The United Take Over Of Nations (The UN) Attacks America's Second Amendment Kurt Nimmo March 14, 2014
Critics of Second Amendment routinely ignore data showing guns save lives and prevent violence A United Nations committee charged with enforcing the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has come down hard on the United States for “gun violence,” code for the right to own firearms guaranteed by the Second Amendment, and a raft of other issues. Walter Kälin, a Swiss international human rights lawyer who sits on the committee, criticized the “extreme domestic habits” of Americans, including the upholding the cornerstone to the Constitution, the Second Amendment. Kälin cited a “staggering figure” to argue in favor of eliminating the right to own guns – there are 470,000 crimes committed with firearms each year, including about 11,000 homicides. “We appreciate the position taken by President Obama on these issues. Nevertheless, much more needs to be done to curb gun violence,” he said. Obama and the Democrats tried unsuccessfully to outlaw entire classifications of firearms following Sandy Hook. The 112th Congress considered an inordinately large number of bills designed to chip away the right to own firearms. Kälin and critics of the Second Amendment routinely ignore data showing how guns save lives and