Poll: 63% Don’t Have Confidence In Obama To Make Right Decisions

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Poll: 63% Don’t Have Confidence In Obama To Make Right Decisions Truth Revolt.org January 27, 2014

On the eve of President Obama’s State of the Union Address, a new poll from Washington PostABC News shows that fully 63 percent of Americans have either little to no confidence Obama will make the right decisions. The public is evenly split on whether Obama is honest and trustworthy, with 49 percent of Americans answering in the affirmative, and 48 percent answering negatively. A bare majority of Americans, 52 percent, feel Obama does not understand the problems of people like them – a shocking downward turn for Obama on an important likeability issue in which he dominated in 2012. A majority of Americans, 51 percent, also believe Obama is not a strong leader. His disapproval rating stands currently at 50 percent, with 41 percent disapproving strongly – only 23 percent support him strongly. 50 percent of Americans have an unfavorable impression of the president. For perhaps the first time, Obama’s personal popularity seems to be suffering from his inability to govern effectively. He is not being damaged by the NSA scandal, for example – a solid 59 percent of Americans think Obama either went too far or was just right in how he changed NSA policy in the aftermath of surveillance revelations. Instead, his personal popularity is dropping – a shocking development for a president who has largely relied on that popularity to push forward policy.

The CFR Calls On Obama To ‘Befriend ‘ AlQaeda Terrorist Group Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com January 27, 2014

Elite think tank wants alliance with faction whose leader helped plan 9/11 The Council on Foreign Relations, a highly influential Washington DC think tank, has called on the Obama administration to ‘befriend’ a terrorist group in Syria which has pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and whose leader helped plan the 9/11 attacks. In an article entitled, The Good and Bad of Ahrar al-Sham: An al Qaeda–Linked Group Worth Befriending, the CFR’s Michael Doran, William McCants, and Clint Watts argue that supporting the terrorist faction would help the United States “contain Iran and Syria” as part of Obama’s “larger strategy.” The authors even admit that the leader of Ahrar al-Sham, Abu Khalid al-Suri, recently “published a statement praising bin Laden and al Qaeda’s current chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri,” underscoring the fact that, “Al Qaeda and Ahrar al-Sham are joined at the hip.” According to reports, al-Suri, real name Mohamed Bahaiah, is a “longtime al Qaeda operative who worked as a courier for the terror network,” is al-Zawahiri’s representative in the Levant, and even “delivered surveillance tapes of the World Trade Center and other American landmarks to al Qaeda’s senior leadership in Afghanistan in early 1998.” According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, “Other al Qaeda operatives hold key positions” with Ahrar al-Sham. So essentially, the CFR, which is basically a front for the State Department, is now calling on the Obama administration to make an alliance with an Al-Qaeda group whose leader helped plan the 9/11 attacks – all in the name of destabilizing Iran and Syria. The article goes on to claim that Obama can justify supporting Ahrar al-Sham because, “not all terrorist organizations pose an equal threat to the United States and its allies,” despite the fact that the group is

allied with terrorists who share the same vision of Sharia law across the region while they ransack Christian churches, burn US flags, chant anti-American slogans and sing the praises of Osama Bin Laden while glorifying the 9/11 attacks. Ahrar al-Sham is currently fighting alongside the Free Syrian Army, which has been backed to the tune of billions of dollars from the U.S. and the UK and is currently being represented as part of the “opposition” camp at the Geneva II peace talks. This is not the first time the CFR has praised Al-Qaeda and called on the U.S. to get behind the terror group in Syria. As we reported in August 2012, Council on Foreign Relations fellow Ed Husain hailed the presence of Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria at a time when the media was still treating their existence as a conspiracy theory. Husain even lauded the “deadly results” that Al-Qaeda militants had been able to achieve in the form of terrorist bombings. The Council on Foreign Relations is considered to be America’s “most influential foreign-policy think tank” and has deep connections with the U.S. State Department. In 2009, Hillary Clinton welcomed the fact that the CFR had set up an outpost down the street from the State Department in Washington DC, because it meant “I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing.” One would hope the State Department would not be sympathetic to making alliances with Al-Qaeda terrorists, although their VIP treatment of Al-Qaeda-linked Muslim Brotherhood members which recently came to light will do little to prove otherwise. As we also recently highlighted, the United States and NATO powers have routinely supported or turned a blind eye to Al-Qaeda’s activities for decades as part of a larger geopolitical strategy centered around using the terrorist groups to destabilize countries to grease the skids for regime change. Watch a video clip below which shows the very Ahrar al-Sham terrorists that the CFR wants Obama to ‘befriend’.

Military Training Camp In Raqqah - Ahrar Al Sham 3 VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vVaynB3Bvw

Poll: Less Government Good For Economy Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com January 27, 2014

Obama and the Fed plan direct intervention in economy despite disapproval by most Americans The results of a Rasmussen Reports poll released today reveals that most Americans think government involvement in the economy increases income inequality. When “asked which would do more to close the income gap in America, 59% choose less government involvement in the economy over more government action. Thirty-three percent (33%) think increased government involvement in the economy would do more to close the income gap,” the Rasmussen Reports survey claims. “A plurality (48%) says society overall would be less fair if the government got more involved in regulating the economy. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think increased government involvement would ensure that society is more fair. Fifteen percent (15%) see no impact from more government involvement in the economy?… More voters than ever (66%) now think the U.S. economy is unfair to the middle class.” Obama’s annual State of Union address tomorrow is expected to dwell on income inequality, unemployment and Obamacare. In December, Obama said during a speech hosted by the Center for American Progress that income inequality is the “defining challenge of our time.” He is expected to implement wealth redistribution schemes by way of executive action if Congress does not act, according to Fox News. “Obama speaks up for the little guy and then turns right around and acts on behalf of the big guys, the elite, the establishment, and big business. He surrounds himself with their people. He gets their advice.

He has no firm understanding of his own to parry them. The big money that is the political lifeblood of his party flows from these same interests. Obama has engineered no way of dealing from strength against these privileged interests,” Michael S. Rozeff writes. During her confirmation hearings, Janet Yellen, a standard-bearer for the privileged interests Rozeff mentions, said income inequality is a serious issue worthy of government intervention despite widespread disapproval by the American people. “The solutions involve a multitude of things, including education, maybe early childhood education, job training, other things,” she said back in November. In other words, more government programs and more debt dragging down the economy. Yellen said Congress, specifically the tea party influenced faction looking to reduce deficits and an astronomical federal debt through sequestration, is “making it harder for the fed to get the economy moving, making our task more difficult.” The Federal Reserve is the main income inequality culprit. Its bubble economy policies spurred on by the profligate printing of money and near zero interest rates act like a sledge hammer destroying the economy and widening the chasm between a quickly eroding middle class, a growing underclass and the mega-wealthy elite in control of not only the Federal Reserve but much of Congress and the executive. “Sadly, most Americans don’t even realize that the Federal Reserve has more control over our economy than anyone else does,” writes Michael Snyder. The Rasmussen poll shows that while many Americans do not understand that the Federal Reserve is the engine behind the destruction of the U.S. economy, they do understand that government and reckless government spending make income equality worse. Obama: Income Inequality a Defining Challenge VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmRgU2B1pe0 From Davos, a Plan to Fight Income Inequality VIDEO BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U65at0o1gE


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