made of R499 595.15 for the DA and R356 090.26 for ActionSA. No in-kind donation was received and declared by the ANC,” Mahlangu he adds. Donations from foreign sources Two foreign entities made direct donations to their political parties of choice during this period. It is worth reporting that the donations were compliant with requirements set out in section 8 (4) of the Act, that such donations must only be for the purposes of “training or skills development of a member of a political party; or policy development by a political party”. There was therefore no breach or contravention of the Act detected in this regard. The Commission can therefore confirm that there is generally a fair level of understanding and compliance with what the Act seeks to achieve.
George Mahlangu, the Electoral Commission’s Chief Executive: Party Funding
How was compliance encouraged? Electoral Commission Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo indicates that all registered political parties, both represented and unrepresented, were sent constant reminders to submit their declarations before the due date of 31 July 2021. “Although not all political parties responded, a significant number of them, especially among the represented parties, reported in writing that they did not receive qualifying donations, i.e., donations above the threshold amount of R100 000,” he adds. Did all parties and donors submit qualifying declarations as required by section 9 of the Act? Section 9 of the Act requires that both political parties receiving donation and their donors (if a juristic person or entity) must declare such donations.
Electoral Commission Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo indicates that all registered political parties, both represented and unrepresented, were sent constant reminders to submit their declarations before the due date of 31 July 2021.
Municipal Focus
In this regard, three (3) of the donors have failed to comply with section 9 (2) of the Act. These are donors for one of the represented political parties. Although the political party has made the declaration and therefore complied from its end, the donors did not comply with the provisions of the legislation. This means that the record includes what are referred to as singlelegged donations. “In this regard, the Commission has issued a directive in terms of section 15 of the Act for the Party to further pursue the donors for compliance. Failure to comply may lead to the specific donors being investigated and punished for non-compliance in terms of section 14 (3) of the Act,” indicates Electoral Commission Vice-chairperson Janet Love.
Lessons learnt and remedies 1. Despite section 9(2) of the Party Funding Act, 2018 providing that only juristic persons are required to declare their donations, there have been instances were some natural persons have declared their donations. This is not mandatory; however, it is welcomed. 2. In terms of section 9(1)(a) of the Party Funding Act, 2018, read with regulation 9 of the Presidential Regulations, only amounts above the prescribed threshold of R100 000 are required to be disclosed.
Municipal Focus
Some of the parties have declared amounts that are equal to and not above this prescribed threshold. Such disclosures form part of this report. Some donors have not done online declarations on their end. In such cases, proof of donation in the form bank deposit or electronic funds transfer (EFT) slips and declarations that were made from the political parties’ side were used to confirm source of such funds. The Commission will look into ways of making it less cumbersome for donors to submit declarations so as not to inadvertently discourage direct donations. There were no prohibited donations reported or declared by political parties and/or donors as defined in terms of section 8. This is a good indication that there is a reasonable understanding and compliance with the legislations. There is high level of willingness to comply with the legislation from among the political parties, especially the represented parties. This was largely demonstrated by the levels of interaction with the Commission in cases where parties were uncertain about what the legislation requires of them. Some of the political parties and donors waited until the end of the quarter or until they were reminded before they could make their disclosures. In future, the
Commission will encourage parties to make prompt declarations to avoid bottlenecks or finding out in the last minutes that their declarations were not compliant. 7. Some of the political parties submitted on the Online Party Funding System (OPFS) their complete bank statements, which reflect details that the Commission does not have interest in. Parties will be encouraged to reserve those for their auditors. Multi-Party Democracy Fund In the first quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, the Multi-Party Democracy Fund received a single contribution from a member of the public, Mr Paul Malcolm Graham, to the value of R2 000. The money in the Fund will only be distributable on the day it reaches a total of one million rand. The effect of this this is therefore that, to date, there have not been any allocations from the Multi-Party Democracy Fund. “The Commission appeals to the South African public and corporates alike to open their purses and support multiparty democracy. The sustainability of the Multi-Party Democracy Fund is a critical step towards a healthy democracy as envisaged in our Constitution,” concludes Mamabolo.
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outh Africa faces numerous waste management challenges including the growing volumes of waste generated due to economic and population growth and the complexity of waste streams generated. The lack of sufficient recycling infrastructure, reclamation systems and insufficient funding mechanisms further add to the complexity of this composite challenge. Central to these challenges; is a need for continued coordination and sharing of resources across the three spheres of government as well as industry and civil society to make momentous changes in the waste management sector. South Africa is also experiencing severe constraints in terms of the availability of landfill space, as well as challenges in operating and decommissioning landfills in a manner that is compliant with licensing conditions. Furthermore, once disposed of to landfill, waste is no longer economically productive, and, in the absence of landfill gas capture, landfills generate methane which is a potent Greenhouse Gas. According to the 2018 State of Waste Report, in 2017 South Africa generated 55 million tonnes of general waste, with only 11% being diverted from landfill. In the absence of aggressive strategies to avoid waste generation, the total volumes of waste generated will increase in future, which will in turn require greater effort in waste diversion, simply to maintain the current rate at which landfill airspace is depleted. This is already recognised as being unsustainable.
Municipal Focus
For these reasons, diverting waste from landfill is a key imperative for the country’s National Waste Management Strategy. South Africa’s strategy for diversion of waste from landfill is based on building a secondary resources economy around the beneficiation of waste as part of the circular economy. This is through among others, the recycling of paper, glass, plastics, metals, tyres, power generation waste, waste oils, pesticides, batteries, lighting equipment, and recovery of construction and demolition waste to substitute recycled content for virgin materials. Waste minimisation is accomplished by waste pickers who perform the crucial first step in extracting recyclable and reusable materials from the waste stream and initiating their revalorisation. Part of the value chain, is the private sector on the basis of opportunities to generate revenue by reusing and recycling waste or to reduce production costs by avoiding waste or substituting recycled and recovered materials for virgin materials where recovered materials are less expensive. The National Waste Management Strategy which was approved by Cabinet last year, sets the priority areas which includes driving the recycling economy, implementing a varied regulatory system, creating jobs and SMMEs, promoting public awareness and supporting waste service delivery amongst others. As we grow our ocean economy, we also have to be cognisant of the
Waste minimisation is accomplished by waste pickers who perform the crucial first step in extracting recyclable and reusable materials from the waste stream and initiating their revalorisation.
Municipal Focus
impact of increasing human activity on the health of our oceans. It is essential that we manage our footprint and impact and put in place measures to protect our ocean and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity within the context of sustainable development. It is for this reason that South Africa’s Oceans Economy programme includes a specific priority and focus on marine protection and ocean governance. Our oceans are globally recognised as unique and a hotspot of marine biodiversity. The Atlantic, Southern and Indian Ocean’s fishing grounds are among the healthiest worldwide, and coastal tourism is, and has the potential to be a significant income earner for many African coastal nations. Marine litter, including plastic litter, has become a matter of increasing global and national concern as a source of marine pollution. Globally, plastic production has reached new highs, with over 320 million tons now being produced annually. It has been estimated that between 4 to 12 million tons of plastic are added to the oceans each year. It is estimated that between 15 000 and 40 000 tonnes of plastic waste per year enters the oceans in South Africa A 2015 study published in Science, by Dr Jambeck, revealed that the top
Municipal Focus
20 countries, of which South Africa is ranked 11th, account for 83% of the mismanaged plastic waste on land, available to enter the ocean. Reducing the amount of mismanaged waste by 50% in these top 20 countries would result in a nearly 40% decline in inputs of plastic to the ocean. It has been documented, and is known worldwide, that rivers and other waterways such as stormwater canals are common ways in which litter is transported to the coastal environment. There is sufficient evidence that a large percentage of pollution in the ocean originates from sources on land. In response to this growing concern of litter washing up on South African beaches from inland sources via river systems, the department has developed a “Source-to-Sea” initiative focusing on managing litter sources, mainly from upstream catchments where the litter gets transported to the ocean and coastal areas by rivers and tributaries that discharge into the ocean. The Source-to-Sea programme involves multiple government departments, at national, provincial and local level, as well as the private sector and other stakeholders, working in priority catchment areas, and
providing job opportunities through the Working for the Coast programme. The main objective of the programme is to reduce the prevalence of marine litter by up-scaling efforts to capture and recover litter in these river systems. The project also aims to monitor and characterise the litter recovered and to conduct schools and community awareness initiatives. Marine litter primarily comes from towns and cities located along rivers and waterways, which become pathways for litter into the marine environment. As part of the Presidency’s Employment Stimulus Initiative the Department is expanding the Source -to- Sea Programme into 16 coastal districts with the target of creating approximately 1 600 job opportunities.
Contact Details Head Office: +27 86111 2468 E-Mail: Website:
This annual public awareness week is supported by all the packaging streams in South Africa and encourages citizens, corporates and municipalities to help remove all visible litter from our country’s neighbourhoods
lastics SA – the umbrella body representing the entire plastics industry - is calling on South Africans to participate in the annual Clean-Up & Recycle SA week from 13-18 September 2021. This year’s week will once again
Municipal Focus
culminate in National Recycling Day on Friday, 17 September 2021 and the International Coastal Clean-Up Day/Let’s Do It World Clean-up Day on Saturday, 18 September 2021. Apart from raising awareness and
supporting clean-up initiatives by donating refuse bags, gloves and other equipment needed, this will also be the 25th year that Plastics SA will be coordinating South Africa’s participation in the International Coastal Clean-Up Day –
of last year’s Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week. Despite the fact that COVID-19 restrictions prohibited the large groups at public clean-ups and gatherings that have become synonymous with this public awareness and volunteer effort, the spirit of camaraderie, positivity and willingness to make a difference in our environment, definitely made this one of the most memorable years.
the world’s biggest volunteer effort for ocean health. “Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week has become a highlight on our country’s environmental calendar. This annual public awareness week is supported by all the packaging streams in South Africa and encourages citizens, corporates and municipalities to help remove all visible litter from our country’s neighbourhoods and streets, rivers, streams, beaches and oceans,” explains Douw Steyn, Plastics SA’s Sustainability Director. Plastics SA is hoping that this year will see a repeat of the huge success
“Like last year, we are once again advocating that South Africans be ecowarriors in their own neighbourhoods by picking up any litter on our beaches or strewn in streets, rivers, streams or canals. Where community clean-ups are planned, we urge the organisers to adhere to safety protocols by limiting the numbers of volunteers participating, ensuring that participants wear their masks, checking that they maintain social distancing and that enough sanitizing stations are in place,” Steyn said. Highlights of the 2020 Clean-Up & Recycle SA Week included the launch of the Inkwazi Isu (Fish Eagle Project) by the KZN Marine Waste Network South Coast and the participation of Minister Barbara Creecy, Minister of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), in a beach clean-up at Dakota beach, Umbogintwini in KZN, where 697 bags were collected with a weight of over 2.4 tons.
In the Cape Provinces, several hundreds of kilometres of the country’s coastline were cleaned in more than 72 audited clean-ups, while several more non-audited, informal clean-ups took place during the week. Fifteen 4x4 clubs hosted their clean-ups, as did several diving groups who hosted underwater clean-ups. In the Cape Provinces, twenty tons of litter were removed, separated and sent for recycling on International Coastal Clean-Up Day alone! "South Africa and the rest of the world continues to go through a very difficult period in our history as we are still trying to beat the ravaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns, riots and public disturbances. However, each year the Clean-Up & Recycle SA week manages to restore hope as South Africans of all ages and walks of life unite their efforts and volunteer their time and energy to help make South Africa a brighter, cleaner place for all!” Steyn concludes.
