CNN Says Liberty Movement More Threatening Than Al-Qaeda

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CNN Says Liberty Movement More Threatening Than Al-Qaeda by KURT NIMMO | INFOWARS.COM | JUNE 10, 2014

Jerad Miller exploited to jumpstart rightwing extremist meme CNN, formerly under the control of the Army’s Fourth Psychological Operations Group, has jumped on the shooting in Las Vegas to kick start the rightwing extremist meme. The narrative has languished since the Department of Homeland Security backed off characterizing Americans who disagree with the establishment as domestic terrorists. “The attack in Vegas is far from the only incident of violence by the American far right,” writes Peter Bergen, billed as CNN’s national security analyst. “According to data collected by the New America Foundation, right-wing extremists have killed 37 people in 16 violent incidents, in the United States since the 9/11 attacks. That number is more than the 21 people killed by militants motivated by alQaeda’s ideology in the United States in the post-9/11 era.” Before unpacking this biased statement, we should note that the New American Foundation is a globalist think tank lorded over by Eric Schmidt of Google and funded by George Soros and the State Department.

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