Fascist Symbolism In America I As there were many different manifestations of fascism, especially during the interwar years, there were also many different symbols of Fascist movements. Fascist symbolism typically involved nationalist imagery. :Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_symbolism
Common symbolism of fascist movements Organized fascist movements have militarist-appearing uniforms for their members; use paramilitaries for political violence against opponents; use national symbols, historical symbols of a nation as symbols of their movement; and use orchestrated rallies for propaganda purposes. Fascist movements are led by a "Leader" (i.e. Duce, F端hrer, Caudillo...) who is publicly idolized in propaganda as the nation's saviour. A number of fascist movements use a straight-armed salute. The use of symbols, graphics, and other artifacts created by fascist and totalitarian governments has been noted as a key aspect of their propaganda. Most Fascist movements adopted symbols of Ancient Roman or Greek origin. (The Nazi use of Roman Standards during rallies, the Italian adoption of the Fasces, the Spanish "Falange" from the Spanish word for "Phalanx")
Flag of the National Fascist Party Flag of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), bearing the swastika, the premier symbol of Nazism and remains strongly associated with it in the Western world. Fascism is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology. It advocates the creation of a totalitarian singleparty state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy (such as eugenics) Fascists seek to purge forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration, and to produce their nation's rebirth based on commitment to the national community based on organic unity, in which individuals are bound together by supra personal connections of ancestry, culture, and