JFK, RFK, & MLK Were All Killed By The Same Forces by Dave Hodges NOVEMBER 25, 2014
The murders of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King were all orchestrated by the same group. How can I be sure? I can be sure by a simple preponderance of circumstantial evidence which overwhelmingly connects the three most important and horrific assassinations in the 20th century. The Vietnam War All three men shared a similar goal of not becoming more deeply involved in the Vietnam War and they paid for it with their lives. John F. Kennedy sought to avoid the Vietnam War because he saw it as a military quagmire that would burn American resources, needlessly waste American lives and would ultimately hurt his legacy as a president who oversaw an unwinnable war. Robert Kennedy was still reeling from his older brother's assassination for which the Vietnam War was a major factor which motivated the co-conspirators. RFK was determined to end the war in Vietnam. Robert also posed the threat of being able to reopen his brother's murder and Allan Dulles, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George Bush, and David Rockefeller had a lot to worry about if that were ever to happen. RFK had to be stopped with regard to his quest for the Presidency. As Robert Kennedy sought the Democratic nomination for the 1968 presidential race, we should take note of the fact that most of his supporters were in their early to mid 20's which comprised the demographics of people most vehemently opposed to the Vietnam War. Therefore, Robert F. Kennedy had a motive to withdraw the forces from Vietnam for political reasons. At the beginning of the 1968 Democratic campaign season, most people didn't give Robert Kennedy a snowballs chance in hell of securing the nomination from his party. However, his early stunning upset victories caused great alarm among the establishment elite. One of the stories that floated among intelligence operatives who have spoken out was that Robert Kennedy was told not to go to California and participate in the Democratic primary. He was clearly told to withdraw from the race or he would be killed. Reportedly, Robert Kennedy scoffed at the threats, clearly thinking that the establishment