For more information about Clean-Up & Recycle SA week and where organised clean-ups will take place during September 2021, visit or
Municipal Focus
tatistics South Africa (Stats SA), being at the forefront of producing official data, has conducted 3 population counts since the dawn of democracy. The three censuses conducted in 1996, 2001 and 2011 provided lessons to be learnt as well as a foundation for planning, but never a predictor of challenges to be encountered in the subsequent population counts. Conducting a census is a massive undertaking for any statistical organisation the world over, and is thus characterised by rigorous testing to ensure that the entire population in a country is counted. In preparation for the 2020 round of population and housing censuses, Stats SA conducted the New Methodologies Test in 2018, where new modes of data collection were tested in select settlements. In 2019, the first phase of the Census 2021 Mini-Test was conducted and the second phase was conducted in early 2020. During the Census 2021 Mini-Test, a multimodal approach to data collection was tested, namely: Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI): Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI); and ComputerAssisted Telephonic Interview (CATI). The Census 2021 Trial was conducted in the latter part of 2020 and the approach to CAWI and CATI modes were revisited to identify gaps and realign systems to be ready for remote census taking where required.
Municipal Focus
COVID-19 has impacted on census planning across the world, and South Africa is no exception. The pandemic has affected countries globally and many countries have either delayed some census activities or postponed it. The census deploys massive human resources in the form of fieldworkers who update the geography frame, conduct publicity to mobilise communities and collect data. Establishing an accurate geography frame is essential for supporting a variety of census operations, including setting enumerator assignments, ensuring completeness of coverage, estimating travel time and costs, and establishing field offices. Updating the geography frame was largely impacted by the pandemic, hence the registration of housing structures online remains open; however, this process still requires fieldwork that involves engaging the public on site. To minimise the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus among Stats SA field workers and respondents, these census activities as well as enumeration for the Pilot Census had to be put on hold and resumed in line with the country’s alert levels at the time. The Pilot Census was recently conducted and all modes of data collection were used as a dress rehearsal for the main population count scheduled for next year. The traditional pen and paper method of data collection was replaced with the
In preparation for the 2020 round of population and housing censuses, Stats SA conducted the New Methodologies Test in 2018, where new modes of data collection were tested in select settlements.
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STATS SA: IMPROVING LIVES THROUGH DATA ECOSYSTEMS use of tablets to collect data, which brings much-needed benefits such as enabling fieldworkers to dynamically navigate to their allocated areas of work (enumeration areas) using the maps that are loaded on the digital devices as well as to monitor progress. The data collected will be captured in real-time so that the turnaround time in releasing the results will be greatly minimised. The upcoming population count is the first to introduce digital census taking through the use of online and telephonic data collection platforms, which will also allow respondents to complete the census questionnaire on their own. The telephonic data collection method makes provision for respondents to participate in the census with the assistance of Stats SA call centre agents. The increased use of cellphones and the current technology-driven digital era will minimise the challenge of reaching hard-to-access communities, thus allowing more people to participate in the census. The three methods of census taking offers the avenue for everyone in the country to complete the census questionnaire to ensure that no one is left behind in the count. An estimated 165 000 fieldworkers will be required for census fieldwork and will be recruited using the Stats SA Online Database ( za/hr), where prospective fieldworkers need to register. The system uses geolocation to ensure that fieldworkers are recruited from within their areas of residence.
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has appointed a Census National Advisory Committee (NAC), which will serve as an oversight body to advise, coordinate and oversee delivery of the country’s decennial population count. The Census NAC comprises stakeholders from various entities, government departments and organisations who will bring on board multi-sector expertise and influence to ensure that the upcoming census undertaking is effective and efficient. A census provides small area data on demographics, socio-economic and living conditions of the population. It assists with forming the basis for active community participation in reviewing access to public services, among other issues. Data collected through a census is used by government and different sectors of society for policy-formulation, decision-making and planning.
A Post-enumeration Survey (PES) is conducted immediately after census data collection. The PES is an independent survey that measures the accuracy and reach of the census. It helps to identify how many households were not counted and if data was captured correctly during the census. This assists with determining the quality of the data collected. The PES is a sample survey and only sampled households are visited during the Postenumeration Survey. Stats SA derives its mandate from the Statistics Act No. 6 of 1999 to collect data for statistical purposes and to conduct a census. The Act makes it mandatory for respondents to provide data when required. Data collected by Stats SA is only used for statistical purposes and may not be shared with the state or any organs of the state, and it remains confidential. Stats SA intends to conduct the next census in the latter part of 2022. A formal announcement will be made once the dates are finalised by the Statistician-General in consultation with Cabinet, and officially gazetted.
Contact details Website: Toll free number: 0800 110 248 Facebook: StatsSA Twitter: @statssa
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mbedding Ubuntu to unlock the potential of inclusive advancement, ReimagineSA promotes a ‘healingfirst’ approach that leverages the indigenous wisdom of the Letsema Process.
in South Africa need to be addressed with urgency and swift, compassionate action.
South Africa is known for being a resilient nation, dedicated to overcoming a complicated and painful past. The end of apartheid marked a new beginning, yet after 26 years it remains evident that a foundation of deep healing work is needed across the spheres of life, from personal to business and policy.
Founded by Dr Mamphela Ramphele and Dr George Lindeque in 2016, ReimagineSA exists to inspire a progressive culture within public service, corporate South Africa and in communities. The organisation’s crosssector strategies seek to prioritise emotional wellbeing, multi-stakeholder governance and inclusive livelihoods. Engaging at various catalytic 'meeting places' and nurturing Ubuntu consciousness through the following inter-related themes:
Covid-19 has magnified South Africa’s existing challenges in the absence of potential-unlocking employment opportunities to address poverty, hunger and heal inter-generational trauma. To collectively facilitate the true empowerment of a nation, transformation toward sustained inclusion requires concerted and consistent effort. The disproportionate levels of inequality
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Letsema: Accelerating Transformation & Inclusion
• • • • • •
The Key Role of Healing Share Responsibility Re-evaluating our Values Reimagining Governance Frameworks Youth as our Present, not only our Future Transforming our Economy
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NATION BUILDING of communication to directly engage stakeholders and their community to collectively devise solutions to challenges. 5. Co-create: Become stronger by facing obstacles together and being able to see opportunities in challenges and assist in co-creating solutions that are sustainable and inclusive. 6. Co-invest: Identify the potential for human and natural resources to be shared and developed for the benefit of both the individual and collective. CASE STUDIES To embed Ubuntu in our daily interactions as a nation, the organisation has established a reputation in applying collaborative solutions using the Letsema Process. This traditional tool leverages the strategy of elevating community voices through creating circles of communication and face-to-face engagement. Dr Ramphele elaborates: “It is time to revisit the governance system of our ancestors: the government of the people - coming together around a circle, a Letsema (Lekgotla) to talk about key issues in the community and exploring who has skills to best solve problems. People will have different views, this doesn’t mean we all need to agree. In the end, the best ideas for the collective presented in the circle are the ones that we support, everyone committed to make sure they were implemented.” Each voice is validated, respected and considered to create solutions in unison. The Letsema Process was revived in 2010 to facilitate conversations that promote the Dinokeng scenario of Walking Together (active citizen engagement with a government that is effective and that listens). Various stakeholders are engaged to shift from walking in different directions, or following while someone else leads – to ‘walking together’ through the following steps: 1. Co-discover: In this initial phase, shifting from imposed strategies,
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solutions and assumptions to meeting with key community stakeholders to listen, learn and understand. 2. Co-initiate: Devising an agenda aimed at collective transformation and inclusion. Bringing engaged stakeholders together to connect, explore the community’s collective change agenda, and identify shared interests and goals. 3. Co-inspire: Discussing the past, and discovering various ways to heal alongside each other, nurture newfound confidence. 4. Co-mmunicate: Learn about one another’s challenges and sharing ideas by facilitating open channels
ReimagineSA adopts two key avenues of engagement: Advocacy and Advisory. Focusing on the emotional, economic and political pillars of the constitution within their broader contexts, the advocacy work is about facilitating the co-creation of inclusive platforms and solutions. Key to this is showcasing courageous conversations through a series of strategic campaigns that mobilise partners along the journey. Thoughtful dialogues ensure that we don’t reinvent the wheel by acknowledging champions of inclusive growth to inspire changemakers and active citizens with practical examples of systems impact.
ADVOCACY: ACCELERATING INCLUSIVE SOCIAL HOUSING DIALOGUES Social housing in South Africa is a controversial, tenuous and largely ineffective area of service delivery with citizens lacking access to decent social housing. In the worst-case scenario, citizens have been waiting for housing since 1994. In partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Absa, ReimagineSA launched a series of dialogues with activists, beneficiaries, academics, and other professionals to gain their perspectives on the current situation and potential innovations. The first discussion was held at a conference prior to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, followed by a webinar and podcast in 2020. Various papers were presented by the Development Action Group (DAG) and Socio-Economic Rights Institute of Southern Africa (SERI) on land reform, land redistribution and tenure security within the urban context. In terms of unleashing potential, for government, listening to all stakeholders in the process of transforming these spaces unlocking untapped potential for innovation is essential to successful collaborative governance within municipal areas. This emphasises the role municipalities play in delivering inclusive social
housing due to their key positioning at various nodes of service delivery across the country. In the context of accelerating housing solutions, the dialogues highlighted three models for solving the problem. These closely reflected the trajectory of both the Dinokeng – (and more recent Indlulamithi South Africa Scenarios 2030, as initiated by the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection): • 1st Model: The municipality can take on the project by themselves. • 2nd Model: The municipality can leave it to private entities to handle. • 3rd Model: The municipality can partner with other organisations/ entities.
Taking the outcomes from these engagements forward into developing viable pilots, ReimagineSA works with partners to co-create execution models that foster dignity and inclusivity. The Letsema Process invites government to work alongside civil society and businesses to resolve the ongoing challenges of housing in South Africa. ADVISORY: SIBANYE-STILLWATER’S MARIKANA RENEWAL PROGRAMME The impact of the Marikana Tragedy left a dark shadow over the area and the rest of South Africa with the death of the 42 miners in August 2012. Acquiring Lonmin and its legacy in 2019, meant that SibanyeStillwater had to take an unpredicted approach to ‘business as usual.” Upon the acquisition CEO, Neal Froneman prioritised the issue and in 2021, Sibanye-Stillwater launched the Marikana Renewal Process. Three key pillars were identified to address victims, organisations, leaders, and other stakeholders through key deliverables: 1. Honour: Commemorating the lives of the miners who died during the Marikana and supporting the families. 2. Engage: Actively engaging with stakeholders to prevent similar tragedies in future. 3. Create: Collaborate with stakeholders and the community to create social upliftment programs.
