Users’Energy Expenditure of the Vita Chair
Ten m ale v ol u n t e e r s w e r e s e le cte d a s th e te st su b je cts. T h e ir average a ge was 22. 4 0 ± 1 . 6 5 y e a r s , a ve r a g e h e ig h t wa s 1 7 5 .4 0 ± 6 .6 5 cm, and a ve rage weig h t w a s 7 0 . 9 0 ± 9 . 7 0 kg . T hi s paper a i m e d t o u s e t h e d iffe r e n t m o d e s o f th e Vita Ch a ir to measure us ers ’ d i ff e r e n t w h o l e b o d y vib r a tio n s ( WBV) a n d r e co r d thei r e nergy ex pe n d i t u r e ( E E ) . T h e r e su lts we r e th e n u se d to e xtr a p ol ate the p rac t ic alit y o f t h e Vi t a C h a i r.
F ig u r e 1 . T h e Vita Ch a ir EE Test Conc lus i o n The ener g y e x p e n d e d d u rin g WBV r a n g e d b e twe e n 1 .3 2 M ETs and 1. 89 M E Ts . ( T h e m a x im u m e n e r g y e xp e n d itu r e r a n g e d f rom 1. 50 M E Ts t o 2 . 2 9 M ETs.) SL EEP m o d e fig u r e d th e lo w est E E , while R H Y T H M m o d e fig u r e d th e h ig h e st.
1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 6
Dis c us s i o n
T h e EE r e s u l ts cou l d b e fu rthe r assessed. For exam ple, 2.5. M ETs is the am o u n t o f e n e rgy u se d e a ch minute to walk leisur ely ( 2.5 × 3.5 m l/kg/m i n) . If a s u b j e c t wi th a b o d y w ei gh t o f 70 kg walks for 60 m inutes, the total ox y gen co n s u m p t i on i s 2.5 × 3.5 ml /kg /m in × 70 kg × 60 m in = 36750 m l. The s ubj ec t co n s u m e s rou g h l y 4.9 2 4 kca l /l × 36.75 l= 180.9 kcal. If engaging in RHYT H M m o d e ( a v e rag e 1 .8 9 ME Ts; maxim um 2.29 M ETs) for 60 m inutes, a sub j ec t w i t h a b o d y w e i gh t o f 7 0 kg co nsum es 136.8 kcal. ( m axim um 165.8 kca l .) (Ta b l e 1 ) . Model Time
RELAX Model 2
SLEEP Model 3
RHYTHM Model 6
20 minutes (maximum)
42 kcal (53 kcal)
35 kcal (41 kcal)
32 kcal (36 kcal)
39 kcal (54 kcal)
46 kcal (55 kcal)
40 minutes (maximum)
84 kcal (106 kcal)
69 kcal (81 kcal)
64 kcal (72 kcal)
77 kcal (108 kcal)
91 kcal (111 kcal)
60 minutes (maximum)
125 kcal (159 kcal)
104 kcal (122 kcal)
96 kcal (109 kcal)
116 kcal (162 kcal)
137 kcal (166 kcal)
Table 1. A 70 kg User’s EE for Different Time Spans in Five Modes
S. C. Wang, C. M. Chen, C. H. Lu, C. J. Chou, Y. N. Liao, S. Y. Chan, G. Y. Lin National Chung Cheng University Graduate Institute of Sport and Leisure Education
The effects of Vita Chair vibrational and musical interventions on
cardiovascular circulation and autonomic nervous control
Ten male volunteers were recruited as study subjects, with age 22.40±1.65 years, height 175.40±6.65 cm and weight 70.90±9.70 kg. To understand the practical benefits of Vita Chair on the cardiovascular system by studying changes in the cardiovascular circulation and autonomic nervous system control for 1 hour after Vita Chair WBV activity, using different vibration frequencies and musical intervention.
Figure 1: Actual situation during Vita chair vibrational and musical intervention.
Conc lus i o n WBV with musical intervention (groups F+M and S+M) appeared to cause obvious changes in autonomic nervous control.
During the actual study, subjects had to undergo four rounds of experiments in the laboratory. After arrival in the laboratory, subjects were rested for 10 minutes before lying down on the Vita Chair and given either fast vibration rhythm and music (F+M), fast rhythm (F), slow rhythm and music (S + M) or slow rhythm (S) in four different experiments of 15 minutes with different frequency and musical intervention (Figure 1). Physiological changes after experiment were monitored for 1 hour (with collection of data every 15 minutes: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes) and added together with resting physiological data to collect 5 sets of dependent variable data.
Dis c us s i o n Table 1. Effects of Vita Chair on cardiovascular circulation. Variable
15 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
115.33±10.52 120.33±18.81 114.33±13.40 117.33±09.09
115.83±11.51 116.50±21.71 111.17±13.88 115.50±07.66
112.00±13.89 119.17±25.14 110.50±11.06 121.17±05.34
114.00±10.99 114.33±14.76 111.17±09.72 116.33±08.96
61.17±11.16 61.33±19.17 58.17±14.92 59.00±09.63
57.67±12.16 60.17±15.83 57.33±14.47 58.50±11.70
56.33±11.94 61.67±14.04 55.17±09.41 61.67±08.16
58.50±13.50 64.33±13.11 59.67±11.41 62.67±11.20
110.67±09.0 9 122.67±23.6 6 113.33±10.1 5 117.83±13.2 6 61.50±12.19 64.33±13.72 60.50±10.75 60.83±11.72
Mean blood pressure (mmHg)
79.22±10.84 81.00±18.79 76.89±14.13 78.44±08.81
77.06±11.51 78.94±17.39 75.28±13.95 77.50±09.69
74.89±11.89 80.83±17.20 73.61±09.68 81.50±07.10
77.00±12.15 81.00±13.07 76.83±10.41 80.56±10.20
77.89±10.78 83.78±16.86 78.11±10.36 79.83±11.78
Heart rate (bpm)
62.33±10.93 69.00±16.24 64.00±06.78 61.83±08.84
63.50±12.13 64.67±16.13 61.67±12.32 67.00±10.51
62.00±12.23 68.00±11.76 57.17±05.12 60.33±08.26
67.00±15.72 65.83±11.69 63.00±05.18 65.33±10.11
67.83±11.05 64.67±11.48 61.17±08.98 61.00±10.58
PWV (m/s)
7.64±1.46 7.72±1.35 6.85±1.69 7.28±1.02
7.13±1.73 6.84±1.63 6.62±0.69 6.86±1.36
7.83±1.72 6.59±1.87 6.75±0.85 6.87±1.07
7.84±1.18 7.24±2.00 6.92±0.87 6.77±0.93
7.57±0.98 7.16±1.97 7.14±1.41 7.73±1.02
Cardiovascular circulation
Systolic blood
Diastolic blood
F+M:Fast rhythm and music, F:fast rhythm, S+M:slow rhythm and music , S:slow rhythm A
Changes in systolic blood pressure (A), diastolic blood pressure (B), mean blood pressure (C) and heart rate (D) after Vita Chair use.
Vibrations for 15 minutes on the Vita chair can reduce the blood flow velocity after vibration and increase arterial compliance. Musical intervention during vibration can reduce the diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure and heart rate, 30 minutes after vibration. The decrease in sympathetic nervous activity and increase in parasympathetic nervous activity after vibration could therefore cause a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, and increase arterial expansion and elasticity.
S. C. Wang, C. M. Chen, C. H. Lu, C. J. Chou, Y. N. Liao, S. Y. Chan, G. Y. Lin National Chung Cheng University Graduate Institute of Sport and Leisure Education