18 minute read

Emory Johns Creek Hospital Emory

Excellence in Cardiac and Vascular Care

The cardiologists at Emory Johns Creek are committed to providing comprehensive heart and vascular treatment options, including preven tive cardiology and the evaluation and management of patients with known or suspected heart disease and/or peripheral vascular disease The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, equipped with the latest technology provides a variety of investigative and interventional cardiac procedures including angioplasty and stent placement, delivering, on average, less than 60 -minute door-to-balloon times, far below the national goal of 90 minutes Emory Johns Creek also is an accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) capabilities

Achievements and Recognition

Johns Creek Hospital is a 163-bed acute-care facility located in the heart of Johns Creek. As part of the Emory Healthcare network, we’re committed to providing Johns Creek and surrounding communities with evidence and researchbased medicine with a focus on patient and family-centered care. Our team includes more than 1,200 employees, 440 Emory faculty, 415 private practice physicians and 57 Emory Specialty Associate physicians, along with nearly 100 volunteers. We offer a comprehensive range of services including: emergency medicine, 24-hour cardiac catheterization, a birth center with Level III neonatal intensive care, adult intensive care provided by board-certified critical care intensivists and intensive care unit-trained advanced practice providers, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, breast imaging with 3-D digital mammography, interventional radiology, a certified bariatric program, advanced cardiac and stroke care, vascular care, sleep medicine, rehabilitation, a comprehensive surgery program, pain center, gastroenterology, the newest robotic equipment.

In December 2013, Emory Johns Creek earned Chest Pain Center Accreditation with PCI from the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care (SCPC) Hospitals that receive SCPC accreditation meet or exceed quality -of-care measures in patients who arrive with symptoms of a heart attack (acute cardiac medicine) In February 2014, the hospital was again named to the Georgia Hospital Association’s (GHA) quality honor roll, placing in the Chairman s Circle, which is the organization s highest category This is the fifth straight year Emory Johns Creek has received this award We are delighted by this honor, which confirms the splendid work of our doctors and staff members, who every d ay make patient care and safety their top priority,” says McCoy


Community Involvement

y S tro ke Cente r by The Joint Co mmission , Ame rican Heart Association and American Stro ke Association

- Three-Ye ar Cancer Accreditation by The Co mmission on Cancer of the American Co lege of Surgeo ns with Si ve r Commen dation

- Breast Imaging Cente r o f Excellence by the A merican College o f Radiolo gy

- Home t o the A tlanta Bariatric Center, a designat ed Center of E xcellence in Bariatric S urgery by t he Ame rican Society for M etabo ic and Bariatric Surgeons

For more information, visit www.emoryhealthcare.org/johnscreek or to find a physician call 678-474-8200

- V ascular Ultraso und certificat io n by t he American Col ege o f Radio o gy

- Gold Plus stro ke achievements with A merican Heart Association’s Get With The Guide ines

As the National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for the state of Georgia, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University is at the forefront of cancer research and discovery. Serving Johns Creek and all of Georgia, Winship develops and delivers some of the world’s most effective ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat cancer. Winship patients are seen by multidisciplinary teams that develop individualized treatment plans to meet each patient’s specific needs, including access to over 250 clinical trials. Winship physicians are experts in specific cancers and use the latest in precision medicine, targeted therapies and advanced technologies to achieve the best outcomes for their patients.

Emory Johns Creek Hospital places value in serving the community outside the walls of its facility "The opening of Emory Johns Creek Hospital came three months after Johns Creek became its own city The formation of a new hospital, let alone a new city, is a double rarity in the United States,” says McCoy

Dream, Georgia Tech, Emory University, Oglethorpe University, U.S. Soccer, and Track & Field teams, as well as several area high school teams.

In turn, services at the hospital have grown to meet the growing needs of fellow citizens McCoy says, “Being in the health care business, we want to continue to educate the community on the benefits of preventive medicine We don t want to solely be a hospital that takes care of sick people, so we are constantly seeking unique ways to partner with the community to emphasize the importance of staying healthy ”

Emory Johns Creek Hospital in the Future

“We want to continue to meet the needs of our community and grow our services so local residents will not have to seek care elsewhere ” says McCoy “Our goal is to always provide extraordinary care and unparalleled compassion for every patient every day ” !