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NATION BUILDING Since 2020, ReimagineSA has been working in collaboration with Sibanye-Stillwater to facilitate healing through community engagement and transition the region’s association with legacy of tragedy to a reimagined future of collective renewal. The aim is to collectively forge a futurefocused Social Compact that unlocks community potential beyond mining. Aisha Navy Fundi, widow of the Marikana Tragedy explained that she wants people to see Marikana differently in the future. When mining life ends in Marikana there needs to be an independent, thriving community. In Aisha’s view this means changing the perception of the people and communities to that of a rebirthed Marikana, where tragedy and pain can engender justice, hope and innovation. Sibanye’s CEO has acknowledged the need to build strong foundations for this process to be successful. To facilitate inclusive representation and trust, ReimagineSA continues to walk together with the company in navigating challenges from the perspectives of key stakeholders following the Letsema Process to engage identified renewal stakeholders to set a strong foundation to bring about meaningful impact in the surrounding community while upholding responsible mining practices. This requires the co-crafting and/or stress-testing of inclusive, forward-thinking strategies [like the District Development Model.) to engage the community and deliver
sustainable programmes for Marikana’s surrounding regions, fostering best practice in implementing new policies to drive transformation.
country that values non-discriminatory practices, embraces transformation and is open to input from community members at all levels.
ReimagineSA partners to resolve the systemic injustices, devise strategies to take action, and collaborate with champions in various communities. Recent events underpin the need to prioritise healing-focused conversations between stakeholders across levels. Transformation and inclusion are paramount. If we don’t reimagine, we will keep reinforcing the current reality. Instead of passively perpetuating the current future, we can devise forward-looking strategies that consider top-down and bottomup approaches. By combining Ubuntu with best practice, we can look back on a past of milestones that strategically shifted the system, because we created the future we wanted, together.
ReimagineSA has developed a series of workshops that can be applied and adapted to different types of organisations. These include the Ubuntu Masterclasses, aimed at bringing conscious healing and active citizenship into the workspace; with a Junior Ubuntu Masterclass tailored for learners in primary and high school. Working together with our participants to instill the values of the Ubuntu in all spheres of their lives, the workshops play a pivotal role in improving inclusive approaches to engagement. The aim is to contribute towards a
Contact: Luvuyo Madasa, Executive Director Email: Website:
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impopo Provincial Treasury appreciates improved municipal audit outcomes due to dedicated support and guidance from the department in line with the set legal mandates which need to be taken into consideration at all times. As a department, we remain hopeful that other municipalities will learn best practices from best performing municipalities and improvement will then be realized. Evidently, the province managed to improve the audit outcomes from 18 qualifications to 10 qualified opinions with 15 unqualified outcomes during the previous audit cycle. We have again managed to maintain a clean audit opinion achieved during 2018/19 and this encourages us to continuously support and capacitate municipalities to effectively and efficiently discharge their constitutional obligations. We are working tirelessly to see further improvements in municipal audits within the province and to align such achievements with service delivery. Coordination with other Stakeholders Both LPT and CoGHSTA have a constitutional mandate to support and capacitate municipalities within the province in line with relevant legislations and applicable policy provisions. Most of our municipalities are experiencing financial, administrative and service delivery challenges and this requires a more focused intervention in terms of support mechanisms.
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MEC: Seaparo Sekoati
THE FOLLOWING IS THE SUMMARY OF SUPPORT OF THE LPT AND COGHSTA TO MUNICIPALITIES: Revenue Management Support to Municipalities As LPT, we support municipalities on revenue management related functions in accordance with applicable legislation. This is achieved through capacity building, planning,
implementation and monitoring of revenue management processes. All municipalities are supported in the development and review of revenue related by-laws and policies annually. We conduct trainings on the reconciliation of the General Valuation Roll and the billing system and monitor implementation for accurate billing. Training is also facilitated in other revenue focused areas. All municipalities have revenue
PROVINCIAL TREASURY Accounting and Reporting Support to Municipalities LPT reviews accounting related policies and procedures to ensure compliance with relevant legislation. We provide monitoring and support to municipalities on Asset Management, Audit Action Plans, preparation of Annual Financial Statement’s (AFS’s), Audit progresses and Financial Health assessments.
enhancement strategies, and these are assessed and monitored regularly. We also support municipalities in the development of payment agreements and facilitate relations with creditors e.g., Eskom, Water Boards and other public institutions. LPT conducts municipal cash flow assessments monthly to determine the
financial position of municipalities and advise accordingly. Municipalities with unfunded budgets, financial difficulties or placed under interventions are supported to develop and implement Financial Recovery Plans. Municipalities are also monitored and supported in the implementation of indigent policies to ensure that legible indigent customers have access to basic services.
We assess asset registers, asset management policies and procedures, and support municipalities in addressing identified gaps and findings by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA). Assessment is done through support in resolving technical queries, participating in Audit Steering Committee meetings, participating in Audit Committee meetings and any other relevant municipal meetings in collaboration with other stakeholders. LPT determines the Financial Health of municipalities through assessment of investment, loan registers and provide feedback to municipalities. We also review loan applications, monitor and support municipalities with the submission of In-year reconciliations (Bank reconciliations, Debtor’s reconciliations, Creditors reconciliations). Municipalities are supported in the development of audit process plans and implementation and are closely monitored. LPT reviews municipal draft AFS’s prior to submission to the AGSA, to ensure compliance to legislation and monitor/assist with the preparation of the audit file.
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LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TREASURY Expenditures. As a result, LPT engaged affected municipalities to develop UIFW reduction strategies to assist municipalities in the reduction of UIFW expenditures. Quarterly meetings are held with municipalities to monitor the implementation of the UIFW reduction strategies, with the top ten municipalities with the highest expenditure being closely monitored on a monthly basis.
MEC: Seaparo Sekoati
LPT supports and ensures that all municipalities comply with AFS’ legislative submission requirements. Guidance to Municipalities on Budget Matters LPT provides guidance on the preparation of credible municipal budgets by municipalities. To this effect, we provide technical support and further conducting of budget engagement sessions with all municipalities in the province and advise through our assessment on both tabled and adopted budgets. We conduct regular monitoring of municipal budget implementation through assessment of s71 reports, midyear budget and performance assessment engagements sessions. All municipalities with unfunded
budgets are supported to develop and implement funding plans. Municipalities that did not spend all their conditional grant allocations are supported with the preparation of applications for roll over for consideration and approval by National Treasury. All municipalities in the province are transacting on mSCOA through our consistent support and monitoring through various forums facilitated by LPT. Support on Governance and Supply Chain Management Based on 2019/20 AGSA’s audit outcomes for municipalities in Limpopo Province, LPT noted an increase in Unauthorized, Irregular and Fruitless and Wasteful (UIFW)
Continuous training of Supply Chain Management regulations are provided to municipalities in the province. SCM policies are reviewed to assess compliance with the applicable legislations. Municipalities are supported in the development of procurement plans and these are monitored during implementation. Municipal Public Accounts Committees and Financial Misconduct Boards are supported and monitored on a quarterly basis. Improvement and Anticipated Risks From the accountability point of view, municipalities have improved their audit outcomes for 2019/20 financial year. It is anticipated that this improvement will be sustainable for all stakeholders if they continue to support municipalities and all matters raised in the previous audit are resolved in a sustainable manner including compliance with the necessary legislative requirements.
AUDIT OUTCOMES The table below comparatively presents the Limpopo province’s municipal audit outcomes for the past 5 years: 2015/16
Unqualified: no matter of emphasis
In Progress
Municipal Focus
SOCIAL UNREST... OUR INTERVENTION “It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build” - Nelson Mandela
Gift of the Givers embarked on massive food parcel delivery campaign, taking supplies to seriously affected areas for distribution - especially in terms of those unable to spend exhaustive time in queues, being the elderly and infirm, medical and emergency front-line staff. The organisation initially prioritised old age homes, orphanages and other similar institutions, and their staff, as recipients for supplies. Taking a longer-term view, Gift of the Givers also developed a plan to assist families whose breadwinners lost their jobs as a result of the destruction of the businesses which employed them in Durban, Pietermaritzburg and many similarly affected areas across KwaZulu-Natal. In addition, the organisation swiftly engaged with medical associations to devise plans to assist them get back up and running, given the essential status of their services. Many family-owned micro and small businesses were destroyed leaving owners - many without insurance upon which to rely - to face enormous levels of debt given the pandemic - and, now, no income. Accordingly, Gift of the Givers began identifying micro and small businesses requiring assistance in the form of cash and supply chain support, as a means of helping to rebuild and re-establish broken enterprises.
CRIPPLING ACTION - CONTEXT Actions of the few: The recent public disorder in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng had the effect of eroding race relations, glorifying looting, destroying livelihoods, putting in peril hundreds of thousands of jobs, denying health-care workers access to needy patients, robbing babies of formula milk and preventing access by the elderly, infirm, physically challenged - and ordinary people from all walks of life - to basic foods and medical supplies. Emergency services - medical, fire and police - were crippled by the lack of fuel and severely ill COVID-19 patients were denied access to vital medical facilities. Social activism: But, this is South Africa... a nation steeped in a sense of Ubuntu, resilience, heart and ethics. South Africa’s people refused to allow their communities to be torn apart, or to give up a country which has come so far since the 1994 dawn of democracy. The people of South Africa stood up, stood firm. Social activism and civic responsibility triumphed, with citizens banding together to protect, defend and unify our communities at a time when our Government and leadership failed spectacularly. Taxi bodies, community organisations, responsible leaders and rational thinkers made their voices heard and the people - Black, White, Coloured and Indian, local or foreign - rallied, uniting more strongly than ever before.
Provision of food supplies by The Gift Of The Givers Team
Gift of the Givers was - and is - committed to assisting in relieving the pain and suffering of those affected by this social disorder and would welcome any donations in order to make our interventions all the more telling.
Responding to the crisis and in spite of safe mobility concerns, Gift of the Givers responded swiftly, put its entire disaster relief machinery into action.
To donate online, go to: and donate using any one of the options provided.
Looting and rioting compounded an already serious hunger problem in many disadvantaged communities, the consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions.
For EFT donations: Gift of the Givers Foundation, Account number: 052137228, Bank: Standard Bank, Branch: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, Branch Code: 057525.
With Pietermaritzburg and Durban being home to major suppliers of food and other items, many areas became totally cut-off, the result of the burning of trucks, highway closures, the destruction of shops, warehouses and attendant fuel shortages, all of which prevented many from accessing essential food supplies.
Telephone: 0800 786 911, +27 (0)33 345 0163, +27 (0)33 345 0175 Address: 290 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Website: Email: NPO: 032-031
he digital world presents every citizen with a host of opportunities to become active participants in local economies and contributors to the growth of the national GDP. However, the task of bridging the digital divide cannot lie solely with the Government; corporate citizens such as Cell C need to play their part in driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution. A critical success factor to bridging the digital divide involves access to an affordable, quality network infrastructure to broaden access. In this new world, connectivity becomes a commodity rather than a luxury and Cell C’s drive for digital inclusion has been to adapt to an evolving trend, where infrastructure sharing is the most efficient enabler of network capacity. By entering into roaming agreements with network infrastructure providers, Cell C increases competition and improves digital inclusion by focusing on developing products and services that offer value, while improving accessibility to the digital world. With the rising cost of living, internet connectivity costs have become unaffordable for many households. South Africans therefore need to be supported as best as possible with innovative solutions that provide access at a price that is affordable. Solutions such as Cell C’s Home Connecta Flexi prepaid LTE product address this gap and bridge the digital divide through a simple, affordable solution that when used in a Wi-Fi
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router can provide internet access to a household. Simo Mkhize, Chief Commercial Officer at Cell C says, “Internet connection (Wi-Fi) is still seen a luxury purchase for many households and reserved as a service for the elite. However, in the digital and online world, this should not be so. Affordability plays a big role in digital access – for many, internet access is still at the bottom of the list, when customers are forced to choose between necessities like food versus data. It was with the insight into the realities of our consumer and their needs that Cell C came up with the Home Connecta Flexi offering.” Cell C’s solutions expand beyond products, the organisation invests in initiatives and programmes that will truly empower people. Through the sharing of knowledge and skills, communities can sustain themselves with the necessary infrastructure and resources needed to support local economic growth and sustainability.
