Why We Must Oppose Bilderberg by James Corbett corbettreport.com May 31, 2014
Now I know what you're thinking. "Why we must oppose the Bilderberg Group?" Really? Do we need a lecture on this? If you're reading this, you're probably one of the ones who don't even have to be told what the Bilderberg Group is, much less why it must be opposed. And if you do consider yourself in that group, then I salute you. You are clearly one of the more tuned-in members of the public, one who has dared look beyond the veil of normality at the rotten core of corruption at the heart of our political and economic world. But I dare say that even if everyone who is reading this is part of that group, there are still many hundreds more out there for each one of us who are not so clued-in. The unfortunate victims of the propaganda and the brainwashing, the 24/7 exhortations to go home as there's nothing to see here. We all know people like this; the ones who don't know what the Bilderburger with Cheese Group is and don't want to know. After all, why should they care? All else aside, then, there are at least two reasons why we should have a decent answer to the question of "Why we must oppose the Bilderberg Group." Firstly, it's so that we have a clear, well-reasoned, cogent argument to those who ask us that question in all sincerity. Even the most propagandized can be coaxed out of their reality inversion bubble with a well-reasoned argument, after all. It worked on you at some point, didn't it? And secondly, even those of us who are aware that the Bilderberg Group is something to be opposed should have a clear idea of why it must be opposed, because the answer to that question will help us to answer the second and more important question, "How must we oppose the Bilderberg Group?"