Winship at Emory Johns Creek Hospital is recently completed significant renovations to enhance patient experience. The renovations added 5 clinic rooms, 3 consult rooms, and 6 Quick Injection Chairs to the facility.


Emory Johns Creek Hospital offers a number of surgical and nonsurgical treatments for a broad range of orthopaedic conditions resulting from sports injuries, congenital musculoskeletal issues, or conditions related to disease. The Johns Creek community benefits from a number of highly-skilled physicians who can perform procedures here, allowing patients to stay close to home. Our physicians also provide orthopaedic and sports medicine care for the Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta

- Mission L ifeline Bronze Recognition for excellence care for severe (STEMI) he art at tacks by A merican Heart Association

- Georgia Hospital Associat io n ’ s Chairman ’ s Circle Hono r Roll for patie nt safet y

- Georgia Hospital Associat io n ’ s Partnership for Health and A ccou ntability (PHA) Core Measures (Quality) Hono r Roll, Chairman’s Circle (2009 -2014)

- Percutaneou s Co ro nary Intervention designatio n by the A merican College o f Cardiology and A merican Heart A sso ciation

- N ationally reco gnized patient sat isfaction sco res by Press Gane y

- Compu ted To mography (CT) Certification by Ame rican Co llege of Radio o gy

The latest offering in orthopaedics is the addition of Mako SmartRobotics™, an innovative solution for many suffering from painful arthritis of the knee or hip. Based on the severity of a patient’s condition, total or partial knee or hip replacement may be recommended by an orthopaedic surgeon. These procedures involve the surgeon guiding Mako’s robotic arm to remove diseased bone and cartilage. In clinical studies, Mako resulted in more accurate placement and alignment of implants, reduced blood loss, less likelihood of dislocation, and preservation of healthy bone, soft tissue, and ligaments.

- N uclear Medicine Certification by A merican College of Radio logy

Emory Bariatric Center At Johns Creek

- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Certificat io n by Ame rican Co llege of Radio o gy

The Emory Bariatric Center at Johns Creek is recognized as an accredited comprehensive facility by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program. Our surgeons have performed more than 5,000 weight loss procedures both robotically and laparoscopically. Our program has an outstanding success rate and is designed to provide a lifelong approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Exceptional Cardiac And Vascular Care

The cardiologists at Emory Johns Creek Hospital are committed to providing comprehensive heart and vascular treatment options,

Excellence in Cardiac and Vascular Care

The cardiologists at Emory Johns Creek are committed to providing comprehensive heart and vascular treatment options, including preven tive cardiology and the evaluation and management of patients with known or suspected heart disease and/or peripheral vascular disease The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, equipped with the latest technology, provides a variety of investigative and interventional cardiac procedures including angioplasty and stent placement, delivering, on average, less than 60 -minute door-to-balloon times, far below the national goal of 90 minutes Emory Johns Creek also is an accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) capabilities

Achievements and Recognition including preventive care which evaluates and manages patients with known or suspected heart disease and/ or peripheral vascular disease. Our specialty-trained cardiologists create individualized treatment plans for patients with various types of heart failure. The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory provides a variety of cardiac procedures including angioplasty and stent placement, delivering on average less than 60-minute door-to-balloon times, far below the national goal of 90 minutes, for severe heart attacks. Emory Johns Creek Hospital is also an accredited Chest Pain Center with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) capabilities.


Community Involvement

Accreditations And Achievements

Accreditations and Achievements

• Magnet® recognition by American Nurses Credentialing Center for nursing excellence

- Chest Pa in Center Accr edita tion with P CI by the So cie ty o f Car diova scula r P a tient Car e (SCP C).

