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We �usiness school �raduates ran�e �rom math �eniuses to creati�e t�pes and �rom leaders to e�perts and entrepreneurs. We represent the core o� sustaina�le �inancial and �usiness competence in Finland.

�uomen ��onomit is the union o� �usiness school �raduates. We ha�e o�er ������ mem�ers and �e are the �ourth lar�est mem�er or�anisation under ��a�a.


We promote thin�s that are important to �ou and ad�ocate on �our �ehal� � no one else �ill do that. With us� �ou �ill thri�e and societ� �ene�its.

Read more: ekonomit.fi/students aTalentKY’s own recruiting company aTalent is a recruiting company focused on finding the best possible career opportunities for students, graduates and more experienced professionals in the field of business, technology and IT. aTalent’s clients range from the fastest growing startups and biggest corporations to smaller professional companies, such as Supercell, Hartwall, Rovio, Nokia, Terveystalo, Valio to name a few big ones.

The company is owned by KY, Prodeko and Prodeko Alumni and has over the almost 20 years of history built a strong network in the Finnish top level job market.

Ready to find your dream job?

The most important idea of aTalent is to offer only relevant positions for people with higher education.

You can get email alerts for the jobs that suit your criteria to keep your search going while you sleep.

To maximize your potential of landing your dream job, aTalent’s website has plenty of useful material regarding the job market, interviews, building your CV etc.

Niklas Huotari CEO

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