Conqueror's Keys Kentwood Kentwood High High School School
October Volume 07 • Issue 03 • 2020
Table of Contents 02 President's Letter 03 Editor's Note 04 Membership & Dues
05 Service Opportunities 0608
Contacts & Socials
President's President's Letter Letter Hello hello key clubbers! I'd like to start off by welcoming our new members to key club! We're so excited you chose to join us on this journey of service and leadership! Also a quick welcome back to our returning members. Cheers to another year! We're very proud of you all for taking steps to improve the community and make a change through service and character building. So far we've had a great time (despite Microsoft Teams being janky) at our first 2 meetings. However- if you've haven't joined us yet, it's NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN! Send any of us an email to be added to the chain and to access any links or forms. Membership forms + dues are due Nov. 6 so please do it ASAP! We also have a tutoring service opportunity that I advice you all to look into! If you do any service outside of KC events, please let us know so we can make it count! As a reminder, don't be too worried about hours! We're all super reasonable as we're all in this pandemic, and the requirements will change throughout the year. So be excited for what's to come and we'll see you at our next meeting on Nov. 2nd! Stay safe out there and enjoy your spooky season! In love and service,
Lauren Ma Lauren Ma KWKC 2020-2021 President
Editor's Note Hey hey KWKC and happy Fall (aka the best season of the year)! Welcome to my third issue of Conqueror's Keys and a fresh season of spooks and service. For our new KC members, hello! I'm Jillian (more often referred to as Jill) and Editor's Notes are my own personal notes where I get to talk a bit about how this newsletter came together, what to anticipate on the next few pages and well, a little bit about myself! Last month I officially started junior year as a running start student at Green River College and well, that's going uhm, ok (it's not, send help). I've also regained my love for reading, so if you have any good book recommendations, by all means send them my way! Fortunately, homework and books aren't the only thing keeping me occupied during this (endless) quarantine, so has updating on IG and making this special Halloween-themed newsletter for y'all! In this letter you'll find info on membership forms + dues (which happen to be due on my birthday *cough*) and a couple COVIDfriendly service opportunities! This has to be my fav newsletter so far, so it'll be pretty hard to top it in the next. But until then, happy early Halloween and happy reading! In love and Service,
Jillian Canolo Jillian Canolo KWKC 2020-2021 Editor
Membership Forms & Club Dues Membership Forms
Returning & New members: Membership form links were sent via student email. Please fill out the quick Google Doc to become an official member!
Due: Nov. 6th Dues Returning & New members: Please make an online payment of $12.50 to the longer link sent out via student emails to remain an active member! (It helps our club!)
Due: Nov. 6th
Service Opportunities
ive Teen's G
• "Teens Give" online tutoring event
• Health Occupations Students of America
• Tutor students between 4th-10th grade in various subjects virtually
• Started by KWKC's very own secretary Kristy and member Samantha F.
• 30-60 minute sessions per week
• Offers various volunteering opportunities for aspiring health care proffesionals
• For more info click the link in the "Service Event" slide from the 2nd meeting ppt! (Find in student email)
• For more info follow @kentwoodhosa on IG!
If you come across any potential service events for the club, contact us so we can add it!
Contacts & Socials
President: Lauren Ma IG: @laurenma678 Email:
Vice President: Emi Parke IG: @emiparke Email:
Secretary: Kristy Xian IG: @lol.kristy Email:
Treasurer: Andrew Dinh IG: @andrewxdinh Email:
Contacts & Socials
Editor: Jillian Canolo IG: @jillcanoloo Email:
Webmaster: Michael Han IG: @michaell.han Email:
Funds Head: Lam Pham IG: @_lam.pham Email:
Club Advisor: Mr. White Email:
Contacts & Socials
IG: @kwkeyclub
Remind: For text reminders, text ‘@KENTWOODKC’ to 81010
KWKC Website: https://kwkeyclub.wixsite. com/mysite