Manifesto Final by Kyle J McAuley (Heriot Watt Fashion Communications)

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wish to Queer Culture if they ith w le ab dg le ow kn ust be 1. Because, people m ts. partake in queer even yone and more people an r fo rm tfo ar ve si expres 2. Because, Drag is an le on the subject. should be knowledgab t being put in a box. plored. ety and it must be ex 3. Because, Drag is no ci so in ith w e su is an risty is ag. 4. Because, Queer dive be all and end all of Dr e th t no e ar ns ee Qu tists. 5. Because, Drag t be inclusive to all ar us m y et ci so m e ea tr 6. Because, Mains makes everyone com at th t ar ve si es pr ex g is an 7. Because, Performin ries. together. etys need for bounda ci so to g tin ap ad is 8. Because, Drag rrent political climate. cu e th in t an rt po im 9. Because, Art is to reveal my true self. ag dr e or pl ex to ed 10. Because, I ne


By Kyle McAuley

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