• Cell C Data Science Academy, which focuses on digital skills development. The initiative provides funding and skills to young men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds from all over the country who show high potential in Maths and Science. The selected students then participate in a year-long programme that will see them qualify as ICT innovators with skills that may qualify them as Data Scientists, Engineers and/or Software Developers. • Cell C Innovation Challenge, which invests in ICT entrepreneurs for economic growth. SMEs or startups in the ICT sector are invited to motivate for resources they need to scale their businesses and are empowered with pitching skills so they may reach out to other potential investors. • Donations in the form of data, airtime and equipment through its partners e.g. smart devices.
Some of Cell C’s programmes and initiatives include:
• Connecting public schools and healthcare facilities to the internet across the country.
• Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work Day, which has moved to online and is teaching high school learners digital skills. The programme has been running for 19 years and has reached approximately five million girls since inception. Some of the girls from the programme have gone on to lead successful careers with some in blue chip companies.
“We understand the importance of actively partnering with Government to empower South Africans on the journey towards digital inclusion that opens up opportunities that build local economies. Digital inclusion is the step towards empowering South Africans with the necessary resources to change their worlds and successfully execute the nation’s 4IR strategies,” concludes Mkhize.
CHANGE YOUR WORLD. Cell C is equipped to meet the needs of Government through tailor-made, innovative solutions. Our strategic partnerships enable us to offer cost-effective and flexible packages complemented by quality network coverage. Don’t you think it’s time to choose a truly South African telecommunications partner that is genuinely committed to local suppliers and uplifting our community?
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stablished in 1999, The Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB), an independent authority has continued to deliver its mandate without fear, favour or prejudice. The MDB’s mandated is derived from the Municipal Demarcation Act (Act No. 27 of 1998) and Municipal Structures Act (Act No. 117 of 1998). The MDB is mandated to: • Determine and re-determine Municipal Boundaries • Delimit ward boundaries for Local Government Elections • Conduct Municipal Capacity Assessments; to ascertain whether municipalities have the requisite capability to fulfil their constitutional obligations; therefore advise the responsible MECs on allocation of powers and functions between Local and District Municipalities; and • Provide advisory services on related local government matters. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MDB The MDB played an instrumental role to deepen democracy in South Africa through reversal of the apartheid spatial logic, creating boundaries that do not run along ethnic, racial or class lines, integrated settlements, facilitated an equitable service delivery and an inclusive tax-base to foster socio-economic development. The year 2019, was a watershed period that ushered in the 20 years
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Thabo Manyoni - Chairperson of the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB)
anniversary of the MDB, which also coincided with the sixth national elections and 25 years of freedom in the country. MDB hosted a remarkable conference themed:”20 Years of Demarcation, Reflections on Spatial Transformation’’. The significant gathering symbolised the MDB’s continued endeavour to engage thought leaders on how to sharpen the demarcation instrument aligned with the National Development Plan (NDP) to influence effective service delivery. MDB PROCESSES The Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) finalised the ward delimitation
process in December 2020 and handed over 4468 wards to the IEC to begin with the preparation for the Local Government elections. To this end communities are encouraged to use the Web App developed to assist them to know their wards. #KnowYourWards. The Municipal Outer Boundary Redetermination process will commence after the 2021 Local Government Elections (LGE).
For more information: Contact us on: +27 12 342 2481
Know your wards for the 2021 local government elections #KnowYourWards Province
Drop a location pin to find your ward in real-time.
Choose an image of street maps, satellite images, etc.
Municipality Ward No.
Add an address to know in which ward it is situated.
Print the electronic map.
Share the link via email, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+
Visit the web App now Scan to view the map
For more information visit:
012 342 2481
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RESPONSIBLE & ACCOUNTABLE Interview with Cigfaro President, Peet Du Plessis
Cigfaro President, Peet Du Plessis
he Chartered Institute of Government Finance, Audit and Risk Officers (CIGFARO) is recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as a professional body furthering the interests and best practices regarding financial management in the public sector. CIGFARO seeks to further the interests of the public sector in the financial, internal audit, and related monitoring and management professions by advising institutions, commissions and other bodies and persons. They advise within the national and provincial government spheres, as well as at related institutions and other recognised national associations, on matters affecting the public sector and the financial viability and sustainability. Like steering a ship in troubled waters, you as President of CIGFARO has had to spearhead the organisation during these most challenging times of the national pandemic. How has this tested you as a leader and at the same time unlocked the capacity for innovative thinking to ensure that the organisation adapts to the new normal? The institute pre-COVID-19 was financially and organisationally strong and we have seen unexpected numbers of members and non-
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members attending our conferences, workshops, and training programs. COVID-19, and especially the full lockdown of the economy, has had a direct impact on the financial sustainability of the Institute. The biggest emotional impact for me was to inform staff with long service, some more than 20 years, that we have to lay them off to remain financially sustainable. This was done to ensure the ship stays afloat. The next step was to look into revenue raising strategies for the Institute which brought us to several projects that we have started running of which the “LG Revenue Management Improvement Programme” is the most successful at the moment. We have also identified an ambiguous project which entails the updating of the CIGFARO Municipal Handbook with a view of using the handbook as the sole practical document assisting Municipalities in their day-to-day operations. Introducing social media platforms to our members has been an exciting journey from which I believe we are all learning. We cannot ignore artificial intelligence and are continuously striving to optimise content relevant to our audience. This helps us to understand our customers and respond to their requirements. The last key innovation was to introduce virtual conferencing and webinars to create sustainable revenue for the Institute, this is still in its infant shoes, and it is foreseen that this will develop in years to come. How do you measure the Institute’s success? The success of professional institutions and associations is mainly reflected behind the scenes. We measure our success by how well our members are doing; our main role is to further the interest of the public sector in the financial and related professions by
advising institutions, commissions and other bodies and persons. Are there any strategies CIGFARO has in place to promote accountability and good governance? The Institute would like to ensure that CIGFARO members are recognised nationally as adhering to a strict ethical code of conduct and work standard. Through this national recognition, we would like our members to be held fully accountable, to showcase excellent work ethic and mentor our future government finance officials. The institute also has a disciplinary committee and procedure against which we will hold members accountable. What needs to be done in the broader sense to guarantee municipalities and other government departments are financially sustainable? Local government is in the unique position of being able to raise its own funds. This privilege is not afforded, to the same extent, to provincial and national government levels– where the main income streams come from taxation and the raising of funds falls within the domain of a small number of departments. In order to ensure sustainability, local government needs to look at the level of services required, the economic constraints and revenue potential for their particular area. This will determine the administrative systems and processes to be implemented, thereby ensuring correct and accurate billing and recovery. We also stand for the professionalisation of the sector whereby we believe that municipalities will perform better if all employees in the financial divisions are registered with a professional body.
CONTACT DETAILS Physical Address: 28 Fortress Street Kempton Park, Johannesburg, 1620 Postal Address: PO Box 4003, Kempton Park, 1620 Telephone: +27 11 394 0879 Email: Website: Social Media: Twitter: @ cigfaro_editor Facebook: @ InstituteMunicipalFinanceOfficers Facebook: Chartered Institute of Government Finance, Audit and Risk Officers Instagram: CIGFARO LinkedIn: CIGFARO
Municipal Focus
The National Heritage Council of South Africa (NHC), an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, has initiated a process of declaring the Wilberforce Institute as a heritage site.
HERITAGE OF A WOMAN’S DREAM Bonner Hall at Wilberforce Insitute
he popular proverb which has almost become a cliché “… if you educate a woman, you educate a nation” has become a living truth that can be traced back to what started a hundred and thirteen years ago at the Wilberforce College. This modest ‘institution’ was established by Charlotte MannyaMaxeke and her husband Reverend Marshall Maxeke in 1908 in the humble neighbourhood of Evaton, outside a town called Vereeniging in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. This year, the South African
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nation pays tribute to the remarkable contributions Charlotte Maxeke has made to humanity by celebrating her 150th birthday. Charlotte was born on 7 April 1871 and this year, to commemorate her birth, President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed guests in Fort Beaufort, the town of her birth, to mark the beginning of a yearlong programme dedicated to recognising her works. Her family heritage, which she never forgot, is in Botlokwa, a village not far from the city of Polokwane. With the
funding assistance from the Traditional Leader she started a project to build a school in this village. She also lived in Kimberly and Kliptown to mention just a few places that characterises her as a global citizen. She passed on at the age of 68 on 16 October 1939. The Wilberforce Institute has been the bastion of Black liberation in South Africa. While other mission schools were enjoying government funding from the apartheid government, Wilberforce was solely funded by the African Methodist
Dr Noelette Nduna-Watson - Principal of Wilberforce Institute, Ms Muruakgomo Mabe - Acting CEO of the National Heritage Council and Mr Jabulani Sithole - Council Member
Nimrod Sejake – a pioneer of the Black Workers Union of South Africa; “Ellis Brown” Mokone – one of South Africa’s greatest boxers; Ben Skhosana – former Minister of Correctional Services in the first post-apartheid government of South Africa; Joshua Nkomo – a leader and founder of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union; and Kamuzu Banda – a former President of Malawi.
Episcopal Church and was seen by the local communities in Evaton, and elsewhere in South Africa and beyond, as a beacon of hope. The foundation of the Wilberforce Institute was the beginning of a new kind of struggle for the founding fathers and mothers as well as for the hungry earnest souls who wanted to secure knowledge. It was the first African independent school that had ever opened in the then Transvaal. As modest as it appears, it has some of the finest alumna who are leaders in society, government and private sector:
The National Heritage Council of South Africa (NHC), an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, has initiated a process of declaring the Wilberforce Institute as a heritage site. Muruakgomo Louisa Mabe, the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the NHC, when addressing the community of Evaton, was emphatic that the Wilberforce Institute, as a future heritage site, must be guarded jealously. Charlotte was a colossus that impacted positively to this country and beyond with her many achievements such
She was the first black woman to graduate and have a BSC Degree in Southern Africa in 1901 First woman to participate in the Kings Courts under King Sabata Dalindyebo of AbaThembu and they started a school under this Royal Family. She was given a name Nogazo as salutation She established a school in Evaton, Gauteng in 1908 (Wilberforce Institute) She was the only woman that attended the first (African National Congress) ANC conference in 1912 and she made some momentous contributions. Initiator, Organizer and the first President of Bantu Women’s League in 1918 which later became ANC Women’s League.
Municipal Focus
HERITAGE as being the first black woman to graduate and have a BSc Degree in Southern Africa in 1901. Her achievements and contributions to society both inside and beyond South Africa’s borders motivated her family to seek recognition of her accomplishments, continue to promote her teachings and the values she stood for, and continue to promote the empowerment of women and social activism that she pursued during her lifetime. “The work is not for oneself. Kill the spirit of self and do not live above your people, but with them. If you rise above them, bring someone with you.” Charlotte Mannya-Maxeke One of the activities held by the National Heritage Council at the Wilberforce Institute to remember Charlotte Maxeke, was an Intergenerational Dialogue where young people were in conversation with the generation that benefitted from her legacy. The speakers included the Chairperson of the NHC, Edgar Neluvhalani, Advocate Mojanku Gumbi who was an Advisor to President Thabo Mbeki and is now the Chancellor of the University of Venda, Dr. Noelette Nduna–Watson, Principal of Wilberforce Community College who is also a proud Alumni of the Wilberforce Institute, and young people were represented by another vibrant woman, Nontsikelelo Makaula, a Senior Manager at the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA).
