As China Eradicates Memories Of Tiananmen Square, Globalists Work Toward World Censorship by Kit Daniels | | June 4, 2014
Chinese censorship is the model that corrupt politicians around the world strive for Even though the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre took place in the heart of Beijing, Chinese citizens are among the least aware of the cataclysmic event – all because of government censorship which is now rapidly spreading beyond China. Today China’s state-run media is completely ignoring the massacre, which claimed the lives of several hundred, and Chinese censors are even blocking out foreign newscasts reporting on the anniversary. Around 850,000 security “volunteers” are also standing guard on Beijing’s city streets to ensure that no demonstrations occur in remembrance of the tragedy. But it’s unlikely that mass demonstrations would take place anyway considering that even students of Beijing University, where the 1989 protests originated, are completely in the dark on the significance of today’s date due to the Communist Party’s success in eradicating free speech. Journalists with PBS once went on campus and passed around a copy of the famous “Tank Man” photo, the iconic image of a lone protestor blocking a column of tanks in the Chinese capital, and the undergraduates who looked at it were bewildered. “May I ask if this is a piece of your artwork?” One student asked the correspondents.
Likewise, an NPR reporter, Louisa Lim, performed an informal poll of 100 students at several of Beijing’s universities and found that only 15 of the students could correctly identify the photo, two of whom had never seen it before but correctly guessed. “In fact, the number of students who mistakenly believed it to be a photo of a military parade was higher at 19 than those who recognized it,” she wrote in her book The People’s Republic of Amnesia, adding that the students are among the best educated in China. This is why corrupt governments around the world are attracted to censorship: it allows those in power to gravely abuse human rights without care or restraint because the abuses are treated as if they never happened. By controlling the flow of information, crooked politicians grant themselves the illusion of controlling reality, which is the ultimate goal for those striving for god-like power. And unfortunately, various forms of censorship are already commonplace. It was only yesterday that a former CBS journalist confirmed that mainstream media outlets were burying and even censoring stories that didn’t fit the establishment’s agenda. “There’s a tendency in the news media, on the part of some managers, to censor or block stories that don’t fall in line with the message they want sent to the viewers,” Sharyl Attkisson said in an interview with The Daily Signal. “I think that’s really a very dangerous perspective to have.” Similarly, the world’s power brokers are attempting to phase out national sovereignty with an international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and one provision of the TPP would create an international “Internet police” that will have the power to censor web content and even shut down whole web sites. “TPP raises significant concerns about citizens’ freedom of expression, due process, innovation, the future of the Internet’s global infrastructure, and the right of sovereign nations to develop policies and laws that best meet their domestic priorities,” the Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote. Yet the White House is throwing full support behind the TPP. The European Union has also proposed a similar program, called the Clean IT project, which would allow European police to patrol Facebook and other social networks in search of so-called “extremist material,” which would no doubt have a chilling effect on free speech. But the project goes even further than that by advocating the total elimination of on-line anonymity. So unfortunately, while many people relate censorship with China, censorship is actually exploding across the globe as the most powerful politicians on the planet solidify their control over the world’s population.
Secret Service To Track Twitter Users In Real Time by Paul Joseph Watson | June 4, 2014
Federal agency will use tool to "send notifications to users" The United States Secret Service is set to purchase software that can track Twitter users in real time, prompting concerns that individuals could face greater harassment over tweets deemed to be threatening or anti-government. According to a solicitation posted this week, the federal agency announced its intention to use the tool to undertake “sentiment analysis,” “influencer identification,” “access to historical Twitter data,” “ability to detect sarcasm,” and “heat maps” that will show user trends. The software will also have the capability to “send notifications to users,” suggesting that the Secret Service intends to directly address Twitter users who are deemed to have tweeted something unsavory. There have been numerous instances where Twitter users have been harassed by the Secret Service after making anti-Obama or anti-government statements that could not be construed as threatening. The Secret Service’s acquisition of more sophisticated tracking software will only serve to make these incidents more common. Last year, Tom Francois, an outspoken critic of President Obama, was startled by a loud thump on his door and the presence of Secret Service agents who wanted to “take a look around” his house. The agents also interrogated Francois on his mental health and if he had any plans to travel to Washington DC, while also threatening to seize his firearms. The Secret Service admitted that they couldn’t identify a single post by Francois that could be deemed threatening to the President.
In January, a Florida Republican running for the state assembly also received a Secret Service visit after he tweeted that Barack Obama should be arrested, impeached and hanged. “A couple of years ago, the Homeland Security Department, the agency’s parent, got in trouble with lawmakers and civil liberties groups for a social media program that would work, in part, by having employees create fake usernames and profiles to spy on other users,” reports NextGov. “A House Homeland Security Committee panel called DHS officials into a hearing after reports the department tasked analysts with collecting data that reflected negatively on the government, such as content about the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to a Michigan jail. The Electronic Privacy Information Center has sued DHS for more information on the program.” The Department of Homeland Security has recently intensified its efforts to keep track of what users are tweeting in order to monitor public sentiment and media narratives. A document obtained in March revealed that the function of the DHS’ Media Monitoring Capability (MMC) desk is to track news websites and social media in order to gather critical information, “during normal operations, crises and extraordinary events.” “It is essential to monitor the media’s storylines and integrate their focus into the Department’s situational awareness and operations analytical process,” states the document, adding that such work is necessary in shaping “public statements” made by the DHS. The MMC desk also keeps tabs on numerous news outlets including the Drudge Report, which has carried hundreds of stories critical of the DHS and the TSA in recent years.