Sports Adventures A!dventures brings adventure sports more accessible to students. We do everything outdoors, from multisport and ice climbing to just heading outdoors to enjoy camping and hiking. Some of our highlight events include tryouts for kayaking and orienteering and our annual main event is Wappu in the Woods: One day and one night camping in the woods, good company, and tasty food just before Wappu. We also participate in various sporting events, such as trail marathons and the Jukola relay, and collaborate with other Aalto sports clubs to organize trips and events like Aalto City Challenge. You are also welcomed to join our After Work events, which include activities such as paddling, bouldering, and jogging. Whether you are a couch potato or an experienced marathoner, as long as you are into any outdoor activity, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Follow us on Facebook (@AaltoAdventures) and Instagram (@aaltoadventures) to keep in touch and hear about upcoming events! For more information, check our website
EnerKY EnerKY is a club that organizes low threshold sports events and tryouts for KY members. These low-effort and low-cost events are held to inspire business students to try new ways of exercising and having fun in a great company: past events have included e.g. twerking, bouldering and beach volley! This club isn’t only for top-level athletes but for anyone who wants to enjoy the spirit of this energetic and inventive group or create their
fellow students opportunities to move. Like us on Facebook @enerkysportstutors and Instagram @enerkyofficial to stay updated! Are you ready to feel the enerKY?
FBC-KY FBC-KY, also known as ‘The Snakes’, is Aalto University’s floorball club for business students. During its five-year history the club has succeeded in winning a couple of prizes already, Finnish university championships in 2014 and 2015, and bronze in 2017 and 2018, being the highest achievements. The team practices weekly and all KY members are welcome to participate. In addition, the team attends several floorball leagues and tournaments during the year. Some team members have played floorball for their entire youth and others have only started playing in the university, so whatever your skills are, you will fit in. If you wish to be a part of the team, come to the open practices in the fall! In case you can’t make it, just send FBC-KY ( an email or message the club on Facebook. You can find more information about the club on Facebook @floorballclubky and Instagram @fbc_ky, so go give us a follow!
KY-Sail KY-Sail is a sailing club of Aalto University School of Business. Our mission is to spread the sailing culture in its all forms by organizing various sailing related activities among Aalto students and we have gained quite a legendary reputation during the years.