- P rimar y S tro ke Cente r by The Joint Co mmission , Ame rican Hea rt Associa tion a nd Amer ican Stro ke Associa tion

• Ranked 3rd top hospital in Georgia in Newsweek’s “Best Hospitals –USA” list

• Emory Johns Creek Hospital is accredited by The Joint Commission

• The Joint Commission Certified Advanced Primary Stroke Center

- Thr ee-Ye ar Ca ncer Accr ed ita tion by The Co mmission on Ca ncer of the Amer ican Co llege of Surgeo ns, with Silve r Commen da tion

• Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence, American College of Radiology

In December 2013, Emory Johns Creek earned Chest Pain Center Accreditation with PCI from the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care (SCPC) Hospitals that receive SCPC accreditation meet or exceed quality -of-care measures in patients who arrive with symptoms of a heart attack (acute cardiac medicine) In February 2014, the hospital was again named to the Georgia Hospital Association s (GHA) quality honor roll, placing in the Chairman s Circle, which is the organization s highest category This is the fifth straight year Emory Johns Creek has received this award “We are delighted by this honor, which confirms the splendid work of our doctors and staff members, who every d ay make patient care and safety their top priority,” says McCoy

Emory Johns Creek Hospital is dedicated to providing women in all stages of life with exceptional health care. Our Center for Breast Care is designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology. We’re staffed with a multi-disciplinary team of experts in breast imaging and radiology, medical oncology, pathology, and reconstructive plastic surgery. Our team is equipped to handle all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. Our Level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) offers in-house, 24-hour neonatology and anesthesia services.

• 2022 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade of A, designating Emory Johns Creek Hospital as fully committed to providing the safest care to our patients.

- Brea st Ima ging Cente r o f Excellence by the A merica n Col lege o f R ad iolo gy

- Home t o the A tla nta Ba riatr ic Center, a designat ed Center of E xcellence in Ba ria tric S urger y by t he Ame rican Society for M etabolic a nd Ba ria tric Sur geons

• 2022 Women’s Choice Award Winner for Best Hospital for Bariatric Surgery, Obstetrics, Stroke Care, and Mammogram Imaging Center

- V ascula r Ultr aso und certificat io n by t he Amer ica n College o f Rad io lo gy

• Get With The Guidelines Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association

Emory Johns Creek Hospital places value in serving the community outside the walls of its facility "The opening of Emory Johns Creek Hospital came three months after Johns Creek became its own city The formation of a new hospital, let alone a new city, is a double rarity in the United States,” says McCoy

Community Outreach

Emory Johns Creek Hospital is committed to serving our community through a variety of classes, events, and support groups, including:

Classes & Support Groups

Emory Johns Creek Hospital in the Future

• Bariatric Support Group

• Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) 1st Place award, 2018 Quality & Patient Winner, “Medication Reconciliation: New Workflow Strategies to Improve Patient Safety by Reducing Pre-Admission Medication History Errors”

- Gold Plus stro ke achievements with A merica n H ear t Associa tion’s “Get With The Guid elines”

- Mission L ifeline Br onze R ecognition for excellence car e for severe (STEMI) he art at tacks by A merica n Heart Associa tion

• Accredited Community Cancer Program by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, with Silver Commendation

- Geor gia Hospita l Associat io n s Cha irma n s Cir cle Hono r R oll for pa tie nt safet y

• Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology

In turn, services at the hospital have grown to meet the growing needs of fellow citizens McCoy says, “Being i n the health care business, we want to continue to educate the community on the benefits of preventive medicine We don’t want to solely be a hospital that takes care of sick people, so we are constantly seeking unique ways to partner with the community to emphasize the importance of staying healthy ”

- Geor gia Hospita l Associat io n ’ s Pa rtner ship for Health a nd A ccou ntability (PHA) Core Mea sures (Qua lity) Hono r R oll, Cha ir man’s Circle (200 9 -2 01 4)

• Ultrasound Breast Certification, Stereotactic Breast Certification and Abdominal Certification by the American College of Radiology

- P ercuta neou s Co ro nar y Inter vention designatio n by the A merica n College o f Car diology and A merica n Hear t A sso cia tion

• Home to Emory Bariatric Center at Johns Creek, accredited by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditations and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP)

- N ationa lly reco gnized pa tient sat isfa ction sco res by P ress Gane y

• Vascular Ultrasound certification by the American College of Radiology

“We want to continue to meet the needs of our community and grow our services so local residents will not have to seek care elsewhere,” says McCoy “Our goal is to always provide extraordinary care and unparalleled compassion for every patient, every day ” !