The original buildings of Wilberforce Institute with Bonner Hall seen in the middle.
Adv. Gumbi’s talk planted a spirit of selflessness and unity despite racial differences. She said: “Tribalism is a construct as is racism. There is no such thing as a person from a certain cultural background being superior to others… There is no scientific evidence to support that. So is no language superior to others”. She advised the young people to remain distanced from regarding themselves as different from each other on the basis of race or language if they, who are leaders of the future, are to build a better Africa for all.
by impatience. She mentioned that in contributing to the country’s commitment to a “better life for all” President Cyril Ramaphosa had recently launched the NYDA’s programme called the Presidential Youth Service.
Nontsikelelo, in her opening remarks, referred to the notion that young people in South Africa are termed “the lost generation” and noted that while the scale of unemployment is at alarming proportions, young people should not be characterised
The Chairperson of the NHC, Edgar Neluvhalani, expressed the importance of heritage in society, especially the fundamental political, socio-economic and quality education values that can be derived from the life of Charlotte Maxeke. He made a very poignant statement in his opening address saying “We cannot, as a country, miss an opportunity to commemorate her, just like other historical figures that are taught in our history books. It is a given that people of her calibre deserve a space in the classroom situation, hence the quest by the NHC to foreground heritage within the school curriculum.”
The plaque acknowledging the dedication of Bonner Hall
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Dr Nduna-Watson, as an educator who studied at Oakland University and Michigan State University in the USA, and with a glowing passion for education, emphasised that “like a parent understood the value of educating a girl, so did Charlotte Maxeke”.
By memorializing and celebrating the life of Charlotte Mannya-Maxeke in this year’s activities, we echo her dream of a better life for all in South Africa, deepen her value system, and begin to make her dreams a reality.
WATER ALLOCATION PLAN FOR INKOMATI-USUTHU WATER MANAGEMENT AREA 1. Introduction The Inkomati-Usuthu Catchment Management Agency develop
Adv. Bernard Shabangu Acting Chief Executive Officer
allocation plan consider the environment,
• Based on the decisions made
social and economic needs, and help
about the risks to the water
ensure long-term sustainability and security.
and water users, a draft water
3. What is the water allocation plan process?
Water Management Area (WMA). A water
allocation plan is prepared.
3.1. Prescription of a water resource
allocation plan is a legal document that sets out the rules for managing the take and use
• A
Important water resources in the Inkomati-
of prescribed water resources to ensure they
are used sustainably. Water allocation plans
A water allocation plan ensures the needs of the environment are taken into account when determining how much water is made available to be taken and used for other purposes. Water
• The
account when making decisions
users, including the environment, now and
on any changes to the draft
into the future.
before submitting a final water
• The adopted water allocation plan is reviewed within 10 years to ensure it is still effectively managing the risks to the water
the stakeholders. To ensure this, scientific
resource, the environment, and
investigations of the water resource and
Once a water allocation plan is in place,
the stakeholders.
extensive stakeholder engagement are
water users can apply for a water licence,
undertaken in the development of a water
transfer water between users and a range of
allocation plan.
other activities subject to the rules and limits of the water allocation plan. A water licence
water allocation plan:
the resource.
• A risk assessment is undertaken to identify risks to the water resource
2. Why is water allocation plan important?
Water is a precious resource. There is a limit to
how much is available for use on an ongoing
• The
basis, so it is important to provide certainty to current and future users of water, particularly those whose livelihoods depend on it. A water allocation plan provides this certainty. Water
4. Implementation of a water allocation plan: licences and permits
There are 6 stages in the development of a
provides an ongoing right to take water from
for adoption.
the water needs of the environment and
with that water.
allocation plan to the Minister
IUCMA. A water allocation plan must meet
of water, and the types of activities permitted
managed to provide security for all water
allocation plan must be developed by
allocated to water users, rules around transfer
For each prescribed water resource, a water
available for use, how that water may be
the water resource must be sustainably
3.2. Development of a water allocation plan
allocation plans set out the amount of water
water allocation plan.
Water Act of 1998. Prescription means
input and views about the draft
protected and managed as per National
are developed in consultation with community
undertaken to seek stakeholder
Once is
water by
plan it
implemented by the Department of Water and Sanitation. The IUCMA/ DWS will manage the allocation of the water resource to existing and new users in accordance with the rules set
out in the water allocation plan. To
opportunities to provide input into
be allocated water, water users apply
the content of the water allocation
for a water licence which sets out the
plan, based on the risks it is aiming to
allocation and conditions applying to
taking water.
CONTACT THE IUCMA AT: Private bag X11214, Mbombela, 1200
Suite 801, The MAXSA Building, 13 Streak Street, Mbombela, 1200
Tel: 013 753 9000 | Website:
THE KAGISO TRUST STAKEHOLDER COLLABORATION MODEL the prospect of a better future for all written by Paul Smith
akana Municipality is a microcosm of many small towns in SA, a place with significant socioeconomic potential, but suffering the consequences of stakeholder and community polarization. Over the past few weeks, the Makana Municipality has witnessed the consequences of dissatisfied communities protesting for better service delivery from the municipality. This protest is one of several attempts by the local community to hold the municipality accountable for inadequate service delivery, including an ongoing legal battle to dissolve the Makana Council. The relationship between the municipality and community is at an all-time low while community solidarity towards the service delivery cause grows as business, communitybased organisations and communities collaborate against the state. This is not a unique response; we have seen it all before. For Makana, the service delivery issues and associated protests go back many years, an attempt to hold government accountable. This type of action, as with many other communities in South Africa, has had little positive impact on the desperate quality of life experienced by the communities. The question is: are these types of actions ever going to bring about the change we desire? History would indicate that protests and litigation create heightened awareness about issues, but do not necessarily result in meaningful change. So, what is the right approach? Kagiso Trust has focused on projects and approaches that enable sustainable systemic change
Municipal Focus
within government departments and communities, and in doing so they have developed a model which encompasses the three Cs: communication, collaboration, and cooperation. Makana Municipality is one such project. In Makana, KT has gone about supporting local stakeholders in creating an environment where communication, collaboration and cooperation amongst all stakeholders is encouraged to solve local socioeconomic issues. Adopting this collaborative approach has been difficult for many stakeholders. Communities are frustrated with time consuming processes and rather just want to see changes and local government has not mastered community centricity and collaboration. But change will not materialise if relationships are not mended, and a common purpose adopted by all. The Makana Circle of Unity (MCU) was established with the shared vision of creating “a great place to be” for all citizens. The MCU provides communities with an opportunity to collaborate, reignite creative problem solving, and to generate innovative ideas that promote socio-economic development in the region. This community-led process has enabled the formation of various functional clusters who generate ideas, co-create solutions, and implement projects that enable positive change. Many of these ideas start off messy and abstract but these are the green shoots of creative thinking, building bridges, and amplifying community voices for a common purpose.
The MCU is a registered NPO still in its infancy and does not yet enjoy the support of all stakeholders. Yet Kagiso Trust believes in this community collaboration model as it places local development in the hands of community and solicits government support to implement the change required. Kagiso Trust will continue to work with the early adopters and through impact evidence attract the naysayers to join the coalition and become part of a sustainable solution. Despite all the imperfections, the MCU structure has been an effective response mechanism that has supported marginalised communities during Covid-19. Collective civic mobilization and coordination of support activities enabled marginalised families to cope with the harsh reality of the pandemic. The prospect and potential impact of fully-fledged civic coalitions and a committed capable collaborative state for South African small towns, is an exciting opportunity for both communities and municipalities. Placing socio-economic development back into the hands of community will provide the best prospect of delivering the change that the community desires. Kagiso Trust believes that the stakeholder collaboration model developed in Makana, provides other municipalities and communities a tested alternative way to engage, and the mechanisms to eradicate poverty. We look forward to sharing our insights and views with other municipalities, government departments and civil society organisations as we strive to enable a better future for all.
COMMUNITIES For the past 36 years, the Kagiso Trust has collaborated and worked with South Africans to achieve a society that offers justice, equity and freedom from poverty. Over the years, the trust has invested heavily in the transformation and development of our basic and higher education system to enhance the quality of life of our children and set them on the path to future possibilities. We work with government and partner organisations to address critical challenges facing our education ecosystem. We have developed proven models in education aimed at delivering long-lasting results for our learners and offering them opportunities for a better future.
A prosperous, peaceful, equitable and just society
To contribute to development through sustainable funding, with like-minded partnerships and innovative scalable development models
OUR STRATEGIC GOALS: • EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PILLAR To extend educational development programmes • SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PILLAR To promote and support socio-economic development • INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING PILLAR To support strategic institutional capability development for sustainability
OUR VALUES • Integrity • Accountability • Passion for Development • Hands On, Bottom Up Approach
• FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY PILLAR To ensure financial sustainability of Kagiso Charitable Trust
CONTACT 011 566 1900
Vision of inclusivity and sustainable economic growth at the heart of National School of Government Economic Governance School.
Municipal Focus
n his 2020 State of the Nation Address (SoNA), President Cyril Ramaphosa placed emphasis on confronting South Africa’s challenges: rebuilding institutions and removing impediments to investment; ensuring excellence in planning and execution in government and placing the South African economy on a path to recovery and inclusive growth. Consequently, the ability of South Africa’s elected leaders to lead ethically, efficiently and decisively has increasingly come under scrutiny. Within this context, the National School of Government (NSG) designed an annual Economic Governance School Programme for Members of the Executive as part of its support to the government’s commitment to building a capable state. Pertinently, the 2019-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) places high priority on realising a capable, ethical and developmental state, followed by economic transformation and job creation. Approved by Cabinet in August 2020, the innovative programme, which is supported by the European Union (EU) as part of the “Public Service Training and Capacity Building Programme” intends to enhance leadership and oversight capabilities and broaden perspectives through analysis and critical reflection; and enable members of the executive within the three spheres of government to re-
examine governance challenges that constrain inclusivity and sustainable economic growth. “Credit rating downgrades, low economic growth, high levels of unemployment and recurring lapses in ethical leadership have a frustrating effect on domestic efforts to overcome the stubborn legacy of socio-economic imbalances. What the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated so far is that leadership needs to evolve; it cannot remain stagnant nor cling to dated practices when the world and systems are changing. Most importantly, leadership should be decisive in terms of policy consistency and fiscal responsibilities to inspire confidence,” says Busani Ngcaweni, NSG Principal.
