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EducAid is a non-governmental organization founded in March 2000 and based in Italy.It operates in various countries in the field of Education, seeking to improve and to strengthen the capacities of different systems in responding to the needs of all children by:
• Preventing and reducing, through Education and Social work, the disadvantages and obstacles of individuals living in social and cultural difficulties.
• Promoting pedagogical and social innovation as a tool for capacity-building of the individuals and institutions playing a key role in the Education Sector
• Promoting, in theory and in practice the concept of “community education”, linking together education and coexistence, participation, democratic development.
Focus Areas
• Promoting the respect of Human Rights, in particular the rights of children, persons with disability, minority groups.
• Encouraging policies oriented to gender equality
EducAid is among the founding members of RIDS (Rete Italiana Disabilità e Sviluppo/Italian Disability and Development Network), a network of CSOs created to build, promote and mainstream the respect for human rights of people with disabilities in all programs aimed at developing countries, based on the principles enshrined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability. Moreover, with regards to Disability, EducAid and RIDS have supported AICS in the development of different Guidelines related to Childhood, Adolescence, disability and social inclusion in cooperation interventions, Inclusive education, accessibility, humanitarian aid in disability and disability action plan. In Kenya, EducAid partnered with different International and Local organizations by providing expertise in the field of Inclusive Education, promoting mechanisms for inclusive access to education targeting children with disabilities and street connected children, who are among the most severely socially disadvantaged groups, in Nairobi