• Birth Center Tours

• Baby Care Classes and Breastfeeding Support Group

• Diabetes Self-management/Diabetes Education

• Nutrition Counseling with Registered Dietitians

• Total Joint Replacement

• Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Group

To register for a class or seminar, please call Emory Healthcare Health Connection at 404-778-7777.

We hope you will look to EJCH for your health and care options. Our mission is to serve our community with extraordinary care, showing unparalleled compassion to every patient, every day, within an environment of education and discovery.

- Compu ted To mogra phy (CT) Cer tifica tion by Ame rican Co llege of Ra dio lo gy

• GHA’s Partnership for Health and Accountability (PHA) Core Measures (Quality) Honor Roll, Chairman’s Circle (2009-2016)

- N uclea r Med icine Certification by A merican College of Ra dio logy

• Computed Tomography (CT) Certification by American College of Radiology

- Ma gnetic R esona nce Ima ging (MR I) Certificat io n by Ame rican Co llege of Ra dio lo gy

• Nuclear Medicine Certification by American College of Radiology

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Certification by American College of Radiology

• Accredited Laboratory by the College of American Pathologists

• Intersocietal Accreditation Commission for Adult Transthoracic Echocardiography

• Mission: Lifeline Gold Receiving STEMI Achievement Award for excellent heart attack care by American Heart Association

• Mission: Lifeline Gold Achievement for excellence in treatment of NonST-elevation myocardial infarction by American Heart Association www.emoryhealthcare.org/johnscreek emoryjohnscreek.com

In-Courage Mental Health Coaching LLC

Lorna L. Benbenisty PhD LLC

North Atlanta Mental Health LLC

One Johns Creek/Pathways2Life

5755 North Point Pkwy, Ste 238

Alpharetta, GA 30022

(470) 448-3900 pathways2life.org

Peace of Mind Psychological Services

Seasons Counseling Center

11695 Johns Creek Pkwy Ste 100

Johns Creek, GA 30097

(678) 373-9270 seasonscounselingc.wixsite.com/ kristivanderpool

The Summit Counseling Center, Inc.