Municipal Focus
NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT The 2021 programme, the second since the commencement of the programme (Economic Governance Summer School) in November last year, has been hailed as a resounding success with forty members of the executive having attended the virtual sessions this year in compliance with lockdown regulations. They were challenged to analyse and reflect on their own decisions in the portfolios they lead and the extent to which these can be characterised as manifestation of effective governance. Participating members of the executive in this years Economic Governance Winter School included Ms Patricia De Lille and Ms Noxolo Kiviet, respectively Minister and Deputy Minister for Public Works and Infrastructure; Mr Ronald Lamola and Nkosi Phathekile Holomisa, respectively Minister and Deputy Minister for Justice and Correctional Services and Ms Thembisile Nkadimeng, Executive Mayor of Polokwane, and President of SALGA, among others. “The key takeaway for me was the debate around the developmental state […], especially with consideration to whether we have the right structure and competencies to deliver on this [as public servants],” commented De Lille. In broadening the range of perspectives on key issues, the programme is also delivered in partnership with the Wits School of Governance which provides depth
of expertise across the sub-themes of Governance and Economic Growth; Development and the Global and Regional Economy; Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interventions; Building State Institutions as Instruments of Growth and Leading Inclusive Growth. Further training offered for local government officials by the NSG include: Local Government Leadership Development Programmes • Legislator Capacity Building Programme (2 Components) Component 1: Certificate in Governance and Leadership Component 2: Graduate Certificate in Advance Governance and Public Leadership • Leading Innovation in the Public Service • Day Workshop on Leading Change
Functional and Specialist Training • Contract Management MFMA • Bid Committees: MFMA • Strategic Sourcing: Strategy Assessment • Municipal Finance Management Programme • Project Khaedu: 2 Modules • Ethics Management in Local Government • Monitoring and Evaluation Programme • Evidence-Based Policy Making • Theory of Change (ToC) for Planning • Demand Management • Advanced Acquisition Management • Mainstreaming Gender in the Public Service • Foundation Management Development Programme • Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP) • Advanced Management Development Programme
Enquiries about the Economic Governance Programme should be directed to: Mr Khomotso Radebe at +27 83 268 0219. Enquiries about Local Government Programmes should be directed to: The NSG Contact Centre: 086 100 8326 / 012 441 7000.
Municipal Focus
he Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has launched a state-ofthe-art online climate risk profiling and adaptation tool to assist municipalities across South Africa to assess climate risks and growth pressures, by implementing adaptation actions towards the development of climate resilient human settlements. “The open access, online tool – named the Green Book – is intended to be an applied knowledge resource for municipalities to address climate change impacts and vulnerabilities in human settlements. The objective is to assist decision-makers in the local government sphere to better understand the consequences of climate change, and how to respond,” said CSIR senior researcher and project lead, Willemien van Niekerk. “The ultimate goal of the Green Book is to contribute to resilient, sustainable and liveable human settlements through climate change adaptation.” The Green Book is a novel and unique attempt at interdisciplinary, applied sciences that combined the expertise of researchers in climatology, demography, disaster risk sciences, environmental sciences, geography, informatics, urban planning, economics, ecology, architecture, anthropology, hydrology and statistics. The multi-disciplinary nature of the Book, combined with the high resolution scientific evidence, makes this one of the most novel, innovative and information-dense research
Municipal Focus
platforms about disaster risk and climate adaptation planning on the African continent. The Green Book forecasts to the year 2050 by projecting human settlement growth combined with quantitative, scientific evidence of the likely impacts that climate change will have on South African towns and cities. Every settlement risk profile proposes customisable adaptation actions, to be considered for integration into local plans and strategies that are to be implemented. It offers illustrative examples of adapting to climate change as essential components of urban development and management. It also reinforces the idea that sustainable development in
The open access, online tool – named the Green Book – is intended to be an applied knowledge resource for municipalities to address climate change impacts and vulnerabilities in human settlements. urban areas must include disaster risk reduction and climate change actions to reduce vulnerabilities. The Green Book is structured into three main components. The first component is a series of interactive national story maps. The user is able to browse through these story maps to learn more about the research methodology, findings
and recommendations, as well as to access the technical reports and interactive datasets. The second component is the municipal Risk Profile Tool; an interactive tool that grounds the adaptation process in scientific evidence of the risks each local municipality in South Africa is likely to face under a changing climate by 2050. The Risk Profile Tool provides dynamic risk profiles for each municipality and its associated human settlements in South Africa. These profiles provide information on vulnerabilities; population projections; exposure to climate hazards; and the impacts of climate change on some of South Africa’s municipality’s key resources. The third component is the municipal Adaptation Actions Tool; an interactive platform to support adaptation planning in local municipalities. The Adaptation Actions Tool provides a range of planning and design actions for municipalities to consider, to adapt their settlements and environments to the likely impacts of climate change, to climate proof their settlements, and to reduce their exposure and vulnerability to hazards, and thus the risk for disaster. The Green Book also provides information on adaptation planning
at a local government level. This includes information on why it is important to plan for climate change; how to deal with uncertainty; and the mechanisms that support climate change adaptation such as: disaster risk reduction, funding mechanisms, capacity building and awareness raising, and as well as monitoring and evaluation. The Green Book contributes to the climate change adaptation policy environment in South Africa. In addition to the stakeholders and
peer-reviewers involved in the project, more than 50 researchers from multiple domains and disciplines contributed to the Green Book project. The development of the Green Book was funded by the International Development Research Centre in Canada and the CSIR, and partnered by the National Disaster Management Centre. The Department of Environmental Affairs, the National Disaster Management Centre and Santam are committed to partner with the CSIR in phase II of the Green Book. ”This phase will focus on rolling-out the Green Book for implementation in municipalities most at risk, identifying gaps in research and development of this kind, and building capacity of officials and departments to deal with climate change adaptation. Given the risks, there is a great need for proactive investment in disaster risk reduction in South African urban settlements in order to cope with increasing extreme events in future” said van Niekerk.
The Green Book, its resources and tools can be accessed online at
Municipal Focus
he Municipal Councillors Pension Fund is an autonomous body exclusively designed to cater for Municipal Councillors. All municipalities can participate in the Fund, and contributions are made in accordance with the MCPF Fund Rules in conjunction with the Pension Fund Act and subsequent government notices. Member contributions are invested in a diversified portfolio to ensure members’ retirement savings grow as much as possible. The Fund invests in different asset classes such as cash, bonds, property, and international investments. We spoke to (Acting) Principal Officer and Company Secretary, Mr Elias Msiza, about the Fund, its investment strategy that garners maximum returns, and the Funds investment philosophy to provide members with the best possible benefits on retirement. Can you please provide us with an overview of the Fund, focussing on its membership requirements, and how it is managed? EM: The Municipal Councillors Pension Fund (MCPF) was established on 1 May 1988 in terms of the Pension Benefits for Councillors of Local Authorities Act 105 of 1987. On 1 December 2000, the Fund was restructured to a Defined Contribution Umbrella Fund that caters specifically and exclusively for councillors of all South African municipalities. All councillors of participating municipalities, irrespective of their age and political affiliation, are entitled or permitted to become members of the Fund.
Municipal Focus
(Acting) Principal Officer and Company Secretary, Mr Elias Msiza
The Fund has been in existence and catering for the retirement needs of councillors for 34 years. Our vision of providing a reliable and sustainable Fund for our members, as well as our mission to provide members with the best possible benefits that give them the maximum return on investments through the management of the financial contributions of municipalities and members, has always been the driving force of the Fund. Currently, 60% of all councillors in South Africa belong to the Fund. This equates to an amount of 5 600
members, and a majority of the market share in local government. This shows the confidence that councillors have shown over the years in the value that MCPF investments deliver. The MCPF is also highly recognised by the employer body, the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), and in terms of the Rules it is managed by its members through their nominated representatives from all nine provinces. The Board is constituted by 13 trustees – one from each
EM: MCPF membership is dependent on our member councillor’s term of office. As we know, political office in South Africa is limited to five years, and every five years the Fund experiences significant outflows as a result of members who have not been re-elected. The Fund’s investment strategy is therefore crafted to allow liquidity, and this enables us to make payments due to members who are not re-elected.
Various benefits are offered by the Fund to its members. Can you elaborate on these benefits?
Our investment philosophy is to provide members with a benefit at retirement that is sufficient to maintain their standard of living after retirement. Consistent with the purpose of the Fund, the investment philosophy focuses on targeting a good investment return relative to inflation over the medium to long term. The value of the asset fund currently stands at over R2,6 billion.
Active members are entitled to the value of their member share when they retire, resign, are dismissed, or are retrenched. They are also entitled to death, disability and funeral cover benefits.
And how does the MCPF compare in terms of costs, benefits and performance to other pension funds?
province, one trustee from SALGA, two independent trustees, and the Principal Officer. As of December 2017, through the intervention of the Financial Services Board (FSCA), the Fund is being managed by Curators whose sole responsibility is to rectify governancerelated challenges that were experienced by the Fund. Please elaborate on retirement payouts and how you ensure that the Fund remains sustainable.
EM: We take pride in our competitive administration costs, which saw the Fund recently making marked improvement to the funeral cover. This improvement resulted in doubling the amount of funeral cover at no additional cost to members. The MCPF is self-administered, and this allows the staff to take full responsibility in servicing members efficiently and diligently. One of the positive impacts of this is the significantly reduced turnaround time in paying out members’ benefits. There are no shareholders and this translates to all returns from investments being shared amongst members.
EM: The Fund provides its members with retirement benefits, death claim benefits – which are payable to the beneficiaries of the member in the unfortunate event of his or her death – funeral cover benefits, disability benefits, and pension-backed housing loan guarantees.
Deferred members (these are former councillors who were previously members of the Fund and on ceasing to be councillors decided to preserve their benefits and remain in the Fund) continue to grow their member share with net Fund returns until they decide to withdraw from the Fund or retire. A deferred pensioner is a non-contributing member, and is not entitled to death, disability, and funeral cover benefits. There’s also Beneficiary Trust Members, who are beneficiaries of deceased members. Their benefits consist of their proportion of the deceased member’s share plus a lump sum death benefit. They are not entitled to death and disability benefits, however, beneficiaries who are spouses or children of the deceased member, are entitled to funeral cover. How is the Fund improving lives? Please provide examples of the differences you have made to the lives of members of the MCPF.
Municipal Focus
Preparing for a presentation with MCPF members
EM: Even though the Fund is not a Financial Services Provider (FSP), we have partnered with Standard Bank to provide pension-backed housing loan guarantees that will enable qualifying councillors to have access to decent homes. We also continue to trace and reach out to Beneficiary Trust Members, so that they can access the benefits they are entitled to. What are your thoughts on the proposal for rationalisation/ restructuring and/or consolidation of the Municipal Councillors Pension Fund and potential consolidation and amalgamation with the Public Office Bearers? EM: The rationale behind this proposed amalgamation is to bring equitability in the remuneration dispensation of all political office bearers across all three spheres of government. Our members believe that there is a significant divide in the benefits of political office bearers compared to their counterpart at the other two spheres of government. I believe that in the interest of significantly reducing administration costs, and protecting and preserving the accumulated retirement savings
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of members, proposed amalgamation might be a good solution. We know that with increased economies of scale, the cost of insured benefits, as well as costs of administration, tend to get significantly lower. As the MCPF we will support this proposed rationalisation/restructuring if it is approved as it will ensure that more money is invested towards members’ retirement. The Fund aims to retain members based on sound governance, strong investment performance, choice of asset classes, and managers that have been chosen. Currently the administration costs of the MCPF remains competitive when looking at the industry and the number of members, and we will continue to look out for the best cost structure that will benefit our members. Improved performance requires commitment from every individual at every level, how do you ensure a culture of excellence within the organisation? Please unpack what have been some of the Fund’s greatest successes. EM: The Fund is professionally managed and the interests of members are put first. The Curators,
Management and MCPF staff remain committed to treating customers fairly and serving our members diligently and to their satisfaction. The Curators have made significant recoveries in the capital amount of R120 000 000 (one hundred and twenty million rand). They have also progressed and reallocated this money to all qualifying members (current, exited and deceased members’ beneficiaries). The Fund’s investments continue to grow (currently over R2,6 billion) and the MCPF continues to be guided by its appointed Investment Advisors, Selekane Asset Managers. The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) has been finalised and the Fund is Regulation 28 compliant. The MCPF has also diversified its assets by appointing additional asset/equity managers. What are your aspirations for the Fund and for its members? EM: I would like to see the Fund continue to be an agent of change and a trusted custodian of our members’ benefits, ensuring that lives are significantly improved in line with our investment philosophy.
