Building 7 Implosion The Smoking Gun of 911

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Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11 Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler September 3, 2010 Shortly after the explosive destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, a third high-rise building was destroyed. It wasn’t hit by an airplane. The characteristic signs of controlled demolition were everywhere. Although it received little media attention at the time, the third-worst structural building failure in modern history occurred on September 11, 2001. World Trade Center (WTC) Building 7 was a 47-story, steel-framed, fire-protected, high-rise office building located about a football field’s length from the WTC North Tower. Unlike its two taller cousins, WTC 7 was never hit by an aircraft, yet it fell to the ground suddenly, displaying the classic signatures of explosive controlled demolition. Watch video below A careful examination of this evidence shows why more than 1,200 architects and engineers are demanding a new and open investigation into all the crimes of 9/11, starting with this aspect, which is most obviously inconsistent with the official account. The evidence discussed in this article was ignored, mishandled, and/or covered up by the National Institute of Standards and

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