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Map of Lappeenranta

1. LUT-UNIVERSITY The most imporant; the university. Here you can find lecture halls, two student restaurants, the library and the school gym. In the lobby you can find Meidän Kioski, where you can buy snacks, LUT-merch and study supplies.

2. YLIOPPILASTALO Also known as Yolo and YO-house. Utilities include things such as student restaurant and campus store Sale. From the second floor you can find Enklaavi’s guild room, where every member is welcome to come for example for a cup of coffee, study or even to marvel the gigantic television Enklaavi has.


3. LAB-AMK LAB University of Applied Sciences is located right next to university. For example all language courses are organized together with LAB and LUT.

4. PARKING LOTS There is lot of possible parking spaces near university. Some of these require parking permit, but there are free parking spots also, for example from Laserkatu next to YO-house. Remember to use parking disc. 10. STORES OF SAMMONLAHTI S-Market and K-Supermarket are located right next to each other in Sammonlahti and they have a lot broader selection than the campus store. Next to S-Market there is a pharmacy and next to K-Supermarket is a Subway.

5. KELLARI Kellari is located in the cellar of YO-house. Many parties and sits are hosted here, and it will definetly become familiar soon after beginning of studies. Kellari was renovated during the summer 2022.

6. CAFE BAR G G-bar aka Gee is the only bar in the Skinnarila area.

7. OFFICE OF LOAS Here you can find help to anything living related. Here you pick you keys as well before moving. It is recommended to get to know the internet page of LOAS as well.

8. PUNKKERIMÄKI A hill located between campus area and Punkkerikatu. Every wappu all the different logos of different clubs and others are painted on the asphalt. 11. LIDL & RAJAMARKET Both in the same building. Rajamarket is mostly targeted for Russian turists, and it holds a lot different items. Usually one cant leave Rajamarket without buying at least one item.

12. PRISMA & ALKO Easily reached by bus, the closest megamarket to the university. Many different stores found in the same building, most imporants probably Prisma, Alko (alcoholic beverage retailing monopoly) and pharmacy.

13. LAS PALMAS Legendary karaokebar, where sometimes student events can be held.

14. ARMADA Most of night life is held in here. Giggling Marlin, Enklaavi’s partner bar, is the place for student parties ever since first week. In the same complex there are other bars as well, for example karaokebar Wallis.

15. KAUPPATORI Market place has different booths where you can find all sorts of products. One can even buy the local food, vety and atomi.

16. SATAMA Port of Lappeenranta is a visit worthy place definetely. There are a few student events beginning in the port.

17. LINNOITUS Historic place, the building of Linnoitus goes back to the 17th century. Linnoitus is as well a worth a visit, one can find museums and idyllic coffeeshops here. From the high hill there is also a very nice view of the city.

18. ISO-KRISTIINA The Shopping Centre. There is restaurants, movie theather, clothing stores and other possible essentials. In downstairs there is also Alko, pharmacy and foodstores.

19. KONTTI A fleamarket, which has both clothes and furniture and books. If one needs for example attire for sits party, this might be a good place to work!

20. TRAVEL CENTER Here you can take a bus or train towards any destination. Bus number 5 will take students from the travel center to campus and other way around, and journey can continue forward.


As a bonus, we’ll mention some of the LOAS apartment complexs, that will probably be mentioned sooner or later and some of you might even live in some of these!

TIMPPA & SEPPO. The highest houses in the campus currently and the number one target of many who are looking for a studio apartment. Timppa A refers to green ja Timppa B blue building, and often these are talked about with these colours (for example ”green Timppa”). The office of Loas can be found in the blue Timppa.

SK28. LOAS house known as Skinnarila 1. Nowadays the address is no longer Skinnarilankatu, but Yliopistonkatu, but many might still refer to Skinnarila 1 as SK28.

TEKNO. Teknologianpuistonkatu 2-4 shortens often to just Tekno and often refers to LOAS buildings Skinnarila 2 ja 3. Next to Tekno is also the Skinnarila Garden, which you might run into during the freshmen weeks.

PK. Punkkerikatu goes on Punkkerimäki and LOAS has several apartment houses on this very street. Usually the houses are refered to with their number, such as PK5, where they hold the weekly sauna nights as well.

ORIONS. Despite their name, the Orions are not located on Orioninkatu, but on Korpimetsänkatu, Kaivosuonkatu and Korpisuonkatu. The complex holds altogether six houses (Orion I, Orion II and so on)

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