I would also like to see our members recognise the importance of saving for the future. We know that the political careers of our members is unpredictable, and have first-hand experience of how after members’ political careers end, most become indigent as a result of non-payment of contributions. Some have opted to stop contributing, and this has negatively affected their investments and their risk benefits. This situation must be corrected. What have been some of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic? Please provide some insight into how the management team of the Fund handled these challenges? EM: The impact of COVID-19 is evident on many fronts. Since the start of the pandemic, the Fund has experienced a spike in death claims and this has increased our claim profile with the underwriter. The Fund conducts member feedback sessions and engagement sessions on an annual basis. As a result of COVID-19, we were unable to meet members face to face. The management team came up with a COVID-19 contingency plan and used a multimedia strategy to reach out to Fund members. We were able to roll out virtual provincial member
engagement meetings, and this has proven to be an effective strategy. We continue to communicate with members using different platforms such as SMSs, emails and social media posts, as well as local government publications. Is there any particular message you would like to send to councillors, as well as the citizens of South Africa during these difficult times? EM: As mentioned, we experience significant outflows as a result of members exiting the Fund following the local government elections. The ‘bulk exit project’ will ensure that those members are paid within a reasonable period. We have partnered with municipalities and will provide training to them on how to assist exiting members expeditiously.
The MCPF remains the fund of choice for municipal councillors in South Africa. We do not share members’ investment returns with shareholders, instead, we share the declared returns between the members of the Fund. We encourage all members of the MCPF and their families to continue observing all COVID-19 protocols, and in this way we will all remain safe and continue to build a better South Africa for all together.
Head Office The Willows Office Park Block 1 Unit 1&2 276 George Road Erand Gardens, Midrand P.O. Box 283, Half Way House, Midrand 1685 Tel: 086 111 2014 Fax: 086 674 5579 E-mail:
MCPF feedback session
Municipal Focus
“The success of this conference will reflect in the socio-economic fortunes of our province and our country as a whole,” says Hon Premier Stan Mathabatha
Limpopo agricultural sector
Municipal Focus
he province hosted a twoday investment conference 01-02 September 2021 that set out to attract local and international investment; create a network of investors, industry experts and key stakeholders in pursuit of industrialisation; and receive investment pledges for: • New enterprises in the Mining and Mineral Beneficiation sector • Opening of new enterprises in the Agriculture and Agro-processing sector • New enterprises in Renewable and Alternative Energy sector • Investment in Tourism opportunities • Infrastructure development supporting the Industrialisation Programme • More uptake for the SEZ and Industrial Park • Manufacturing Infrastructure Addressing the conference virtually, President Cyril Ramaphosa said the conference forms part of government’s national effort which was announced in 2018 to attract foreign investment of 1.2 trillion over five years. “The conference draws together investors across the country, from across the continent and the world for new and further investment in the beautiful province of Limpopo,” said President Ramaphosa. The Hon President said Limpopo is endowed with vast mineral deposits and is blessed with fertile soil, a place of immense scenic beauty, numerous heritage sites and other natural wonders.
Limpopo industrial sector
He said that investments into the province should contribute to the development of integrated value chains that generate sufficient and significant added value for the economy as a whole and that the value chains should create further opportunities for the emergence of more small, medium and microenterprises. He said the other added advantage is that Limpopo is the home of a number of well-educated people, skilled people and young people who are ready and willing to work and to acquire the necessary skills to work.
most strategic flag-ship economic development project in the province, the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone. “The SEZ presents abundant opportunities for Limpopo in manufacturing, agro processing, pharmaceutical, automotive, mining and steel manufacturing which will result in job opportunities,” he said. Mathabatha said the SEZ is a priority for Limpopo and government continues to invite prospective investors to partner with the SEZ to make the project a resounding success.
Limpopo Premier Hon. Stan Mathabatha said the success of the conference will reflect in the upliftment of the socio-economic status of the people of the province and added that the conference is an important catalyst for the
It was clear from the conference that government aimed at working together with the private sector to intensify its investment drive in order to safeguard the lives and the livelihoods of the people in Limpopo, stimulate economic growth,
Municipal Focus
Limpopo tourism sector
create much-needed employment opportunities and reduce the ballooning gap of inequality. With the support of national government, the Musina-Makhado SEZ project was positioned as an apex priority in the province, with mining, agriculture and tourism as the three provincial key economic focus areas. In his opening address Mathabatha stated that, “Our people believe in solidarity and partnerships, and that’s exactly the spirit that drives our government. We believe that it is through working together as government and the private sector that we can eradicate the economic challenges facing our people.” Tourism It was highlighted that Limpopo had the competitive advantage being endowed with abundant natural resources, including 54 provincial reserves and countless private game reserves. The latest available data indicates that Limpopo is the second most popular destination for international arrivals and still leads the pack as number one with regard to domestic tourism. Mathabatha believes that Tourism is alive with possibilities,
Municipal Focus
a great growth point in the province, and is confident that investors will be pleased to explore the tourism sector, and leverage opportunities that are available. Mining Sector The opportunities in Limpopo are ripe for investment, and the Premier called on partnerships and collaborations with private investors to take full advantage of these mostly untapped mineral deposits and pledged that the province would journey together with the investors to eradicate the triple challenge of poverty, unemployment and inequality. The province is the richest when it comes to mineral deposits and has an abundance of minerals such as platinum, chrome, coal and diamonds. Other sectors Hon President Ramaphosa said government is undertaking farreaching structural reforms in the energy, transport and water sectors and has already taken several steps to achieve security of electricity supply for the whole country including restructuring Eskom into separate entities for generation, transmission and distribution. Government is also
“We therefore, continue to invite investors to partner with us in making this project a resounding success it is destined to be,” says Mathabatha. continuing to make improvements in the turnaround time for the issuing of water licenses and will reduce the waiting time for a water licence substantially. He said capital investment in our ports and freight rail infrastructure are being increased and progress is being made in increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of our ports. Uniquely positioned and sharing borders with three of our neighbouring countries: Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, the province is a gateway to a potential market of 300 million people just in the Southern African Development Community region. Added to this SA has a favourable tax regime to ensure decent returns, a sophisticated financial sector to manage complex transactions, and an independent judiciary able to enforce legal provisions and contracts.
Limpopo is open for business!
uMngeni Local Municipality CoGTA MEC heaps uMngeni Municipality with praises
Garden Route District Municipality Skills Mecca to become central to job and skills alignment
eThekwini Municipality Restores women’s dignity through home ownership
Emalahleni Local Municipality
Rolls-out community based projects
Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality
Unqualified Audit Opinion For Lepelle
Municipal Focus
CoGTA MEC heaps uMngeni Municipality with praises have demonstrated, which is evident in the great work they have completed through the MIG funding and other projects and programmes they have undertaken,” added Hlomuka
Mayor: Cllr. Sizwe Sokhela
The MEC visited Mpophomeni Township’s Ward 11 to officially open the area’s multi-purpose centre valued at R6 925 259.29 million, thereafter inspected the completed Ekuthuleni Road in Ward 10 – also in Mpophomeni valued at R3 897 117.95 million. Hlomuka proceeded to open the Emandleni Village Community Hall and the Khanya Village Community Hall valued at R6 101 675 million and R6 638 858 million respectively. The MEC conducted a community engagement in the latter community hall.
MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) in KwaZuluNatal, Sipho Hlomuka, heaped praises on uMngeni Municipality’s leadership and administration led by Mayor Sizwe Sokhela and Municipal Manager, Thembeka Cibane respectively, when he officially opened four multi-million rand Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funded projects recently. “We wish to impart our appreciation to uMngeni Municipality for allowing us to visit and to see for ourselves the service delivery that the municipality has undertaken for its communities” said MEC Hlomuka. “We have witnessed the great work that the municipality has done and wish to thank the municipal leadership and administration for the unity they
Municipal Focus
Lion’s River Community Hall in Ward 9
“I commend uMngeni Municipality for implementing these vital community projects. I am proud of how beautiful these halls have turned out and I wish I could have them implemented in many communities including the area I come from in Ladysmith,” added the MEC.
“We have witnessed the great work that the municipality has done and wish to thank the municipal leadership and administration for the unity they have demonstrated.”
“As the municipality we have always demonstrated that the way of addressing our country’s growth prospects is to implement more infrastructure projects. With the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) from your esteemed Department we have been able to undertake such projects valued at more than R109 million since 2016, including the projects the MEC officially launched,” said uMngeni Municipality Mayor, Sizwe Sokhela.
Emandleni Community Hall
“Indeed I am happy to report to you that the MIG allocation over the current term has been spread out across the 12 Wards of the municipality. Through MIG we were able to facilitate its intended purpose that of eradicating municipal infrastructure backlogs in poor communities to ensure the provision of basic services such as roads and other infrastructural facilities in these previously disadvantaged communities,” added Sokhela. Development facilitated by uMngeni Municipality since 2016 Ringing true its mantra of “People Centred Development”, uMngeni Municipality has expedited developments estimated at an investment value of just over R272 million during the current term of office which commenced in August 2016. Some of the developments, which include shopping centres, a school and residential estates have been completed, while some are still in progress. These approved developments take up more than 34 000 square metres.
Municipal Focus
NEWS “In essence Municipalities, including uMngeni Municipality, are key in driving and supporting economic development. This is one of the key strategies that we focused on when we came into office, and this has borne fruit to an extent that in our term of office, we made history by facilitating for the first time ever a shopping complex in Mphophomeni Township,” said Mayor, Sizwe Sokhela. These developments took place in Howick, Hilton and Mpophomeni Township. “Development translates to economic growth and employment opportunities and for the municipality this means an increase in revenue base,” added Sokhela.