True Happiness Healthcare Services, Inc


Advanced Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

4205 North Point Pkwy Bldg D

Alpharetta, GA 30022

(678) 389-9000 www.acfdga.com

Atlanta Dental Spa

Ben Z Mibab DDS MS PC

Brighter Smiles Dentistry PC

Children’s Dental Zone


Haynes Bridge Dental Care

HS Dental LLC

JK Dentistry LLC

Johns Creek Dental Care PC

3630 Peachtree Pkwy, Ste 311

Suwanee, GA 30024

(770) 495-9575 www.johnscreekdental.com

Johns Creek Dental Excellence

Johns Creek Family Dentistry LLC

Jones Bridge Dental Care

Jozef Soltis DMD PC

Kaveh Shokoufi DMD, LLC

Muccioli Dental

Pai Dental PC

Pediatric Dentistry of Johns Creek

10740 Medlock Bridge Rd Ste 100

Johns Creek, GA 30097

(678) 822-9818 pdjohnscreek.com

Pediatric Dentistry of Johns Creek

Rivermont Dental Care

8465 Holcomb Bridge Rd Ste 650

Johns Creek, GA 30022

(404) 809-4400 rivermontdental.com

Sage Dental of John’s Creek

Shelnutt Family Dentistry

4060 Johns Creek Pkwy Bldg B

Suwanee, GA 30024

(770) 232-0021 www.shelnuttfamilydentistry.com

Smile Atlanta Center

Smile Magic Town Dentistry

3719 Old Alabama Rd Ste 400B Johns Creek, GA 30022

(678) 250-9511 www.TownDentistry.com

Universal Dental

Windward Pediatric Dentistry


Clear Edge Skincare LLC

Dermatology Center Of Atlanta

May River Dermatology 6470 Johns Xing Suite 200 Johns Creek, GA 30097

(470) 282-5729 www.mayriverdermatology.com

Skin Innovations LLC


North GA Endodontic Specialists

Pediatric Endocrine Specialists Of GA


30 Minute Hit Johns Creek

3105 Peachtree Pkwy, Ste 104

Suwanee, GA 30024

(678) 771-5224 www.30minutehit.com/johnscreek

Alloy Personal Training Johns Creek

6955 McGinnis Ferry Rd., #112

Johns Creek, GA 30097

(770) 338-6634 alloypersonaltraining.com/location/alloyjohns-creek-ga

Anytime Fitness

Bags and Barbells

11130 State Bridge Rd

Johns Creek , GA 30022

(678) 336-9872 bags-and-barbells.gymdesk.com

Club Pilates Alpharetta

Crossfit Johns Creek

Fitness Together Johns Creek

11705 Jones Bridge Road Ste C104 Johns Creek, GA 30005

(678) 867-0101


Fleetwood Dance Center

Goldfish Swim School

Harris Health & Fitness

Hot Yoga of Johns Creek LLC

Johns Creek Jazzercise

LA Fitness

Lifetime Fitness

Mad Mare Crossfit

10305 Medlock Bridge Rd. Ste B4 Johns Creek, GA 30097

(678) 936-2318 www.MadMareCrossfit.com

OrangeTheory Fitness

Workout Anytime Alpharetta

3000 Old Alabama Rd Ste 128B Johns Creek, GA 30022

(678) 205-2667 www.workoutanytime.com/alpharetta


Merus Gastroenterology & Gut Health, LLC 3390 Paddocks Pkwy Ste 100 Suwanee, GA 30024

(770) 400-0828 www.MerusGastro.com

United Digestive 11315 Johns Creek Pkwy Ste 400 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (770) 227-2222 www.uniteddigestive.com


All About Health Johns Creek

5805 State Bridge Rd Ste H Johns Creek, GA 30097

(770) 557-1909 allabouthhealthjohnscreek.com

Atlanta Hypnotherapy Clinic 11680 Great Oaks Way Ste 555 Alpharetta, GA 30022

(404) 823-3723 atlantahypnotherapyclinic.com

CryoPlanet doTERRA ~ Mary Jo Jennette

(513) 290-8391 my.doterra.com/mjjennette

Restore First Health

10680 Medlock Bridge Rd Ste 204 Johns Creek, GA 30097

(470) 292-3820 www.restorefirsthealth.com

Vida-Flo Johns Creek

10900 Medlock Bridge Rd Suite 202 Johns Creek, GA 30097

(770) 674-2798 govidaflo.com/locations/johns-creek-ga/

Your CBD Store Johns Creek

9775 Medlock Bridge Rd Ste G Johns Creek, GA 30097

(470) 448-3943 www.botanicalwellnessinc.com


Northside Duluth Imaging

Northside McGinnis Ferry Imaging


HIPnation Johns Creek

Insured Benefit Plans, Inc.

3295 River Exchange Dr Ste 250

Norcross, GA 30022

(770) 451-0376 www.insuredbenefitplansinc.com


Alcon 11460 Johns Creek Pkwy Johns Creek, GA 30097-1156

(678) 415-3937 www.alcon.com


Bluefern Day Spa at Johns Creek

Foot and Body Health Spa LLC

Health One Med Spa LLC

LaVida Massage of Johns Creek

Misaki Med Spa

Rose Massage

Spavia Old Alabama Square 3005 Old Alabama Rd #60 Johns Creek , GA 30022

(470) 508-9900 www.spaviaoldalabamasquare.com

Spoiled Rotten Kid Spa

Top Knot Massage Therapy

Wellness Massage


Heavenly Wheels Inc

Total Medical Equipment Sales/ Service


Neurology at Johns Creek, LLC


Pure Nutrition LLC


Modern OBGYN of North Atlanta

10692 Medlock Bridge Rd. Ste 100A Johns Creek, GA 30097 (404) 446-2496 reyesobgyn.com

Dr. Kumar founded Meadow Pediatrics in 2012 to provide customized and comprehensive care in a warm and secure environment. She is on staff at Emory Johns Creek, Northside – Forsyth, and Children’s Hospital of Atlanta – Scottish Rite. She has a special interest in the management of childhood obesity, asthma and newborn care.

