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KY Foundation
KY Foundation helps students achieve their professional, study-related and extracurricular goals at Aalto University School of Business.
The purpose of the KY Foundation is to support, for example, the leisure activities, culture and sports events, internationality and study success of the business students at Aalto University. By providing financial support and other resources for students and associations, KY Foundation helps Aalto business students grow and aim higher.
Over 500 000 € of grants awarded annually
KY Foundation offers yearly grants and subsidies to clubs and associations providing services or events to the community as well as groups of students with a good idea for a new project. This year, KY Foundation gives out 550 000 € in association and project grants! The latest information of current subsidies can be found at KY’s webpages and the grant portfolio is developed according to students’ needs. All application forms, subsidy requirements and news are also posted on the website.
Free premises and legal services for business students
KY Foundation provides students and KY’s associations with free space to operate and organize events in. The seven-story KY Building in Kamppi, Helsinki forms a cornerstone in KY’s history and has been in active use since its completion in 1941. Located on Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu, the basement and third floor of the building host various meetings and parties throughout the year. On the Otaniemi campus, the main KY Office “Espilä” and the party venue “Saha” stand on opposite sides of Konemiehentie, providing KY members and associations with space for different purposes. Whether organizing larger meetings, parties or chilling with coffee, these buildings provide business students with the space they need.
In addition to free premises, KY Foundation provides Aalto business students with free legal services. The legal advisor Matti Marttunen can be found in KY Building every Thursday from 16.00 to 18.00 (time and date subject to changes), and provides free counseling to all KY members and associations. The independent Kylteri magazine (kylteri.fi and page 52) is also published by the Foundation.
Student-led decision making
Decision making and operation at KY Foundation is led by the Executive Board and its Chairman Roope Paju. The board consists of a student majority and specialist members of asset and real estate management, who make sure the Foundation’s possessions are governed in the best possible way. To keep the students’ best interest at heart, the Board is overseen by a Supervisory Council consisting of the KY Association’s representative council members (page 53). Day-to-day operations run through Managing Director Juho Paavola.
Executive Board of the KY Foundation Student members:
Roope Paju (Chairman) Touko Aroheikki Aura Hemminki Olli Kangas Antti Perttula Heikki Helaniemi (Chairman of KY Association)
Specialist members:
Harri Hiltunen (Vice Chairman) Petri Ala-Härkönen Juhana Brotherus Johanna Juujärvi Jani Nokkanen Kaisa Vikkula
KY Building’s future
KY Foundation has been planning to return KY Building to its original use and renovate most of the building into student apartments. The foundation is currently offering the building for domestic and international real estate investors, and in the fall, the KY Foundation Supervisory Council will decide if we should sell the building to the highest bidder or rather continue developing the building by ourselves. Either way; if everything goes as planned, the building will go to renovation in early 2021. The building will stay in its current student use at least until December 31st 2020. The Foundation and the KY Association are prepared to provide students with temporary solutions to replace KY Building’s services during the renovation.