Ekuthuleni road
The Mayor said that uMngeni Municipality is strategically located for further development and growth. “Our area is ideal for quality investments and we are proud of our administration for ensuring that such and many other related developments have been facilitated and expedited, which to a large extent created an appetite for more development from investors,” Sokhela said. Ward 11 Multi-Purpose Centre
Khanya Village Community Hall in Ward 7
Municipal Focus
List of the MIG funded projects in uMngeni LM, monitored by Cogta are as follows:WARD
1, 6 & 12
Chris Hani Road in Sphumelele Township, Mnquhe Road in Tumbleweed and Nxumalo Road in Emandleni
R3 133 093
Roads and stormwater upgrade
R7 500 000
3, 4 and 9
School Road in Zenzani Village, Sweetvalue Street in Lidgetton, Ndlovu and Mthembu Roads in Lion’s River
R3 596 000
Emathuneni Road in Zenzani Village
R1 439 683
Main Road in Zenzani Village
R2 026 225
Mboyi Shabalala Street in Lidgetton
R4 020 736
Loop Road in Lidgetton
R1 854 134
Combo Court in Lidgetton
R1 363 191
Fencing and construction of toilets at the Curry’s Post cemetery
R2 790 726.62
Middle Road in Emandleni Village
R1 421 133
End Road in Emandleni Village
R1 222 323
Emandleni Village Community Hall
R6 101 675
B2 Intersection
R2 200 000
Khanya Village Community Hall
R6 638 858
73, 82, 89 Streets and Winnie Mandela Drive
R3 071 293
65 Road and Ntswelaboya Street
R3 042 193
Elijah Zuma Community Hall
R5 106 555.26
Mthombo Road (Mpophomeni Township)
R2 748 003
Sirkot Road (Lion’s River)
R832 691
Fynn and Smith Roads (Lion’s River)
R2 149 007.01
Lion’s River Community Hall
R6 600 000
Mntambo and Ngcobo Roads
R2 665 183.94
Mkhiwane and Ntokozo Roads
R3 469 390.79
Ekuthuleni Road
R3 897 117.95
Shayamoya Road
R2 587 442.03
Nxala and Chakide Roads
R2 488 509.14
Impala and Imbabala Roads
R2 861 440.47
Inyala and Korea Roads
R2 561 000.47
The Mdayisi Kunene Multi-Purpose Centre
R6 925 259.29
Sompisi Road in Tumbleweed
R1 532 158
Mpempe Road
R1 570 224
Municipal Focus
NEWS GARDEN ROUTE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Skills Mecca to become central to job and skills alignment
South Africans have almost become immune to bad news as day to day survival remains for many the single most important priority, especially with the arrival of COVID-19 and the world of Lockdown. Many of us would probably not even realise that on 1 June 2021, Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) released the first quarter of 2021 Labour Force Survey(QLFS) that shows the official national unemployment rate stands at 32,6%. This is the highest unemployment rate since the start of the Labour Force Survey in 2008. Although the Western Cape is somewhat better off at 23,7%, the smaller percentage makes no difference to those still unemployed and without a job. Turning such a catastrophic scenario around in a long-term sustainable manner is only possible through targeted economic growth and development. This is why the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) developed a 20-year Growth and Development Strategy, a well-designed strategy with a solid foundation and many cross-cutting enablers, one of which is skills development.
an external stakeholder forum. An implementation plan for the Skills Mecca has been finalised and was submitted to the Management of the GRDM, Municipal Managers Forum of the District, and a Council workshop for further deliberations and input. The next step is to develop a website where residents of the Garden Route can access up to date information on the GRSM.
Garden Route Skills Mecca
Another essential part of the GRSM concept is establishing a clear link between skills development and jobs, which will be made possible by the GRSM team working closely with Local Economic Development (LED) Units at each municipality in the Garden Route. This approach will help to inform decisions by utilising
The Garden Route District Municipality and its relevant stakeholders have ramped up efforts to roll out the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM). Dr Florus Prinsloo, a dedicated GRSM Coordinator, has already established an internal task team, as well as
Municipal Focus
demand-based methods toward skills development. This means that economic demand would need to be linked to skills development projects and programmes and will result in people studying towards careers where there are jobs vacant. A partnership-based approach is the only way that such an ambitious process will succeed. At the moment, a pressing and challenging risk faced is the lack of funding available for skills development. Creating public-private partnerships is vital to the success of this programme. Currently the GRDM is engaging all economic levels to try and source funding for this innovative approach to skills development and job creation.
Restores women’s dignity through home ownership At an event held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, Sibongile Mhlongo was one of seventy women from Cornubia, Kingsburgh and Tshelimnyama who received their title deeds and became proud property owners. Just over two years ago, life was dire for Sibongile Mhlongo who lived in a shack and had no decent home for herself, her three children and grandchild. The blind 64-year-old’s life changed for the better, as she not only received a house in Cornubia in 2018, but also became the proud owner of her home on the 30 August 2021, when she received her title deed. The event aimed to address imbalances of the past and honour women as part of the City’s Women’s Month Celebrations. Mhlongo said receiving the title deed gave her peace as it means her three children and grandchild will always have a place to call home. “I am grateful to receive the title deed so soon after moving into my house. One of my biggest fears was what would happen to my children when I am gone. I feel so relieved now knowing that they will always have shelter,” she said. Through the Title Deeds Restoration Programme, a national project which commenced in the 2015/16 financial year, eThekwini Municipality is moving with speed to address backlogs in the
Sibongile Mhlongo, accompanied by her daughter, receives her title deed from the Chairperson of the Finance Committee Cllr. Diana Hoorzuk
issuing of title deeds. Great strides have been made and to date more than 10 000 properties have been transferred to their rightful owners. Delivering the keynote address at the title deeds handover event, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, Councillor Diana Hoorzuk, said home ownership brings renewed hope to those requiring shelter.
The blind 64-year-old’s life changed for the better, as she not only received a house in Cornubia in 2018, but also became the proud owner of her home on the 30 August 2021, when she received her title deed. aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030.
“The beneficiaries will not only be proud title deed holders, but they will also be able to pass property ownership onto future generations, thus breaking the cycle of poverty,” she said.
Chairperson of the Human Settlements and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Thanduxolo Sabelo, urged beneficiaries to safeguard their title deeds.
Cllr Hoorzuk said the title deeds handover event, held particularly for women, was in line with the National Development Plan which is a roadmap to socio-economic transformation that
“A house legally becomes yours when you receive a title deed. These houses are now yours because of the title deed you hold. Keep it safe,” said Councillor Sabelo.
Municipal Focus
NEWS EMALAHLENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Rolls-out community based projects In 2020 Council took a decision to have a food bank and engaged businesses and individuals to support the initiative. It was led by Councillors and the Executive Management who made personal contributions to the fund. Last month food vouchers with a value of R1 000 each were distributed to 255 beneficiaries, 15 of whom were selected in the 17 wards of Emalahleni. The purpose of this initiative was to provide relief to distressed households. “We understand that this is not enough, but it is the little that we can do while we are busy creating opportunities for sustainable local economic development initiatives”, said Cllr Nontombizanele Koni. The same evening Councillor Koni, members of the Executive Committee, Councillors and the municipal management switched on solar streetlights in Indwe, Dordrecht and Cacadu. In total 172 solar streetlights were installed in the three towns in an effort to enhance safety and security for its citizens, and in the process created job opportunities for 45 people during the installations. “In regard to service delivery, we are doing our best to give quality services to the people of Emalahleni in response to their needs, as documented on the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), a document developed in consultation with the community. Today we are handing over solar streetlights in our three
Municipal Focus
Mayor: Cllr. Nontombizanele Koni
Last month food vouchers with a value of R1 000 each were distributed to 255 beneficiaries, 15 of whom were selected in the 17 wards of Emalahleni. towns, paving projects are finished and in other areas they are in progress, places like Ward 12 (Mkhaphusi) leading to Ward 13. Our aim is to ensure that we do our level best with the little that we have, as we are a small rural municipality with a lot of potential on service delivery”, said Cllr. Nontombizanele Koni.
The municipality supported a number of local economic development projects in the month of August. One of the projects saw nine women running a recycling cooperative being handed a baling machine by Cllr.Koni. Mrs Nomazulu Mtwa, Chairperson of Cacadu recycling cooperatives, receiving the support on behalf of the recyclers said, “We worked without a machine and the municipality assisted us so that we could bale our stuff and have a good market. With the baling machine we will be able to make more money and we feel this will help Cacadu women prosper.” Ward 4 Cllr. Nomzi Tyhulu said,” In this recycling project there are more women and that makes me happy as mothers always try to put food on the table at home.”
Mrs Nosango Dyani of Phambili Co-op on brickmaking at Indwe, when receiving support in the form of wheel barrows, spades, water drums, masks, gloves, water pipes and other items said, “We are very thankful, as women of Indwe, for this gesture of goodwill by Emalahleni Local Municipality. We have created jobs for the youth in the area and we pay them daily to ensure that they are able to buy food. We know some of them were involved in criminal activities, but now that they are working, they work hard here and get back home with no energy to go out and torment the people. Our children are at tertiary institutions, and most of them are already working as professionals due to our commitment and dedication to this brickmaking business. We have supplied big construction in the past in areas like Cacadu, Cala, Willowvale, and even here in Indwe houses are built with our bricks.” Part of the rollout of projects in Emalahleni Local Municipality was the handover and site inspection of two shearing sheds constructed by Sibanye Stillwater, a mining company. The beneficiaries were Mount Arthur (Ward 12) and Tsawulayo (Ward 10). The shearing sheds provided adequate facilities for the communal farmers who had been shearing in sheds they had built themselves, which did not meet requirements for proper operations of wool production. The areas excel in wool production and according to the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), the municipal
area has about 500 000 sheep, and farmers earned approximately R33 000 000 in wool production in the 2019/2020 financial year. The construction of these two sheds by Sibanye Stillwater will further enhance wool production in these villages, along with the involvement of the National Wool Growers Association, as the service provider, assisting with the construction, necessary equipment, training of the communal farmers on shearing, as well as the improvement of their wool quality with the provision of ram. The construction will commence at the beginning of October 2021 with the employment of four people at each shearing shed. Sibanye Stillwater as part of their corporate social responsibility supports Emalahleni Local
Municipality, that has been one of the labour sending areas in the mines, in the past, and at the present time. “We are very pleased to have employees who know that we cannot sit and wait to be given the equitable share and other monies by the National Treasurer and other sources of revenue to further engage the private sector on our own. We are here today, grateful to Sibanye Stillwater for responding to our request on behalf of the community. This is not a promise but the fulfilment of the wishes of our people. We are looking forward to the quality of work to be provided here with the support of the National Wool Growers Association. We appreciate what Sibanye Stillwater has done to remember that our forefathers and fathers were working tirelessly on the mines and now they are back home with nothing to offer to their families”, said Koni.
Municipal Focus
Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality’s (LNM) efforts towards attaining a clean audit received a boost when the Municipality received an Unqualified audit opinion from the AuditorGeneral of South Africa (AGSA), this for the first time in 10 financial years. The audit opinion, with material findings, noted that the Municipality is in a solvent position and able to meet its financial obligations. The financial statements were presented fairly, in all material respects for the financial position as at 30 June 2020. Financial performance and cash flows for the year under review were in accordance with the South African Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) and the requirements of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) and the Division of Revenue Act, 2019 (Act No. 16 of 2019). The AG’s findings are contained in the Municipal Integrated Annual Report for the 2019/20 financial year, which was tabled in Council on Monday, 31 May 2021. The AuditorGeneral notes an improvement in the Municipal working capital position, as well as cash flow from operating activities, which are both positive at year-end compared to the negative position the year before. Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality Mayor, Cllr. Meriam Molala has welcomed the findings, saying that since taking over the reins in the Municipality, her administration has ensured budgetary processes focus on the urgent needs of indigent communities, through investment in infrastructure, provision
Municipal Focus
Mayor: Cllr. Meriam Molala
of free basic services and the growth of the local economy. “This is indeed a good story to tell, it is a great achievement. We have indeed registered significant audit improvement for the 2019/2020 financial year. The hard work and commitment of our management and officials, oversight by our Council has paid off. We will continue in our concerted efforts to manage our cash flow and generate cash backed surpluses to fund future capital expenditure”, Cllr. Molala explains. The Mayor further urged management not to relax and regress on this
achievement, and they should work hard to improve the Unqualified opinion to a clean audit opinion. It also the first time, that the Municipality has tabled a total budget of R 563,067,503.14 for the 2021/2022 year, as compared to previous financial years. The AG also acknowledged the Municipality’s implementation of consequence management resulting from the Independent Forensic Consultant investigation on allegations of employee misconduct, fraud and other irregular activities which covered the period 2017/2018 to 2019/2020.
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