As China Eradicates Memories Of Tiananmen Square, Globalists Work Toward World Censorship

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As China Eradicates Memories Of Tiananmen Square, Globalists Work Toward World Censorship by Kit Daniels | | June 4, 2014

Chinese censorship is the model that corrupt politicians around the world strive for Even though the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre took place in the heart of Beijing, Chinese citizens are among the least aware of the cataclysmic event – all because of government censorship which is now rapidly spreading beyond China. Today China’s state-run media is completely ignoring the massacre, which claimed the lives of several hundred, and Chinese censors are even blocking out foreign newscasts reporting on the anniversary. Around 850,000 security “volunteers” are also standing guard on Beijing’s city streets to ensure that no demonstrations occur in remembrance of the tragedy. But it’s unlikely that mass demonstrations would take place anyway considering that even students of Beijing University, where the 1989 protests originated, are completely in the dark on the significance of today’s date due to the Communist Party’s success in eradicating free speech. Journalists with PBS once went on campus and passed around a copy of the famous “Tank Man” photo, the iconic image of a lone protestor blocking a column of tanks in the Chinese capital, and the undergraduates who looked at it were bewildered. “May I ask if this is a piece of your artwork?” One student asked the correspondents.

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