• School & Sports Physicals

• Asthma Care

• Nutritional Counseling

• ADD/ADHD Counseling

• Hearing & Vision Screening

• Vaccines & Immunizations

• Complimentary Prenatal Consultations

• Newborn Hospital Care

• In-house Testing for: Diabetes, Cholesterol, Anemia & Lead

Women’s Clinic Of Atlanta

Women’s Health Specialists of North Atlanta

6290 Abbotts Bridge Rd Ste 201 Johns Creek, GA 30097

(470) 395-4871 www.achaobgyn.com


Cancer and Blood Specialists of Georgia 6985 McGinnis Ferry Rd Ste 100 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (678) 726-6203 www.cancerbloodspecialistsga.com/


Briggs Vision Group Optique 10305 Medlock Bridge Rd B Johns Creek, GA 30097-4403 (770) 497-1339 www.briggsvisiongroupoptique.com


Bender Eyecare, Inc.

Dry Eye Center of Johns Creek 11459 Johns Creek Pkwy Ste 150 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (404) 737-9393 www.centersfordryeye.com

Georgia Eye Partners & OPAL Aesthetics 10080 Medlock Bridge Rd Johns Creek, GA 30097 (770) 623-3931 www.GaEyePartners.com

Milan Eye Center


IM Orthodontics

Ricci Orthodontics


Atlanta Hand Specialist

Atlanta Hand Therapy


Resurgens Orthopaedics 6335 Hospital Pkwy Ste 200 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (404) 575-4500 www.resurgens.com


Pain Care LLC


Dare 2 Care Pediatrics

Meadow Pediatrics, PLLC 10710 Medlock Bridge Rd. Ste 250 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (770) 870-1085 www.meadowpediatrics.com


CVS Pharmacy

Johns Creek Pharmacy

3890 Johns Creek Pkwy Ste 160

Suwanee, GA 30024

(678) 417-0122


Premier Specialty Pharmacy

Prestige Pharmacy Johns Creek, LLC

Walgreen #5760


1st Choice Sports Rehab Center

Benchmark Physical Theraphy

Johns Creek

Better Spine Sports & Rehabilitation

Children Rescue & Rehabilitation Network Inc

Comprehensive Therapy Solutions

Meadows Physical Therapy

Fyzical Therapy & Balance Center

6955 McGinnis Ferry Rd Ste 111 Johns Creek, GA 30097

(770) 573-1972 johnscreek@fyzical.com https://www.fyzical.com/johns-creek-ga

Medical Fitness & Wellness Group

10700 Medlock Bridge Rd Ste 105 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (770) 623-4078 www.exercise4prevention.com

Peachtree Therapy

Results Physiotherapy

StretchLab - Johns Creek 6955 McGinnis Ferry Rd #105 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (404) 800-5702 www.stretchlab.com/location/johnscreek

StretchLab LA Fitness

11720 Medlock Bridge Rd. Johns Creek, GA 30097 (470) 300-9024 www.stretchlab.com/location/ johnscreeklafitness


Arun A Pol MD., PC

Betty L. Anthony MD

Christopher J Lee MD PC 3500 Duluth Park Lane, 210 Duluth, GA 30096 (770) 622-4400

Free Spirit MD PC

Gardiner, Henry L. MD

Suiza C. Chua MD

Susan L. Bower, M.D., P.C.

Plastic Surgery

Advanced Plastic Surgery Solutions

Ederra Plastic Surgery, PC

Mang Plastic Surgery

Southern Plastic Surgery,P.C. 3855 Pleasant Hill Rd Ste 370 Duluth, GA 30096 (770) 622-9100 www.southernplasticsurgery.com


Agape Family Healthcare Services Inc

Agate Home Care

Angels Mission Private Home Care

Comfort HomeCare at Home LLC

Dependable Home HealthCare LLC

Elian Home Care Solutions, LLC

Homewatch Care Givers 10475 Medlock Bridge Rd Ste 310 Johns Creek, GA 30097 (678) 805-5997 homewatchcaregivers.com

Lois Comfort Home Care LLC

Meridian Private Care LLC

Right at Home 1025 Old Roswell Rd Ste 201 Roswell, GA 30096 (770) 343-6235 www.rah-northatl.com


Scoliosis Specialists Of Georgia


Ambassador Loving Care

Belmont Village Senior Living 4315 Johns Creek Pkwy Johns Creek, GA 30097 (770) 813-9505 www.belmontvillage.com

