2 minute read

Danish cuisine

Go on a tasting journey into the traditional Danish kitchen. This is solid, authentic food that really satisfies you and makes your taste buds rejoice.

In The Coastal Land the traditional Danish cuisine never goes out of fashion. Danish minced beef steak, fried pork with parsley, chicken, and asparagus tartlets, “smørrebrød” and “wienerbrød” – they have a special place in the Danish heart.

The most famous Danish dish of all is probably crispy fried pork with boiled potatoes and parsley sauce, often served with pickled beetroots and cucumbers or gherkins. Try it at Dollys in Horsens, Pejsegården in Brædstrup or Korning Kro. Fried fish filet is another danish specialty. Get it a Pynten in Horsens, where you have a full view over the scenic marina.

If your heart skips a beat when hearing about these classic dishes, then a trip to the charming island of Alrø is highly recommended. Here you find several great eateries with traditional Danish cuisine on the menu. Enjoy the view of the inlet of Horsens Fjord, while you eat a beef tartare at Møllegården, a farm which is included in the writings of the famous Danish author Morten Korch.

Or visit the hilly countryside (Bakkelandet) west of Horsens and stop by Det Gamle Posthus, or go to the top of The Coastal Land, to Norsminde Smokehouse & Seafood Restaurant. Both establishments serve the fish-dish “stjerneskud” (shooting star) – which is a favourite among guests.

Are you more into cold plates, then visit Restaurant Møllers in Juelsminde or Mejeriet Tunø at the island of – well – Tunø, that both serve the culinary classic: Danish “smørrebrød”.


Denmark is world famous for the “smørrebrød”: an open sandwich where the base is a slice of rye bread spread with butter or grease, which is then topped with a good layer of cold cuts. The Danes have enjoyed “smørrebrød” since the 1880s, where the Industrialisation meant that many workers spent their days away from home, and therefore had to bring a packed lunch with them.

Det Gamle Posthus in Brædstrup Classic “smørrebrød” at Mejeriet Tunø

Giant patty shells at Café Alrø

Dollys at the marina in Horsens "Stjerneskud" at Norsminde Fiskehus

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