Proof Obama Premeditated Immigration Crisis by ADAN SALAZAR AND LEE ANN MCADOO | INFOWARS | JUNE 13, 2014
DHS prepared well in advance for mass influx of illegal immigrants A dizzying number of people are leaving their home countries and embarking on a dangerous journey to the U.S., where federal border guards supposedly tasked with enforcing immigration law give little resistance. The head of the National ICE Council, Chris Crane, has said the Obama administration has border agents’ hands in a bind with orders stemming from the DREAM Act not to deport detained minors. But despite the “sudden” influx of immigrants, America seems to have no problems accommodating the “constant, unrelenting stream.” From Breitbart: Minors at the new housing center in Nogales are sleeping on plastic cots while officials wait for 2,000 mattresses to arrive at the facility, according to the Associated Press (AP). Portable toilets and showers were also allegedly brought to warehouse, which has a capacity of 1,500. Around 800 children are currently living at the housing center, but the AP reported that 1,400 minors will ultimately be brought there. As the issue nears crisis level, numerous indicators suggest the United States had long anticipated this very same mass influx and even attempted to schedule plans for it in advance.
Essentials: Securing Food, Water and Beverages Last August, Infowars was apprised of an atypical request posed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to one of our advertisers, My Patriot Supply. The agency inquired if the company could fulfill “immediate delivery” of truckloads of food within a day’s notice.