Comfort Keepers

Johns Creek Senior Living Care

Premier Senior Living 5690 State Bridge Rd

Johns Creek, GA 30022 (770) 814-0114 www.premierseniorliving.com

St. Ives Memory Care (770) 476-1777 www.stivesmemorycare.com

The Memory Center Atlanta

8465 Holcomb Bridge Rd Suite 650 Johns Creek, GA 30022 rivermontdentaljohnscreek.com

(404) 809-4400

Rivermont Dental Care is a new dental office located in Rivermont Station on Holcomb Bridge. Owned and operated by Dr. Shima Shahrokhi, Rivermont Dental is a state of the art dental office designed to give patients a comforting environment. Dr. Shahrokhi has practiced dentistry in Atlanta since 2017 when she graduated in the top of her class from dental school.

In an effort to combine the principles of hospitality and the artistry of elevated dental care, Dr. Shahrokhi designed her office and provides care with the belief that going to the dentist should be something to look forward to. The highlight of her day is when patients with dental anxiety are astonished by the difference in experience she provides and are excited to come back to see her.

You can learn more about Dr. Shahrokhi and her office at Rivermontdental.com. Or if you are in the neighborhood, she welcomes you to stop by for a cup of coffee and a chat as she looks forward to meeting everyone in the community.

Vineyard Johns Creek Assisted Living & Memory Care

10595 Medlock Bridge Rd

Johns Creek, GA 30097

(770) 421-1302 www.vineyardjohnscreek.com


Hearthside Johns Creek

Park at Johns Creek Active Adult 55+ 4345 Alta Dr

Suwanee, GA 30024

(770) 952-9222 www.parkatjohnscreek.com

The Retreat at Johns Creek


Senior Medicare Support

7850 Crownpoint Dr

Alpharetta, GA 30005

(770) 331-7682 seniormedicaresupport.com



Speech Therapy Telepractice, LLC


Baucom & Mina Derm Surgery, LLC

Duluth Surgery Center


Epitome Risk Solutions Inc. / FourthWall Testing LLC

11705 Jones Bridge Rd Ste B101 Johns Creek, GA 30005

(678) 580-5908 www.epitomerisk.com


Advanced Urology Institute of Georgia

Urology Surgery Center Johns Creek


Heart and Vascular Care

Northside Vascular Surgery

Fusion Sleep

4245 Johns Creek Pkwy, Ste A Suwanee, GA 30024

(678) 990-3962 www.fusionsleep.com

3890 Johns Creek Pkwy Ste 360 Suwanee, GA 30024

(770) 292-3490 www.nvs-ga.com

FusionSleep® specializes in the accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment of sleep disorders


Alpharetta/Johns Creek:

4245 Johns Creek Pkwy, Suite A Suwanee, GA 30024 678 990 3962

Atlanta Perimeter: 6105 Peachtree Dunwoody, Building A, Suite 210, Atlanta GA 30328 reception@fusionsleep com fusionsleep com

Largely young, active and affluent, Johns Creek offers a variety of social, cultural and outdoor recreational amenities to its citizens. Nature lovers can walk, jog, bike or hike in picturesque Autrey Mill Nature Preserve and Heritage Center or amid 46 local acres of The Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Six fine city-owned parks provide organized sports opportunities for youngsters. Johns Creek pet-owners can enjoy a dog park at Newtown Park, courtesy of Beneful dog food company. Johns Creek dogs give it “ten paws out of ten paws” for being a top notch hangout!

Music lovers applaud the Johns Creek Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Grammy-winning conductor J. Wayne Baughman. The community is also served by the Cultural Arts Alliance at Johns Creek, a non-profit partnership of individual artists, arts, cultural organizations and other entities. Coming soon will be a state-of-the-art multiuse, multidiscipline facility called The Legacy Center of Johns Creek.

Shopping and dining choices abound both within Johns Creek and nearby. Catch a first-run movie at the Regal multiplex cinema, or “shop till you drop” at many upscale shopping plazas that feature nationally known and locally-operated boutiques and restaurants.

Located within 30 miles of downtown Atlanta, getting here is easy. Leaving is a little harder. Atlanta is a nicety, but visiting Johns Creek is a necessity.

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