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A!dventures brings adventure sports more accessible to students. We do everything outdoors, from multisport and ice climbing to just heading outdoors to enjoy camping and hiking. Some of our highlight events include tryouts for kayaking and orienteering and our annual main event is Wappu in the Woods: One day and one night camping in the woods, good company, and tasty food just before Wappu. We also participate in various sporting events, such as trail marathons and the Jukola relay, and collaborate with other Aalto sports clubs to organize trips and events like Aalto City Challenge. You are also welcomed to join our After Work events, which include activities such as paddling, bouldering, and jogging. Whether you are a couch potato or an experienced marathoner, as long as you are into any outdoor activity, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Follow us on Facebook (@AaltoAdventures) and Instagram (@aaltoadventures) to keep in touch and hear about upcoming events! For more information, check our website adventures.ayy.fi.



EnerKY is a club that organizes low threshold sports events and tryouts for KY members. These low-effort and low-cost events are held to inspire business students to try new ways of exercising and having fun in a great company: past events have included e.g. twerking, bouldering and beach volley! This club isn’t only for top-level athletes but for anyone who wants to enjoy the spirit of this energetic and inventive group or create their


fellow students opportunities to move. Like us on Facebook @enerkysportstutors and Instagram @enerkyofficial to stay updated! Are you ready to feel the enerKY?


FBC-KY, also known as ‘The Snakes’, is Aalto University’s floorball club for business students. During its five-year history the club has succeeded in winning a couple of prizes already, Finnish university championships in 2014 and 2015, and bronze in 2017 and 2018, being the highest achievements. The team practices weekly and all KY members are welcome to participate. In addition, the team attends several floorball leagues and tournaments during the year. Some team members have played floorball for their entire youth and others have only started playing in the university, so whatever your skills are, you will fit in. If you wish to be a part of the team, come to the open practices in the fall! In case you can’t make it, just send FBC-KY (fbckysalibandy@gmail.com) an email or message the club on Facebook. You can find more information about the club on Facebook @floorballclubky and Instagram @fbc_ky, so go give us a follow!


KY-Sail is a sailing club of Aalto University School of Business. Our mission is to spread the sailing culture in its all forms by organizing various sailing related activities among Aalto students and we have gained quite a legendary reputation during the years.

We are most known for our annual sailing trip to the Mediterranean, which is a two-week shebang with about 80 students. In addition, we host the world’s biggest and most memorable crayfish party of the year. To end the academic year with style we organize a Summer Cruise, a big galeas (boat) party outside Helsinki.

We also host sailing days that offer opportunities to learn the basics of our beloved sport. Our events are open to all students, no matter what your sailing experience is! To find more about us check our Instagram @kysail, Facebook page and our website www.kysail.fi. FORE! Golf is a very popular sport in the business world and with its 30 years of history, KY’s very own golf club KY-Slice is one of the most traditional clubs KY has to offer. The club’s goal is to provide opportunities to play golf at student-friendly prices. KY-Slice arranges various events throughout the year, from Green Card courses for beginners to KY Championships for more experienced players. Although golf is what brings the club members together, don’t take it too seriously – the main purpose of events is to have fun and meet new friends. KY-Slice’s events are open for all Aalto University students. For more information about the activities, come to the info evening next fall, and check us out on Instagram and Facebook @ kyslice1984!

Hernesaaren Näädät

Hernesaaren Näädät is the most successful collegiate ice hockey organization in Finland. Being one of the school’s most traditional sports clubs, Näädät promises you lifelong friends, spectacular hockey-events, and the best company in Aalto BIZ!

The organization has just moved away from the original Hernesaari hockey rink and has stepped up to become an even bigger and better organization. Nowadays we play our home games in a brand new arena in Kaarela. The organization’s major-league team competes in division 3 of the Finnish Ice-Hockey Association and represents the school in various events and tournaments all over the world. For example, in the year 2019 we placed 3rd in the International Collegiate Ice Hockey Championship in Beijing, organized a four-team hockey tournament in the Helsinki area, and played two friendly matches in the Czech Republic. On top of that we got The Phenomenon of the Year award from our beloved KY! Whatever your hockey-background, we encourage all hockey-enthusiasts to participate in our events! For more info, visit @naadathockey on Facebook and Instagram, or email office@



KY-Ski is the legendary (after)skiing club of KY that organizes the biggest parties, craziest trips and coolest events in the university. KY-Ski was established in 1975. Our top events include the annual surfing trip, a skiing trip to the alps and of course the Mursus absolute go-to event of the year, Kaamos, where we take the Mörköjuna to Lapland... Our events are very popular among other university students, too, so

they are also a great place to get to know new people. We will be actively attending the orientation week so come find us and take a sip of the legendary minttukaakao. If you would like to join our board for the ride of your life, attend our info evening party, where we will choose approximately 6 new members. KY-Ski events are something you can only understand by participating, so you know where to head next! Excited? You can find information about our upcoming events and some other great stuff from our Facebook page KY-Ski and Instagram @kyski1975


KYppendales is KY’s own performing dance group. Our members all have different kinds of dance backgrounds, from contemporary and show dance to cheerleading and street styles. We train twice a week and practice dance technique and choreographies for our shows. We perform regularly at different student events and parties, such as annual balls and the beer rallies such as III-Kierros and Hukkaputki, but are also available for bigger shows and corporate events. Occasionally, KYppendales organizes bigger projects like dance productions or videos. KYppendales also hosts open training sessions regularly – and anyone is welcome to join! We recruit more performers periodically, too. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @kyppendales!


KYssi is KY’s own tennis, badminton, squash, and table tennis club that organizes the wildest tournaments (and afterparties) for students. Our mission is to spread the joy of racket sports by bringing people together in a fun and relaxed setting. OPEN, an all-inclusive tennis tournament with a costume contest, so you can serve your best looks!

KYssi’s events are for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just looking to have a good time, we would love for you to participate. Our events are a great place to get to know people, learn some new skills and make the most of your student life. Sounds like a grand slam? Come to our info night to hear more and apply for our board. To stay updated, check out our Facebook page @ KYssi4Lyfe and follow us on Instagram @kyssiofficial. Catch you soon!

KY Kori

KY-Kori was founded in 1977 and is the business students’ traditional basketball team. Currently the team competes in the men’s southern third division, adding up to roughly twenty games per season. To do well, the team practices regularly 1–2 times per week during the season usually on Mondays and Thursdays. During summer, the team practices once a week at Meilahti sports park. As counterbalance, the club occasionally organizes relaxed events off the court as well. Some of our team members are alumni of KY so you have a great chance to discuss studies and their work careers. KY-Kori welcomes potential players to try-out their skills at practice events! Exchange students are also warmly welcomed to get a taste of Finnishbasketball culture. Please contact ky-kori@ky.fi for more details. You can find us on Facebook https:// www.facebook.com/kyykori

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