Behind Behind The Curtain The Curtain Reports News 9/26/14 LIVE LINKS BELOW Holder Critics Lay The Boots In: “The Least Faithful To The Constitution Of Any AG” COINTELRPO Revisited: Greenwald Exposes NSA Agenda to Destroy Journalists US National Debt Holds Americans School: “Foreign Connection”Hostage Led To NSA ‘Tip Off’, Mass Spying Program FBI Criticizes Tech Giants Apple and Google forHeading Encrypting PhonesCourt Legality of TSA Body Scanners Could Be to Supreme Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve Ferguson Erupts … Again: Protester Threatens Cops ‘None Of You Are Safe’ DC City Council members decry having to follow constitution Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire Until War Is the Only Alternative? Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hates Poor People Muslim Terrorists Kill More than One Thousand Christians in One Bloody Day Police Chief Asked Medical Examiner To Change Autopsy Report To Match Officer Testimo ny, He Does Woman Drowned In Submerged Car While Cops Kept Bystanders From Helping, Witness S ays Woman Arrested For Possessing Spoon Covered With Dried Spaghettios